BIO422: Lesson 1-3 (additional resources)

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Which of the following is NOT a "ciliate?" A. Stentor B. Vorticella C. Paramecium D. Trichodina E. All of the choices are classified as ciliates.

E. All of the choices are classified as ciliates.

True metamerism (segmentation) is found only in Annelida, Arthropoda, and Chordata. A. True B. False

B. False (chordata only)

What happens during conjugation in most ciliates? A. Macronuclei are formed. B. Haploid micronuclei are exchanged. C. The micronuclei disappear. D. Binary fission occurs.

B. Haploid micronuclei are exchanged.

Which tissue receives, interprets, and produces a response to stimuli? A. Muscle tissue B. Nervous tissue C. Epithelial tissue D. Connective tissue

B. Nervous tissue

Which of the following cells has multiple nuclei? A. Smooth muscle B. Adipose tissue C. Striated muscle D. Bone

C. Striated muscle

The most likely mechanism for removing excess water by contractile vacuoles is A. simple osmosis of water across the cell membrane. B. a proton pump that also pulls water into the vacuole. C. differential fluid pressure. D. an ampulla that forms suction. E. reverse osmosis.

B. a proton pump that also pulls water into the vacuole.

Which of these is an example of protoplasmic grade of organization? A. a hydra B. an amoeba C. an earthworm D. an insect

B. an amoeba

Most of the time, although they usually have other options, protozoans reproduce by A. parthenogenesis. B. asexual cell division. C. autogamy. D. fusion of gametes. E. conjugation.

B. asexual cell division

What is the specific structure in ciliates that serves as the site of expulsion for wastes called? A. phagosome B. cytoproct C. paramylon body D. lysosome E. cytostome

B. cytoproct

A blastula develops into which state as the gut cavity develops? A.It remains in the blastula stage. B. gastrula C. acoelomate D. pseudocoelomate

B. gastrula

Which of the following is NOT a function of connective tissue? A. Line body surfaces and cavities B. Bind and support body parts C. Store energy (e.g., fat) D. Produce blood cells

A. Line body surfaces and cavities

Which of the following is an example of tissue-organ grade of organization? A. a flatworm B. a jellyfish C. a colonial protozoan, such as Volvox D. a sponge

A. a flatworm

An enterocoelous animal has A. a true coelom. B. a pseudocoelom. C. no coelom. D. a false coelom.

A. a true coelom.

Animals that have one solid mass of tissue rather than tissues and organs nestled inside a body cavity are A. acoelomate. B. eucoelomate. C. pseudocoelomate. D. coelomate.

A. acoelomate.

Blood is an example of a tissue known as A. connective B. circulatory. C. epithelial. D. muscular.

A. connective

"Red tides" are caused by massive blooms of A. dinoflagellates. B. Euglena. C. sporozoans. D. ciliates. E. Plasmodia.

A. dinoflagellates

A taxon is monophyletic if it. A. includes the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group and all of its descendants. B. includes the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group and some, but not all, of its descendants. C. does not include the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group. D. excludes the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group. E. None of the choices are correct.

A. includes the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group and all of its descendants.

The distinction between phagotrophs (or holozoic feeders) and osmotrophs (or saprozoic feeders) is a difference between A. ingesting visible particles or organisms versus ingesting dissolved substances, sometimes from dead organisms. B. diffusion of food across the membrane versus engulfing food in a vacuole. C. producing your own food versus using the chemical bonds in food molecules made by others. D. eating living and eating dead organic material. E. direct transport versus indirect transport of food molecules.

A. ingesting visible particles or organisms versus ingesting dissolved substances, sometimes from dead organisms.

Mosquitoes that transmit malaria pick up what stage(s) when feeding on the blood of a patient ill with malaria? A. microgametocytes and macrogametocytes that mature into gametes in the insect host B. trophozoites in red blood cells C. sporozoites from the oocysts D. merozoites that escape from the red blood cells E. hemozoin stored in red blood cells

A. microgametocytes and macrogametocytes that mature into gametes in the insect host

Most ciliophoran protozoa A. possess a cytostome. B. are marine. C. possess flagella. D. are parasitic. E. have cyst stages for surviving harsh conditions.

A. possess a cytostome

A slice through the head that shows a sideways view of the nasal and throat passages would be on a: A. sagittal plane. B. transverse plane. C. pectoral plane. D. frontal plane

A. sagittal plane.

Protozoans in the genus Trypanosoma cause A. birth defects if infecting a woman at the appropriate stage of pregnancy. B. African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease. C. malaria in both humans and birds. D. Toxoplasmosis, often contracted from cats. E. amebic dysentery and intestinal ailments.

B. African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease

A species is synonymous with species name A. True B. False

B. False (Species name= genus + specific epithet)

What is the name of the mouth structure found at the end of the oral groove in a Paramecium ciliate? A. paramylon body B. cytostome C. cytoproct D. phagosome E. lysosome


A taxon is paraphyletic if it. A. includes the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group and all of its descendants. B. includes the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group and some, but not all, of its descendants. C. does not include the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group. D. excludes the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group. E. None of the choices are correct.

B. includes the most recent common ancestor of

Your nose would be considered A. medial, anterior, and dorsal. B. medial, anterior, and ventral C. medial, posterior, and ventral. D. lateral, anterior, and ventral.

B. medial, anterior, and ventral

The two major fluid compartments of the metazoan body are A. the extracellular space and the interstitial space. B. the extracellular space and the intracellular space. C. the extracellular space and the intercellular space. D. None of the choices are correct.

B. the extracellular space and the intracellular space

Chagas disease in the Americas is carried by A. mosquitoes. B. triatomine "kissing" bugs. C. contaminated water supplies. D. sexual contact. E. contact with cats and cat feces.

B. triatomine "kissing" bugs

The ciliate group of protists would include A. Entamoeba histolytica. B. Plasmodium vivax. C. Paramecium caudatum. D. Toxoplasma gondii. E. Amoeba proteus.

C. Paramecium caudatum.

Which is a member of the apicomplexan group of protists? A. Chlamydomonas B. Paramecium C. Plasmodium vivax D. Trypanosoma E. Amoeba proteus


Giardia lamblia causes A. malaria in both humans and birds- is carried by mosquitoes. B. Toxoplasmosis- contracted from cats. C. dysentery and intestinal ailments- is found in contaminated water. D. African sleeping sickness- is carried by the tsetse fly. E. birth defects- is caused by mosquitos.

C. Amebic dysentery

Which gives the correct sequence of increasing organizational complexity? A. Organ, tissue, cell, organ system, organism B. Cell, organ, organ system, tissue, organism C. Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism D. Organism, tissue, cell, organ system, organ

C. Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

Which of the following pairs is mismatched? A. Plasmogamy — union of two haploid cells B. Karyogamy — fusion of nucleus C. Deuteromycota — a phylum of fungi D. Anamorph — produces asexual spores E. Meiosis — cell division resulting in haploid cells

C. Deuteromycota — a phylum of fungi

Which is NOT a correct description of a member of a protozoan group? A. Usually unicellular- if multicellular, without somatic differentiation B. Usually motile C. Development involves an embryonic stage D. Mostly microscopic E. All of the choices are correct

C. Development involves an embryonic stage

Which type of tissue lines body cavities and covers body surfaces? A. Muscle tissue B. Nervous tissue C. Epithelial tissue D. Connective tissue

C. Epithelial tissue

Which of the following arthropods does NOT transmit diseases by sucking blood from a human host? A. Kissing bugs B. Lice C. Houseflies D. Mosquitoes E. Fleas

C. Houseflies

Which describes the mode of action of the causative agent of amebic dysentery? A. It invades the liver and destroys its function, thus altering the digestive system. B. It invades the brain and destroys the control center that regulates intestinal movement of food. C. It invades the intestinal lining and secretes enzymes that cause loss of fluid- it can also cause abscesses on the liver and other organs. D. It ruptures large numbers of red blood cells and the increased fluids are lost across the intestine. E. All of the choices are correct.

C. It invades the intestinal lining and secretes enzymes that cause loss of fluid- it can also cause abscesses on the liver and other organs.

Which of the following is not TRUE of a cladogram A. It is a branching diagram B. Depicts the nested hierarchy of clades within clades C. Its structure denotes only real lineages that occurred in the evolutionary past D. A cladogram may be congruent with that of a phylogenetic tree E. No answer

C. Its structure denotes only real lineages that occurred in the evolutionary past

Diploblastic organisms lack which germ layer(s)? A. Endoderm B. Ectoderm C. Mesoderm D. Mesoderm and endoderm

C. Mesoderm

Which of the following is/are correct descriptions of unicellular eukaryote characteristics? A. When found in other organisms, they are typically parasitic or pathogenic. B. They all lack symmetry. C. No germ layers are ever formed. D. They are all aquatic. E. As primitive organisms, they are restricted to asexual reproduction.

C. No germ layers are ever formed.

What are the functions of the macronucleus and one or more small micronuclei in Paramecium? A. A micronucleus is always (1n) for conjugative reproduction, the macronucleus functions for general cell coding, and the two are otherwise unrelated. B. The macronucleus undergoes meiosis to produce haploid micronuclei that are exchanged in conjugation- this then produces a micronucleus for general cell housekeeping. C. The micronucleus undergoes meiosis to produce haploid micronuclei that are exchanged in conjugation- the macronucleus is responsible for the "day-to-day" functions of the cell. D. Diploid micronuclei control the cell and the haploid macronuclei are exchanged in conjugation for reproduction. E. None of the choices is correct.

C. The micronucleus undergoes meiosis to produce haploid micronuclei that are exchanged in conjugation- the macronucleus is responsible for the "day-to-day" functions of the cell.

Some organisms undergo meiosis to produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote internally without leaving the organism. What is the effect of this process on genetic diversity of the offspring? A. The offspring could vary from the parent but there would be less genetic variation because this is inbreeding. B. The offspring would be identical clones of the parent. C. The offspring would vary from the parent because it would produce different recombinations of each chromosome pair. D. The offspring would become more and more genetically diverse each generation. E. None of the choices is correct.

C. The offspring would vary from the parent because it would produce different recombinations of each chromosome pair

A Paramecium "knows" when it has encountered a noxious substance and backs off to veer away. As a one-celled organism, how does it "know" to do this? A. The macronucleus has DNA coding that determines this reaction. B. This cell is essentially a small neuron, or nerve cell. C. This is a rather simple stimulus that changes the electrical potential difference across the cell membrane and depolarization of the membrane results in cilia reversing their direction of beating. D. The micronucleus is dedicated to controlling just such responses. E. None of the choices is correct.

C. This is a rather simple stimulus that changes the electrical potential difference across the cell membrane and depolarization of the membrane results in cilia reversing their direction of beating

What is found at the base of every flagellum or cilium? A. an axopod B. a lobopod C. a kinetosome D. a kinetid E. a kinetoplast

C. a kinetosome

Which protozoan is used to test hypotheses of how multicellular organisms arose from their closest unicellular relatives? A. microsporidians B. opalinids C. choanoflagellates D. kinetoplastans E. retortamonads

C. choanoflagellates

The classic Linnaean ranks for animals, from largest and most inclusive to smallest and least inclusive, is as follows: A. domain, kingdom-phylum-order-class-family-genus-species B. domain, kingdom-phylum-order-family-class-genus-species C. domain, kingdom-phylum-class-order-family-genus-species D. domain, kingdom-division-order-class-family-genus-species E. domain, kingdom-order-phylum-class-family-genus-species

C. domain, kingdom-phylum-class-order-family-genus-species

Cilia or flagella are resorbed and the Golgi apparatus secretes wall material during conjugation. A. intermediary meiosis. B. pseudopod streaming. C. encystment. D. formation of a contractile vacuole.

C. encystment

A protozoan with both plant-like photosynthesis and animal-like motility is most likely a A. dinoflagellate. B. sporozoan. C. euglenoid. D. ciliate. E. zooflagellate.

C. euglenoid.

A view of an x-ray looking straight at a person's lung and heart would represent a view of the A. sagittal plane. B. transverse plane. C. frontal plane. D. lateral plane.

C. frontal plane

Your fingers would be considered A. anterior and distal. B. medial and distal. C. lateral and distal. D. posterior and distal

C. lateral and distal.

Animals with organs in a cavity that is not completely lined with mesoderm are A. acoelomate. B. eucoelomate. C. pseudocoelomate. D. coelomate

C. pseudocoelomate.

Usually we expect fission to produce two cells from one, but in Sporozoea and some Sarcodina, multiple fission of the nucleus is followed by rapid division of cytoplasm, releasing many new individuals immediately in a process called A. syngamy. B. budding. C. sporogony. D. amitosis. E. autogamy.

C. sporogony.

Is a fibrous protein found in connective tissue, and probably the most abundant protein in the animal kingdom.


Vertebrates have A. bilateral symmetry. B. eucoelomate body plan. C. a tube-within-a-tube body plan. D. All of the choices are correct .

D. All of the choices are correct

Nutrition in unicellular eukaryotes is best described as A. saprozoic. B. heterotrophic. C. autotrophic. D. All of the choices is correct. E. None of the choices is correct.

D. All of the choices is correct.

Which structure is NOT correctly linked to the type of movement or podial function? A. Filopodia-thin extensions of only ectoplasm B. Axopodia-thin rods of microtubules C. Lobopodia-flow of both endoplasm and ectoplasm D. Axoneme-actin-binding protein that keeps ectoplasm from gelling E. Reticulopodia-a thin net-like mesh

D. Axoneme-actin-binding protein that keeps ectoplasm from gelling

Which of the following cannot be used as a source of phylogenetic information or zoological groups? A.Variations in shape and sizes of visible structures B. Sequences of the same amino acids or proteins C. Karyology D. None of the above

D. None of the above

Flatworms have A. radial symmetry. B. a tube-within-a-tube body plan. C. an eucoelomate body plan. D. None of the choices are correct

D. None of the choices are correct

To what extent are the cells of a colonial Volvox specialized? A. Germ cells specialize in locomotion, others in nutrition, and others in reproduction. B. The cells of Volvox are not specialized at all- all are equivalent in function and to be otherwise would make them like those of the metazoa. C. A Volvox cell alternates between first being somatic, then being reproductive. D. Somatic cells function in nutrition and locomotion while a few "germ" cells carry out reproduction. E. Volvox is like two organisms living together symbiotically: one set of cells handles nutrition and locomotion and reproduce their type- another type of cell handles sexual reproduction and reproduce their type.

D. Somatic cells function in nutrition and locomotion while a few "germ" cells carry out reproduction.

Which of the following is NOT a correct description of how the cytoplasm moves in pseudopodia? A. Myosin pulling on the edge of the gel causes contraction that forces endoplasm toward the hyaline cap. B. Actin filaments become cross-linked by an actin-binding protein forming a semisolid gel-like state called ectoplasm. C. Near the edge of the gel, calcium ions activate an actin-binding protein that releases the actin filaments from the gel. D. The nucleus codes for each movement using DNA and protein formation. E. Interaction with lipids in the cell membrane releases actin subunits and allows them to polymerize into actin microfilaments.

D. The nucleus codes for each movement using DNA and protein formation

The macronucleus of a ciliate elongates, constricts and divides without going through the mitotic stages in a process called A. budding. B. autogamy. C. sporogony. D. amitosis. E. syngamy.

D. amitosis

Haploid cells that are unequal in size, such as sperm and egg, are called A. isogametes. B. unigametes. C. autogametes. D. anisogametes. E. syngametes.

D. anisogametes

Animals with bilateral symmetry A. can be divided into similar halves by any plane through the longitudinal axis. B. are usually very slow-moving organisms. C. are relatively simple in structure. D. are better adapted for directed forward movement than radially symmetrical organisms

D. are better adapted for directed forward movement than radially symmetrical organisms

The strange case of organisms that undergo meiosis to produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote internally without leaving the organism is a process called A. zygotic meiosis. B. syngamy. C. gametic meiosis. D. autogamy. E. Conjugation

D. autogamy

Animals with organs in a cavity that is completely lined with mesoderm are A. acoelomate. B. bicoelomate. C. pseudocoelomate. D. eucoelomate

D. eucoelomate

Nervous tissue is made of A. only neurons. B. only neuroglia. C. brain cells and neurons. D. neurons and neuroglia

D. neurons and neuroglia

A phylogeny based on evolutionary theory will. A. explain variations among fossils from rock strata. B. explain similarities and differences among modern living groups. C. reflect patterns of shared and unique sections of DNA among groups of animals. D. predict how widely a medicine will be effective in humans based on its effectiveness in related animals. E. All of the above

E. All of the above

The various species of Plasmodium vary in A. the intensity of their physical symptoms. B. the number of times they initiate schizogony in liver cells. C. their incubation period. D. mortality, or risk of death, to the human host. E. All of the choices are variables in Plasmodium.


Which unicellular eukaryote is NOT correctly linked to the type of movement structure it possesses? A. Amoeboids-pseudopodia B. Paramecium-flexibility of the pellicle C. Dinoflagellates-flagella D. Ciliates-cilia E. Apicomplexa-reticulopodia

E. Apicomplexa-reticulopodia

Which protozoan group has a complicated parasitic life cycle that nearly always involves the production of infective spores? A. Zooflagellates B. Sarcodines C. Rhizopods D. Ciliates E. Apicomplexans

E. Apicomplexans

An organism that can grow photoautotrophically in the light and chemoheterotrophically in the dark. A. Plasmodial slime mold B. Phytophthora C. Oomycote D. Cellular slime mold E. Euglena

E. Euglena

All algae are A. Unicellular. B. Photoautotrophs. C. Toxic. D. Plants. E. None of the above.

E. None of the above.

Which is an example of a Ciliophoran protozoa? A. Trypanosoma B. Plasmodium C. Amoeba D. Giardia E. Paramecium

E. Paramecium

How does the mosquito transmit malaria from an ill person to a healthy person? A. Plasmodium is taken up from one person's blood and squirted back out into the next person. B. Plasmodium gametocytes are taken up from one person's blood, fuse to form a zygote that becomes a motile ookinete that enters the saliva ducts. C. Plasmodium gametocytes are taken up from one person's blood and cross into the saliva duct to be reinjected into the next person. D. Plasmodium gametocytes are sucked from one person's blood, form an oocyst that undergoes sporogony and the sporozoites migrate across the stomach lining to the saliva ducts. E. Plasmodium gametocytes are taken up from one person's blood, fuse to form a zygote that becomes a motile ookinete, that crosses the stomach wall, forms an oocyst that undergoes sporogony and the sporozoites then migrate to the saliva ducts to be injected into the human host.

E. Plasmodium gametocytes are taken up from one person's blood, fuse to form a zygote that becomes a motile ookinete, that crosses the stomach wall, forms an oocyst that undergoes sporogony and the sporozoites then migrate to the saliva ducts to be injected into the human host.

A character states are present in the common ancestor and all members of a group. A. Ancestral B. Analogous C. Cladistic D. Derived E. Synapomorphous

E. Synapomorphous

Protective cysts are triggered by A. merely being the next stage in a regular life cycle. B. decreased oxygen. C. food shortages. D. drying out. E. all of the choices are correct.

E. all of the choices are correct.

Ectoplasm A. is cytoplasm that is outside the cell membrane of protozoans. B. provides the vital force of life. C. is only found in parasitic amebas. D. is only found in spores of parasitic protozoans. E. contrasts with endoplasm- both ectoplasm and endoplasm are cytoplasmic components.

E. contrasts with endoplasm- both ectoplasm and endoplasm are cytoplasmic components

Ectoplasm A. is cytoplasm that is outside the cell membrane of protozoans. B. provides the vital force of life. C. is only found in parasitic amebas. D. is only found in spores of parasitic protozoans. E. contrasts with endoplasm- both ectoplasm and endoplasm are cytoplasmic components.

E. contrasts with endoplasm- both ectoplasm and endoplasm are cytoplasmic components.

What are long, thin pseudopodia supported by axial rods of microtubules called? A. lobopodia B. filopodia C. reticulopodia D. axopodia E. actinopodia

E. ctinopodia

The time, usually on a larger or geological time scale, that a species exists before it becomes another species or goes extinct is its. A. adaptive zone. B. reproductive cohesion. C. geographic range. D. phenetic taxonomy. E. evolutionary duration.

E. evolutionary duration.

The protozoan dictyosome is called what in other eukaryotes? A. mitochondrium B. ribosome C. plastid D. endoplasmic reticulum E. golgi apparatus

E. golgi apparatus

The most correct usage of the term "protozoa" is as a(n) A. phylum. B. class. C. synonym for Protista. D. separate kingdom. E. informal cluster of groups with complicated and uncertain phyletic relationships.

E. informal cluster of groups with complicated and uncertain phyletic relationships.

When the haploid cells or pronuclei are borne in equal-sized cells that look alike, they are called A. unigametes. B. autogametes. C. syngametes. D. anisogametes. E. isogametes.

E. isogametes.

Protist reproduction A. is always sexual with the adults being diploid. B. is always sexual with the adults being haploid. C. is always asexual and usually binary fission. D. is always sexual with alternation of haploid and diploid generations. E. may be asexual or any of the above sexual cycles.

E. may be asexual or any of the above sexual cycles.

Which organelle was once an independent aerobic prokaryote engulfed by an anaerobic prokaryote? A. endoplasmic reticulum B. plastid C. ribosome D. nucleus E. mitochondrion

E. mitochondrion

Members of Euglena have starch-like food storage material in the form of A. kinetosomes. B. flagellar bodies. C. chloroplasts. D. stigmata. E. paramylon bodies.

E. paramylon bodies

When a nucleus has chromatin that is clumped, leaving clear areas within the nucleus, the appearance is described as A. spicular. B. micronuclear. C. pellicular. D. kinetosomic. E. vesicular.

E. vesicular

What is the function of the contractile vacuole in protozoa? A. digestion B. excretion of nitrogen wastes C. respiration D. locomotion E. water balance

E. water balance

The strange case of organisms that undergo meiosis after fertilization and live out their adult life in the haploid state is a case of A. autogamy. B. conjugation. C. syngamy. D. gametic meiosis. E. zygotic meiosis.

E. zygotic meiosis

Are those animals that possess a true coelom or body cavity lined with mesodermal peritoneum

Eucoelomate bilateria

A variety of non-nervous cells that insulate neurons and serve various supportive functions


If two different taxa share common ancestry with each other more recently than either one does with any other organisms, we call them______

sister groups

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