Biology Test 4

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Bird Reproduction

Cloaca-common opening between external environment and digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems Many birds are promiscuous mate with many others. Many species have elaborate mating rituals

Reptiles: Rhynchocephalia

Contains only two species of tuataras. Large lizard like animals, half meter long. only found in new zealand, parietal eye.

Modern amphibians

Descended from three families of tertiary period, successfully invaded we habitats all over, today aprox, 5,600 species 37 familes, 3 orders: Anura(no tails) Frogs Caudata(tail)salamander Apoda(no legs)caecilians

MOdern Reptiles

Developed two important characteristics; Internal fertilaztion, Improved circulation(more oxygen). Modern reptiles more efficent circulation than fish and amphbians. and an additional septum or wall in the heart.all living reptile are ecto thermic. 4 orders Chelonia(turtles) Rhynchocephalia(tuataras) Squamata(lizard) Crocodylia(alligator)

Fish: Shark Reproduction

Differ from other fish, shark eggs internally fertilize and bear life offspring. Few species lay fertilized eggs, long gestation periods and relatively few offspring. Difficult to repopulate after loss

Specialized adaptions among mammals

Digestion of plants herbivours rely on bacteria for cellulose breakdown. digest occurs in fermentaion chambers. Ruminats organism with 4 stomachs. Cecum

Reptiles: Age of dinosaurs

Dinosaurs dominate for 150 mil. diversifed into many variations. Included bipedal carnivores called theropods.Fossil discoveries and research show many agile and fast dinos. parental care

Factors affecting species distribution

Disperal, movement away from center of high pop, or birth place. if they stay, diseases imbreeding, deformities. Evolution due to dispersal, interactions with other species include, competion and predators.Remove lipets, urchins remove both , leave both. Abiotic factors temp water light wind rocks soil... Experiment

Adaptions for flight

Effcient respiration air passes all the way through lungs in a single direction. birds must inhale and exhale 2 time before the first inhalation goes through the lung system.

History of Amphibians

Evolved from lobefinned fish, efficient limbs for crawling, improved olfactory, smell and auditor hearing, still fish like, often in water.

History of Fish

First fish, mouth no jaw, Agnatha(no jaws) extant as hagfish, and lampreys. all have teeth, first hard bony structure.

Birds: Living Birds

Flightless birds, are thought to be closest to ancient birds. No light bones. Asymetric feathers, flight has to be symetric. adapted to hgih energy requirment of flight.

2 sub classes of mammals

Prototheria(still have ancestral traits) lay shelled egss one group, theria young bown alive. 2 group marsupials and placental mammals

Fish: 2 major groups of boney fish

Ray fined fish, parallel bony rays support and stiffen each fin no muscles within fins Lobefinned fishes have paired fins that consist of long fleshy muscular lobe, supported by central co jointed bones, amphiban ancestors

History of birds

birds are the direct descendants of theropod, dinosaurs. Archaeopteryx is first known bird, had skull with teeth. feathers on wing and tail, forelimbs nearly identical to those of theropods.

Lobe fined fish

can breathe uderwater, bury itself and live when no water

Reptiles Parental care in dinosaurs

closely associated dion eggs suggest dinos used nest. new fossils of an adult dinosaurs surround by many young dinos indicated parental care



Dino Demise

dinos except birdies, became extinct by the end of the Cretaceous. ASTEROID

Marsupials pouched mammals

egg has chorion and amnion but no shell embryo is nourished by abundant yolk after birth it crwals into pouch, latches onto nipple and develops. kangaroo


egg laying mammals, only 3 platypus, short nose echndia, long nose echidna. lack nipples sill make milk, on belly. suck on hair of belly for milk. cloaca for digestive and reproductive tract


temp water sunlight wind

Reptiles, birds and mammals are amniotes

the amniotic egg has 4 membranes; Amnion fluid filled cavity, purpose is to suspend the embryo. Yolk sac provides food, Allantois, excretes wastes. Chorion, allows 02, high vascularization, uses a lot of diffusion. Enclosings an aquatic, Egg shell leathery.

Amphibians Apoda

tropical, burrowing amphibians, legless with small eyes and jaws with teeth fertilization is internal

Mutalistic Symbiosis

when two live together and benefit

Respiration: Birds

- Inhale posterior air sacs inflate→exhale lungs→inhale anterior air sacs→exhale out of body • Super efficient • Fresh air and used air do not mix (uni-directional air flow) • Air sacs- can perform high levels of metabolic activity • INHALAION—air sacs fill: EXHALATION—air sacs empty: lungs fill 2. Efficient circulation—muscles receive fully oxygenated blood—rapid heartbeat 3. Endothermy—body temperature (40-42 degrees C) permits higher metabolic rate 4. Wings with keratin feathers—keratin provides rigidity to feathers 5. Smaller gonads during non-breeding season—testes and ovaries grow in size during breeding season and remain small otherwise 6. Loss of teeth- mechanism to reduce weight 7. Hollow bones, fused bones (ex: Keel= very large breast bone that attaches the flight muscles)

Reptiles: crocodylia

25 species of large, Crocs live near or in water. Crocs have 4 chamber heart, typically nocturnal. Only 2 species of alligators- one in southern us other in china. Caimans are natie to central america. gharials live only in inda and burma. in many ways crocs resemble birds more than other living reptiles.

Reptiles: Squamata

3800 species of lizards 3000 of snakes. males have paired copularoty organs and paired penis- hemi penis. Austrailian thorny devil lizard. most carnivores, only 2 poisionus lizards. 4 of 13 familes of snakes posion


Birds most diverse of all terrestrial vertevrate 28 orders, 166 families, about 8600 species. Characteristics, birds similar to reptile, amniotic eggs and scales. 2 major traits. feathers, flight skeleton

Amphibians: Homologous Structures

Bones of forelimbs; Bones of Hind limbs, Shared characteristics due to common ancestory, function might be slightly modified.

Fish: Boney Fish(Osteichthyons)

Boney fish evolved at the same time as sharks about 400 mya. have interal skeleton of bone. Most species. Developed significant adaptions that enabled them to dominate in water: swim bladder gill cover

Control of breathing

Breathing controlled by medulla oblongata, involuntary controlled by brainstem, nerve impulses sent to main muscles for breathing. Muscle contract in a specific order, pattern generator, body can tell by the amount of C02

History of Amphibians 2

Carbonfierous period, amphibians first became commn; Permian period, left marshlands for dry uplnad, transition from more aquatic life to terrestrial life. Fossils show amphibians of large size complete body covering. transition in respisiatory structure. Lungs not skin


Characteristics over 7,000 species of reptiles now live on earth, all have 3 features;Amniotic eggs, which are watertight, lay them on land. Dry skin, which covers body and prevents water loss, thoraic breathing, which increases lung capacity, supports a large body size and metabolization


Class Amphibia, damp skinned vertebrates, first walk on land, Characteristics Legs, lungs, Cutaneous respiration, Pulmonary veins= run from lungs back to heart, partially divided heart

Links between us and Amphibians Hiccup

Hiccup is a muscular twitch of muscles associated with breathing, body wall diaphragm, neck, and throat. Spasm of a major nerves that controls breathing. Rapid inspiration of air, closure of glottis, flap of tissue in back of throat, makes hic. Breathing in mammals inhale, expands air cage.

Specalize adaptions among animals

Hooves and horns, hooves are specialized keratin pads. horns are bone surrounded by keratin. antlers are bone. Flying mammals Bat wing is a leathery membrane of skin and muscles stretched over 4 finger bones. bats navigate in the dark by echolocation, sending a high frequency sound to determine how long it takes to come back. dolphins do it

Fish History of Fishes 2

Jaws developed in late silurian period. Jaws evolved from the anterior gills that were made of cartilage, 2 types of jawed fish, evolved in the devonian period

Coyote vs. koala

Koala have large cecum because need tome to digest plant Coyote have small because dont eat plants

History of Fish: Armored Fish

Larger fish that dominated late, massive boney structure around heads, End of devonian early fishes replace by sharks and boney fish with better jaws, light flexible skeleton, Superior swimmer, Carboniferous .

Fish: Hagfish

Least derived surviving craniate lineage, cartilaginous skull and a rod of cartilage derived form the notochord. No jaws, vertebrae, Feed using teeth tongue.

Amphibians: Adaptions for life on land

Legs to support body's weight, lungs to extract oxygen from air, lungs are moist for diffusion that occur efficiently and also to prevent h20 loss. redesigned heart for big muscles, reproduction in water to prevent eggs dry out. system to prevent body from drying out

Fish: origin of tetrapods

Lineage of lobe finned fish, fins became more limb like while rest of body retained adaptions of aquatic life: Acanthostega;last 20 yrs fossils helped find origin of tetrapods


Most Diverse vertebrate grop, over half of all vertebrates, greatly very. Characteristics: Vertebral column, jaws and paired appendages, Internal gills, Single loop blood circulation, Nutritional deficiencies.

Fish: Lampreys

Oldest living lineage of vertebrates, jawless vertebrates, live in marine and freshwater habitats. Have cartilaginous segments surrounding notochord and arching partly over the nerve chord. Many parasitic, live off blood.

HIstory of Reptiles

Reptiles dominated earth for 250 mil. reptiles are distinguished by the number of holes on side of skull behind eye.Synapsids-rose to dominance 1st mam. • Pelycosaurus—first land vertebrates to kill beasts their own size • Carnivores • Therapsids—dominant about 250 MYA • May have been endotherms • Most became extinct about 170 MYA • - One group survived and gave rise to mammals • Closest group to mammals—gave rise to mammals • Therapsids replaced by diapsids as dominant land vertebrate about 230 MYA • Many diapsids occurred in Triassic period (248-213 MYA) including Archosaurs • Could walk on 2 legs • Archosaurs—first bipedal land vertebrate • Gave rise to dinosaurs about 220 MYA

Fish: Chondrichtyons

Shark, rays. Primarily cartilage skeleton. Evolved 2ndly from an ancestral mineralized skeleton. Largest and most diverse is sharks and rays. Shark=short digestive tract

Metamorphosis in Anurnas

Tadpole-last thing absorbed in body is tail -adult; preventing desiccation of eggs by putting them in glutinous mask. Parental care in anurans, carrying developing larvae in pouch.


There are about 4500 species of mammals, lowest number among 5 vertebrate classes. 2 traits, hair and mammary glands; Endo thermy. 4 chamber heart, Diaphram respiration. high metabolism, efficent blood flow. Placenta in most. Specialized organs that bring fetal and maternal blood into close contact but not not mix. Functions exchange of substance with fetus,provide food and stuff.

Reptiles: Chelonia

Tortoises-terrestial and dome shaped shell Turtles- most aquatic, disc shaped Both lack teeth but have sharp beaks, Marine turtle must lay eggs on land

Amphibians: TikTaalk fossil

Transistion fossil found in 2006, between fish and Ichthyostega. lived about 375 mya. Shoulder and limb bones like those of an amphibian, Fins like lobe finned fish. Mostly in water. Capable of moving land and water.

Fish:Swim Bladder

a gas filled sac allows boney fish to regulate buoyant density, sharks do not have this ability, Gas addiction=gas gland Gas release=oval body(like valve)

Fish: Shark Teeth

among 1st vertebrate to develop teeth, evolved from rough scales, easily lost but replaced.

History of mammals

fossils shw mammals evolved from therapsids in the late triassic period, two bones that formally made up the jaw joint were incorperate in to the midle ear. Stapes incus(quadrate Mallaeus(articualr) 1st ones were itty bitty, rodent, insect eating, tree climbers. nocturnal. mazimum diversity in teritary period. decline last 15 mil

Amphibians Anura

frogs- smooth moist skin and long legs-most in or by water. Toads-bumpy dry short legs dry environment. Eggs are fertilized externally and require a moist environment, hatch into swimming tadpole larvae, under metamorphis to adult

Mammals Type of teeth herbivores have

grind and chisel , incisors to cut or chisel. molars to grind up plant material

Fish: gill cover

hard plate the operculum covers gils, its flexing permits water pumping over gills

Why does herbys require specialisation

hard to break up, nutrients less concentrated than meat contains cellulose only bacteria and prtozoa can break cellulose, via the enzyme cellulase breaks molecular bonds. animals cant produce.

Benefits and costs of flight

helps hunting and escaping cost energy acut vision muscle control


important becuz effects stuff, cells may freeze and rupture0 degrees celsius.

Amphibians Caudata

long bodies tails, smooth moist skin, live in moist places. Eggs internally fertilized. males deposit gelationous sperm packages on substrate then females pick them up with her colaca. Sperm is in pockets, hershy kiss shaped deposit it on the ground and tries to make the female pick it up. larvae similar to adults


pouch at junction between large and small intestine, large cecum in rabits. Rabbit are coprahages, consume poop they poop in one spot and comeback and eat it. full of symbiotic bacteria

Mammals teeth type for carnivore

primarily ripping and chiseling, incisors to snip or bite canines to pierce premolars and molars to shear and slice.

Placental Mammal

produce true placental tat nourishes embryo throughout its development forms from both fetal and maternal tissue includes most living mammals.

Ecology vs. Nvironmentalism

rachel carson: ecologist interested in looking at effects of envio toxins at birds. Silent spring: get ppl to realiize that birds may not be singin anymore. Environmentalism is advocating protection of nature, it is not ecology. ecology is providing info.

Ecology: scope of eco research

range from individual organisms to the entire planet, Organismal ecology- individual level Population- groups of same species in same place Community- groups of different pops in same area Ecosystem- community of organisms that live together but also include soil water and etc. Landscape - group of ecosystems Global- everything

Fish: lateral line System

sharks have a fully developed one, series of sensory organs under he skin that detect changes in pressure waves

Tetrapods are gnathostomes with limbs

significant event in vertebrate history, when fins of some lobed finned fish evolved into limbs and feet of tetrapods

History of FIsh: Spiny Fish

smaller fish that dominated early on, Cartilage skeletons and boney plates in their scales

Specialized adaption among mammals

specialized teeth, different types of teeth are highly specialized. grinding teeth ripping and chiseling.

Fish: derived characters of tetrapods

specific adaptions, four limbs and feet with digits, ears for detecting airborne sounds


study of interactions between organisms and envio, interactions distribution- the area occupied by a group or organisms abundance number of organisms in an area

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