Biology 《6》 《4》 Animal like protists
a bacterium will travel through the structures of a paramecium in what order?
1. oral groove 2. gullet 3. cell cytoplasm 4. anal pore
what is the final result of protazoan conjugation?
4 new protozoans are created.
If scientists noted that a protozoan developed a cyst , they could safely assume that?
The protozoan's living conditions deteriorated.
How do contractile vacuoles help a cell with homeostasis?
They regulate water intake and excretion
What is the main component of the tiny shells of the members of the phylum Actinopoda?
calcium carbonate
What characteristic makes the cell of a paramecium exceptional compared to other eukaryotic cells?
each paramecium has two nuclei
During phagocytosis, food particles are... and then digested in the...
engulfed by the cell membrane, food vacuole
What is a known function of the apical complex?
entry and interaction with the host cell
Zooflagellates move by means of a whip like structure called?
How does longitudinal binary fission differ from other forms of binary fission?
it created daughter cells that are mirror images of each other
The anopheles mosquito is the insect vector for
Amoeboid protists use their pseudpodium for?
motility and phagocytosis
What structure is responsible for maintaining the consistent shape of a paramecium?
Leishmania donovani
phlebotimine sand fly
The general name for all animal like protists is?
trypanosoma cruzi
triatomine bug
All eukaryotic cells contain a nucleas and a cytoplasm
All species of the phylum Apicomplexa are parasitic.
Insect vectors can carry disease-causing organisms on their legs or mouthparts.
The common name for foraminifers is radiolarians
tsetse fly
Giardia lamblia
water-borne cysts