Bio final

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All the offspring of a cross between a black-eyed pea and an orange-eyed pea have black eyes. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of a cross between two orange-eyed peas?

0 black-eyed: 4 orange-eyed

The recessive allele of a gene causes cystic fibrosis. For this gene among Caucasians P= 0.98. If a Caucasian population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with respect to this gene, what proportion of babies is born homozygous recessive, and therefore surfers suffers cystic fibrosis?

0.02^2= 0.0004

How many types of amino acids are there


The atmosphere is made up of about____oxygen


The instructions for each amino acid in a polypeptide are indicated by a codon that consists of____nucleotide(s)


A food label indicates that the content of a product contains 12 g of total carbohydrates per serving, 7 g of sugar per serving (simple carbohydrates), and 2 g of fiber per serving. How many grams of digestible carbohydrates are there per serving?

3 grams

A teenage male this is regularly exercising might need about____calories a day


A DNA molecule that consists of 20% Adenine will consist of:

30% Guanine

A section of a 15-nucleotide sequence will direct the production of...

5 amino acids

What is the chance that a two hybrid brown eyed parents have a child with hybrid brown eyes


What is the probability that a heterozygous male and a heterozygous female will have male child


How many essential nutrients does the body require


How many amino acids is a human body need from food


A what time period is an embryo now called a fetus

9 weeks

What occurs during gastrulation

A blastula is changed into an embryo that has three tissue layers

A monohybrid cross is

A breeding experiment in which the parental varieties differ in only one character

A population is...

A group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interbreed

Which is an example of a population?

A group of termites living in a person's house

A test cross is

A mating between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait of interest

Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is called

A mutation

Which of the following statements about ribosomes is false

A ribosome can be found in the cytoplasm or on the smooth ER

An alimentary canal is best defined as

A tube-shaped compartment for the transport, digestion, and absorption of food

The shape of a DNA molecule is most like

A twisted rope ladder

What is the septum?

A wall that seperates the heart into a left and right side

What disorder is caused by the dominant allele


Which is not a part of systemic circulation

Alveoil capillaries

Which of the following options correctly lists the directions of the carbon dioxide travels as it leaves the body?

Alvoil, bronchioles, bronchi, trachea, larynx, pharynx

Which of the following statements regarding genotypes are phenotypes is false

An organism with two different alleles for a single trait is said to be homozygous for that trait

Which statement about anemia is false

Anemia is a buildup if carbon dioxide in the blood

Corn, peppers, tomatoes, ans cucumbers all contain seeds and are derived from the ovary of a flowering plant. Therefore, in botanical terms, they are____


The majority of plant species today are


In angiosperms, pollen grains develop in the____and land on the____


From the left ventricle, blood flows through the


What is the largest artery in the body


If the age of the Earth os reoresented by 1 year (Jan 1-Dec31-) what staement would be correct?

Apes would show up a few days before humans

Research since Mendel's time has established that the law of segregation of genes during gamete formation

Applies to all sexually reproducing organisms

Reproductive systems with external fertilization are most common in

Aquatic animals

The female structure that produces eggs in ferns is called the:


Plants that rely on nocturnal pollinators most likely have flowers that

Are large, light-colored, and highly scented

A person has a bacterial infection which causes a mutation in some of their cells. This is caused by a:

Bio mutagen

Which of the following disciplines has found evidence for evolution based on the native distribution (locations) of living species?


Which is true about blood circulation in fish?

Blood flow through closed vessels

Digestion is

Breaking down food into molecules for the body to absorb

What part of the respiratory system is most affected by asthma?


What structures has cartilage rings to help support it?


Which is true about the essential amino acid

Can be found in animals and plants products

What gas does the brain measure to cause the diaphragm to move?

Carbon dioxide

The function of a sperm cell's acrosome is to

Carry enzymes that help the sperm penetrate the egg

Which of the following is a function of the tRNA molecule

Carrying one specific type of amino acid

What part of the female reproductive tract is measured during dilation


Which of the following events occurs first during embryonic development


A person with AB blood illustrates the principle of


The expression of both alleles for a trait in a heterozygous individual illustrates


Which blood vessel has the thickest walls

Coronary artery

Which of the following options best depicts the flow of information when a gene directs the synthesis of a cellular component

DNA --> RNA --> protein

What did not contribute to Darwins idea of all evolution when he wrote his book?

DNA comparison of animals

Which of the following statements regarding DNA is false

DNA uses the nitrogenous base uracil

Dr. Smith's parents have normal hearing. However, Dr. Smith has an inherited form of deafness. Deafness is a recessive trait that is associated with the abnormal allele d. The normal allele at this locus, associated with normal hearing, is D. Dr. Smith's parents could have which of the following genotypes.

Dd and Dd

A rabbit population consists of animals that are either very dark on top or very late on top. The color pattern is not related to sex. No rabbit shows intermediate correlation (medium darkness). This pattern might result from...

Disruptive selection

Which of the following statements would Darwin have disagreed with?

Dissent with modification occurs through mutations only

What level of classification was not created by Linneaus


All the offspring of a cross between a black-eyed pea and an orange-eyed pea have black eyes. This means the allele for black eyes is____the allele for orange eyes.

Dominant to

What is the first part of the small intestines


Mendel's law of independent assortment states that

Each pair of alleles segregated independently of the other pairs of alleles during gamete formation

Liles book "principles of geology", argued in favor over to the following concepts?

Earths surface is shaped natural forces that act gradually and are still acting.

The embryo implants in the____of the uterus


After being produced in the testes, sperm mature further in a structure called the


Which is not a function of the ciculatory system?

Exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoil

Which of the following statements about eukaryotic RNA is true

Exons are spliced together

Which of the following hormones simulates the growth of an ovarian follicle


Which of the following nutrients would lipase break down


Someone brings you a plant and you see that it produces spores ans has vascular tissue. It most likely is a:


Which of the following statements regarding ferns is true

Ferns have well developed vascualr tissue, roots, and stems

Blood clots are formed by platelets amd the plasma protein


Which is not part of fern plant


What part of the ovary are the eggs released from


What makes up chyme

Food mixed with pepsin and hydrochloric acid

If one strand of DNA is CGGTAC, then DNA polymerase would add____during replication


The dominant stage of the moss life cycle is the


Hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and mucus makes up____

Gastric juice

Two populations of the cc are separated by 1000 miles. What would cause a gene pools of these population to become more similar over time?

Gene flow

What type of cell from the pollen grain will develop into sperm

Generative cell

The individual features of all organisms are the result of

Genetics and the environment

Which of the following options list taxonomic category in the correct order from most specific (smallest) and most general

Genus, family, order, class, phylum, domain

Which group of plants can grow to be the tallest


Which produces seeds

Gymnosperms and angiosperms

Ferns and mosses are similar because both

Have sperm with flagella

Two plants with the genotype TT and Tt

Have the same phenotype

The oxygen-carrying component in red blood cells is


Which of the following people conducted the experiments that demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of bacteriophages

Hershey and chase

A carrier of a genetic disorder who does not show symptoms is most likely to be____to transmit it to offspring

Heterozygous for the trait and able

Which two parents could not biologically produce a child that is recessive for a particular trait

Homozygous dominant and hybrid

Where do transcription amd translation occur in prokaryotic cells

In the cytoplasm

Imagine that the beak color in a finch species is controlled by a single gene. You mate a finch homozygous for orange (pigmented) beak with a finch homozygous for ivory (unpigmented) beak and get numerous offspring, all of which have a light orange beak. This pattern of color expression is most likely to be an example of

Incomplete dominance

All the offspring of a cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant have pink flowers. This means that the allele for the red flowers is____to the allele for white flowers

Incompletely dominant

What hormone does the pancreas release that helps glucose enter the cell



Involves the breakdown of the endometrium

Any gene located on a sex chromosome

Is called a sex-linked gene

Which of the following would prevent an organism from becoming part of the fossil record when it dies?

It is fully decompose by bacteria and fungi

What level of classification would contain the highest amount of different species?


Absorption of water is a major function of the

Large intestines

Where would your vocal cords be found


What chamber of the heart has the thickest wall?

Left ventricle

What are white blood cells also known as?


What enzyme seals up the sugar-phosphate back bone during replication


Which of the following nutrients is digested only after reaches the small intestine


What nutrient is used for the components of hormones needed made in our bodies


The mucus-producing cells that line the stomach

Lubricate and protect the stomach lining

What part of the menstrual cycle is progesterone the highest

Luteal phase

Which part of the life cycle does a pollen grain represent

Male gametophye

Sex-linked conditions are more common in men than in women because

Men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed

Which of the following statements comparing spermatogenesis and oogenesis is true

Men, but not women, can produce gametes from puberty and continue throughout their lives

The stage in live in which a female stops releasing egg each month is referred to as:


Which would be caused by a gene flow between population?


Sickle cell anemia is a disorder caused by a substitution mutation called:

Missense mutation

Which is not a domain?


Which of the following structures develops from the mesoderm

Muscles and organs

Which of the following will tend to produce adaptive changes in population?

Natural selection

Which of the following is produced in the pancreas


The monomers of DNA and RNA are


What happens to nutrient macromolecules (large molecules) in an animals digestive tract

Nutrient macromolecules are digested into monomers before absorption

When a virus infects bacteria, which parts of the virus enters the cytoplasm

Only the DNA

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the

Oral cavity

Which of the following correctly list the order of the parts of the human digestive system, from first to last contact with food matter?

Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

How do bryophytes get water to their cells


The____is the protective chamber that houses the ovuke and later matures to become the fruit


Fertilization in the female reproductive tract typically occurs in the


Contractions in uterine smooth muscle during labor are initiated by


The frequency of homozygous dominant individuals in a population that is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is equal to


What which represents the correct way to write a scientific name?

Panthera leo

Which product is not made in the pancreas


Every spring roses appear on a bush in the park. These angiosperms are:


Smooth muscle move food through the alimentary canal by process called


In plants, the vascuaor tissue that consists of living cells that distribute food/ sugars throughout the plant is called


Which represents a nucleotide of RNA

Phosphate, ribose, uracil

Which of the following plants has a dominant sporophyte generation and a seed, but no fruit

Pine tree

What part of the body is responsible for producing LH and FSH

Pituitary gland

Which is not a part of the plasma component in blood?


What type of cone is found lower on the gymnosperms and is smaller in size

Pollen cone

Which of the following terms refers to a situation where a single phenotypic character is determined by the additive effects of two or more genes

Polygenic inheritance

Another term for gestation is


Which of the following characteristics prevents bryophytes and seedless vascular plants to succed in dry habbitats

Presence of flagellated sperm

Which of the following describes apoptosis

Programmed cell death

Which of the following statements is false

Prokaryotes do not go through DNA replication because they do not have a nucleus

Where does polymerase attach during transcription


What vessel does blow flow through to get from the heart to the lungs?

Pulmomary artery

What structure would contain blood without oxygen in it

Pulmonary artery

Which of the following processes dominates the third trimester of human development

Rapid growth

What color is blood that does not have oxygen


DNA replication

Results in identical strands, each with an original parent stand and a new strand

A moss plant stays anchored to the ground due to:


When do LH levels shoot up during a female's menstrual cycle

Right before ovulation

Blood is pumped from the heart to lungs by the

Right ventricle

The tongue does all the following except

Secrete saliva

What structures add fluid and nutrients to sperm

Seminal vesicle and prostate gland

What disorder is an example of pleiotropy

Sickle cell disease

Whee does trypsin break down nutrients

Small intestines

Human testes are positioned in an external sac rather than in the abdominal cavity

So the testes can be kept cooler than the body's interior

What does the last word in a scientific name represent?


Which structure is found in angiosperms but not gymnosperms


And elk herd is observed over many generations. most of the full grown bull elk have antlers of nearky the same size, although few have antlers that are significantly larger or smaller than the average size. The average antler size remains constant over generations. which of the following accounts for the situation?

Stabilizing selection

To cross-fertilize flowers A and B, one would first removoe flower A's immature____and later transfer pollen from flower B to flower A's____


What sections make up the pistil

Stigma, style, ovary

What is the stem of the fern referred to as


Gas exchange is im most land plants occurs through structures called


What is the function of the gallbladder?

Store extra bile produced by the liver

Competition between organisms also referred to as:

Struggle for existence

In humans, blood returning from the hand will pass through the____just before entering the right atrium

Superior vena cava

The science of classifying organisms into groups is called:


What are the male gonads


Which of the following regarding a DNA double helix is always true?

The amount of adenine is equal to the amount of thymine, and the amount of guanine is eqaul to the amount of cytosine

Which of the following would not have valves throughout it

The aorta

What is between the left atrium and the left ventricle

The bicuspid valve

Which statement regarding veins is false

The blood in veins usually contains oxygen

Genetic drift resulting from a disaster that drastically reduces population size is called

The bottleneck effect

In a popularion of red wildflowers, and white wildflowers thenfrequency of the allele for red flowers is 0.8. Using this information what cannot be determined?

The color that represents the dominant allele

Which of the following takes place during translation

The conversion of genetic information from the language of nucleic acids to the language of proteins

Which of the following statements about the reproductive system of human females is true

The corpus luteum secretes progesterone, which helps maintain the uterine lining during pregnancy

Consider the following sentence: "The dog did not eat." Which of the following variations of this sentence is most like a base substitution mutation

The doe did not eat

The incomplete decay of dead plants during the carboniferous period led to

The formation of coal

What would be true about the genotype X^nY

The mother of this individual has at least one recessive allele

What is the heart muscle called

The myocardium

What does a dihybrid cross show

The possible outcomes between 2 different characters

Which of the following represents a pair of homolygous structures?

The wing of a bat and the flipper of a whale

Which statement about capillaries is false

They contain valves

Which is not an example of a bryophyte


What type of respiratory exchange surface would be found in insects such as grasshoppers


The transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA is called


Which of the following statements regarding the flow of genetic information is false

Transcription occurs in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells

The esophagus is a

Tube that food passes through to get from the pharynx to the stomach

What example would have organisms the most closely related?

Two organisms in the same genus

Which statement is FALSE regarding the male reproductive system

Urine and sperm travel through the vas deferens to the urethra

What tube would only sperm travel through

Vas deferens

A nutrient with the chemical formula C17H20N4O6 is needed in small amounts. This is a:


What would urine pass through in a female


Who developed a theory of evolution almost identical to Darwins?


What nutrient makes up the majority of our blood and lymph vessels


What nutrients do not need to be digested

Water and vitamins

What type of vitamins cannot be stored in the body

Water soluble vitamins

In plants, the vascualr tissue made of dead cells that transport water and minerals from the roots is called


Which of the following options correctly represents the sequence in which animals develop

Zygote, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, organ formation

What contains the information for the amino acids needed to build a protein


Imagine you are studying a very large population of moths that is isolated from all other moths in the world. A single gene controls wing color. Half of the moths have white-spotted wings (genotype Ww or WW) and half of the moths have plain brown wings (ww). There are no new mutations, individuals mate randomly, amd rhere is no natural selection on wing color. How will p, the frequency of the dominant allele, change over time?

p aill noether increase nor decrease; it will remain more or less constant under the conditions described.

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