Biopsych-109 Ch.11-18

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38. The mesotelencephalic dopamine system comprises two pathways: The

nigrostriatal pathway and the mesocorticolimbic pathway.

28. Many of the dopaminergic neurons with cell bodies in the ventral tegmental area synapse in the

nucleus accumbens.

23. After the termination of exposure to some drugs, there are withdrawal effects that are usually

opposite to the initial effects of the drug.

96. About what percentage of people suffer from clinical depression (major depressive disorder) at some point in their lives?


81. Clinical trials are typically conducted in __________ separate phases.


82. ___________ is characterized by a pathological fear of public places and open spaces.


86. _______________ is a psychiatric disorder that is characterized by stress responses and extreme feelings of anxiety and worry about a large number of different activities or events.

Generalized anxiety disorder

42. According to the Wernicke-Geschwind model, word salad results from damage to

Wernicke's area.

77. Ronda was assaulted by a robber so she kicked him. Her response is an example of

a defensive attack.

26. Which of the following drugs is a diuretic?


36. Convulsions and delirium tremens are caused by withdrawal from


2. The comparative investigation of sleep has led to an important conclusion: It has suggested that

all of the above

39. Evidence that the nucleus accumbens is involved in drug addiction comes from reports that

all of the above

6. The entrainment of circadian rhythms by visual zeitgebers is mediated by

all of the above

65. According to the Cannon-Bard theory, emotional experience and emotional expression

all of the above

78. The defensive and aggressive behaviors of rats have been assigned to various categories on the basis of

all of the above

90. Fluoxetine

all of the above (is a SSRI., is no more effective in treating depression than imipramine., is no more effective in treating depression than SNRIs., has fewer side effects than tricyclic antidepressants.)

14. As we fall asleep,

alpha activity ceases.

63. The structure in which the emotional significance of sensory signals is learned and retained is believed to be the


100. Some success has been reported in treating clinical depression with chronic low-level electrical stimulation of the ___________ through implanted electrodes.

anterior cingulate gyrus of the prefrontal cortex

13. In studies of the effects of sleep deprivation in humans, the tasks that sleep-deprived volunteers are most likely to perform poorly are those that

are boring, easy, and require continuous attention.

25. Many self-stimulation sites

are part of the mesotelencephalic dopamine system.

53. Heschl's gyrus is the location of the primary

auditory cortex.

48. It has been estimated that the corpus callosum contains 200 million


57. Although the symptoms of apraxia are ________, apraxia usually results from damage to the ________ hemisphere.

bilateral; left

97. Imipramine

blocks the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.

54. The cognitive neuroscience approach to the study of language is based to a large degree on the following method:

both A and B (fMRI., PET.)

40. Cocaine hydrochloride

both A and B (is a dopamine agonist., reduces the reuptake of dopamine from synapses by blocking dopamine transporters.)

47. The volunteers in the first experiments performed on split-brain humans had

both A and B (suffered from severe cases of epilepsy., their corpus callosums severed.)

91. Research suggests that LSD and the other classical hallucinogens produce effects

both A and C (by acting as serotonin agonists., that mimic some of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia.)

83. In general, evidence directly linking early experience to the development of clinical depression is sparse, however in cases of _____________ the relation between experience and clinical depression is abundantly clear.

both A and C (peripartum depression, & seasonal affective disorder (SAD))

34. An important advantage of the oral route of drug administration in comparison to other conventional routes is its relative

both B and C

87. Anxiety disorders are

both B and C (the most prevalent of all psychiatric disorders., & often treated with benzodiazepines or serotonin agonists.)

59. The left and right cerebral hemispheres are connected by the

cerebral commissures.

24. Which of the following drugs is a stimulant?


37. Which of the following drugs is a local anesthetic?


98. Dopamine agonist is to dopamine antagonist as

cocaine is to reserpine.

35. Some drugs can be effectively delivered through mucous membranes. One such drug is


33. Taking one drug can often produce tolerance to other drugs; such tolerance is called

cross tolerance.

67. An important advance in the study of the physiology of stress came with the discovery in the 1990s that stress triggers the release of __________, which play a role in inflammation and fever.


58. Dyslexics in whom the phonetic procedure is disrupted while the lexical procedure remains normal are said to have __________ dyslexia.


73. Fear is assumed to be the main motivating force for

defensive behaviors.

52. Most cases of dyslexia are


75. According to the James-Lange theory, different emotional stimuli induce __________ patterns of autonomic nervous system activity.


30. The animal model that best approximates human drug addiction is the

drug self-administration paradigm.

21. A state of decreased sensitivity to a drug as a result of previous exposure to the drug is called

drug tolerance.

41. A pathological difficulty in reading is termed


88. Many of the people who experience clinical depression also suffer from recurring periods of

either hypomania or mania.

12. REMs are associated with

emergent stage 1 EEG.

62. Memory B cells

enable antibody-mediated immune reactions to occur more quickly if a particular antigen is encountered a second time.

92. Depression is sometimes divided into two categories: reactive depression and __________ depression.


80. Stress that improves health has been termed


71. Because even innocent people undergoing a lie-detector test are likely to be aroused by questions about their guilt or innocence, the

guilty-knowledge technique should be employed when possible.

68. Lesions to which structure specifically block the conditioning of fear to a context?


85. Which of the following symptoms is NOT commonly associated with anxiety disorders?


64. The amygdala is thought to activate the appropriate sympathetic responses to threat via the __________ and the appropriate behavioral responses to threat via the ___________.

hypothalamus; PAG

5. The effects of the carousel apparatus are difficult to interpret because

in addition to producing sleep deprivation, it produces confounding stress.

7. Which does not belong with the others?

initial stage 1 EEG

20. During REM sleep, there

is little EMG activity in the muscles of the body core.

44. Broca's area is adjacent to the

left primary motor cortex face area.

51. In surface dyslexia, the __________ procedure has been lost.


79. Polygraphy is commonly referred to as

lie detection.

1. Desynchronized EEG is

low amplitude, high frequency.

69. Which of the following is NOT one of Ekman and Friesen's primary emotional expressions?


89. Clinical depression is also known as

major depressive disorder.

18. Sleep deprivation lasting several days usually produces


74. Because it is usually difficult to determine for certain whether a person who has been accused of breaking the law is innocent or guilty, many studies of lie detection use the

mock-crime procedure.

55. During the conventional dichotic listening test, most participants correctly report

more of the digits presented to the right ear.

29. Which of the following drugs is a now commonly prescribed analgesic?


99. The monoamine theory of depression is based on the fact that

most drugs used to treat depression are monoamine agonists.

9. Professor Bland sometimes falls asleep while she is having a discussion. She would likely be diagnosed as having


56. The words "spleemer" and "twipple" are normally read aloud by a __________ procedure.


11. Melatonin is released by the

pineal gland.

45. A structural MRI study found that the __________ in the left hemisphere in musicians with perfect pitch than it is in musicians without perfect pitch.

planum temporale is larger

19. Which of the following is LEAST likely to result from sleep deprivation?

poor performance of tests of memory

84. In functional brain-imaging studies of Tourette's patients who are suppressing their tics, abnormal activity has been consistently observed in the caudate and

prefrontal cortex.

61. Separating rat pups from their mothers

produces increases in behavioral and endocrine stress responses in adulthood.

94. A disorder of psychological function sufficiently severe to require treatment by a psychiatrist is called a __________ disorder.


60. Kimura found that the __________ ear was better at identifying digits and the __________ ear was better at identifying melodies in the __________ test.

right; left; dichotic listening

8. Volunteers who are allowed to sleep without interruption after several nights of REM deprivation tend to get

significantly more REM sleep than usual.

16. People who claim to be nondreamers

sometimes recall dreams if awakened during REM sleep.

15. Sleep spindles and K complexes are characteristic of

stage 2 sleep.

4. Delta waves, the largest EEG sleep waves, occur in

stage 3 EEG sleep.

3. Bilateral lesions of the __________ selectively disrupt circadian cycles.

suprachiasmatic nuclei

10. There is more than one circadian clock: This conclusion is supported by the finding that bilateral lesions of the

suprachiasmatic nuclei do NOT abolish circadian rhythms.

43. There are two major categories of acquired dyslexia:

surface and deep.

76. The adrenal cortex was identified by Selye as important in the stress response; today's theories also acknowledge the important contribution of the

sympathetic nervous system.

95. Clinical depression and anxiety are often comorbid, which means that they

tend to occur together in the same individuals.

31. Many chemicals are kept from passing from the circulatory system of the CNS into CNS neurons by

the blood-brain barrier.

49. The identification and study of the various areas in the left cerebral cortex that participate in language-related activities is generally referred to as the study of

the cortical localization of language.

66. The results of Ekman and Friesen's (1971) study of an isolated New Guinea tribe suggested to them that

the facial expressions that are associated with particular human emotions are the same in all cultures

46. Evidence that the perception of music is lateralized comes from demonstrations that

the left ear is superior to the right in the melodic dichotic listening test.

50. The motor theory of the lateralization of cerebral function is that

the left hemisphere has become specialized for the control of fine motor movements, including speech.

70. According to the Cannon-Bard theory, different emotional stimuli induce __________ patterns of autonomic nervous system activity.

the same

72. Fear is the emotional reaction to


22. Chronic use of which drug has been linked to bronchitis, emphysema, cancer, stroke, and heart attack?


27. Which drug has been shown to increase the rate of cancer and heart disease in nonusers of the drug who are living with users of the drug?


93. Fluoxetine is a slight structural variation of

tricyclic antidepressants.

32. Recent research suggests that dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is more related to ____________ than to _____________.

wanting; liking

17. The practice of diagnosing people as neurotic pseudoinsomniacs stopped when it was discovered that many people

who complain of insomnia sleep most of the night but unknowingly suffer from sleep apnea, nocturnal myoclonus, or some other sleep-disturbing disorder.

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