SCM chapter 1

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According to the textbook, rapidly changing communication technology makes the development of global partnerships more difficult than in the past.


According to the textbook, the keys to successful supply chain management include trust and honest, accurate communications between supply chain partners.


One operational method for controlling and managing inventory is the implementation of a software system which can be referred to as:

a. Material requirements planning (MRP)

According to the text, the FOUR important elements of the supply chain are:

a. Purchasing, manufacturing, transportation, retail stores

Who is considered the second tier supplier of the firm that manufacturers Sub-assemblies?

a. Raw Materials Supplier

Which of the following is a reverse logistics activity:

a. Recycling products and components

Successful modern supply chain management typically includes the practice of:

c. The sharing of information between supply chain partners

Which of the following is a system that aids in controlling inventory?

d. Both MRP and ERP

Successful supply chain integration occurs when supply chain participants realize that the needs and desires of the end item manufacturer dictate the objectives and policies of all the other supply chain participants.


The bullwhip effect is the result of companies producing excessive defective products; defective items are whipped back from the end customer toward the manufacturer of the defect.


The universally accepted definition of supply chain management is "the management and integration of the parties involved in producing the end items coveted by consumers."


Trends in supply chain management include increasing inventory levels and considering the elimination of logistics intensive online retailing. false


According to the textbook, retail stores are considered the focal firms in modern supply chains.


According to the textbook, third-party logistics providers (3LPs) do not offer assistance with helping products clear customs.


Effective supply chain management relies on competitive bidding, corporate privacy, and contracts based on short-term performance.


The term Supply Chain Management and the field of study it represents today seems to have emerged in the:

a. 1980's

Which of the following was a popular way in the 1990's of developing radically new business processes in an effort to reduce waste and increase performance?

a. Business process reengineering b. Benchmarking c. Process integration d. Vertical integration

Which of the following would be considered a third party provider?

c. A firm that leases storage warehousing

The following is an example of the bullwhip effect:

c. Barkley's incorrectly anticipates consumer demand resulting in stockouts at several popular retailers

Which of the following acronyms is NOT paired with its correct "translation?"

c. MRP − Manufacturing Responsiveness and Planning

According to the textbook, conditions which must be present for successful supply chain management include:

d. Cooperation among firms

Assembly or production of finished products, producing the right amount of product, and ensuring that finished products meet specific quality, cost, and customer service requirements are all important issues that are most closely related to:

b. Operations

Which of the following is strategy usually employed by lean organizations in an effort to ensure continued quality compliance among suppliers and with internal production facilities?

b. Six Sigma

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

b. Strategic partnerships are seen as one of the foundations of supply chain management

Encouraging or helping a firm's suppliers to perform in a desired fashion can be referred to as:

b. Supplier management

according to the text book which of the following statement is true? consumer buy product based on a combination of

d. Cost, quality, availability, maintainability, and reputation

Which of the following acronyms is NOT paired with its correct "translation?"

d. ERP − Estimated Response Parameters

Transportation management, customer relationship management, network design, and service response logistics are all important issues that are most closely related to:

d. Logistics

According to the textbook, environmental and social impacts are considered outside of supply chain management.


According to the textbook, in the 1950's and 1960's, mass production techniques focused on creating supplier partnerships, improving process design and flexibility, and improving product quality.


According to the textbook, 'integration' is one of the four supply chain elements.


According to the textbook, a supply chain's end customers are the only true source of income for all supply chain organizations


According to the textbook, supply chains include raw material suppliers, intermediate component manufacturers, end-product manufacturers, wholesale distributors, and retailers.


Improved quality is one benefit of using a lean production system


Reverse logistics activities include the return of defective and damaged items to the manufacturer, and the recycling of used packaging


The assembly or production of finished products, producing the right amount of product, and ensuring that finished products meet specific quality, cost, and customer service requirements can all be considered elements of operations.


Trends in supply chain management include increasing supply chain responsiveness and considering the negative environmental impacts of supply chains.


Trucking companies, airfreight shipping companies, and information system providers can all be considered service providers to the supply chain.


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