Biology H - 8 Famous "CER"
Theodor Schwann
If animals are made of cells, then the cells have a nucleus (Discovered the extension of cells to animals).
Edward Jenner
If cowpox grants an immunity to smallpox, then one cannot become infected with smallpox if first exposed to cowpox.
Ignatz Semmelweis
If fever was something that could be transferred from person to person, then doctors must wash their hands between patients.
Francesco Redi
If maggots were spontaneously being produced from meat, then meat in a covered jar would get maggots.
Robert Koch
If microbes were responsible for anthrax, then "bad air" doesn't cause it.
Alexander Fleming
If mold contains a substance that kills bacteria, then when added to colonies of bacteria they will die.
Louis Pasteur
If particles in the air could cause food to spoil, then food should be covered.
John Snow
If water was the cause of cholera, then sickness would be centered around water sources.