Biology 102 Chapter 3

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self pollination or mating with plants that have undergone similiar polyploidy

plants with polyploidy can only reproduce with what?

barriers that allow a zygote to form but do not produce viable fertile adults

what are post-zygotic barriers

reduced hybrid viability, reduced hybrid fertility, hybrid breakdown

what are the three types of post-zygotic barriers

polyploidy, habitat differentiation, sexual selection

what are the three ways sympatric speciation can occur

an area in which members of different species mate and produce hybrids

what is a hybrid zone

when two populations of the same species become geographically isolates from one another due to a physical barrier eventually causing the gene flow between them to be interrupted

what is allopatric speciation

ancestral fish population was split into two by the formation of the isthmus of panama about 3.5 million years ago

what is an example of allopatric speciation

Maggot flies once fed solely on Hawthorn trees, but then as apple trees were introduced, certain populations of flies started to feed on apple trees only. Now, the two populations of flies do not interbreed.

what is an example of habitat differentiation

sperm of one species is not able to fertilize eggs of another species

what is gametic isolation

the apperance of new ecological niches

what is habitat differentiation

the first generation is alive and fertile but the second generation fails

what is hybrid breakdown

physical differences can prevent successful mating

what is mechanical isolation

a random event that leads to the presence of extra sets of chromosomes due to accidents during cell division

what is polyploidy

speciation happening suddenly over a short period of time

what is punctuated equilibrium

the existence of biological barrier that impede two species from producing viable fertile offspring

what is reproductive isolation

a form of natural selection in which individualds with certain heritable characyeristics are more likely than other individuals to obtain mates

what is sexual selection

speciation that occurs without the presence of a physical barrier

what is sympatric speciation

in plants

where does polyploidy most often occur

in geographically overlapping populations

where does sympatric speciation occur

the interruption of gene flow causes the population to evolve independent of one another

why does allopatric speciation occur

hybrids are better fit than purebreed species

why does fusion of barriers occur

neither purebreed species of hybrids are distinctively better

why does stability of barriers occur

a group of populations whose memebers have the potential to interbreed and produce viable fertile offspring

According to the biological species concept, what is a species

a reproductive barrier needs to interrupt gene flow between the existing species

What has to happen in order for speciation to take place

if speciation happens very slowly over several thousand generations

What is a gradual pattern of speciation

the flightless birds found on the galapagos islands

What is an example of speciation

Courtship rituals and other behaviors unique to a species make them not able to mate together

What is behavioral isolation

when species are in different habitats so they never encounter eachother and cant mate

What is habitat isolation

the hybrid is able to develop but are sterile

What is reduced hybrid fertility

the hybrid cannot stay alive

What is reduced hybrid viability

the process by which one speccies splits into two or more species is called speciation

What is speciation

When species are out at different times of the day, different seasons or different years so they don't encounter eachother and can't mate

What is temporal isolation

4,000-40 million years

What is the interval between speciation events

When hybrids are less fit than purebreed species

Why does reinforcement of barriers occur

Isolated from the rest despite the absence of physical barriers because other plants can no longer cross-pollinate to make offsprings with a plant with abnormal chromosomal numbers

after polyploidy happens in a plant, that plants end up being what?

prezygotic barriers, postzygotic barriers

What are the two types of reproductive barriers?

allopatric speciation and sympatric speciation

What are the two types of speciation?

peacocks with elaborate tails, elephants seals fighting over territories, and fruit flies performing dances

What are examples of sexual selection

barrier that block fertilization from occuring or prevent a zygote from forming

What are prezygotic barriers

habitat isolation , temporal isolation, behavioral isolation, mechanical isolation, gametic isolation

What are the five types of prezygotic barriers

reinforcement, fusion, stability

What are the three possible outcomes when closely related species meet in a hybrid zone

gradual pattern and punctuated equilibrium

What are the two rates of speciation

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