Biology Exam Test 1

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The wing of a penguin and the wing of an eagle are A. homologous structures. B. analogous structure. C. identical structures. D. vestigial structures.


Science seeks to explain ___________________. A. mythical acts B. apparitions C. natural phenomena D. the absolute truth


Although Lamarck hypothesized that adaptations to the environment did occur, he also believed that A. offspring inherited characteristics acquired by their parents during their lifetime. B. similar organisms do not share common ancestors. C. humans descended from apes. D. natural selection was the source of all diversity.


Based on the evolutionary tree of the three domains, which of the following is true? A. All three domains have a common ancestor. B. Domain Bacteria and Domain Eukarya are more closely related to each other than to Domain Archaea. C. The Eukarya have remained the same throughout evolutionary time. D. All three domains are equally related to one another.


Elaborate courtship behaviors in animals, such as the Rifle bird of the birds of paradise, is an example of which of the following reproductive barriers? A. behavioral isolation B. mechanical isolation C. temporal isolation D. postzygotic isolation E. hybrid sterility


Richard is an avid gardener who spends a lot of time caring for the plants in his garden. To minimize damage from pests from his garden, Richard uses a pesticide spray. At first the spray is very effective and kills off most of the insects that he sees on his vegetable plants. However, after a few years of using the same pesticide he notices that some insects are surviving and continuing to eat his plants. This selection for herbicide resistance in the insects is an example of A. natural selection. B. artificial selection. C. an adaptation. D. a gene.


The figure shown here represents stabilizing selection. What happens when an individual is produced that possesses a trait far away from the mean value? A. That extreme individual will likely not survive and reproduce. B. That extreme individual will be more likely to survive and reproduce. C. That extreme individual will have neither an advantage nor a disadvantage than other individuals. D. All phenotypes have equal likelihood of surviving and reproducing.


The forelimbs of manatees, penguins, seals, and sea turtles are all flipper-shaped. This is an example of A. convergent evolution to a structure permitting movement in water. B. natural selection to a structure permitting movement in water. C. adaptations to eating fish. D. inheriting a common trait from a recent common ancestor. E. selective breeding for the flipperlike forelimbs by humans.


Which of the following examples is one of genetic drift? A. A forest fire kills all plant life south of a highway. B. Rabbits with longer fur survive the winter. C. Insects resistant to insecticide survive crop dusting. D. Colorful guppies living in dark water are most often eaten by predators.


After spending an hour working outside in the hot, sunny weather, a person typically perspires and will need to drink water. This is part of A. metabolizing energy. B. maintaining homeostasis. C. regulating blood proteins. D. capturing solar energy.


Fitness refers to A. the variation in traits within the population. B. reproductive success. C. mutations that benefit an organism's survival. D. the physical health of an individual. E. the physical health of a population.


In the process of natural selection, individuals that are most fit are the ones that are A. most likely to survive. B. most likely to reproduce. C. most likely to migrate. D. most likely to mutate.


One species forming multiple new species is called A. natural selection. B. speciation. C. adaptation. D. biogeography.


The effects of genetic drift are more significant in A. large populations. B. small populations. C. populations that mate randomly. D. populations that are undergoing natural selection.


The presence of vestigial organs, such as the coccyx (tail bone) or pharyngeal pouches supports evidence of evolution because A. the vestigial organ is unique to one species. B. the vestigial organ is similar to a functional organ in a related species, having been passed down from a common ancestor. C. both the vestigial organ and the functional organ perform the same function. D. the vestigial organ could not have been passed down from an ancestor. E. the vestigial organs represent variation in a species.


A biologist is studying how pollution affects algal growth and snail populations in a portion of Lake Erie. What level of organization is she studying? A. population B. community C. ecosystem D. cells


All of the genes and all of their associated alleles within a population represent the population's A. genotype. B. gene flow. C. gene pool. D. genome


Bacteria that cause ear infections have increased their resistance to antibiotics over time. Which of the following is the selective agent? A. bacteria B. increased resistance C. antibiotics D. the human ear


If a population of Florida Panthers recovers to its original population size after experiencing a bottleneck, which statement is correct regarding this population? A. The recovered population is as likely to go extinct as is the population prior to the bottleneck. B. The bottleneck subjected the population to directional selection. C. The recovered population shows less genetic diversity that the population prior to the bottleneck. D. The recovered population shows more genetic diversity than the population prior to the bottleneck.


If the average leg size of a reptile continually got smaller through generations, this would be an example of A. disruptive selection. B. stabilizing selection. C. directional selection. D. genetic drift.


In science, a theory A. is tested by an experiment. B. is more narrow in scope than a hypothesis. C. encompasses many hypotheses. D. cannot be tested. E. is held to be an absolutely correct answer to a question.


The smallest unit of life is a(n) A. tissue. B. organ. C. cell. D. species. E. organism.


What does it mean when it is said that humans and apes share common descent? A. Humans descended from apes. B. Apes descended from humans. C. Apes and humans descended from the same common ancestor. D. Apes and humans are the same.


German Sheppard's, Labradors Reteivers, Pointers, and Pit Bulls were all derived from the single wild species, Canus lupus. This diversity is a result of human selection, this practice is called _______. A. adaptation. B. natural selection. C. biogeography. D. artificial selection. E. speciation.


Which of the following are characteristic of the nature of science? A. peer review B. tentative (subject to change) C. science is a creative process D. all the above E. only (a) and (b)


Which of the following lists the terms from simplest to most complex? A. cells, organs, tissues, organ systems, organism B. organs, organ system, organism, cells, tissues C. tissues, organs, organ systems, organism, cells D. cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism E. organ systems, tissues, cells, organism, organs


Wings of insects and birds are result of convergent evolution. This means that A. these organisms are unrelated but have similar adaptations. B. these organisms share a recent common ancestor and so have similar adaptations. C. these organisms have different adaptations to different environments. D. insects and birds have each independently evolved structures that serve the same function (flight) but have done so in very different ways. E. the insects and birds must be related to possess such similar qualities.


The sperm from a longleaf pine tree is unable to fertilize the eggs from a slash pine tree. This is an example of what type of isolating mechanism? A. mechanical isolation B. habitat isolation C. temporal isolation D. hybrid sterility E. gamete isolation


Which of the following is not a prezygotic isolating mechanism for two species found in the same geographical location? A. The two species occupy different habitats. B. The two species are active during different parts of the day. C. The two species mate during different times of the year. D. The two species have incompatible genitalia. E. The two species can mate, but the offspring are sterile.


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