Bio Unit 4

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Characteristics of Viruses

-Causes most diseases like AIDS -Obligate Intracellular parasites

What are benefits of using Latin names in binomial nomenclature?

-Different people have different common names for the same animal -Latin was a universal language known by scholars -Different animals have the same common name

What are applications of transgenic bacteria?

-Production of growth hormones -Produces insulin -Clean up of oil spills

Terms that refer to 'Plasmid':

-Vector -Prokaryotic DNA

The order of the production of recombinant DNA, rDNA:

1) Identify an mRNA from a target gene 2) Use reverse transcriptase to produce a complementary DNA 3) Cleave the cDNA and Vector DNA with the same restriction enzyme 4) Introduce DNA ligase to connect sticky ends of DNA 5) Allow vector to reproduce to clone the gene

How many classes of angiosperms?

2 classes

binomial nomenclature system

2 terms 1) Genus 2) Epithet

how many numbers of angiosperms?



A ciliated (it propels itself via cilia) protist that lives in fresh water and eats other tiny organisms for food.


A group of protozoans that move by waving tiny, hair-like organelles called cilia. Most complex and specialized.


A kingdom made up of nongreen, eukaryotic organisms that have no means of movement, reproduce by using spores, and get food by breaking down substances in their surroundings and absorbing the nutrients (saprotrophic); has 100,000 species


A large group of amoeboid protists with reticulating pseudopods—fine strands of cytoplasm that branch and merge to form a dynamic net. They typically produce a test, or shell, which can have either one or multiple chambers, some becoming quite elaborate in structure.

A virus is similar in size to

A large protein


A member of a group of molluscs that include squids and octopus "head-footed"


A process by which nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, become highly concentrated in a body of water, leading to increased growth of organisms such as algae or cyanobacteria.


A protist, usually marine, with a shell generally made of silica and pseudopodia that radiate from the central body.


A relationship between two organisms in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected


A relationship between two species in which both species benefit


A soft-bodied animal characterized by a muscular foot, mantle, mantle cavity, and radula; includes gastropods (snails and slugs), bivalves (clams, oysters, and scallops), and cephalopods (squids and octopuses).


A type of parasitic protozoan that lacks mobility and forms spores. Some apicomplexan cause serious human disease

What is a bacteriophage?

A virus that infects bacteria

Structures that have the same function in different groups but do not have common ancestry are referred to as:

Analogous Structures

Similarity due to convergent evolution is called:


What type of trait is not useful for determining the evolutionary relationships of an ancestor's descendants?


segmented worms

Annelida common name

What would you find in a high temperature, high salt environment?


Latin names are used in the _____ nomenclature system.


The field of study that relies heavily on computer technologies to analyze genomic and proteomic data is called:


Products made with or derived from transgenic or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are called

Biotechnology Products

What are the products of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria?

Carbohydrates and Oxygen

Plant and fungal cells differ structurally in that plant cell walls are composed of what? While fungal cell walls are composed of what

Cellulose Chitin

An organism that can produce organic molecules using carbon dioxide and energy from inorganic molecules, instead of the sun, is called:


A polymer of glucose that contains nitrogen and is found in the cell walls of fungi is called




A ______ ancestor is one that has given rise to two or more lines of descent.


Comparing the human genome to that of other organisms is called:

Comparative Genomics


Conversion of nitrates into nitrogen gas

The zooxanthellae are dinoflagellates that often have symbolic relationships with whom?


Photosynthetic bacteria that first introduced oxygen into the atmosphere, but can appear blue, red, and even black are called:


A technology that can identify and distinguish among individuals based on the variation of DNA is called:

DNA Fingerprinting

What enzymes are needed to make rDNA?

DNA Ligase & restriction enzymes

Traits that can be used to determine evolutionary relationships between organisms are called:

Derived Traits

What is a type of algae identified by its two flagella? One that acts as a rudder and one that spins the cell forward.


Rank of Taxonomic Groups

Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family

High to Low

Domain Supergroup Kingdom Phylum

Archaea, bacteria, and Eukarya are the names given to the three

Domains of life

A newly invented virus that becomes more prominent because of its ability to cause serious disease:

Emerging Virus

Membrane-bound nuclei are found in members of domain


Characteristics of protists

Eukaryote; Autotroph and heterotroph; diverse, multicellular; colonial, single celled

types of parasitic worms

Flukes (infect liver, intestines, and lungs and can be deadly in large numbers) Tapeworms (live in the intestines) Roundworms (infect the intestines, muscles, and fluids under the skin)


Form sexual spores in saclike asci

What specific type of genomic study determines the roles of genome in cells and organisms?

Functional Genomics

The type of cloning through which identical copies of a functional unit of DNA are made is called __________ cloning.


What does a virus direct a host cell to duplicate?

Genetic Material

Biotechnology products are produced by ________ modifies organisms.


Genetic engineering allows scientists to change the _______ of organisms.


A scientist seeking to study the complete genetic makeup of an organism is studying the field of:



Haploid spores formed in basidium

The structural similarities that come from having a common ancestor is called:


If a segment of non-coding DNA contained a sequence TTAG every 2,000 bases throughout the entire chromosome, you would call this a(n):

Interspersed Repeat

DNA ___ is an enzyme that links DNA fragments together.


What is the most complex type of organism to clone?



Member of the fungal phylum Chytridiomycota, mostly aquatic fungi with flagellated zoospores that represent an early-diverging fungal lineage.


Microscopic organisms that float and drift in the freshwater and serve as the foundation of the food chain

A tangled mass of hyphae composing the vegetative body of a fungus is


What is found in all viruses?

Nucleic acid core Capsid Proteins

brown algae

One of a group of marine, multicellular, autotrophic protists, the most common type of seaweed. Brown algae include the kelps.


One organism benefits and the other is harmed


Organisms that use hydrogen sulfide or other chemicals as energy source instead of light.

Cyanobacteria obtain their nutrients through the process of


A "family tree" that shows evolutionary history of a taxa is called:


What is the most encompassing level of taxonomic classification?


Protists are an abundant compound of ___, the collection of tiny floating organisms suspended in water that serves as a food source for many animals.


The ___ is a technique that uses DNA polymerase with heating/cooling cycles to produce millions of copies of a particular piece of DNA.

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Organisms that lack a membrane bound nucleus and membranous organelles typical of eukaryotes:


What is found in a virus?

Proteins Nucleic Acid Core Capsid

The study of all the proteins that an organism is produced is called:


What kingdoms are included with Eukarya?

Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia

A segment of DNA containing genes from both mice and humans would be called:

Recombinant DNA

PCR works by amplifying short tandem __________ sequences, sequences of DNA that are repeated many times and are considered noncoding.


The sequence AAGCTTCGTTC is found 5 places on a chromosome. It is a(n):

Repetitive DNA Element

Fungi in which hyphae are divided into distinct cells by cell walls are called what

Septate fungi


Site of photosynthesis

When using binomial nomenclature, the second term is the:

Specific Epithet

acid deposition

Sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, emitted by burning fossil fuels, enter the atmosphere-where they combine with oxygen and water to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid-and return to Earth's surface

What describes the study of evolutionary history of life on earth?


If a segment of non-coding DNA contained a sequence TTAGTTTAGTTTAGT, this is called:

Tandem Repeat

The branch of biology concerned with naming, identifying, and classifying organisms is called:


contractile vacuole

The cell structure that collects extra water from the cytoplasm and then expels it from the cell

What is the first step in the process of recombinant DNA production?

The target DNA and vector are treated with the same restriction enzyme

Which feature distinguishes the Eukarya from the other two domains?

They have membrane bound nuclei

How are organisms in a particular taxonomic category grouped together?

They share a trait or set of traits.

What is a role of the restriction enzyme?

To cut DNA


Two Cotyledons Flower Parts typically in multiples of 4 or 5 Leaves with netlike venation of vascular tissue Taproot system

How is convergent evolution best explained?

Two different species develop similar traits due to adaptation to similar environments.

A plasmid is often used in biotechnology applications as a _____ to transfer foreign genetic material.


Reptiles characteristics

Vertebrates with scaly skin Lay eggs with rubbery shells ectothermy four limbs

an obligate intracellular parasite


What features were used by Linnaeus to classify birds and crocodiles separately?

Wings & Feathers

Water mold

a funguslike protist that is composed of branching filaments of cells and parasites over dead cells


a group of fungi that form symbiotic relationships with the roots of trees


a protist that has modified mitochondria, two equal-sized nuclei, and multiple flagella; also causes giardiosis

A reproductive cell that does not need to fuse with another reproductive cell in order to develop into a new organism is called

a spore

The unicellular protists that have small sacs lying just beneath their plasma membranes are



an angiosperm with one cotyledon in each seed parallel flowers in threes or multiples of threes


an organelle that synthesizes and stores starch


an organism that feeds on or derives nourishment from decaying organic matter.

Fungi are more closely related to ___ than ___

animals; heterotrophs

Green Algae

are unicellular, however there is multicellular like seaweed

In the ascomycota, the spores released during asexual reproduction are called conidiospores and the spores released during sexual reproduction is called:


A finger like sac in a sac fungus in which nuclear fusion meiosis and ascospore production occurs during sexual reproduction is called what?


The fungae that dont have walls dividing their hyphae into distinct cellular compartments are called what?

aseptate fungi

The steps of Viral Reproduction

attachment, entry (penetration), biosynthesis, assembly (maturation), release

steps of lytic cycle

attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation, release

Fungi are more closely related to animals than plants

because they are heterotrophic

bilateral sym

bony fish

Kelp that grows along shorelines and form dense types of what?

brown algae

Asexual fungal reproductive mechanism shown by single-celled yeasts that involve a cell forming and then getting pinched off of the parent cell is called


mycorihizae are formed

by way of plant root and fungi

feeding habits of molluscs

carnivores herbivores parasites filter feeders

A pathogen is an organism that

causes disease

which terms mean headfooted and refers to the squid, nautilus, and the octopi


squids, octopi, and the natilus are members of a group of molluscs collected called the


What pigments are associated with brown algae?

chlorophyll a & c carotenoid


club fungi (mushrooms)


common molds

Asexual occurs when

conditions are favorable

Sexual occurs when

conditions are not favorable

During asexual reproduction in sac fungi, conidiospores are produced within specialized aerial hyphae called what?


During asexual reproduction in sac fungi, conidiospores are produced within specialized aerial hyphae called:


List in order

crustose fruticose follose

eye spot (stigma)

detects sources of light. It works by blocking some light sources so the euglena can tell which direction the brightest source is coming from

A stramenopile alga with valves made of silca is called a


A fungal cell that contains two separate haploid nuclei from different parental hyphae


mature mushroom


zygote in basidium


what is the shape of body leeches?

dorsoventrally flattened

Uses for diatomaceous earth

filtering agents polishing agents soundproofing material

Clams burrow by using


In most cases, during lichen production, each reproductive unit contains

fungal hyphae and algal cells

plants evolved

green algae


green algae that are the closest relatives of land plants

vascular plants that produce seeds that are not enclosed in a fruit are called


the two types of vascular plants that produce seeds are called the ___ and the ___.

gymnosperms and angiosperms

Three main stages in fungal reproduction

haploid hyphae dikaryotic stage diploid zygote

Euglenids may be

heterotrophic autotrophic


heterotrophic protists that obtain organic compounds from their environment

what are cnidarians

hydras; polyps; jellyfishes; sea anemones; corals


includes fungi, animals, nucleariids, choanoflagellates

Most ciliates

ingest their food


is made from brown algae (food additive)

radial symmetry



microscopic protozoans that cause disease in insects

the size range of annelids, or segmented worms, is from

microscopic to 4 meters

Single celled fungi that are obligate parasites to insects and vertebrates are called


What fungi are single cellular?

microsporidia chytridiomycota


moves amoeboid cells

a scientist that studies fungi


Conversion of nitrogen gas into ammonia

nitrogen fixation

The bryophytes are also referred to as

nonvascular plants

An organism that cannot grow in the presence of oxygen gas is an

obligate anaerobe

The unique molecule found in bacterial cell walls that is composed of unique combinations of sugars and amino acids:


An organism that uses photosynthesis to synthesize organic molecules using carbon dioxide and solar energy is called a(n):



photoautotrophic protists that use photosynthesis

Bacteria are classified as

prokaryotic cells

comb jellies

propelled by beating cilia, use colloblasts to capture food, and resemble jelly fish

The function of fruit is to

protect and help disperse seeds


radial symmetry; stinger bearing tentacles e.g. coral, sea anemone, jellyfish function: capture prey

Lichen characteristics, biodiversity, growth rates and reproduction

reproduction by fragmentation has a heterotrophic partners has a photosynthetic partner has a fungal partner

hairlike extensions on the lower surface of a liverwort thallus called


What club fungi parasite cereal grains?

rusts & smuts

Organisms, like fungi, that release digestive enzymes into the environment and absorb the resulting organic breakdown products are called


organisms, like fungi, that release digestive enzymes into the environment and absorb resulting organic breakdown particles are called:


a sporophyte embryo and food for that embryo within a protective coat is called a


what is the repetition of body parts along the lengths of the body called?


annelids characteristics

setae coelom segmentation

Transposons are

specific regions/sequences of DNA that can move in and between chromosomes.F



cysts within muscle tissue which contain larvae called bladder worms are formed by which group of parasitic flatworms



the eukaryotic supergroup that contains flagellated single-celled organisms with a feeding deep groove and atypical mitochondria


the group of eukaryotes that are very diverse, usually single celled, but may be multicellular or colonial


the reproductive structure where spores develop on sac fungi

Because dinoflagellates are producers

they form the bottom of the aquatic food chain

gram positive and gram negative bacteria stain differently because

they have different amounts of peptidoglycan in their cell walls

all plants have evolved from a common green algal ancestor


sponges are the only

true tissue because they have only a cellular level of organization

a gourmet mycorrhizal sac fungus which, in the past, was located by pigs is called:


Xylem is a vascular tissue that transports

water and minerals through stems from roots and leaves.

a parasitic lifestyle in flukes and tapeworms

well-developed reproductive system digestion-resistent tegument

Can the mycelium of some fungi be grown into custom shaped packing material?




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