Biology I Final

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An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait is...


An organism's physical appearance is its...

oxygen and hydrogen unequally share electrons which creates partial charges on oxygen and hydrogen

How can you best describe why water is a polar molecule?

as a polar molecule, water is attracted to other polar substances

How can you best explain why water molecules adhere to other surfaces (adhesion)?

they lower the activation energy of a reaction

How do enzymes speed up a chemical reaction?


How many cells are formed from 1 original cell during the process of meiosis?


If 10 monomers join to form a polymer through the process of dehydration synthesis, how many water molecules form?


If different alleles are present in the same geneotype, it is...

two identical molecules of DNA are made

In DNA replication...

water and CO2

In addition to light and chlorophyll molecules to absorb it, photosynthesis requires:

store energy for long periods of time

In addition to serving as parts of biological membranes, lipids...


In which organelle does photosynthesis occur?


In which stage of cell division are the chromosomes separated?


Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces...

occurs in sex cells; produces haploid cells

Meiosis is the type of cell division that...

Austrian monk

Mendel was an...

by ribosomes

Proteins/chains of amino acids are made...

Carbon atom, monomer, polymer, macromolecule

Rank the terms polymer, monomer, carbon atom, and macromolecule from smallest to largest.

nucleic acids

Storing and transferring genetic material is the function of which molecule?


This kind of RNA carries the correct amino acid to the ribosome.


Unlike carbohydrates and fats, proteins contain what element?

four haploid gametes

Unlike mitosis, meiosis in mammals results in the formation of...

four genetically unique cells

Unlike mitosis, meiosis usually results in the formation of...

hydrogen bonds

Water molecules interact with each other through:

Adenine and thymine ; guanine and cytosine

What are the correct base pairs of DNA?

DNA is double stranded, located in the nucleus, different sugar

What are the differences between DNA and RNA?

Primary- Secondary- covalent bonds between R groups Tertiary- Quaternary-

What are the levels of proteins?

the active site is the portion of the enzyme that substrates bind to, initiating a chemical reaction

What is the active site of an enzyme?


What is the central dogma of biology?

6O2 + C6H12O6 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy

What is the formula for cellular respiration?

6H2O + 6CO2 --> C6H12O6 + 6O2

What is the formula for photosynthesis?

Photosystems I and II

What part of the light-dependent reactions contains light-absorbing chlorophyll and other proteins?

sexual reproduction

What process introduces the most genetic variation?

half the normal number of chromosomes

When sex cells combine to produce offspring, each sex cell will contribute...

a product

When two monosaccharides join to form a disaccharide, water is...

in the cytoplasm/cytosol

Where does glycolysis occur?

inner mitochondrial membrane

Where does oxidative phosphorylation occur?

in the mitochondrial matrix

Where does the Krebs cycle occur?

in thylakoid membranes

Where in cells is chlorophyll found?

sperm cells and egg cells

Which cells undergo meiosis?


Which combination of sex chromosomes results in a male human being?


Which macromolecule stores energy for you muscles?


Which of the following carbohydrates is the most structurally complex?


Which substance from the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is a source of energy for the Calvin Cycle?

a recessive allele on the X chromosome will always produce the trait in a male

Why are sex linked traits more common in males than in females?

carbon atoms can form up to 4 different bonds

Why is carbon special compared to other elements?


You notice a cell with chromosomes that are lined up down the middle of the cell. What phase pf cell division isthis?

endothermic reaction

a reaction that absorbs energy (products are higher than reactants)

exothermic reaction

a reaction that releases energy (products are lower than reactants)


a substance that decreases the [H+] when added to a solution; pH > 7


a substance that increases the [H+] when added to a solution; pH < 7


a type of protein that speeds up chemical reactions in living things


The polysaccharide used by animal cells to store glucose as energy is...


The principal chemical compound that living things use to store energy is...

one recessive allele and one dominant allele for a trait

A carrier is a person who has...


A cell with a diploid number of 24 (2n=24) undergoes meisosis. How many chromosomes are in each daughter cell?

crossing over; homologous chromosomes form pairs that are physically close together

A genetic exchange between homologous chromosomes often occurs during meiosis. What is this event and why is it most likely to occur during prophase?

starch in plants or glycogen in animals

A good source of quick energy is glucose, but if glucose is not used quickly, it will be stored as:

a steroid

A lipid molecule that acts as a chemical messenger for cells is most likely...


A section of DNA that codes for a particular functional protein is called a...

hydrogen ions/protons

ATP synthase in the chloroplast membrane makes ATP, utilizing the energy of a high concentration of...

hydrogen bonds

Between the two strands of a DNA segment the nitrogen bases are held together by...

ionic bonds

Chemical bonds that involve the total transfer of electrons from one atom or group to another are called...

it generates high energy electrons

Chlorophyll is a pigment that absorbs light. What happens to the light energy after it is absorbed?

Prophase I

Crossing over occurs during...


DNA is located in the...

they have double C-C doubles bonds creating bends in the fatty acid tails

Explain unsaturated fatty acids membrane flexibility.

one set of chromosomes

Gametes have:


Glucose is a building block (monomer) of which biological molecule?


The amount of energy stored in a molecule of ATP compared to the amount stored in s molecule of glucose is...


The different forms of a gene are called...

sunlight is absorbed

The first process in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is...

reflects green light

The leaves of a plant appear green because chlorophyll...

Calvin Cycle

The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis are also known as the...

all of the possible outcomes of a genetic cross

What does a punnet square show?

DNA helicase

What enzyme separates the DNA double helix during replication?

pH, concentration, temperature

What factors affect the rate at which an enzyme catalyzes a reaction?

activation energy

the amount of energy needed to start a reaction


the reactant of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction

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