bio lab quizzes

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In Mendel's experiments, if the gene for tall plants (T) was incompletely dominant over the gene for short plants (t), what would be the result of crossing two Tt plants?

1/4 tall | 1/2 intermediate height | 1/4 short

What is the volume number in the following citation?Cooper, M., Pasini, S., Lambert, W., D'Alessandro, K., Yao, V., Risner, M., and Calkins, D. (2020) Redistribution of metabolic resources through astrocyte networks mitigates neurodegenerative stress. PNAS, 117 (31), 18810-18821.


Generally, assignments will be due by __.

11:59 p.m. CST on Thursdays

The net production of ATP molecules in glycolysis is __.

2 molecules

Question text In the enzyme kitchen lab, you used 10 cups to try to set gelatin with the following (2 each): water, canned pineapple juice, fresh pineapple juice (room temperature), 0ºC pineapple juice, and 100ºC pineapple juice. In this experiment, you had __ replicates, the control was __, and __ was the dependent variable

2 | water | setting of gelatin

Quizzes account for __% of the overall course grade.


An assignment submitted late will be penalized 10% for every __ hours it is late.


Consider the pedigree above for a family with sickle cell anemia, an autosomal recessive trait. The normal, dominant allele is denoted by an uppercase S; the sickle cell recessive allele is denoted by a lowercase s. Carrier status is not shown in this pedigree.


Based on the figure above, if you are concerned about the authority of this article, which items are you going to investigate further?


In a family, a grandmother and a grandfather are both homozygous for lactase persistence (LL). Their child, who is also homozygous for lactase persistence, marries an individual who is lactose intolerant (ll), and they have four children. How many of these children are lactase persistent?


The pedigree below shows an inheritance pattern of a human disease. How many deceased individuals had the disease?


A heterozygous round seeded plant (Rr) is crossed with a homozygous round seeded plant (RR). What percentage of the offspring will be homozygous (RR)?


A male beetle has the genotype Tt. If this beetle mates with a female with the genotype TT, what is the chance their offspring will have the genotype Tt?


In dogs, fur texture is an incomplete dominant trait. The 'F' allele codes for straight fur, and the 'f' allele codes for curly fur. Two labradoodles with wavy fur are bred. What percentage of the puppies will have the same genotype as their parents?


Each gene for melanin production has two forms: an allele for high melanin production, or dark skin (A, B, C), and an allele for low melanin production, or light skin (a, b, c). Each dark skin allele (A, B, C) in the genotype adds a small but equal amount of pigment to the skin. How many color types can range from very dark (AABBCC) to very light (aabbcc)?


Assignments will not be accepted after __ hours past the deadline.


The pedigree below shows an inheritance pattern of a human disease.How many living individuals are affected by the disease?


Which of the statements regarding the ability to digest lactose throughout adulthood is true?

A mutation is present in the lactase gene in lactase persistent individuals.

Your doctor prescribed you a drug that is brand new. The drug has some significant side effects, so you do some research to determine the effectiveness of the new drug compared to similar drugs on the market. Which of the following sources would provide the most accurate information?

A research study conducted by outside researchers

What was a positive control in the Fermentation Kitchen Lab?

A source of sugar which is guaranteed to give a high rate of fermentation.

Samuel's skin color genotype is AABbcc. Which of the following is not a possible set of his parents' genotypes?


A woman with type B blood has a child with blood type O. Which of the following could not be a blood type for the father of the child?


The required citation format for this course is __.


Suppose you repeat this week's experiment using water, sucrose, honey, milk, and molasses as sugar sources. At the final bag height measurement, milk shows no significant difference in CO2 production compared to the water treatment. What could you do to increase the CO2 production for the milk treatment?

Add Lactaid

A student wants to know how soil nutrients affect the growth of plants. For the experiment, she measures the height in millimeters of Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown in soils with no added nutrients, added phosphorus, and added nitrogen. She performed 10 replicates of each treatment and calculated the mean height, standard deviation, and standard error for the treatments. She then graphed the results. Which of the following is the null hypothesis?

Added nutrients will have no effect on the height of Arabidopsis thaliana.

The bakery and beer industries use __ to produce bread and beer.

Alcoholic fermentation

Anaerobic respiration by yeast produces __.

All the answers are correct.

How does salt and alcohol help in DNA precipitation?

All the answers are correct.

If yeast can metabolize sugar like glucose aerobically to produce carbon dioxide, then why don't we do the fermentation experiment aerobically?

All the answers are correct.

If you get a low DNA yield during DNA extraction what might be the problem?

All the answers are correct.

In the Genetics Kitchen Lab, you extracted DNA from your saliva. Which of the following can also be used as a source of human DNA?

All the answers are correct.

Mutations lead to non-genetic variation within populations. Mutations can have a __ effect in an organism's fitness.

All the answers are correct.

The applications of fermentation include __.

All the answers are correct.

Which of the following is the best definition of an enzyme?

An enzyme is a kind of protein that catalyzes biochemical reactions.

You take samples of water from three of the LSU lakes during the summer and bring them back to your lab for an experiment. A common organism found in the lakes is blue-green algae, which, when present in large amounts, often results in fish kills due to a lethal reduction in oxygen availability. Wanting to mimic this phenomenon, you create aquariums from each of your collected lake samples, each with 10 red ear sunfish. Every day for a week, you add 1 kg of blue-green algae to the aquariums in the morning and check to see how many fish are alive at night. What would be an appropriate control for your experiment?

Aquariums to which no algae is added.

The pedigree below shows an inheritance pattern of a human disease.What is the inheritance mode of this disease?

Autosomal dominant

Suppose you performed the fermentation experiment and obtained the above bar graph of CO2 production. Which of the following is the most appropriate figure caption?

Bar graph of means and standard errors of the volume of CO2 as approximated by bag height (mm) produced after 15 minutes by yeast as a result of fermenting three replicates of various sugar sources.

Which of the following is the best way to paraphrase this information?"Recent research reported that SARS‐CoV‐2 likely originated in bats, based on the similarity of its genetic sequence to that of other CoVs. The intermediate animal host of SARS‐CoV‐2 between a probable bat reservoir and humans is still unknown." From: He, F., Deng, Y., & Li, W. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019: What we know? Journal of Medical Virology, 92(7), 719-725.

Based on similarities between the genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 and those of previously described CoVs, recent research suggests that SARS-CoV-2 originated in bats, although it was likely transmitted to humans through an unknown intermediate host (He et al., 2020).

What is the function of the MC1R gene?

Both answers are correct.

Why do indigenous groups of people in different parts of the world have different skin colors from other groups of people?

Both answers are correct.

Which of the following statement(s) about genotyping and DNA sequencing is/are true?

Both the answers are correct.

How does an individual inherit their genome?

By sexual reproduction and a combination of one gamete from each parent to form a zygote

What mutational change results in lactase persistence?

C to T

What are the correct products of cellular respiration?

CO2 , H2O, ATP

In the fermentation kitchen lab, we measured __. This was the __.

CO2 production | dependent variable

Who would you expect to be most at risk for developing the bone disease rickets?

Children born to mothers with dark skin, living far from the equator.

Which stage of aerobic respiration produces ATP and NADH and releases CO2?

Citric acid cycle

Blood is most commonly classified by the antigens A, B, and Rh factor on the surface of red blood cells. The presence or absence of these antigens determines blood type, such as A, B, AB, or neither which is represented by an O. The presence or absence of Rh factor is indicated by positive or negative after the listing of the A and B status. In Eileen's family, her mother's blood type is B positive, her father's blood type is A negative, and Eileen's blood type is AB positive. This is an example of which type of allele interaction?


What is the correct classification for the research question below? RQ: How do changes in temperature affect reef fish growth rate?


The CRAAP method stands for __.

Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose

Figure 1. Blood glucose levels over time of four individuals after drinking milk. Your coworker is lactose intolerant. What would be a likely result of her blood glucose test over time?


Which of the following is the correct sequence for the central dogma of molecular biology?

DNA → RNA → Protein

Stanley (your friend from the Fermentation Case Study) wrote up the methods of his fermentation experiment. Use this portion of his methods section to answer the following questions (each sentence has been numbered for clarity): (I) To determine the effects of sugar source on production of CO2 during fermentation, three fruit juices were used as experimental treatments. (II) First, all materials (juice, table sugar, water, yeast, test tubes, fermentation tubes, labeling tape, sharpie) were organized on the lab bench. (III) Because different sugar sources contain different concentrations of sugar, the amount of each treatment needed to total one gram of sugar was calculated using the nutritional information from each label. (IV) Each treatment (10 mL apple juice, 11 mL orange juice, and 6.7 mL grape juice, 1 gram sucrose) was added to a separate test tube, and the final volume was brought to 20 mL with distilled water. (V) Five mL of yeast suspension was added to the sucrose tubes, water tubes, grape juice tubes, orange juice tubes, and apple juice tubes. (VI) The solutions were transferred to fermentation tubes, which were then placed into their respective test tubes such that no air bubbles were inside the fermentation tubes. (VII) All tubes were incubated at 42ºC for one hour. What is the most appropriate subheading for this part of his methods section?

Data Collection

A researcher hypothesized that mice fed a low carbohydrate diet would not develop insulin resistance compared to those fed a normal diet. Which of the following data provides the strongest support of this hypothesis?

Data from yearly screenings for insulin resistance in mice fed a low carbohydrate diet compared to mice fed a normal diet.

What is the correct classification for the research question below?RQ: What is the dietary composition of American coots?


Which of the following is a 23andMe genetic health risk report appropriate for?

Determining if an individual has genetic variants associated with a higher risk of developing a hereditary disease.

What kind of sugar is sucrose?


Polygenic inheritance can contribute to continuous variation. Which of the following is not an example of polygenic inheritance?

Down syndrome

From the figure below of a typical energy profile of a downhill reaction, which is affected by enzymes?


Which of the following is the correct pairing for the Enzyme Kitchen Lab?

Enzyme: bromelain Substrate: gelatin

What is left at the end of an enzyme-controlled reaction?

Enzymes and products

Which of the statements regarding enzymes is false?

Enzymes provide activation energy for reactions.

What type of cells are enterocytes?

Epithelial cells

An alternative hypothesis states the direction one expects to see in the difference between treatments, while the null hypothesis does not.


An experiment investigates the effects of the dependent variable on the independent variable.


If a final grade in BIOL 1208 is 89.67, it will be rounded up to 90.00, and the student will receive a final letter grade of A-.


If the instructor does not review the plagiarism clause in class, a student will not be held responsible if his/her work is deemed plagiarized.


In scientific writing, you should always use direct quotes from your reference literature.


Quizzes can be completed after the due date.


Two treatments are thought to be significantly different if their standard error bars overlap.


The following are considered academic misconduct according to the LSU Code of Student Conduct:

Falsifying or fabricating data or information Not including appropriate citations Submitting the same work for two assignments Submitting the exact same work as your pee

In certain cultures, in the preparation of bread with yeast, a piece of raw dough is put in a glass with water before the bread goes in the oven. While the little piece of dough sits in the bottom of the glass, the bread is incubated with steam. When the piece of dough starts fluctuating, that is a signal that the dough has grown and is aerated enough, and therefore, ready to go to the oven. This process helps to guarantee that the bread will be aerated and soft. Based on this information, what made the dough in the water fluctuate?

Fermentation occurred in dough, liberating carbon dioxide that makes the dough soft and aerated. This is indicated by the piece of dough fluctuating in water.

A student wants to know how soil nutrients affect the growth of plants. For the experiment, she measures the height in millimeters of Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown in soils with no added nutrients, added phosphorus, and added nitrogen. She performed 10 replicates of each treatment and calculated the mean height, standard deviation, and standard error for the treatments. She then graphed the results. Which of the following is the best caption for the graph?

Figure 1. Bar graph of means with standard error bars for height in millimeters (mm) of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under three treatments. Measurements were taken from ten replicates per treatment.

After making observations, what is the next step in the scientific method?

Formulate research questions

Based on the results of your previous experiment, you want to design a new experiment to determine the temperature at which bromelain denatures. Which of the following are the best treatments for that experiment?

Fresh pineapple juice at 60ºC, 70ºC, 80ºC, 90ºC, and 100ºC

What is the correct tense to write hypotheses for this course?

Future tense

How does 23andMe evaluate genetic variation in individuals and across populations?


A student measures the lengths of 16 giraffe necks and legs and plots the averages in a bar graph. Next, they add standard error bars to the graph and notice that the error bars for the two different measurements do not overlap. What does this tell her?

Giraffe legs and necks are not the same length.

The breakdown of lactose will generate which monosaccharides?

Glucose and Galactose

What is/are the starting reactant(s) in cellular respiration?

Glucose and oxygen

What is the process in which some cells can metabolize organic nutrients and produce ATP in the absence of oxygen?


Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondria.

Identify the correct sequential events of cellular respiration.

Glycolysis → citric acid cycle → electron transport chain

Which ingredients are necessary to make homemade wine?

Grape juice and yeast only

What is the most likely combination of melanin production for a person with light brown skin and dark brown/almost black hair?

High eumelanin, low pheomelanin

The pedigree below shows a family's pedigree for colorblindness. Why do all the daughters in generation II carry the colorblind gene? I. Because dad is affected. II. Because mom is a carrier. III. Because the colorblind trait is on the X chromosome.

I and III

For my fermentation kitchen lab, I predicted that raw honey would have higher fermentation activity than sucrose, but my results showed that honey produced less CO2. Which of the following should I include in my discussion section?

Include both: the possible explanation and that I may have made a mistake.

Based on Figure 2, what could you do to increase the fermentation rate with brown sugar?

Increase the amount of yeast

You take samples of water from three of the LSU lakes during the summer and bring them back to your lab for an experiment. A common organism found in the lakes is blue-green algae, which, when present in large amounts, often results in fish kills due to a lethal reduction in oxygen availability. Wanting to mimic this phenomenon, you create aquariums from each of your collected lake samples, each with 10 red ear sunfish. Every day for a week, you add 1 kg of blue-green algae to the aquariums in the morning and check to see how many fish are alive at night. What would be an appropriate prediction for your experiment?

Increasing the amount of blue-green algae present in the aquarium will cause a decrease in the percent survival of red ear sunfish at the end of the week.

What information supports the idea that the UV and vitamin D connection helped drive the evolution of paler skin?

Indigenous peoples with diets rich in folate have dark pigmentation.

Which of the following does not belong in the results section of a lab report?

Interpretation and future directions

What is wrong with the following research question? RQ: "How does the length of a tail change as age increases?"

It does not define its population.

What does COVID-19 stand for?

It is a term that stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019, the year it was first identified.

If cellular respiration were 100% efficient, the process would produce around 80 ATP; however, the actual yield is around 30 ATP. What happens to the rest of the chemical energy in glucose?

It is converted to heat.

Which of the following best describes how fermentation of pyruvate to lactic acid facilitates the production of ATP in the absence of oxygen?

It regenerates NAD+ to continue glycolysis.

If yeast is able to use a provided carbon source during a fermentation experiment, what will occur?

It will give rise to carbon dioxide bubbles in the fermentation tube.

An antiviral drug specifically modifies viral receptors on eukaryotic host cells. How might this affect the viral reproductive cycle?

It would prevent the virus from attaching to the host cells.

Jake decides to take a trip down memory lane and visit the ice cream parlor he used to frequent as a child. He orders a double scoop of French vanilla ice cream and is delighted that it still tastes as good as he remembers. Shortly after finishing his ice cream, he begins to feel nauseous and uneasy. Jake decides to visit his physician the next day, although his nausea has subsided. His doctor measures his blood glucose level and then asks him to drink a glass of milk. After thirty minutes, his blood glucose level are measured again. If Jake has the lactase persistence trait, how would his blood glucose level change after ingesting the milk?

Jake's blood glucose levels would increase after drinking the milk.

Which of the following is the sugar in milk?


Enzymes act only on specific biological reactions. Based on the schematic below, what is the correct term used to define how enzymes work?

Lock and Key

Two other viruses that are included in the coronavirus family are __ and __.


Michael is planning to visit his family for Thanksgiving in two days. Michael's parents are 65 years old. His dad suffers for high blood pressure and his mom is diabetic. Michael's roommate went to a party after the last football game, and he tested positive for COVID-19, but he is asymptomatic. Michael and his roommate have dinner and play video games every night in their shared living room. While playing video games, Michael's roommate told him that he tested positive for COVID-19, but that he does not need to worry; since he is asymptomatic, Michael will be fine and not get infected. Michael called and asked you for advice. What will you tell him?

Michael should reschedule his trip and self-quarantine for two weeks. Even if Michael is asymptomatic, there is a chance of being positive for COVID-19, and he could infect his parents.

What is the name of the software used to analyze the raw experimental data in this course?

Microsoft Excel

What is the correct pathway for the lactase persistence mutation after weaning?

Mutation upstream of lactase gene → prevent drop in normal transcription of lactase gene → steady levels of lactase in enterocytes and retained ability to digest lactose

Zoonotic diseases caused from a spillover event from animals to humans can be caused by a range of factors including __.

Mutations in the virus and increased contact between humans and animals

Pastoralism has existed since the __.

Neolithic era

Where does DNA transcription occur in the cell?


Which of the following is not a product of fermentation?


It is well known that pine trees can get infected by a fungus called "tree-eater," which breaks down its bark and eats through its trunk. You test whether cypress and oak trees can also get infected by this fungus, and you find that they can! Now you want to test whether the fungus can infect the oak and cypress at the same rate as pine. Identify the control group(s) for this experiment.

Pine trees

__ replicates viral RNA from the __ within the __ cells.

RNA polymerase | virus | host

Viruses are classified into two major classes based on the nucleotide sequence possessed by a virus. What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2?

RNA virus

Genetic analysis of the coronavirus shows that it uses __ as its genetic code and it requires __ to infect human cells.

RNA | ACE2 receptors

Transcription involves making __ from DNA, and translation involves making __from __.

RNA | proteins | RNA

You are analyzing the following human pedigree. Assume that the individual marked with an asterisk (*) does not carry any allele associated with the affected phenotype and that no other mutation spontaneously occurs. Use R for the allele associated with the dominant phenotype and r for the allele associated with the recessive phenotype.

RR or Rr

You make a graph to show the rate of infection for pine, oak, and cypress trees, and you put the types of trees on the x-axis and the rate of infection on the y-axis. Identify the dependent variable.

Rate of infection

Below is a pedigree for a neurological disease. The son is affected (solid square). If the disease is caused by a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome, is the mutation recessive or dominant?


Which of the following represents a phenotype?

Red eyes

What is the correct order of protein synthesis?

Replication → Transcription → Translation

If a student has a question about adding error bars to the bar graph in the Scientific Method Student Guide, __ would be an appropriate title for a post in the Student Q & A Forum.

Scientific Method SG: Adding error bars to bar graph

Which of the following statements are true regarding genetic screening?

Screening tests help the patient define the risks of passing along a genetic disorder.

Question text Stanley (your friend from the Fermentation Case Study) wrote up the methods of his fermentation experiment. Use this portion of his methods section to answer the following questions (each sentence has been numbered for clarity): (I) To determine the effects of sugar source on production of CO2 during fermentation, three fruit juices were used as experimental treatments. (II) First, all materials (juice, table sugar, water, yeast, test tubes, fermentation tubes, labeling tape, sharpie) were organized on the lab bench. (III) Because different sugar sources contain different concentrations of sugar, the amount of each treatment needed to total one gram of sugar was calculated using the nutritional information from each label. (IV) Each treatment (10 mL apple juice, 11 mL orange juice, and 6.7 mL grape juice, 1 gram sucrose) was added to a separate test tube, and the final volume was brought to 20 mL with distilled water. (V) Five mL of yeast suspension was added to the sucrose tubes, water tubes, grape juice tubes, orange juice tubes, and apple juice tubes. (VI) The solutions were transferred to fermentation tubes, which were then placed into their respective test tubes such that no air bubbles were inside the fermentation tubes. (VII) All tubes were incubated at 42ºC for one hour. Which of the following edits would you suggest he make to improve his methods section?

Sentence II should be removed because it is extraneous information.

The materials for the Enzyme Kitchen Lab must be acquired before __.

September 21st

SNP stands for __.

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

An example of alleles is __.

T and t

You take samples of water from three of the LSU lakes during the summer and bring them back to your lab for an experiment. A common organism found in the lakes is blue-green algae, which, when present in large amounts, often results in fish kills due to a lethal reduction in oxygen availability. Wanting to mimic this phenomenon, you create aquariums from each of your collected lake samples, each with 10 red ear sunfish. Every day for a week, you add 1 kg of blue-green algae to the aquariums in the morning and check to see how many fish are alive at night. Which of the following is the independent variable in your experiment?

The amount of algae added to the aquarium.

Which of the following statements regarding enzymes is false?

The amount of substrates and enzymes are reduced in enzyme catalyzed reactions.

Yeast is known to be a major food source for fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). A biologist was interested to see if feeding an excessive amount of yeast to fruit flies would affect their lifespan. She conducted an experiment where she fed different groups of flies varying amounts of yeast for a month. After a month, significantly more flies died after being fed an excessive amount of yeast compared to those fed less yeast. Write a null hypothesis using the information provided above.

The amount of yeast fed to different groups of flies will have no effect on the survival rates of the flies

Yeast is known to be a major food source for fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). A biologist was interested to see if feeding an excessive amount of yeast to fruit flies would affect their lifespan. She conducted an experiment where she fed different groups of flies varying amounts of yeast for a month. After a month, significantly more flies died after being fed an excessive amount of yeast compared to those fed less yeast. Write an alternative hypothesis using the information provided above.

The amount of yeast fed to the different groups of flies will have an effect on the survival rates of the flies.

A biologist thinks that ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium), an invasive plant in tropical marshes throughout the world, is responsible for the reduction in the diversity of native insects in Florida marshes. The biologist records the diversity of insects in Florida marshes before and after the invasion of ginger lily under controlled conditions. The biologist's null hypothesis is: The presence of ginger lily has no effect on the diversity of insects in Florida marshes. The bar graph with mean insect diversity with standard error bars is plotted below: Based on these results, what can the biologist conclude regarding the null hypothesis?

The biologist cannot reject the null hypothesis.

According to the Writing Guide on Moodle, three statements below are correct and one is incorrect. Select the incorrect statement.

The discussion section should start by discussing the big-picture context of the experiment.

Meat tenderizer contains an enzyme that breaks down the proteins in meat. If meat was coated with the tenderizer and then placed in the refrigerator for a short time, how would the enzyme be affected?

The enzyme activity would slow down.

Which of the following sentences belongs in the results section of a lab report?

The gelatin set when prepared with water, canned pineapple juice, and fresh pineapple juice that had been heated to 100ºC.

What happens to the amount of UV intensity when traveling away from the equator?

The intensity decreases.

Stanley (your friend from the Fermentation Case Study) wrote up the methods of his fermentation experiment. Use this portion of his methods section to answer the following questions (each sentence has been numbered for clarity): (I) To determine the effects of sugar source on production of CO2 during fermentation, three fruit juices were used as experimental treatments. (II) First, all materials (juice, table sugar, water, yeast, test tubes, fermentation tubes, labeling tape, sharpie) were organized on the lab bench. (III) Because different sugar sources contain different concentrations of sugar, the amount of each treatment needed to total one gram of sugar was calculated using the nutritional information from each label. (IV) Each treatment (10 mL apple juice, 11 mL orange juice, and 6.7 mL grape juice, 1 gram sucrose) was added to a separate test tube, and the final volume was brought to 20 mL with distilled water. (V) Five mL of yeast suspension was added to the sucrose tubes, water tubes, grape juice tubes, orange juice tubes, and apple juice tubes. (VI) The solutions were transferred to fermentation tubes, which were then placed into their respective test tubes such that no air bubbles were inside the fermentation tubes. (VII) All tubes were incubated at 42ºC for one hour. What information is missing from his methods section?

The number of replicates and how the results were recorded

Two studies estimate the mean sugar content of an energy drink. Each study uses the same test on a random sample of the energy drink. Study 1 uses 50 bottles, and Study 2 uses 15 bottles. Which statement is true?

The uncertainty in the estimate of the actual mean sugar content will be larger in Study 1 than in Study 2.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding human skin color variation?

The variation in human skin color correlates with the intensity of sunlight around the world.

Why is hand washing so effective at removing coronavirus?

The virus is encased in a lipid bilayer, which gets broken down by soap.

Sarah's parents bought yellow and red flowers for the garden in their backyard. A year after planting the flowers, Sarah notices that all the flowers are still yellow and red, but they are no longer in the same amount. Sarah counts the flowers and finds that the yellow flowers make up 75% of the garden. Which of the following is true concerning the genotypes of the flowers?

The yellow allele is dominant over the red allele.

If an individual receives a 23andMe report that says that they have the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, what does that mean?

They are at a greater risk for cancer.

What must happen to sucrose, maltose, or lactose before yeast can ferment them?

They must be broken down into monosaccharides to start glycolysis.

What was special about both the early Europeans and the Maasai that might explain why they each independently evolved the trait for lactose persistence?

They were both pastoralists.

How is COVID-19 transmitted?

Through droplets that come from your mouth and nose when you cough or breathe out

Identify the condition that is not required for natural selection to act on a population.

Time. The evolution of a species by natural selection takes at least one thousand years.

Why was dish soap used in the experiment?

To break open cells

Which of the following is not an appropriate sentence for the methods section of a lab report?

To heat the pineapple juice, the "30 secs" button on the microwave was clicked three times.

A student who offers his/her work to a fellow student is demonstrating academic misconduct per the LSU Code of Student Conduct.


If a student is unclear of an instructor's expectations for an assignment, it is the student's responsibility to seek clarification.


Students must email the instructor in advance if they are going to miss an assignment or turn in work late.


Baking soda, or calcium bicarbonate, is sometimes used instead of yeast in baking. It produces carbon dioxide when it is broken up by heat, rather than via fermentation, as yeast does. Suppose you are designing an experiment to determine whether baking soda or yeast is more efficient as a rising agent to make bread. What would be adequate independent and dependent variables for your experiment, respectively?

Type of rising agent | growth of the dough (mm)

What is the connection between ultraviolet radiation and the production of vitamin D in humans?

Ultraviolet radiation stimulates the production of vitamin D in our bodies.

Huntington's disease is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder that is caused by an insertion of extra nucleotides in the huntingtin gene. This disease is prominent in Hailey's family. Hailey remembers that her grandfather started showing symptoms at age 47 and was diagnosed at age 50. He died ten years later due to complications from the disease. Hailey's mom got a genetic test soon after he was diagnosed and discovered that she was positive for Huntington's chorea; she started showing symptoms around age 35. Hailey's father is negative for the mutation, but there is a chance that Hailey and her younger brother could have it. Based on this knowledge, which of the following conditions is notsufficiently satisfied for evolution by natural selection to have eliminated Huntington's disease from human populations?

Variation in fitness

Which of the following statements explains why viruses are only able to multiply in living cells?

Virus do not possess the necessary components for self-replication.

Which of the following statements is correct concerning viruses and bacteria?

Viruses and bacteria have different modes of infection.

Why do the results of blood glucose tests taken before and after drinking milk help determine if an individual can digest lactose?

When lactose is digested by lactase in the small intestine, different cells in the body start releasing glucose into the bloodstream.

The number of flowers on four different types of rosebushes are counted each week for two months. Which research question is appropriate?

Which type of rosebush produces more flowers?

Where does protein synthesis (mRNA → amino acids) take place?

Within the ribosomes found in the cytoplasm.

Suppose that you were recently in close contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19. You remember that you high-fived him and unthinkingly scratched your nose prior to washing your hands. As a result, the virus has successfully invaded one of your cells. Strangely, this cell has mutated in such a way that its RNA polymerases are no longer transcribing mRNA. Should you be concerned about additional virions being produced?

Yes, because viral RNA is replicated by the RNA polymerase of the virus.

Suppose your roommate had a possible exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. She got a rapid test six days after the exposure and received a negative result. She has not had a fever or a cough, and she is still able to smell the odor from your garbage can. Is it still possible that your roommate is positive for the virus?

Yes, the incubation period for the virus can be up to 14 days.

If one of your parents is at risk for a genetic health condition, what is your risk of having the same condition?

You only get half your genes from either parent, so your risk is one half of theirs.

Suppose an individual whose MC1R genes were initially activated develops a mutation that effectively disrupts them. Unaware of this change in their genes, the individual decides to take an extended vacation to the tropics, where they plan to spend majority of their time outdoors. If you were somehow aware of this change in genotype, which of the following would you say to the individual?

You would tell this individual that they need to start taking folate supplements.

A larger sample size will most likely result in __.

a smaller standard error

Captions are written __ the table and __ the figure.

above | below

When yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is in __ conditions, it utilizes alcohol fermentation to produce ATP, ethanol, and __.

anaerobic | carbon dioxide

BIOL 1208 will be taught __ online, meaning there are no scheduled class times to attend.


If you are doing research using the keywords death penalty and budget, which terms would also be worthwhile keywords?

b. capital punishment and revenue

A cuckoo laying eggs in the nest of other bird species, is an example of __.

brood parasitism

In the evolutionary sense, which organism has the highest fitness?

c. A prairie dog that, though smaller than the average member of her species, has twice as many healthy young in each litter.

Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of which mineral?


What are the four steps you followed to collect and isolate DNA?

collect → burst → separate → isolate

Glycolysis takes place in the __, while the citric acid cycle takes place in the __ of a cell.

cytoplasm | mitochondria

If an enzyme stops functioning, it could have __.


Lactose is a __ that can be broken down into__ by a __.

disaccharide | monosaccharides | enzyme

The limitations and real-world applications of a study are found in the __ section of a scholarly article or lab report.


ATP is a type of __.

energy carrier

Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, is a technique for making multiple copies of a DNA region. During PCR, the DNA passes through multiple cycles of denaturation, annealing, and extension. In this process, substances are used including Taq polymerase which is a type of __.


The Lock and Key Model of enzyme catalysis explains __.

enzyme specificity

The substance that causes the DNA to precipitate is the __.


A genetic health risk report from 23andMe is a suitable substitute for seeking the opinion of a healthcare professional.


A proper methods section of a lab report should be written in first person.


Aerobic respiration does NOT require oxygen.


All mutations are harmful for organisms.


Antibiotics kill both viruses and bacteria that cause illness.


BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the only gene mutations associated with breast and ovarian cancer.


Based on Figure 2, fermentation of brown sugar by yeasts is significantly higher than sucrose.


Distillation is a process in which only ethanol can evaporate.


Google is considered a primary source search engine while Google Scholar is considered a secondary source search engine.


If your grandmother had breast cancer, you must inherit the related cancer gene from her.


In your fermentation experiment, you studied the effect of sugar concentration on the rate of CO2 production.


Punnett squares will not give us information about possible genetic outcomes.


Scientists can determine a person's race by looking at his or her DNA.


The interpretation of an experiment's results and any conclusions drawn from those results are mentioned in the results section of a lab report.


There is one type of melanin that is responsible for the different phenotypes of humans.


Vitamin D is converted into calcium for the body by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.


When paraphrasing, it is not necessary to cite the source.


When using outside sources to answer questions on my student guide, I only need a full citation in the reference list, but not an in-text citation if I do not use a direct quote.


The pedigree below shows a family's pedigree for colorblindness. Which sex can be carriers of colorblindness and not have it?


The fusion of a father's sperm and mother's egg is referred to as __.


What are the stages of aerobic respiration?

glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation

To inhibit the action of an enzyme, we can add a substance that occupies the active sites of that enzyme. To accomplish that, the substance must __.

have the same spatial structure as the enzyme's substrate

When your body tries to maintain its internal conditions within certain limits, it is called __.


23andMe got its name from __.

humans having 23 pairs of chromosomes

Each pair of complementary nucleotides in the DNA are linked by __ bonds.


Based on the figure above, the number 5 corresponds to the __.


Most mammals lose the ability to naturally produce lactase after transitioning from a milk-based diet to other diets; however, about a third of humans continue to produce lactase into adulthood, which is called__.

lactase persistence

An athlete participates in a 10K run. He faints after running two miles due to lack of oxygen in his brain cells. Knowing that muscle cells obtain energy from aerobic respiration or fermentation, the athlete's muscles might be full of __.

lactic acid

Enzymes that have been exposed to a high temperature (e.g. 150°C) will __.

lose their three-dimensional structure, causing the substrate to no longer be able to bind to the active site

Three types of RNA are mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA. What do the letters m, t, and r stand for?

messenger, transfer, ribosomal

Environmental risk factors can cause __ that lead to __.

mutations | uncontrolled cell growth

One of the first evolutionary biologists, even before Charles Darwin, was a Frenchman named Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. Lamarck advocated a theory known as inheritance of acquired characters. This theory states that an organism can pass on to its offspring physical characteristics that the parent organism acquired through use or disuse during its lifetime. Can inheritance of acquired characters explain some of the patterns of variation we see in human skin color?


Scientific method quiz


SARS-CoV , MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 viruses belong to a family of virus called coronaviruses. The common name "Corona" comes from the fact that this family of viruses look like they have a crown from all the protein spikes in the __ membrane.


DNA is made up of repeating subunits called __.


The final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration is __.


Brown hair is a type of __.


Which of the following are found in both DNA and RNA?

phosphate groups, guanine, and cytosine

Phenotypic traits that are controlled by two or more genes are known as __.

polygenic traits

A peer-reviewed journal is an example of a __ source of scientific literature.


If a red flower exhibits incomplete dominance to a blue flower, which flower color is a possible phenotype for offspring when a red flower is crossed with a blue flower ?


The final electron acceptor in lactic acid fermentation is __.


If the inheritance of skin color in "Desiree's Baby" follows the simple dominant/recessive pattern described by Mendel, dark pigmentation is best explained as a __.

recessive trait

The general trends from a study are found in the __ section of a scholarly article or lab report.


The target audience of primary sources is __, while the target audience of secondary sources is __.

scientists | the public

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are human tumor __ genes.


Individuals in a population that have variation, which gives them an advantage in their environment, are more likely to __.

survive and reproduce

The incubation period is __.

the amount of time from exposure to the virus to the development of symptoms.

A genotype is __.

the genetic makeup of an individual

A pedigree chart shows __.

the pattern of inheritance of a specific trait

Researchers are testing the effectiveness of various antibacterial soaps. Four different soaps are used on the same bacterium and a fifth petri dish receives no soap. The independent variable is __, and the dependent variable is __.

the type of soap used | the amount of bacterial growth

Viruses are limited in their host range because __.

they can only bind to cells with proper receptors

A hydrophilic substance will be soluble in water.


A vaccine stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies, like it would if you were exposed to the virus.


Alleles are different forms of a gene.


Apart from other species, for humans, the selection for lactase persistence is a gene-culture co-evolution.


Biologists sometimes use different models or systems to represent things they cannot study directly.


Human skin color variation suggests that phenotypes are related to environmental factors.


The biological inheritance of skin color alleles does not follow the dominant/recessive pattern described by Mendel.


The coding strand of DNA is similar to the primary transcript.


The phenotype (physical expression of genes) can be impacted by the environment.


The physical expression of a trait is called a phenotype.


Yeast can metabolize sugar in two ways, aerobically, with the aid of oxygen, or anaerobically, without oxygen.


Which of the following is an example of a homozygous genotype?


Natural selection occurs because organisms within a particular species have __.

variation due to differences in their genes

You have been put in charge of a clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of a potential COVID vaccine. What are the independent and dependent variables of your study, respectively?

whether a group of patients received a placebo or a vaccine | percent of patients that became ill in each group

What would be the correct in-text citation for this article?

(Knight et al., 2018)

In a family, a grandmother and a grandfather are both homozygous for lactase persistence (LL). Their child, who is also homozygous for lactase persistence, marries an individual who is lactose intolerant (ll), and they have four children.How many of these children are lactose intolerant?


How many bases make up a codon?


How many phosphate groups does ATP contain?


In dogs, fur texture is an incomplete dominant trait. The 'F' allele codes for straight fur, and the 'f' allele codes for curly fur. Two labradoodles with wavy fur are bred. How many genotypes are possible for their puppies?


In dogs, fur texture is an incomplete dominant trait. The 'F' allele codes for straight fur, and the 'f' allele codes for curly fur. Two labradoodles with wavy fur are bred. How many phenotypes are possible for their puppies?


5'-CCCCCTATGCCTGAACACTGCCCCTGAAAAA-3' 3'-GGGGGATACGGACTTGTGACGGGGACTTTTT-5' The above sequence is a gene sequence, and the protein coding region has been marked with the START (ATG) and STOP (TGA) codons with bold-typed font. Which strand will be used as a template strand for making mRNA?

3'→ 5' strand

Students should expect to spend __ hours per week on BIOL 1208.


The effect of temperature on the relative rate of an enzyme's action is represented in the graph. The optimum temperature for the action of this enzyme is approximately __.


Each gene for melanin production has two forms: an allele for high melanin production, or dark skin (A, B, C), and an allele for low melanin production, or light skin (a, b, c). Each dark skin allele (A, B, C) in the genotype adds a small but equal amount of pigment to the skin. How many possible phenotypes can be found from the offspring generated from a cross between two individuals of intermediate skin color (AaBbCc x AaBbCc)?


Which of the following is not an example of codominance?

A child of a parents with blue eyes and brown eyes has brown eyes.

Which of the following is not an example of incomplete dominance?

A flower that is both blue and white produced from blue and white flowers.

According to LSU's Online Etiquette Guide, which of the following should students avoid when composing an email to an instructor

All Choices are correct

A research question should always be __.

All choices are correct.

A student performed DNA extractions on saliva, avocado, and strawberries and found that strawberries produced way more DNA than the other two substances. Which of the following should they include in a discussion section about this experiment?

All the answers are correct.

We used different types of pineapple as sources of the enzyme bromelain and looked at whether it can affect the setting of gelatin. Why is it possible to make Jell-O with canned pineapple chunks but not with fresh pineapple chunks?

All the answers are correct.

What factors can cause protein denaturation?

All the answers are correct.

What is the function of melanin?

All the answers are correct.

What is wrong with the methods section below? "In this lab, I used a banana as one of my living cells. First, I mashed the banana, then I added the following things to my shotglass: dish soap, canned pineapple juice, and some salt. Then I mixed the contents with a spoon. My experiment did not work. There was no DNA in the glass."

All the answers are correct.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding variation?

All the answers are correct.

Which of the following is not a risk factor for cancer?

All the answers are risk factors for cancer.

Which of the following does not influence skin tone?

All the answers can influence skin tone.

Which of the following statements is true?

An enzyme is a protein which speeds up chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy.

Which of the following mutated proteins is most likely to cause a cell to become cancerous?

An overactive version of a protein that stimulates cell division.

After collecting raw experimental data, what is the next step in the scientific method?

Analyze the data

ABCC11 is a human autosomal gene involved in the production of earwax. The recessive allele (a) causes the production of dry, crumbly, and grayish earwax, whereas the dominant allele (A) produces wet, sticky, and foul-smelling earwax. Ruth and Jeremy are married and both produce foul earwax. They are trying to get pregnant with their first child and are afraid she or he will inherit that trait. What do you tell them?

Based only on Ruth and Jeremy's phenotypes, you cannot tell them the exact probability of their child having foul earwax.

Which would be an example of convergent evolution?

Bats, birds, and insects all share the ability to fly due to their wings. The common ancestors they share did not have wings or the ability to fly. Each wing type evolved separately, so the structures of the wings of these three groups differ. Even with three differently structured wings, they accomplish the same function: capacity for flight.

In humans, brown eyes (B) are dominant to blue eyes (b). If you cross a heterozygous brown-eyed person (Bb) with a blue-eyed person (bb), what are the possible genotypes of the offspring?

Bb and bb

Becca and Erica live in a two-bedroom apartment with a shared kitchen, bathroom, and living area. After developing minor symptoms, Erica tests positive for COVID-19. What should Becca and Erica do to minimize Becca's risk of contracting the virus and further spread?

Erica should wear a mask and stay in her room. Becca should wear a mask and self-quarantine from others.

Which of the following is not a reason for a mutation to occur in DNA?

Extreme cold

You conducted an experiment to learn more about how Lactaid, the lactase enzyme supplement, works. You enlisted five lactose intolerant people and had each person take the same amount of Lactaid but at different times: before (10 and 5 minutes prior), during (at time of consumption), and after (5 and 10 minutes after) consuming milk. You measured their blood glucose levels before the experiment and every 30 minutes for 2 hours after milk consumption. Which of the following research questions is this experiment best designed to answer?

How does the timing of Lactaid ingestion affect its ability to break down lactose?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a viral infection that is transmitted mainly through skin-to-skin contact. Following transmission, HPV enters host cells and integrates into the host genome, eventually causing the cells to synthesize the viral protein E6. In turn, E6 inactivates the host protein p53, a tumor suppressor that arrests the cell cycle or induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) when DNA damage is detected. Which of the following claims is best supported by the information above?I. HPV increases the synthesis of tumor suppressor proteins in infected cells.II. HPV results into inactivation of tumor suppressor protein.III. HPV causes infected cells to exit the cell cycle.IV. HPV causes uncontrolled cell division in infected cells.

I and III

Which of the following properties allow DNA to precipitate when alcohol is added? I. Solubility II. Entropy III. Polarity IV. Tonicity

I and III

Which statements are correct for all enzymes? I. They are proteins. II. They are unaffected by temperature. III. They speed up chemical reactions. IV. They work best at a high pH.

I and III only

What makes folate "biological gold"? I. It is essential for normal embryonic development. II. It is needed for healthy sperm production in males. III. It helps prevent skin cancer by providing precursors for DNA repair and replication.

I, II, and III

During the DNA extraction procedure, we used ice cold ethanol. Why is it important that it is cold? I. It will increase DNA yield. II. It protects the DNA by slowing down enzymes that can break it apart. III. It will help to denature DNA easily. IV. It will help precipitate DNA more quickly

I, II, and IV

A discussion section of a lab report should include information regarding: I. Interpretation of results II. Methods III. Specific limitations IV. Relevant, big picture concepts

I, III, and IV

After reading the methods section below, select the appropriate feedback that you should provide. DNA extraction: "I extracted DNA from fresh strawberries. I mixed all the materials and saw that I extracted DNA." I. The methods section is lacking a detailed list of materials, quantities, and the procedures of how to perform the experiment. II. The methods section needs to explain in detail how to use all the equipment for the experiment. III. The methods section should be written in third person.

II and III

In the 18th century, a young boy suffered from a condition that included thickening of the skin and the formation of loose spines that were periodically sloughed off. This "porcupine man" married and had six sons, all of whom had the same condition. He also had several daughters, all of whom were unaffected. What might you theorize about the location of the abnormal gene? I. It could be on the X chromosome. II. It could be on the Y chromosome. III. It is transmitted from father to sons. IV. It is transmitted from mothers to sons.

II and III

The pedigree below shows a family's pedigree for colorblindness. Why does generation IV, individual 7 have colorblindness?I. Because her dad is a carrier.II. Because her dad is colorblind.III. Because her mom is a carrier.IV. Because her mom is colorblind.

II and III

The synthesis of melanin by melanocytes is beneficial at the skin level because __. I. it acts as a protective barrier against the harmful elements of the environment, such as extreme heat and cold. II. it protects the DNA of skin cells by forming protective coverings over the nucleus of skin cells. III. the absorption of UV by melanin protects folate in the circulatory system under the skin.

II and III

Which of the following are constants in the fermentation kitchen lab experiment? I. Source of sugar II. Concentration of sugar (2g/bag) III. Water temperature (40 - 42°C) IV. Volume of CO2 produced by yeast fermentation

II and III

Select the correct statements about cancer. I. All types of cancer have similar causes; they are always related to the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. II. Cancer is many different diseases with the similarity that they all involve uncontrolled cell proliferation. III. Any of our genes, if mutated, may cause cancer. IV. Cancer often originates from mutations in the genes that control cell division. V. If both of your parents had pancreatic cancer, you are practically guaranteed to have pancreatic cancer too.

II and IV

Which statement(s) is/are correct? I. Humans do not have the ability to metabolize ethanol; that is the reason we get drunk and hungover. II. The ancestors of humans developed the ability to metabolize ethanol millions of years ago because it was a common by-product in a diet including sugary fruits. III. Humans developed the ability to metabolize ethanol when the first alcoholic beverage was deliberately created in the Yellow River Valley of China about 9,000 years ago. IV. Ethanol is only one of many types of alcohol; we are able to metabolize all of them.

II only

You have been doing research to help your grandmother understand two new drugs for osteoporosis. One publication, Eurasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine, contains articles with data only showing the effectiveness of one of these new drugs. A pharmaceutical company funded the Eurasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine production and most advertisements in the journal are for this company's products. In your searches, you find other articles that show the same drug has only limited effectiveness. Pick the best answer that would help you determine the credibility of the Eurasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine.

It is not a credible source of scientific research because only studies showing the effectiveness of the company's drugs were included in the journal.

In which of the following is the APA citation correctly written?

Kumar, S., Ahmad, S., Siddiqi, M. I., & Raza, K. (2019). Mathematical model for Plant-Insect interaction with dynamic response to PAD4-BIK1 interaction and effect of BIK1 inhibition. Biosystems, 175, 11-23.

In dogs, fur texture is an incomplete dominant trait. The 'F' allele codes for straight fur, and the 'f' allele codes for curly fur. A lab with straight fur was bred with a poodle with curly fur, and all the puppies have wavy fur. What are the genotypes of each parent?

Lab FF | Poodle ff

Bacterial cells were inoculated in LB media with glucose and grown for 24 hours without aeration. The pH of the media after 24 hours was measured and found to be very acidic. What might have caused the pH to become acidic?

Lactic acid fermentation

Yogurt is a fermentation product of milk. Which fermentation process is involved in yogurt production?

Lactic acid fermentation

Suppose during DNA extraction you were distracted by a TikTok video. You finished up the extraction procedure and checked the purity of the extracted DNA. It turned out that your sample had trace amounts of protein contamination. What step did you forget?

No fresh pineapple juice was added.

A solution in a beaker contains all the enzymes necessary for undergoing glycolysis. A mole of glucose is mixed into the solution. No oxygen is present, and no ATP is present. Does glycolysis occur?

No, because ATP is not present.

Would using a gene's coding strand for transcription result in the desired functional protein?

No, the primary RNA transcript should be made using the template strand of a gene.

Which of the following is a good comparative research question?

None of the choices are correct.

It is well known that pine trees can get infected by a fungus called "tree-eater," which breaks down its bark and eats through its trunk. You test whether cypress and oak trees can also get infected by this fungus, and you find that they can! Now you want to test whether the fungus can infect the oak and cypress at the same rate as pine. Identify the treatment group(s) for this experiment.

Oak and cypress trees

After viewing all the pertinent instructions on Moodle, if a student still has a general, nonpersonal question that he/she wants to ask the instructor, he/she should:

Post it to the Student Q and A Forum

A student completed a series of experiments and found that a protein-digesting enzyme (intestinal protease) functions best when the pH is 8.0 and the temperature is 37°C. During an experiment, the student used some of the procedures listed below. Procedures: (A) Adding more protease (B) Adding more protein (C) Decreasing the pH to 6.0 (D) Increasing the temperature to 45°C (E) Decreasing the amount of light Which procedure would have drastic effect on the rate of protein digestion?

Procedures A, C, and D

Which of the following is not a reason we need mitosis?


Regarding the theory of evolution, "fitness" most likely refers to which of the following?

Reproductive success

An example of a genotype is __.


Based on the most up-to-date scientific understanding of the genetic basis of human skin color, what is the best explanation for the fact that the baby in Desiree's story was darker than both his mother and his father?

Skin color is a highly polygenic trait, where a large number of alleles, each in a different gene, each contribute to slightly darker skin. If both an egg and a sperm happen to have mostly alleles for dark skin, a baby may end up being darker than either parent.

Consider the pedigree below for a family with sickle cell anemia, an autosomal recessive trait. The normal, dominant allele is denoted by an uppercase S; the sickle cell recessive allele is denoted by a lowercase s. Carrier status is not shown in this pedigree.


You measured blood glucose levels of two students after they had two cups of ice cream at the LSU Dairy Store. You plotted the results in the graph below. What does your data suggest?

Student 1 is lactose tolerant.

A process that occurs in the digestive system of the human body is shown in the diagram below. What would happen if a temperature change caused the shape of the active site to be altered?

The dipeptide would digest slower or not at all.

What is the primary role of fermentation in making bread?

The production of CO2 causes the bread to rise and expand.

A scientist investigating a specimen in a laboratory is attempting to determine whether it is a virus or not. Which of the following would allow her to conclude that it is not a virus?

The specimen contains both DNA and RNA.

What does the standard deviation indicate?

The spread of data points around the mean.

Your saliva and stomach both contain enzymes that aid in digestion. However, the enzymes in your saliva (salivary enzymes) are not the same as the ones in your stomach. Why might a salivary enzyme not function properly in your stomach?

The stomach is too acidic, so the salivary enzyme would not be at its optimum pH.

Baking soda, or calcium bicarbonate, is sometimes used instead of yeast in baking. It produces carbon dioxide when it is broken up by heat, rather than via fermentation, as yeast does. Suppose you are designing an experiment to determine whether baking soda or yeast is more efficient as a rising agent to make bread. What would be an adequate research question to guide that experiment?

Will the type of rising agent cause a difference in how much bread rises during baking?

You are analyzing the following human pedigree. Assume that the individual marked with an asterisk (*) does not carry any allele associated with the affected phenotype and that no other mutation spontaneously occurs.

X-linked recessive

What are parts W, X, and Y in the chemical reaction below?

X= enzyme | Y= product | W= substrate

I understand that the desktop app versions of Microsoft 365, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, must be installed on my computer because the online version of 365 (nor the Mac equivalent versions) are acceptable to submit assignments via Turnitin.

Yes, I understand.

I understand that the only acceptable file types to submit assignments via Turnitin are .docx or .pdf.

Yes, I understand.

It is acceptable to primarily use direct quotes from sources in scientific writing.


Lactase persistence is the result of several mutations in the genome.


Positive selection is selection against disadvantageous traits.


Most people in the world are lactose intolerant.


One way to help prevent plagiarism is to record all the important information about sources you are researching.


Reference lists include full citations of all the sources used in alphabetical order.


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