Biology 1 Lab Midterm

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-40°F = ______°C


0.65 milliliters = ______ teaspoons


0°C = ____°F


100°C = ____°F


150 pounds = ______ kilograms


2 Liters = ______mL


3.5 meters = ______cm


35.6 gallons = ______ Liters


37°C = ____ °F


59.04 grams = ______kg


70 miles = ____ kilometers


767 nanometers = ______km


9.7 kilograms = _______g


A blue whale has 1.893x10^7 mL of blood; convert this value to standard notation


A blue whale has a mass of 130,000 kilograms. What is its mass in milligrams?


A ciliate can be 10 micrometers in length. What is its length in meters?


A lens system found beneath the stage; used to focus the light on the specimen


A nanometer is 0.0 00000001 m; convert this to scientific notation

Planes of Focus

A specific distance from the lens where the specimen can be sharply focused


Add 5.2x10^9 + 3.2x10^5


Adult humans average 5000 milliliters of blood; this equates to ____ liters.


After the image is focused with one objective, it should be in focus with others


An average human has 125 trillion cells; convert this number to scientific notation


Approximately 4.3x10^9 kg of matter is converted to energy by the sun each second; convert this number to scientific notation


Approximately how many centimeters are in 1 yard?


Approximately how many centimeters are there in 1 foot?


Approximately how many centimeters are there in 1 inch?

Uses two sets of lenses to magnify objects They are capable of a magnification range of 10-2000X and a resolution of 300 nanometers

Compound microscope

Draw Tube

Connects the ocular to the body tube


Convert 0.000000000567 to scientific notation


Convert 124.95000000 to scientific notation


Convert 2.94x10^7 to scientific notation


Convert 5.43x10^-8 to standard notation


Convert Avogadro's number (6.02x10^23) to scientific notation

Resolving Power

Depends upon the design and quality of the objective lenses. It is the ability to deliver a clear image in detail.

Glass graduated cylinders are hydrophilic. Plastic graduated cylinders are hydrophobic. Glass graduated cylinders do not deliver all of the liquid fluid in them when poured out because some of the liquid will adhere to the glass. Plastic graduated cylinders deliver all of the liquid fluid in them when poured out. Glass graduated cylinders have a curved meniscus, while a flat graduated cylinder has a flat meniscus.

Describe the difference between estimating the volume of the liquid in a graduated cylinder made of glass compared with one of plastic.

Depth of field is affected by magnification. Planes of focus is affected by light.

Discuss planes of focus and depth of field based upon your observations of both the low-power and high-power objectives.


Divide 4x10^10 / 1.9x10^5


Divide 6.8x10^-4 / 3.4x10^-2


Divide 8.8x10^12 / 4.2x10^-2


During the Carboniferous, some dragonflies had a wingspan of 70 centimeters. Convert this value to inches.

Scientific notation is useful when making very large or very small numbers, easier to read

Explain why the use of scientific notation is important.

Substage Condenser

Gathers light from the microscope light source and concentrates it into a cone of light that illuminates the specimen with uniform intensity over the entire viewfield.


Holds the nosepiece at one end and includes the draw tube


How can you determine the diameter of the field of view?


How do you find the area with a given diameter?


How many centimeters are found on a meter stick?


How many centimeters are found on a metric ruler?


If a scanning objective is used, what is the total magnification of a microscope?


If an average cow produces 60 L of saliva daily, how many gallons does this equal?

17280o 1.728x10^5

If an average person produces 2 million red blood cells per second, how many red blood cells will be produced in a 24 hour period? Express the value in both standard and scientific notation.


If an average woman's brain has a mass of 1450 grams, what is its equivalent in pounds?


If the average human heart has a mass of about 300 grams, what is its mass in milligrams?


If the sun is 1.5x10^3 km from earth, how long does it take white to strike the earth when traveling at 3.0x10^5 km/sec.?

Length= mm, cm, m, km Mass= mg, g, kg Volume= ml, cm, l, m Temperature= °C

Indicates the standard units of measuring length, mass, volume, and temperature in the metric system.


Liquid nitrogen is nitrogen cold enough to exist in the liquid form. It has a boiling point of -320.4°F. Convert this value to °C.


Lower lenses attached to the nosepiece. The magnification of each objective is stamped on the housing of the objective. The magnification may vary with different brands. Never touch the objective lenses.


Multiply (2.6x10^-4) x (1.5x10^-4)


Multiply (3.6x10^5) x (2.1x10^6)


Multiply (5.8x10^8) x (3.3x10^-5)


Platform on which slides are placed. Stage clips secure the slide.

Iris Diaphragm

Regulates light entering the microscope; usually is controlled by a mechanical lever or rotating disk


Revolves and holds the objectives. When changing objectives, always turn the nose piece instead of using the objectives themselves. The objectives click into place when properly aligned.

Provides a three dimensional use of objects and has a greater depth of focus It is capable of magnifications from 10-500,000X and a resolution of 5-10 nm The SEM is useful in studying the surface features of specimens

Scanning electron microscope (SEM)


Serves as a handle

Light Source (Illuminator)

Serves as the source of illumination for the microscope.


Some individuals with diabetes insipidus can produce as much as 15 Liters of urine a day. This value equates to _______ milliliters.


Some redwood trees have a diameter of 11 m. What is the diameter in feet?


Subtract 7.3x10^5 - 2.1x10^2


The approximate number of stars in the Milky Way is 2.0x10^13; convert this value to standard notation

Field of View

The circular fields you see when you look through the ocular


The curved upper surface of a liquid in a tube

Working Distance

The distance between the objective lens and the specimen


The product of the power of the ocular and the power of the objective


The supportive portion of the microscope, which rests on the laboratory table

Depth of Field

The thickness of the specimen in focus at any one time

Ocular (eyepiece)

The uppermost lens or series of lenses through which a specimen is beautiful. Most oculars have a magnification of 10X.

Decrease it

To increase your depth of field, what must you do to the magnification?

To the right and forward

To move a specimen to the upper left-hand field of view, which way most one move the slide?

Uses extremely thin sections of specimens to do with heavy-metal salts and is capable of magnifications of 200-1,000,000X The TEM has a resolution of 0.1 nm because of the shorter the wavelength of the electron beam This instrument is used to study the ultrastructure of cells and certain biochemicals

Transmission electron microscope (TEM)

Low-power Objective

Used for course and preliminary focusing; magnifies an object approximately 10X

High-power Objective

Used for final and fine focusing, magnifies an object approximately 43X or 45X.

Scanning Objective

Used for viewing larger specimens or searching for a specimen; The shortest objective usually magnifies an object 4X or 5X.

Course-adjustment Knob

Used to adjust the microscope on scanning and low-power only

Fine-adjustment Knob

Used to adjust the specimen into final focus

Oil-immersion Objective

Uses the optical properties of immersion oil to help magnify a specimen. Oil immersion objectives are capable of magnification of 93X, 95X, or 100X. Care should be taken with oil immersion objectives in that the oil should not be allowed to build up on the objective or contaminate other objectives. After use, the oil immersion objectives and slide should be thoroughly wiped off and cleaned.

Meters, Grams, Liters

What are the three main units of measure for the metric system?

In scientific notation, a negative exponent signifies that the number is small in value. Also, it signifies that the number was originally a decimal that needed to be simplified.

What does a negative exponent signify in scientific notation?

It decreases

What happens to the amounts of the lights when the magnification is increased?

A completed metric system of units of measurement for science

What is the SI system?

They are typically higher correction can have working numerical apertures up to 1.40

What is the advantage of an oil immersion objective?

The metric system uses metric units such as meter, kilogram, ampere, and more. Also, the metric system uses units of 10 when simplifying very large and/or very small numbers. Another advantage would be that every country in the world uses the system with the same symbols.

What is the advantage of using the metric system?

Revolve the nose piece until you hear and feel it be clicked into the desired position

What is the proper way to move the revolving nosepiece?

When you are trying to bring the specimen into focus

When should you use the course adjustment?

When studying, observing, or trying to focus on a specimen

When will an understanding of planes of focus and depth of field be valuable in the laboratory?

Oil immersion

Which objective lens will give you the greatest resolving power?

It is done this way so that air bubbles can be avoided and the specimen can be viewed clearly

Why do you place the coverslip at a 45° angle?

A standard unit of measurement is necessary because scientists all around the globe need to be able to understand data or information

Why is a standard unit of measurement necessary in science and industry?

Taring a balance is important because when you're weighing an object, you are looking for an accurate number. If a balance is not set to zero, the entire calculations may be incorrect.

Why is taring a balance important?

It decreases

With increased magnification, what happens to the field of view?

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