Biology 1409 - Lesson Exam 4

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The spinal cord is part of the

Central Nervous System

What happens during parturition?

A baby is born

Which nervous system division controls involuntary actions?

Autonomic Nervous System

Which of these statements is true?

Both eggs and sperm are produced by meiosis

B cells and T cells are


Some adult weight lifters dope with human growth hormone. What effect would this have on their bodies?

they would gain muscle

Which component of the eye contains the photoreceptors?


A molecule that stimulates an immune system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a(n)


Which of the following is not controlled by the somatic nervous system?


The main neurotransmitter in the sensory-somatic nervous system is ____ .


An exaggerated attack on a harmless antigen by an overly sensitive immune system is termed a(n)


When a nerve impulse travels from one neuron to another it follows this path:

axon, synapse, dendrite

Bacteria reproduce by _____

binary fission

The placenta is part of the _____ body.

both the mother's and the fetus's

As the fertilized egg continues to develop in humans, a neural tube is formed. This neural tube will continue to develop and become the _____ .

brain and spinal column

The _____ is the most ancient part of the brain. It coordinates motor control signals sent from the brain to the body. It controls several important functions of the body including alertness, arousal, breathing, blood pressure, digestion, heart rate, swallowing, walking, and sensory and motor information integration.


Corals and hydras can reproduce by producing an outgrowth which becomes a new individual. This form of reproduction is known as _____ .


Non-mammals, such as birds and reptiles, have a common body opening, called a _____ for the digestive, excretory and reproductive systems


In a process called _____, an army of plasma cells and memory cells are produced from properly stimulated B cells.

clonal selection

When activated, __________ trigger(s) a chain reaction that punctures bacterial cell membranes.

complement proteins

Which part of a neuron receives the nerve impulse from another neuron?


A phagocyte is a cell that

engulfs other cells and debris.

White blood cells are produced

from bone marrow stem cells.

What is the first stage in human development in which there are three germ layers?


The "master cells" of the immune system that initiate and coordinate the adaptive immune response are

helper T cells

When we compare the testes with the ovary, the penis with the clitoris, and the scrotum with the labia, we say that each pair is _____ .


The phospholipid membrane that is the cell membrane of the neuron is slightly electrically negative. One side is more negative than the other when the neuron is at rest, not transmitting a nerve impulse. Which side is more negative at rest?

inner surface

A primary antigen-presenting cell, a cell that presents an antigen that activates a helper T cell, is a


A person who is an organ transplant recipient must take immune suppressant drugs for the rest of his/her life because the donated organ will have a different ____

major histocompatability complex

A cell that does not circulate in blood, but instead settles in tissues near the skin and in the digestive tract, producing and releasing histamine when tissue is damaged is a(n)

mast cell

When someone has been knocked unconscious or falls and hits his heat and then "sees stars," an injury to what part of his brain accounted for "seeing stars"? (The text gave you enough information to figure this one out.)


Which can be a target of autoimmune disease but is not considered to be a major part of the immune system itself?


Once a stressful situation is over and we calm down and can once again do things like digest our food it is because the ______ nervous system is operating.


If you see a patient who is losing bone calcium, what gland might be overactive in the patient?


Which of these forms of reproduction requires an egg?


Birds manage to have internal fertilization without a/an _____ .


The endocrine gland that produces melatonin is the

pineal gland

The _____ controls motor reflexes. These reflexes are quick, unconscious movements—like automatically removing a hand from a hot object.

spinal cord

Which of these hormones are produced by human males?

All of these Answers: gonadotropin-releasing hormone follicle stimulating hormone luteinizing hormone

A human embryo develops into a male due to a hormone secreted by _____ .

the embryo/fetus

An immunodeficiency means that ____.

the immune system lacks one or more essential components

How does the sensory system interact with the nervous system?

the sensory system helps the nervous system detect environmental stimuli that it may respond accordingly

Which of the following actions is not a fight or flight response?

Decreased respiration

If a child is born on December 25 what is the most likely date of its conception?

March 25

What nervous system structure is responsible for transmitting messages from the spinal cord to the muscles?

Motor Neurons

What structure of the neuron both increases the speed of a nerve impulse and allows the neuron to function with less energy cost?

Nodes of Ranvier

Which of these statements about menopause and post-menopause is FALSE?

None are false; they are all true. Answers: Ovaries begin to lose their sensitivity to FSH and LH. Menstrual periods become less frequent and finally cease. There are still eggs and potential follicles on the ovaries. They are all false, none are true None are false; they are all true.

Which of these methods of reproduction is an example of sexual reproduction?

None of these is an example of sexual reproduction.

A preparation that "teaches" the immune system to recognize a disease-causing agent without actually causing disease is termed a(n)


Human sperm are motile only in an alkaline environment. The vagina of a woman in her childbearing years is usually acidic. How are sperm able to function in such an environment?

Semen contains an alkali to reverse the vaginal acidity

Human sperm need a lot of energy to swim fast and hard. Where does that energy come from?

Semen contains fructose.

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