Biology 1: Nucleic Acids

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A similar analysis of large sets of proteins including their sequences is called ___________


Analyzing large sets of genes or even comparing whole genomes of different species is called ________

hydrogen bond

Bases along one DNA strand ________________ to bases along the other strand.

base sequences

DNA sequencing: Once the structure of DNA and its relationship to amino acid sequence was understood, biologists sought to "decode" genes by learning their ______ ____________

bacteriophage ms2

First sequenced - ____________ _______ (ssRNA virus, 1 chromosome, 3,569 bases)

thymine, uracil

In RNA, _______ is replaced by ________ (U) soA and U pair

a to t, g to c

The functional groups hanging off the base determine which bases pair up:(letters)

human genome project

The rapid development of faster and less expensive methods of sequencing was a side effect of the ______ ________ ________

molecular genealogy

We can extend the concept of __________ __________to relationships between species

information storage

What's the function of nucleic acids?

double helix

While DNA always exists as a _______ ________,RNA molecules are more variable in form


_______ is single stranded


_______________ uses computer software and other computational tools to deal with the data resulting from sequencing many genomes.

gene, polypeptide

a ________ is a specific stretch of dna that programs the amino acid sequence of a ____________

sugar phosphate backbone

dehydration reactions also form a:

sugar, phosphate

dehydration reactions also form covalent bonds between the _______ of one nucleotide and the __________ of the next


during transcription, A becomes ___


during transcription, G becomes ___ and ___ becomes G


during transcription, T becomes ___

five carbon sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogen containing base

each nucleotide has 3 parts:


nucleic acids are polymers made from monomers called ________

protein language

the chemical code of dna must be translated from nucleic acid language to ______ _________


the gene undergoes transcription (dna) and then translation (mrna) to create the ________(single bubbles are amino acids)

dehydration reactions

these link nucleotide monomers into long chains called polynucleotides

the polynucleotide strands

this is a chart of:

double helix

two strands of dna join together to form a _____ _________

dna and rna

what are the two types of nucleic acids?

phosphate group

what is this?


what is this?

rna nucleotide

what is this?


what is this?

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