Biology 1005 Chapter 7 Darwinian Evolution

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Which process causes the appearance of new alleles in a population?


All organisms with eukaryotic cells are grouped in domain _____.


Which of the following is a consequence of natural selection?


What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution?

Microevolution refers to change within a population or species; macroevolution refers to change above the species level that can produce new species.

What is genetic drift?

A change in allele frequency due to chance

Can you identify the process by which natural selection acts on an insect population exposed to pesticides?

1. *Environmental Change*Pesticide is applied to a population of insects 2. *Selective Pressure*Some insects have a gene that makes them resistant to the pesticide. These insects survive. Insects without the gene die. 3. *Change in Population*The surviving insects reproduce. The frequency of resistant insects in the population increases.

The biological species concept fails to recognize species of __________.


In the modern system for classifying life used by many biologists, the three domains are __________.

bacteria, archaea, eukarya

Two individuals from different populations attempt to mate but are unable to successfully coordinate the mating dance. This is an example of a __________ isolating mechanism.


The term allopatric speciation is best defined as __________.

speciation that occurs as a result of geographic separation

The term sympatric speciation is best defined as __________.

speciation that occurs in the absence of geographic separation

The emergence of very diverse species of house pets (birds, domestic dogs) is an example of __________.


The correct order, from least to most inclusive, of the classification categories is __________.

species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain

On official documents, you are asked to give your first and last names. Which name is analogous to a genus, and which to a species name?

First name is analogous to species; last name is analogous to genus.

Crossing a male horse and a female donkey produces a mule. Mules are an example of __________.

hybrid weakness

The biological species concept applies only to breeding populations __________.

in nature

According to the biological species concept, a species is composed of __________.

individuals capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring

The most inclusive category among the following is __________.


Can you identify the mechanisms of evolution illustrated by each of these examples?

1. Gene Flow 2. Bottleneck effect 3. bottleneck effect 4. gene flow 5. sexual selection 6. founder effect

Guided Video Tour: Unequal reproductive success leads to natural selection *Part B* Due to natural selection, populations undergo unequal survival and reproductive success. Drag each description of bacterial drug resistance to the correct picture in the figure.

A. A random mutation gives a bacterium resistance to an antibiotic B. When the antibiotic is introduced, the environment changes C. Only a few bacteria survive exposure to the antibiotic, including the one with resistance. D. The bacteria that survived exposure to the antibiotic reproduce. E. The population changes over time as bacteria resistant to the antibiotic outcompete the non-resistant bacteria.

The process of macroevolution refers to major evolutionary changes over time, through which new types of organisms originate from previously existing, but different, ancestors.

A. Speciation B. Diversification C. Mass Extinctions D. Branching E. Nonbranching F. Novel Features G. Fossil Record

What type of supportive evidence for evolution has been obtained from comparing the forelimbs of different mammals?

Anatomical homology

Kingdom _____ consists of multicellular eukaryotes that obtain their food by ingesting (eating) other organisms.


_____ are the most diverse and widespread prokaryotes.


Can you rank the levels of the taxonomic hierarchy from most inclusive to least inclusive?

Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species

Kingdom _____ includes eukaryotic organisms that mostly decompose organic wastes and absorb nutrients into their cells.


__________ proposed that species evolved by the inheritance of characteristics acquired by their parents.


__________ proposed that geological processes are still ongoing.


Kingdom _____consists of multicellular eukaryotes that produce their food by photosynthesis.


_____ are a diverse collection of mostly single-celled eukaryotes, which are sorted into several kingdoms to reflect their evolutionary relationships.


Most of the prokaryotes known as _____ live in extreme environments, such as salty lakes.


Can you organize these terms that describe key ideas about evolution? Darwin's theory of evolution

a. Diversity b. Natural Selection c. living species d. ancestral species e. heritable variations in a population f. greater reproductive success g. evolutionary adaptations

Natural selection is best described as __________.

differential (unequal) survival and reproduction

Organisms with prokaryotic cells are separated into two _____, Bacteria and Archaea.


Interpreting Data: Radiometric Dating *Part A:*After 17.1 thousand years, what percentage of the original carbon-14 would be left in an organism's remains? *Part B:*French scientists used carbon-14 dating to determine the age of prehistoric wall paintings in the Niaux caves . They determined that the paintings were made using natural dyes approximately 13 thousand years ago.

*Part A:* 12.5% *Part B:* • In another 5.7 thousand years, the Niaux cave paintings will contain half as much carbon-14 as they currently do. • Cave paintings that are 7.3 thousand years old would contain twice as much carbon-14 as the Niaux cave paintings.

Can you identify which of the following groups of organisms are, or are not, populations?

*Population* -Group of American bison -northern cardinals *NOT a Population* -group of callope hummingbirders - rainbow trout - American bison & grey wolves *Can't Tell* - all the whales

Can you identify which mechanism of evolution is at work in each scenario shown below?

A. gene flow B. natural selection C. Natural selection D. Genetic drift E. Natural selection

Of the following evolutionary forces, which consistently pushes populations toward a better "fit" with their environments?

Natural selection

You take a job as a research assistant at one of the richest fossil fields ever to be discovered. On your first day, you discover a new species, Neko borgus, that bears similarities to the modern, domesticated cat. You now begin the task of grouping your many fossils. Can you determine which examples are from the same species by using the biological species concept?

No, because you cannot determine the potential for interbreeding between samples.

The evolution of mammals after the extinction of dinosaurs around 65 million years ago is an example of adaptive radiation. In adaptive radiation, __________.

one or a few species diversify into a large and varied group of descendant species

Prior to Darwin, ideas about how organisms came into being were mostly based on __________.

religious beliefs

Anatomical structures such as the tailbones of humans are not critical to survival but may be very important to other animals, such as our primate relatives. In humans, the tailbone could be considered __________.


Guided Video Tour: Unequal reproductive success leads to natural selection *Part A* Which of the following conditions are required for evolution to occur?

• Traits must be heritable. • Individuals within a population must vary in their ability to compete for resources. • Resources in the environment must be limited.

*HHMI Video: Popped Secret* *Part A:* George Beadle concluded that teosinte is the likely ancestor of maize (corn), even though the two plants appear very different. What evidence did Dr. Beadle collect that led to his conclusion? *Part B:* Dr. Beadle planted about 50,000 seeds from the second cross. About 100 of these F2 offspring looked like teosinte, and about 100 like maize. Based on this result, how many genes did Dr. Beadle conclude could account for the differences between maize and teosinte? *Part C:* Dr. Beadle planted about 50,000 seeds from the second cross. About 100 of these F2 offspring looked like teosinte, and about 100 like maize. *Part D:* Scientists working in the fields of both genetics and archaeology have made discoveries that help us understand the origin of maize. Which statement(s) best reflect the way(s) each discipline's work support evidence generated by the other? *Part E:* Teosinte kernels are covered in a hard fruitcase, whereas maize kernels are "naked." What happened when Dr. Doebley's team introduced maize's version of the fruitcase gene into teosinte plants? *Part F:* In which situation can just a few genes dramatically change an organism's entire appearance?

*Part A:* • teosinte and maize can produce fertile hybrids • teosinte and maize have similar chromosomes *Part B:* • Four or five *Part C:* • maize is most closely related to a teosinte variety in the Balsas region of Mexico • maize originated from a variety of teosinte that existed about 9,000 years ago *Part D:* • Genetics data pinpointed the likely location of the earliest maize domestication, which allowed archaeologists to find fossil evidence of early maize in caves. • Geneticists used DNA data to determine how long ago maize was domesticated. Archaeologists then verified the conclusion by dating maize microfossils. *Part E:* • the teosinte kernels were partially exposed *Part F:* • when the genes each control the expression of many other genes

Everyday Biology: A Future Without Antibiotics? *Part A:* Over time, bacteria have become increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Which of the following best explains this in terms of natural selection? *Part B:* Which of the following correctly describes what the video referred to as a "microbial cure"? *Part C:* In the projected video showing the growth of bacteria, why did the bacteria grow up to the edge of the area with antibiotics, pause, then continue to grow across the area with antibiotics? *Part D:* Which of the following contributes the LEAST to the problem of antibiotic resistance? *Part E:* A particular antibiotic kills 99% of a bacterial population. What will be the result of the continued application of this antibiotic? *Part F:* What is the concern about using antibacterial and antimicrobial soaps? *Part G:* In the video, what does the UK's Chief Medical Officer suggest for promoting the development of new antibiotics?

*Part A:* Bacteria that happen to have natural resistance to antibiotics survived and reproduced. *Part B:* Antibiotics are used to kill all of the infectious bacteria in a person. *Part C:* A few bacteria experienced random mutations in their DNA, which allowed some of them to grow even though antibiotics were present. *Part D:* taking the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor *Part E:* Over time, the antibiotic will become less effective at killing the bacteria. *Part F:* The use of any chemical that kills bacteria can eventually lead to resistance to that chemical in the population of bacteria. *Part G:* encouraging big pharmaceutical companies to start investing again in new drug research and development

Video Tutor Session Quiz: Phylogenetic Trees *Part A:* What does the leftmost point of this figure represent? *Part B:* Which numbered point on the tree represents the most recent common ancestor of crocodiles, dinosaurs, and birds? *Part C:* According to this phylogenetic tree, which type of organisms is most closely related to Saurichian dinosaurs? *Part D:* What is represented along the X axis of this phylogenetic tree? *Part E:* Over time, the DNA sequences of organisms become more and more different from the DNA sequences of their ancestors. If you were to compare DNA sequences among the six groups of organisms shown here, which group of organisms would you predict would have sequences most different from the other 5?

*Part A:*The species that is a common ancestor to all species shown on the tree *Part B:*2 *Part C:* Birds *Part D:* Time *Part E:* lizards and snakes

Can you match the evolutionary examples with the correct mechanism of speciation?

*Sympatric Speciation* - self fertilization - Medium size ground finches - Small fish *Allopatric Speciation* - Abert's squirrels - a population of ants - pine forests

Can you identify the type of evidence for evolution illustrated by each example?

1. bioinformatics 2.fossil record 3.comparative anatomy 4. biogeography 5. Fossil record 6. bioinformatics 7. biogeography

Can you identify the reproductive barrier illustrated by each example?

1. mechanical incompatibility 2. hybrid weakness 3. habitat isolation 4. mechanical incompatibility 5. behavioral isolation 6. gametic incompatibility 7. Behaviorial isolation

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