Biology - Genetics

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Ways the Sickle-Cell Disease impacts the body

-red blood cells form a sickle shape -red blood cells clump up and restrict blood flow -red blood cells block capillaries in alveoli, causing acute chest syndrome -red blood cells block capillaries in kidneys, preventing them from filtering the blood properly -oxygen concentrations drop because of the reduced ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen

Place the following materials in sequence based on the order they are encountered during gene expression protein, DNA, mRNA

1. DNA 2. mRNA 3. protein

Describe the process of gene expression

1. DNA in the nucleus serves as a template 2. mRNA is processed and leaves the nucleus 3. mRNA becomes associated with a ribosome 4. tRNAs with anticodons carry amino acids to the mRNA 5. Anticodon-codon complementary base-pairing occurs 6. Polypeptide synthesis occurs one amino acid at a time until complete.

Characteristics that describe the inheritance of sickle cell disease

1. follows a pattern of recessive inheritance 2. results from a single mutation to a gene 3. controlled by a single gene

Humans have ______ pairs of homologous chromosomes, including both autosomes and sex chromosomes.


Hemoglobin molecules are found in abundance in red blood cells, with each cell containing as many as _____________ hemoglobin molecules

250 million

What choice describes incomplete dominance? A. The heterozygous individual shows a phenotype between that of an individual homozygotic for either allele. B. The heterozygous individual displays both of the alleles equally. C. The F1 and all subsequent generations show a blending of the two alleles, giving a third new trait.

A. The heterozygous individual shows a phenotype between that of an individual homozygotic for either allele.

Which of the following statements are correct regarding a DNA molecule? A. The nucleotide base pairs between DNA strands are linked by hydrogen bonds B. In a DNA molecule, %A = %T and %G = %C C. It is a double helix D. The two DNA strands are oriented in the same direction.

A. The nucleotide base pairs between DNA strands are linked by hydrogen bonds B. In a DNA molecule, %A = %T and %G = %C C. It is a double helix

Which of the following may be caused by sickle cell disease? A. anemia B. Blockages in the capillaries of the respiratory system C. Pain in the joints of the body D. Increased rates of cancer

A. anemia B. Blockages in the capillaries of the respiratory system C. Pain in the joints of the body

Which enzyme is responsible for adding nucleotides to the growing DNA strand during DNA replication? A. telomerase B. DNA polymerase C. ligase D. nuclease

B. DNA polymerase

A mother with straight hair and a father with curly hair have a child with wavy hair. This is an example of what type of dominance? A. codominance B. multiple allele C. polygenic D. incomplete

D. incomplete

Genes are portions of ________ that code for instructions for proteins or RNA molecules


Genes are portions of ____________ that code for instructions for proteins or RNA molecules.


The genetic material for all living organisms is ___________


Rosalind Franklin

DNA is a repeating double helix

James Watson / Francis Crick

DNA is a twisted helix made of repeating nucleotides of sugar, phosphate, and a nitrogen base.

Oswald Avery

DNA is likely the genetic material, not protein

The enzyme ___________ links together fragments from the lagging stand, completing replication.

DNA ligase

Researchers can use ____________ to determine patterns of gene expression between cell types, tissues, or individuals.

DNA microarrays

The enzyme ______________ synthesizes a new strand of DNA by pairing nucleotides that are complementary to the original strand.

DNA polymerase

The process of ____________ can provide researchers information on the exact sequence of nucleotides in a gene of interest.

DNA sequencing

Recall the correct order of steps in gene expression

DNA, RNA, protein

Recall that the ______ of a cell directs the production of _______.

DNA; proteins

Match the following to describe the combination of sex chromosomes found in most males and most females

Females = two X chromosomes Males = one X one Y

If the codon is CCA, what is the anticodon and what amino acid will be inserted?

GGU, proline

The work of which of the following researcher(s) used radioactively labeled material to determine whether proteins or DNA are the genetic material? Avery Hershey and Chase Watson and Crick Griffith

Hershey and Chase

autosomal chromosomes

Include 22 pairs of chromosomes These traits display no differences between males and females

The process of ____________ uses an automated machine to allow researchers to make multiple copies of genes quickly.


Erwin Chargraff

The % of adenine is equal to the % of thymine. The % of cytosine is equal to the % of guanine.

Frederick Griffith

Transforming factor that can move information between bacteria.

True or False - During DNA replication, the copy of the DNA that is created is an exact replica of the original DNA strand.


True or False - To transcribe something is to make an identical copy (i.e. if the original is DNA, the transcribed copy is also DNA).


Alfred Hershey/Martha Chase

Used radioactive DNA and proteins to establish DNA as the genetic material

Select all of the following individuals that contributed to our knowledge of DNA Hersey and Chase Marie Curie Louis Pasteur Watson and Crick Rosalind Franklin

Watson and Crick Rosalind Franklin Hersey and Chase

sex chromosomes

X and Y chromosomes. determine if an individual is male or female

Select all of the following functions of the respiratory system regulate the secretion of hormones allow for the diffusion of oxygen into the blood transport air out of the lungs transport air into the lungs facilitate communication between the brain and all parts of the body

allow for the diffusion of oxygen into the blood transport air out of the lungs transport air into the lungs

The interaction of the respiratory and circulatory systems occurs where bronchioles of the lungs within the heart alveoli of the lungs none of the answer choices are correct

alveoli of the lungs

Within the uterus of an expecting mother, the developing fetus is surrounded by a cushioning fluid that facilitates the exchange of nutrients, gases, and wastes between mother and fetus. What is the fluid called?

amniotic fluid

In a pedigree for ____________ disorders, a child can be unaffected even when both parents are affected.

autosomal dominant

Recall the inheritance pattern that sickle-cell disease follows: autosomal dominant autosomal recessive X-linked recessive codominance

autosomal recessive

In a pedigree for ____________ disorders, a child can be affected when neither parent is affected. This is because both parents could be ____________ and each could pass on an affected allele to their offspring.

autosomal recessive; heterozygous

In humans, our DNA is organized and packaged into ____________ that are located within the nucleus of every cell in our body


All possible ____________ of chromosomes are in the gametes produced by meiosis.


The purpose of PCR is to

create many copies of a segment of targeted DNA sequence in a test tube in a matter of hours.

Additionally, the red blood cells do not form correctly, resulting in a ___________________ appearance.

crescent moon-shaped

Which of the following the definition of anemia? a. High pH of body fluids b. Inability to take a deep breath without pain c. Failure of the urinary system d. Low oxygen concentrations in the body

d. Low oxygen concentrations in the body

Select all of the following structures that are part of the respiratory system: kidneys arteries diaphragm alveoli lungs

diaphragm alveoli lungs

This disease ________ depend on environmental factors, meaning its inheritance pattern can be easily studied.

does not

An allele that masks the expression of an alternate form of that same gene is called a:

dominant allele

Factors other than genes that control our traits include ____________ influences.


Factors other than genes that control our traits include ________ influences.


Which of the following is part of a hemoglobin molecule? four globin proteins a heme group carbonic anhydrase all of the above

four globin proteins a heme group

Genes of interest can also be inserted into bacteria and ____________ can also be used to create copies of genes or gene products.

gene cloning

The manipulation of specific genes to treat or cure disease is referred to as

gene therapy

The manipulation of specific genes to treat or cure disease is referred to as ____________________.

gene therapy

Our ______ control all aspects of our lives, from our physical appearance to the enzymes needed to digest our food to the proteins necessary to transport oxygen.


Variations in patterns of nucleotides that are associated with diseases are called ____________ . They can be used to determine if one carries alleles for a disease.

genetic markers

Select all of the following that are outcomes of meiosis: genetically diverse cells four haploid cells genetically identical cells two diploid cells

genetically diverse cells four haploid cells

The entire collection of an organism's genetic material is referred to as its


This molecule is composed of four polypeptide chains called


Select all of the following structures that are part of the circulatory system trachea heart veins arteries kidneys

heart veins arteries

To begin replication, the enzyme ___________ unwraps the double helix, exposing the nitrogenous bases.


Each of these globins contains a _________ associated with it.

heme group(s)

As a result, the resulting _____________ protein is misshapen.


The protein molecule responsible for binding to and transporting oxygen in blood is called


This causes _______ proteins in red blood cells to form incorrectly, meaning they cannot transport ________.

hemoglobin, oxygen

This is because both parents could be ____________ and each could pass on an unaffected allele to their offspring.


Genes rarely act _________, but instead act __________ to control these traits.

individually; in groups

Genes rarely act ____________ but instead act ____________ to control these traits.

individually; in groups

Some diseases, including cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell disease are ______, meaning they are able to be passed on to future offspring


The importance of Mendel's work is that it made a connection between observed patterns of ____________ and probability.


During ____________ , homologous chromosomes separate and each resulting ____________ receives one member from each pair of chromosomes.

meiosis; gamete

During transcription, an mRNA copy is made from a segment of DNA. Recall what mRNA stands for.

messenger RNA (ribonucleic acid)

Genes also control ________ traits, including how the cells in our body should function.


Genes also control ____________ traits, including how the cells in our body should function.


Select all of the following that are parts of the human life cycle. parthenogenesis mitosis meiosis growth and development reproduction pollination

mitosis meiosis growth and development reproduction

Changes to the nucleotide sequence of genes are called _____________


Select all of the following that compose a DNA nucleotide: ribose sugar amino group nitrogen-containing base deoxyribose sugar phosphate group

nitrogen-containing base deoxyribose sugar phosphate group

In autosomal dominant traits, heterozygotes have ____________ phenotypes.


In autosomal recessive traits, heterozygotes have ____________ phenotypes.


Recall that DNA is a nucleic acid and is composed of monomers called _________


Select all of the following organelles that play a role in the synthesis of proteins: mitochondria rough endoplasmic reticulum lysosomes ribosomes nucleus

nucleus ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum

Sickle-cell disease is an inherited gene that is caused by a mutation to ____________ gene(s).


Hemoglobin is a proteinaceous molecule that binds to and carries _________ in red blood cells.


The heme groups contain iron, which readily interacts with ______ allowing hemoglobin molecules to transport this gas to the cells of the body.


Genes control our _________ traits, including eye color, hair color, and finger length.


Hemoglobin is a _______ molecule that binds to and transports oxygen for the body.


Hemoglobin is a _______ molecule that is found in the red blood cells or the circulatory system.


Recall that during gene expression, genes are transcribed and translated into _________, so these changes in nucleotide structures may directly impact the __________ that are synthesized.

proteins, proteins

This causes the characteristic sickle-shape of the ___________ blood cells and the other symptoms of the disease, including anemia.


Sickle cell disease is called such because misshaped hemoglobin molecules cause ________ to become sickle-shaped in appearance.

red blood cells

Hemoglobin functions in ___________ cells and carries _________ to all cells of the body.

red blood; oxygen.

The process where DNA creates an identical copy of itself is called ________


Enzymes that cut DNA in known sequences are called

restriction enzymes, or endonucleases

The results of genetic crosses derived from Punnet squares assume that each gamete contains one allele for each trait, which come from Mendel's law of ____________ , and that collectively the gametes have all possible combinations of alleles, using Mendel's law of ____________ .

segregation; independent assortment

Because each newly replicated DNA strand consists of a newly synthesized strand and one original strand, it is said to be ____________


When constructing a pedigree, __________ are used to represent males and _______ are used to represent females.

squares; circles

During DNA replication, each of the original ______ strands act as a template for the resulting __________ strands.


Sickle-cell disease is caused by a single nucleotide change that results in the synthesis of the amino acid ________ instead of the amino acid ___________.

valine; glutamine

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