Biology Chapter 11 Control of Gene Expression

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spectral karyotyping (SKY)

a for of FISH used to study complex changes in genetic material


code for regulatory proteins that ensure that the events of cell division occur in the proper sequence and at the correct rate

repressor protein

coded for by regulatory genes; when attached to operator, it blocks the advancement of RNA polymerase toward the structural genes

cell differentiation

development of cells that have specialized functions


development of form in an organism


disaccharide that is composed of the monosaccharides glucose and galactose

Jacob and Monod

discovered how genes control the metabolism of the sugar lactose in E.coli

regulatory proteins

formed when a homeotic gene is transcribed and translated

lung, colon, prostate, and breast

four most common cancers

transcription and translation

gene expression begins at two steps


genus of the fruit fly


malignant skin tumor

Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH)

method used to identify part of a chromosome


molecule that initiates gene expression; ex:lactose

oncogenic transformation

process of making a malignant tumor

regulatory proteins

regulate development by switching groups of developmental genes on or off

introns and exons

two kinds of segments beyond the promoter in eukaryotic gene


uncoiled form; site of active of transcription of DNA into RNA


uncontrolled growth of cells that can ivade other parts of the body

human papilloma virus

virus that has been shown to cause cervical cancer


DNA segment that controls the access of RNA polymerase to the promoter; controls the ability of RNA polymerase to move along the structural genes


DNA segment that is recognized by the enzyme RNA polymerase; binding site of RNA polymerase


DNA sequence within a homeotic gene; codes for proteins that regulate patterns of development


RNA molecules that act as enzymes


abnormal proliferation of cells that results from uncontrolled, abnormal cell division


agents that cause mutations to occur within a cell

Escherichia coli

bacterium that lives in the intestines of mammals

pathfinder cells

can stimulate the regeneration of organs independent of the tissue source


complete genetic material contained in an individual


complex assemblies of RNA and protein that split the Pre-mRNA at each end of an intron and join the exons


fibrous protein; very abundant

structural genes

genes that code for polypeptides; located next to each other on the chromosome; code for enzymes that allow E.coli to metabolize lactose

tumor-suppressor genes

genes that code for proteins that prevent cell division fro occurring too often


genes that regulate cell growth, cell division, and the ability of cells to adhere to one another

lac operon

includes the entire segment of DNA required to produce the enzymes involved in lactose metabolism


spread of cancer cells beyond their original site

Human Genome project

13-year effort to map the human genome; funded by US gov; determined the sequence of the 3 billion base pairs that make up human DNA

Dolly the sheep

1st successful cloning of an organism from differentiated cells

Structural genes, promoter, operator

3 elements found within the DNA of E. coli that regulate the enzymes that control metabolism of lactose

lactose was present

Jacob and Monod found that the genes for the enzymes for lactose utilization were expressed only when ________.

gene expression

activation or ¨turning on¨ of a gene that results in transcription and the production of mRNA

polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

allows researchers to quickly make billions of copies of specific segment of DNA

environmental tobacco smoke

another name for secondhand tobacco smoke

repressor protein

attaches to operator when lactose is not present; protein that inhibits genes from being expressed

DNA chips

contain a microscopic grid with 1,000s of known DNA fragments that are ¨tagged¨ with a fluorescent compound

level of the individual chromosome

control of gene expression in eukaryotes occurs at ______

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

declared secondhand tobacco smoke is a carcinogen


ex: tobacco smoke, asbestos, and ionizing radiation


first full sequencing of a genome in a _______ was completed

Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod

first scientists to discover gene expression (in prokaryotes); won Nobel Prize


form of mRNA that contains introns and extrons


gene that can cause uncontrolled cell proliferation; formed by a mutation in a proto-oncogene


genes that are damaged and can cause cancer; cancer gene; disrupts cell function

regulator genes

genes that are located some distance form the operators they effect; code for repressor proteins

homeotic genes

master genes of development that determine the overall body organization of multicellular organisms

lac operon

name for operon Monod and Jacob studied.; structural genes coded for the enzymes that regulate lactose metabolism


new growth; malignant or benigne

homeotic genes

regulatory genes that determine where certain anatomical structures (appendages) develop in an organism during morphogenesis

transcription factors

regulatory proteins in eukaryotes

gene expression

related to the coiling and uncoiling of DNA


sections of a structural gene that are transcribed and translated


sections of a structural gene that are transcribed but not translated


sequences of DNA that transcription factor bind to; located at a position far from the promoter


series of genes that code for specific products and the regulatory elements that control these genes


solid tumors that grow in the tissues of the lymphatic system


structural genes, the promoter, and the operator collectively form _________.


substance that can induce or promote cancer


temporary projections of eukaryotic cell membrane

DNA chip

tool for tracking gene expression

benign tumor

tumor; cells that that make it up remain in the mass; generally pose no threat; example: fibroid cysts

malignant tumor

tumor; uncontrolled dividing cells may invade and destroy healthy tissues elsewhere in the body


tumors in blood-forming tissues; uncontrolled production of white blood cells


tumors that grow in bone and muscle tissues


tumors that grow in the skin and the tissues that line the organs of the body, ex: lung and breast

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