Biology exam 3

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During which numbered time segment (1-5) would you expect that most Na+ channel activation gates are now closed, while extra K+ diffuses out? A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5


In response to dehydration, ADH A.Signals aquaporins to be added to cell membrane B.Signals aquaporins to be added to vesicles C.Stimulates production of angiotensin II D.Stimulates thirst response E.Activates the juxtaglomerular apparatus

A & D signals aquaporins to be added to cell membrane and stimulates thirst response

An osmotic gradient in the kidney medulla is established by A.Countercurrent exchange between ascending and descending loops of Henle B.Countercurrent exchange between the loop of Henle and collecting ducts C.Filtration of large proteins in the glomerulus D.Movement of water out of the collecting duct E.Movement of NaCl into the proximal tubule

A. countercurrent exchange between ascending and descending loops of Henle

The lymphatic fluid a filtrate of the blood, as is urine. completely separate from the circulatory system for blood. C.carries both red and white blood cells. D.functions in adaptive immunity but not in innate immunity. E.carries a toxic gas that kills cancerous cells. a filtrate of the blood, as is urine.

The parasympathetic nervous system A.Controls motor function B.Integrates sensory and motor neurons C.Activates involuntary muscles D.Is responsible for "fight or flight" reactions

Activates involuntary muscles

What are the signs of inflammation? a.All of the below b.Pain c.Heat d.Redness & swelling e.Loss of function

All of the below

Which of the following choices is the correct path for the filtrate to follow through the nephron in the production of urine? A.Bowman's capsule → distal convoluted tubule → loop of Henle → proximal convoluted tubule → collecting duct B.Bowman's capsule → proximal convoluted tubule → loop of Henle → distal convoluted tubule → collecting duct C.Bowman's capsule → loop of Henle → proximal convoluted tubule → distal convoluted tubule → collecting duct D.Bowman's capsule → collecting duct → proximal convoluted tubule → loop of Henle → distal convoluted tubule E.collecting duct → proximal convoluted tubule → loop of Henle → distal convoluted tubule→ Bowman's capsule

B. Bowman's capsule→ proximal convoluted tubule → loop of Henle → distal convoluted tubule → collecting duct

In the figure, X refers to A.Proximal tubule B.Distal tubule C.Glomerulus D.Bowman's capsule E.Loop of Henle F.Collecting duct

Bowmans's capsule

Which of the following would result from the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase? A.None of the below. B.Release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic membrane would be inhibited. C.Synthesis of neurotransmitter in cells would be inhibited. D.Stimulation of the postsynaptic membrane would be inhibited. E.Breakdown of neurotransmitter in the synapse would be inhibited

Breakdown of neurotransmitter in the synapse would be inhibited

Which of the following components of the immune system destroys bacteria by punching holes in the wall of the bacteria resulting in cell lysis? A.Complement protein B.Macrophages C.Plasma cells D.Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins

Complement protein

An epitope is A.part of the interferons that penetrate foreign cells. B.a protein protruding from the surface of B cells. C.two structurally similar antibodies dissolved in the blood plasma. D.that part of an antigen that actually binds to an antigen receptor. E.a mirror image of an antigen.

D. that part of an antigen that actually binds to an antigen receptor.

In the figure, X refers to A.Proximal tubule B.Distal tubule C.Glomerulus D.Bowman's capsule E.Loop of Henle F.Collecting duct

Distal tubule

In the figure, X refers to A.Proximal tubule B.Distal tubule C.Glomerulus D.Bowman's capsule E.Loop of Henle F.Collecting duct


X refers to: A.Glomerulus B.Loops of Henle C.Proximal convoluted tubules D.Bowman's capsule E.Collecting duct


Freshwater fish are ______ compared to their environment, which is why they excrete _____ water than saltwater fish. A. Isotonic; equal B. Hypertonic; more C. Hypotonic; more D. Hypertonic; less E. Hypotonic; less

Hypertonic; more

When an antigen first challenges the immune system, if the primary immune response produces B cells, what are the fates of those B cells? I. Some of the B cells become plasma cells that secrete antibodies II. Some of the B cells become memory cells and can produce a swifter response if the body encounters that particular antigen again III. Some of the B cells secrete chemicals called pyrogens that travel to the brain inducing a fever A.just II B.just I C.II and III D.I and II E.I, II, and III

I and II

The mammalian kidney contains structures that can perform various functions. These functions include: I-excretion. II-reabsorption. III-secretion. IV-filtration. A.I and II B.I, II, and III C.I, II, III, and IV D.II and III E.II, III, and IV

I, II, III, and IV

Which of the following characteristics are true for an action potential? I - A threshold potential must be exceeded. II - Each stimulus produces a full action potential or none at all. III - During the refractory period it is less likely that another action potential can be produced. A.I only B.I and II C.II and III D.I and III E.I, II, and III

I, II, and III

Which of the following describes the mechanism of voltage-gated channel proteins? A.If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions are pumped through B.If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions can diffuse through C.Ions are pumped through to maintain existing membrane voltage D.When gates close, membrane voltage changes

If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions can diffuse through

Which of the following describes the mechanism of voltage-gated channel proteins? A.Ions are pumped through to maintain existing membrane voltage B.When gates close, membrane voltage changes C.If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions are pumped through D.If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions can diffuse through

If membrane voltage reaches threshold potential, ions can diffuse through

The __________ immune response system acts before the __________ immune response system and includes lymphocytes such as ___________. A.Adaptive; innate; macrophages B.Innate; adaptive; macrophages C.Innate; adaptive; B cells D.Innate; adaptive; T cells E.Adaptive; innate; T cells

Innate; adaptive; macrophages

The membrane of a resting neuron is much more permeable to which of the following ions than any other ion? A.Cl- B.Ca2+ C.Na+ D.K+ E.H+


Cytotoxic T cells are known as _________ T cells because they eliminate pathogens via _____________. A.Helper; indirect pathways B.Helper; direct pathways C.Killer; phagocytosis D.Killer; apoptosis E.Innate; memory cells

Killer; apoptosis

In the figure, X refers to A.Proximal tubule B.Distal tubule C.Glomerulus D.Bowman's capsule E.Loop of Henle F.Collecting duct

Loop of henle

Kangaroo rats live in arid environments. Consequently, they have particularly long ______ in order to prevent water loss. A. Prox convoluted tubules B. Dist convoluted tubules C. Glomeruli D. Loops of Henle

Loops of Henle

T cells are able to recognize self vs non-self by having their receptors bind to _________. If the bond is _______________, the T cell leaves the thymus to fight off foreign pathogens. A.Antigen; unable to form B.Antigen; unable to break C.MHC-peptide complexes; unable to break D.MHC-peptide complexes; of intermediate strength

MHC-peptide complexes; of intermediate strength

Higher ADH signals results in _____ aquaporins, leading to the _________ of water. A.More; conservation B.Fewer; conservation C.More; removal D.Fewer; removal

More; conservation

What is the name of the entire functional unit of the kidney that is depicted here? A.Proximal tubule B.Nephron C.Glomerulus D.Bowman's capsule E.Loop of Henle F.Collecting duct


Neuron A synapses onto Neuron B. Neuron A sends an action potential to Neuron B, which also sends an action potential to Neuron C. Which of the below statements accurately describes the relationship between Neurons A and B? A.Both Neurons A and B are sending inhibitory post-synapatic potentials. B.Neuron B received an inhibitory post-synaptic potential from Neuron A. C.Neuron B received an excitatory post-synaptic potential from Neuron A.

Neuron B received an excitatory post-synaptic potential from Neuron A.

Which of the following is a difference between B cells and T cells? A.One has a major role in antibody production, while the other has a major role in cytotoxicity. B.One uses a receptor called BCR, while the other recognizes a receptor called TCR. C.B cells are activated by free-floating antigens in the blood or lymph. T cells are activated by membrane-bound antigens. D.T cells are produced in the thymus and B cells are produced in the bone marrow.

One has a major role in antibody production, while the other has a major role in cytotoxicity.

Neurons that transmit information from sensory cells to the central nervous system are part of the A.peripheral nervous system B.nerve net C.spinal cord D.brain

Peripheral nervous system

Which of the following describes the resting potential of the neuronal cell membrane? A.The inside is 70 millivolts more positive than the outside B.The outside is 70 millivolts more positive than the inside C.The inside is 30 millivolts more positive than the outside D.The outside is 30 millivolts more positive than the inside

The outside is 70 millivolts more positive than the inside

Immunologists can breed mice that lack _______ in order to compare the immune response of normal mice to those that have no T cells. A.a thymus B.a spleen C.bone marrow D.kidneys E.a liver

a thymus

A shift in the membrane potential toward the positive direction and exceeding the threshold causes a(n) A.resting potential. B.equilibrium potential. C.action potential. D.ion current.

action potential

The reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, and many other molecules needed by the body is driven by: A. active transport carriers B. diffusion C. facilitated diffusion D. homeostasis

active transport

Which of the following is a function of excretory systems? A. They help regulate osmotic potential and the volume of extracellular fluids B. They excrete molecules that are present in excess C. They conserve molecules that are valuable or in short supply D. All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following operates by passing fluids into a tube, and then secreting or reabsorbing specific substances? A.Flame cells of flatworms B.Metanephridia of annelid worms C.Malpighian tubules of insects D.Vertebrate nephrons E.All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following molecules is most toxic to cells? A.Sodium chloride B.Ammonia C.Urea D.Uric acid


Select the incorrectly matched osmoregulatory organ and the organism that uses it. A.antennal glands—annelids B.protonephridia—flatworms C.Malpighian tubules—insects D.kidney—fish

antennal glands-annelids

Which of the following is unique to the adaptive immune defense system? A.cells that ingest invading microbes B.antibody synthesis C.inflammation D.fever

antibody synthesis

The molecule that provokes a specific immune response is a(n) A.antigen. B.lymphocyte. C.antibody. D.lysozyme.


Ion (leak) channels differ from gated channels in that the former A.use carrier proteins B.are always open C.only allow anions to pass through the membrane D.require ATP

are always open

Reflexes A.operate with integration in the brain B.are always monosynaptic C.are independent of integration in the brain D.are only in the somatic nervous system

are independent of integration in the brain

Animals that have very long juxtamedullary nephrons likely live in ______ environments A.marine B.freshwater C.arid D.tropical forest


Which process drives the process of filtration from the capillaries into the glomerulus? A.Active transport B.Arterial blood pressure C.Venous blood pressure D.Osmotic pressure E.Secretion

arterial blood pressure

Which of the following diagrams shows the correct distribution of ions in a resting neuron? A.A B.B C.C D.D


Vaccines are an example of: a.Passive immunity that requires memory cells b.Passive immunity that does not require memory cells c.Active immunity that requires memory cells d.Active immunity that does not require memory cells

c.Active immunity that requires memory cells

Which of the following statements is false regarding antigens? a.They are often large proteins. b.They are foreign substances on the pathogen that provoke an immune response. c.All epitopes on the same antigen result in identical immune responses. d.The more phylogenetically different they are from the host, the greater immune response. e.Antigens can have many parts, called epitopes.

c.All epitopes on the same antigen result in identical immune responses.

Correlation, association, and learning occur in the A.cerebellum. B.corpus striatum. C.medulla. D.cerebrum. E.pons.


The largest difference between the brains of humans and the brains of fish is in the increase in the size of the ____ in humans A.Medulla B.Cerebellum C.Cerebrum D.Diencephalon E.Thalamus


Most nerve cells communicate with other nerve cells by means of A.electrical signals that pass across synapses B.chemical signals that pass across synapses C.pressure waves that "bump" the postsynaptic cell membrane D.Na+ ions as they are released from one cell and enter the next

chemical signals that pass across synapses

Common functions of glial cells include all of the following except developing neurons nutrients C.insulate nerves D.conduct impulses

conduct impulses

The primary function of the mammalian cerebral cortex is A.receipt of sensory input B.control of thirst and hunger C.control of complex activities D.control of sleep and waking patterns.

control of complex activities

A person with diabetes insipidus fails to respond to ADH. Which of the following is a symptom of this condition? A.Glucose in urine B.Copious dilute urine C.Small volume of concentrated urine D.Failure to urinate

copious dilute urine

_________ are molecules released by activated helper T cells A.Antigens B.Immunoglobulins C.Cytokines D.Antibodies


Which statement is false regarding vaccines? a.They often contain dead pathogens with intact antigens. b.They use weaker versions of the pathogen with intact antigens. c.Some vaccines simply contain subunits of the pathogen. d.They often contain heat-killed pathogens that kills off the antigens

d.They often contain heat-killed pathogens that kills off the antigens

The multiple cytoplasmic extensions of a neuron are called A.axons. B.cell bodies. C.dendrites. D.neurons. E.synapses.


Action potentials are generated along an axon as one action potential serves as the A.action potential stimulus for the next action potential. B.excitatory postsynaptic potential stimulus for the next action potential. C.saltatory conduction stimulus for the next action potential. D.monosynaptic reflex stimulus for the next action potential. E.depolarization stimulus for the next action potential.

depolarization stimulus for the next action potential.

The MHC is important in a T-cell's ability to A.distinguish self from non-self. B.recognize specific parasitic pathogens. C.identify specific bacterial pathogens. D.identify specific viruses. E.recognize differences among types of cancer.

distinguish self from non-self.

Saltwater fish achieve water balance by A.Excreting water B.Retaining salts C.Drinking salt water and excreting salts D.Excreting salts with a nasal salt gland

drinking salt water and excreting salts

When you choose a particular answer to this question, and your nervous system sends the command to your hand to do so, the command is carried by A.Afferent neurons. B.Efferent neurons. C.Nodes. D.Glial cells.

efferent neurons

Different nociceptors may respond to all of the following except A.extremes in temperature. B.very intense mechanical stimulation. C.external chemicals. D.chemicals released by injured cells. E.electromagnetic radiation.

electromagnetic radiation

Organisms living in a freshwater environment normally A.excrete copious dilute urine and retain salts B.excrete a small volume of dilute urine and retain salts C.excrete copious concentrated urine D.conserve both water and salts

excrete copious dilute urine and retain salt

Ions are able to move across the cell membrane when no channels are present A.True B.False


The immune response is mostly coordinated by A.coordinator T cells B.cytotoxic T cells C.inducer T cells D.helper T cells

helper t cells

Which of the following is used by infected cells as part of the signaling of the inflammatory response? a.Histamine b.Natural killer cells c.Phagocytotic neutrophils d.Antihistamine e.Red blood cells


Which of the following best describes freshwater fish? A.hypotonic osmoregulators B.hypotonic osmoconformers C.hypertonic osmoregulators D.hypertonic osmoconformers E.isotonic osmoconformers

hypertonic osmoregulators

The kidneys are important homeostatic organs, contributing to the stability of all of the following except A.blood volume. B.immunity. C.blood pressure. D.electrolytic concentration. E.pH.


When an individual is first exposed to the smallpox virus, several days pass before significant numbers of specific antibody molecules and T cells are produced. However, a second exposure to the virus causes a large and rapid production of antibodies and T cells. This response is an example of A.antigenic determinants. B.phagocytosis. C.interferon production. D.immunological memory.

immunological memory

Most of the neurons in the human brain are A.sensory neurons. B.motor neurons. C.interneurons. D.auditory neurons. E.peripheral neurons.


Innate immunity activated immediately upon infection. B.depends on a newly infected animal's previous exposure to the same pathogen. based on recognition of antigens that are specific to different pathogens. found only in mammals.

is activated immediately upon infection

When the neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft, automatically causes depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane can be excitatory or inhibitory, depending on the type of postsynaptic membrane must move through nodes in the myelin sheath D.a single molecule is sufficient to trigger activation of the postsynaptic membrane

it can be excitatory or inhibitory, depending on the type of postsynaptic membrane

Which structure is found in the renal medulla? A.Bowman's capsule B.Convoluted tubule C.Glomerulus D.Loop of Henle E.Both A and D

loop of henle

The large, irregularly shaped cells that kill bacteria by digesting them are called A.erythrocytes. B.macrophages. C.bacteriophages. D.antibodies.


The function of antibodies is to A.inject toxins into living pathogens. B.secrete cytokines that attract macrophages to infection sites. C.release perforins to disrupt infected cells. D.mark pathogenic cells for destruction.

mark pathogenic cells for destruction.

A certain cell type has existed in the blood and tissue of its vertebrate host's immune system for over 20 years. One day, it recognizes a newly arrived antigen and binds to it, subsequently triggering a rapid, secondary immune response in the body. Which of the following cell types most accurately describes this cell? A.B cell B.T cell C.Memory cell D.Macrophage

memory cell

Evolutionary changes to the brain from fish to mammals led to decrease in size of ________ and increase in size of _______ A.ebrain, hindbrain B.midbrain, forebrain C.forebrain, midbrain D.midbrain, hindbrain

midbrain, forebrain

The threshold potential of a membrane is: A.minimum depolarization needed to operate the voltage-gated sodium channels B.lowest frequency of action potentials a neuron can produce C.minimum hyperpolarization needed to prevent the occurrence of action potentials D.peak amount of depolarization seen in an action potential

minimum depolarization needed to operate the voltage-gated sodium channels

Two fundamental concepts about gated channels are that they A.are always open, but the concentration gradients of ions frequently change. B.are always closed, but ions move closer to the channels during excitation. and close depending on stimuli, and are specific as to which ions can traverse them. and close depending on chemical messengers, and are nonspecific as to which ion can traverse them.

open and close depending on stimuli, and are specific as to which ions can traverse them.

Marine invertebrates in which the salinity of body fluids changes with the osmotic potential of their environments are known as A.osmoconformers B.osmoregulators C.hypotonic D.hypertonic


Which of the following do Helper T-cells not directly carry out? A.Phagocytosis B.Activate B-cells C.Activate cytotoxic T-cells D.Produce cytokines


The forebrain contains all of the following except: A.Hypothalamus B.Cerebrum C.Pons D.Hippocampus


The resting potential of a neuron is produced primarily by A.voltage-gated channels in the membrane B.chemically gated channels in the membrane permanently open C.potassium channels in the membrane D.the concentration difference in Na+ across the membrane E.blockage of the sodium-potassium pump

potassium channels in the membrane

The resting potential of a neuron is primarily produced by A.voltage-gated channels in the membrane. B.chemically gated channels in the membrane. C.potassium channels in the membrane that are permanently open. D.the concentration difference in Na+ across the membrane.

potassium channels in the membrane that are permanently open.

A toxin that binds specifically to voltage-gated sodium channels in axons, preventing them from opening, would be expected to A.prevent the hyperpolarization phase of the action potential. B.prevent the depolarization phase of the action potential. C.prevent graded potentials. D.increase the release of neurotransmitter molecules. E.have most of its effects on the dendritic region of a neuron.

prevent the depolarization phase of the action potential.

When a T cell is activated by an antigen, it will most likely A.secrete antibodies B.proliferate C.die D.become a hybridoma E.become a plasma cell


Valuable molecules like glucose, amino acids, and vitamins are mostly reabsorbed into the blood at which location in the nephron? A.Bowman's capsule B.Collecting duct C.Glomerulus D.Loop of Henle E.Proximal convoluted tubule

proximal convoluted tubule

In the figure, X refers to A.Proximal tubule B.Distal tubule C.Glomerulus D.Bowman's capsule E.Loop of Henle F.Collecting duct

proximal tubule

Which of the following is not a key trait of the adaptive immunity response? A.Ability to respond specifically to a wide diversity of foreign molecules and organisms B.Rapid response C.Generally long-lasting immunological memory D.The ability to recognize "self" from "nonself"

rapid response

An important function of the proximal convoluted tubule is _____. A.Filtration of NaCl B.Reabsorption of water C.Countercurrent heat exchange D.Production of urea E.Secretion of water

reabsorption of water

The process in which impulses jump from node to node is called A.going through channels. B.interrupted signals. C.repolarization. D.saltatory conduction.

saltatory conduction

The autonomic nervous system regulates the activity of all of the following except A.skeletal muscles. B.cardiac muscles. C.glands of the body. D.smooth muscles.

skeletal muscles

The operation of the sodium-potassium "pump" moves A.sodium and potassium ions into the cell. B.sodium and potassium ions out of the cell. C.sodium ions into the cell and potassium ions out of the cell. D.sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell.

sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell. •3, Na+, out •2, K+, in

What part of the nervous system controls the striated muscles that produce movement of the skeleton? A.Sympathetic B.Somatic C.Parasympathetic D.Reflex


A postsynaptic cell's processing of information from synapses at different sites is called A.xcitatory postsynaptic B.postsynaptic potential C.spatial summation D.temporal summation

spatial summation

All of the animal phyla listed below have a network of nerve cells for gathering information from the environment except A.sponges. B.cnidaria. C.platyhelminthes. D.nematoda. E.mollusca.


The junction between a neuron and another neuronal cell, muscle cell, or with a gland cell is called a(n) A.axon. B.dendrite. C.neuronal gap. D.synapse.


The main ion channel responsible for the action potential is A.the voltage-gated sodium channel. B.the voltage-gated potassium channel. C.the ligand-gated sodium channel. D.the ligand-gated potassium channel. E.the non-gated, or leaky, sodium channel.

the voltage-gated sodium channel.

Terrestrial organisms must conserve water. The least amount of water is lost with the excretion of which nitrogenous waste product? A.Carbon dioxide B.Uric acid C.Ammonia D.Urea

uric acid

Nerves _______ have the most rapid action potentials. A.with the thinnest axon diameters B.with the shortest length C.with myelin sheaths D.with the most ion channels

with myelin sheaths

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