Biology 1002 Chapter 45

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All of the following are included in the male parts of a flower EXCEPT A) stamens. B) ovules. C) pollen. D) anthers.


Conifers do not have flowers to attract pollinators. Instead, fertilization occurs A) via wind pollination. B) as the sperm and egg unite inside the woody cone. C) when the endosperm takes the place of the male gametes. D) when insects coated with pollen are trapped in the sticky resin. E) when birds transfer pollen in their droppings after eating the pine seeds.


Flowers are made of modified __________. a. sepals b. leaves c. stigmas d. fruits


If you have seasonal allergies, or "hay fever," you are essentially allergic to some kinds of plant ____________. a. Nectar b. Pollen c. Eggs d. Sporophyte


In flowering plants, the sperm does not have to swim to the egg. The sperm reaches the eggs by A) wind pollination. B) a pollen tube. C) burrowing through the embryo sac wall. D) cell division within the spore case. E) digestion of the seed coat.


In the life cycle of a plant, spores are produced by the __________. a. gametes b. sporophyte c. eggs d. gametophyte


The integuments mature to become the __________. a. fruit flesh b. seed coat c. food for the embryo d. embryo


The sporophyte produces A) spores by mitosis. B) spores by meiosis. C) gametes by mitosis. D) gametes by meiosis. E) gametes by mitosis, followed by meiosis


Which of the following is/are specialized to receive pollen? a. filament b. stigma c. sepals d. ovary


Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) When mature, the carpel will become the seed and the anther will become the fruit. B) When mature, the ovules will become seeds and the ovary will develop into a fruit. C) When mature, the stamen will become the seed and the stigma will become the fruit. D) The filament and anther enclose the stigma and style. E) The style, which is vase-shaped, contains the ovary, stigma, and anther.


Which of the following structures is/are the first to emerge from the seed? a. cotyledons b. root c. hypocotyl d. leaves


A pollen grain is actually the A) male gametophyte. B) female gametophyte. C) combination of male and female gametophytes. D) megaspore mother cell. E) primitive egg cell, which will develop into the embryo.


An incomplete flower A) lacks one or more of the four basic floral parts. B) remains in the bud stage and does not bloom. C) produces sterile seeds. D) manufactures infertile pollen. E) is incapable of self-fertilization.


An oak tree is a A) sporophyte. B) gametophyte. C) gamete. D) spore. E) zygote.


Before it is carried to the flower of another plant, the pollen grain is created within the __________, which is part of the __________. a. anther; stamen b. stigma; carpel c. ovule; ovary d. ovary; ovule


In plants, the gametophyte produces eggs and sperm by __________. a. mitosis b. meiosis c. spore formation d. fertilization


Meiosis produces a ________, which eventually gives rise to an egg in an unfertilized seed. A) microspore B) pollen tube C) sporophyte D) megaspore E) sepal


Spores and gametes are both haploid reproductive cells. What is the difference between the two? A) Spores germinate and grow into a multicellular haploid gametophyte, and gametes fuse to form a diploid zygote. B) Spores fuse to form a diploid zygote that eventually becomes the sporophyte, gametes. C) Spores are found only in plants that reproduce asexually, and gametes are found only in plants that reproduce sexually. D) Gametes germinate and grow into a multicellular haploid gametophyte, and spores carry out fertilization.


The endosperm of the seed functions to __________. a. provide nutrients to the growing embryo b. develop into the new plant c. provide protection for the growing embryo d. aid in seed dispersal


The first leaves produced by an embryo while still inside the seed are A) cotyledons. B) endosperms. C) embryo sacs. D) coleoptiles. E) epicotyls.


The function of the cotyledons while inside the dicot seed is to __________. a. absorb stored nutrients and transfer them to the embryo and growing seedling b. protect the embryo c. photosynthesize to provide food for the dormant embryo d. help with seed dispersal


Which of the following is NOT part of the carpel? a. anther b. style c. ovary d. stigma


Which of the following is true of double fertilization? a. One sperm fuses with the egg to form a zygote, and a second sperm fuses with two nuclei in the central cell to form the endosperm. b. One sperm fuses with the tube cell to form the embryo, and a second sperm fuses with a generative cell to form the endosperm. c. The first fertilization event results in the production of a zygote. A second fertilization event occurs several days or weeks later to produce a second zygote, which degenerates to the endosperm. d. Double fertilization is a rare event in flowering plants that results in the production of two identical embryos.


Which type of plant will shoot sticky seeds more than 60 feet away from the parent plant? a. dwarf mistletoe b. dandelion c. coconut d. foxtail


________ results in the production of spores in flowering plants. A) Fertilization B) Germination C) Meiosis D) Spermatogenesis E) Mitosis


A plant, such as an iris, that reproduces asexually most of the time probably A) is found in a changing environment. B) produces offspring that move into new environments. C) lacks the ability to make flowers. D) forms spores. E) has offspring that live in the same environment as the parents.


Flowers evolved to ___________ a. Attract people b. Make the environment beautiful c. Attract pollinators d. Attract the sperm to the egg


Many "vegetables," such as squash and tomatoes, are actually fruits because they __________. a are too sweet to be true vegetables b. are too brightly colored to be vegetables c. develop from the ovary of the flower d. develop from the ovule in a flower


Put the life cycle of the plant in order starting with the sporphyte a. Sporophyte, zygote, haploid plants (gametophytes), gamete production, meiosis, haploid spores, sporophyte b. Sporophyte, haploid spores, haploid plants (gametophytes) gamete production, zygote, meiosis, sporophyte c. Sporophyte, meiosis, haploid spores, haploid plants (gametophytes), gamete production, zygote, sporophyte d. Sporophyte, meiosis, haploid plants (gametophytes), gamete production, haploid spores, zygote, sporophyte


The first leaflike structures to emerge from the seed are __________. a. true leaves b. cotyledons c. coleoptiles d. endosperm


The megaspore is contained within the __________, which is located inside the __________. a. anther; stamen b. stigma; carpel c. ovule; ovary d. ovary; ovule


The principal function of the petals of a flower is to __________. a. produce the female gametophyte b. produce pollen grains c. attract pollinators d. protect the flower body


What happens to the megaspore mother cell contained inside an ovary? a. Nothing. The megaspore is eventually fertilized by a pollen grain. b. The megaspore cell develops into a series of layers called integuments. c. The megaspore cell divides meiotically to produce four haploid megaspores. d. The megaspore cell divides meiotically to produce the sperm cells.


When you eat a peach, the delicious part you are eating is the __________. a. Cotyledon b. Seed c. Ovary d. Megaspore


Which of the following is a way that milkweed plants disperse their seeds? a. They have tasty fruits that entice animals to eat them. b. They have sticky burrs that attach to animal fur. c. They have lightweight structures that are carried by wind. d. They have seeds that can explode from the parent plant.


Which of the following is/are the outermost structure(s) of the flower? a. stamen b. stigma c. sepals d. ovary


________ are modified leaves that are often brightly colored and scented to attract pollinators. A) Filaments B) Anthers C) Petals D) Stigma E) Sepals


A flowering plant produces pollen in the A) stigma. B) ovule. C) fruit. D) anther. E) style.


A pollen grain produces three different nuclei. The tube cell nucleus is one. What is the function of the other two nuclei? a. One nucleus will fertilize the egg, and the other will fertilize a synergid. b. One nucleus will fertilize the egg, and the other will direct the growth of the pollen tube. c. One nucleus will fertilize the egg, and the other is used as a spare. d. One nucleus will fertilize the egg, and the other will unite with two nuclei within the central cell.


A seed has each of the following EXCEPT a(n) __________. a. embryonic plant b. food source c. seed coat d. stoma


Flowers may attract pollinators by __________. a. the production of nectar b. the production of an odor c. the production of pollen d. the production of nectar, odor, and pollen


Flowers that make pollen, but not ovules, lack A) petals. B) sepals. C) stamens. D) carpels. E) filaments.


Fruit flesh is derived from the __________ and functions to __________. a. ovary; supply nutrients to the growing embryo b. endosperm: protect the developing embryo c. ovule; supply nutrients to the growing embryo d. ovary; supply nutrients to animals, which, in turn, disperse seeds


Grass flowers lack petals and sepals. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) These flowers are pollinated at night, so they don't benefit from showy petals or sepals. B) They are pollinated by flies, which don't require showy, scented petals. C) They are imperfect flowers lacking stamen or carpals. D) They are incomplete flowers lacking one or more floral parts.


In the alternation of generations, what is formed when a spore germinates? A) A plant that produces spores when mature. B) An increased number of spores. C) A plant that meiotically produces sex cells. D) A haploid stage called the gametophyte. E) A haploid stage called the sporophyte.


The male gametes of flowering plants are contained within the __________. a. seed b. stigma c. ovule d. pollen grain


The process by which the embryonic plant within the seed grows, breaks out of the seed, and forms a seedling is known as __________. a. pollination b. fertilization c. alternation of generations d. germination


The sexual life cycle of plants is described as alternation of generations because it alternates between A) male plants and female plants. B) reproductive plants and vegetative plants. C) eggs and sperm. D) sporophytes and gametophytes. E) flowers and spores.


The three most common requirements to break dormancy include __________. a. moisture, exposure to cold, and disruption of the seed coat b. drying, exposure to heat, and disruption of the seed coat c. drying, exposure to cold, and maintenance of the seed coat d. drying, exposure to cold, and disruption of the seed coat


What are some of the mechanisms that plants have developed to protect growth of structures during germination? a. covering the delicate tips of structures growing through soil with protective caps b. extending the period of dormancy c. bending the growing shoot so that the apical meristem is not used to push through the dirt d. both covering the delicate tips of structures growing through the soil with protective caps and bending the growing shoot so that the apical meristem is not used to push through the dirt


What are the results of double fertilization? A) Diploid zygote and diploid endosperm B) Egg cell and sperm cell C) Embryo sac and pollen sac D) Triploid endosperm and diploid zygote E) A zygote and an embryo


What type of cellular division is occurring within the pollen sac of the anther? a. binary fission b. conjugation c. mitosis d. meiosis


When a bee gets nectar from a flower, the bee picks up pollen from the __________ and carries it to another flower. a. stigma b. ovary c. sepals d. anther e. filament


All of these flower structures are modified leaves EXCEPT A) petals. B) carpels. C) sepals. D) stamens. E) pollen.


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