BioPsychology Exam 2

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Each receptor responds to a wide range of stimuli and contributes to the perception of each of them. This type of coding is referred to as __.


Light energy converts 11-cis-retinal to ____.


Loudness is to __ as pitch is to __.

Amplitude; frequency

Human newborns come into the world predisposed to pay more attention to ____ than any other stationary displays.

Answer: c) Faces

Astigmatism refers to the _____.

Asymmetric curvature of eyes

A tonotopic map refers to a(n) __.

Auditory cortex map of sounds

What is the shape of the reflective field to which a simple cell in the primary visual cortex responds?

Bar in a particular orientation

What is the shape of the receptive field to which a simple cell in the primary visual cortex responds?

Bar in particular orientation

The name of the point at which the optic nerve leaves the retina is called the ____.

Blind spot

Most theorists believe that the first sensory system was __.


According to the retinex theory, we perceive color by _____.

Contrasting the activity in one area of the visual field with that of the others

According to the retinex theory, we perceive color by ____.

Contrasting the activity in one area of the visual field with that of the others.

Reduced response to one taste after exposure to another is referred as __.


Which of the following would be easiest for someone who is motion blind?

Dressing themselves

In foveal vision, __.

Each ganglion cell is excited by a single cell

In foveal vision, _______.

Each ganglion cell is excited by a single cone

Meissner's corpuscles are __.

Elaborate neuron endings for touch

Ruffini's endings are __.

Elaborate neuron endings for touch

The law of specific nerve energies states that __.

Every stimulation of the optic nerve is perceived as light

The law of specific nerve energies states that ______.

Every stimulation of the optic nerve is perceived as light

True or False: An object's location, color, and movement are all processed in the same part of the visual cortex.


True or False: Conductive deafness is primarily a problem with the auditory nerve.


True or False: Following exposure to painful stimuli, brain activation is limited to the somatosensory cortex.


True or False: Itching appears to be a type of pain message.


True or False: Parvocellular cells respond strongly to moving stimuli and large overall patterns.


True or False: Shapes are more easily identified with peripheral vision than foveal vision.


True or False: The cornea is an adjustable structure in the eye that focuses light.


True or False: Infants are born with the ability to control their visual attention.


True or False: The ventral stream of visual processing is important for identifying movement.


_____ respond to a particular feature of a stimulus.

Feature detectors

The __ of a sound is the number of compressions per second.


The optic nerve is composed of axons from which kind of cell?

Ganglion cells

A mild degree of pain releases the neurotransmitter __. A more intense pain also releases __.

Glutamate; Substance P

The retinas of predatory birds such as hawks _____.

Have a greater density of receptors than do humans on the top half of the retina

In the vertebrate retina, which cells are responsible for lateral inhibition?

Horizontal cells

How many kinds of olfactory receptors do we have?


Which structure has the largest receptive fields and the greatest preferential sensitivity to highly complex visual patterns, such as faces?

Inferior temporal cortex

Which of the following is true for nerve deafness?

It can result from damage to the cochlea

Which statement characterizes the fovea?

It has the greatest perception of detail

What is responsible for sharpening contrast at visual borders?

Lateral inhibition

Cutting the left optic nerve in front o the optic chiasm would result in blindness in the _____.

Left eye

What is the perception of the intensity of a sound wave called?


What sounds characteristics can be compared between the two ears to locate the source of the sound?

Loudness and timing

The ability to detect movement better than color in our peripheral vision is largely due to _____.

Magnocellular neurons in the periphery

Once information is sent to the secondary visual cortex, it __.

May return to the primary visual cortex

Once information is sent to the secondary visual cortex, it _______.

May return to the primary visual cortex

In the auditory system, hair cells are specialized receptors that respond to __.

Mechanical displacement

Cells in the inferior temporal cortex that are sensitive to a particular shape are also likely to respond to the shape's _______


Damage to the magnocellular pathway would most likely lead to the loss of ____.

Motion perception

Once within the cerebral cortex, the magnocellular pathway continues, with a ventral branch sensitive to _____.


What kind of deafness is the result of damage to the cochlea or the hair cells?


Where are the auditory receptors located?

On the basilar membrane

Which theory of color vision is best able to explain negative color afterimages?

Opponent-process theory

Being able to detect fine details of a color painting would depend most on which type of ganglion cells?


_____ are chemicals that release energy when struck by light.


The fact that the various parts of the basilar membrane are tightly bound together is problematic for which of the following?

Place theory only

Visual information from the lateral geniculate area goes to the __.

Primary visual cortex

Visual information from the lateral geniculate area goes to the ______.

Primary visual cortex

The __ of any neuron in the visual system is the area of the visual field that excites or inhibits it.

Receptive field

The ____ of any neuron in the visual system is the area of the visual field that excites or inhibits it.

Receptive field

The point in space from which light strikes the receptor is called the ____.

Receptive field

A person with visual agnosia is unable to _____.

Recognize visual objects

In addition to having difficulty recognizing faces, people with prosopagnosia may have difficulty _____.

Recognizing different kinds of plants and animals

Someone with prosopagnosia has difficulty with ____.

Recognizing faces

Someone with prosopagnosia has difficulty with _____.

Recognizing faces

Difficulty distinguishing between _____ and ______ is the most common form of color vision deficiency.

Red; green

Chemicals that prevent sodium from crossing the membrane __.

Reduce the intensity of salty tastes

Anti-Inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, relieve pain by __.

Reducing the release of chemicals from damaged tissues

According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, the most important factor in determining the color we see is the _____.

Relative activity of short, medium, and long wavelengths

V1 neurons would be most strongly activated by viewing _____.

Repeating stripes on a flag

Color and brightness constancy are best explained by the ______ theory of color vision.


In comparison to the rods, cones are more ____.

Sensitive to detail

Stimulation of a touch receptor opens __ channels in the axon.


The sensory aspect of pain activates the __ cortex, whereas the emotional aspect activates the __ cortex.

Somatosensory; cingulate

Timing differences can be used most accurately for localizing __.

Sudden-onset sounds

A person who "sees" spoken language or music may be experiencing __.


To what lobe of the cerebral cortex is auditory information sent?


Blindsight refers to _____.

The ability to localize visual objects within an apparently blind visual field.

Light from the right half of the world strikes which part of the retina?

The left half

According to the Young-Helmholtz theory, what is the basis for color vision?

Three kinds of cones

Why does fovea provide the clearest, most detailed visual information?

Tightly packed receptors

The primary visual cortex sends its information __.

To area V2

The primary visual cortex sends its information _____.

To area V2

In vertebrate retinas, receptors send their messages ____.

To bipolar cells within the retina

Where does the optic nerve send most of its information?

To the lateral geniculate

The fact that all colors on older televisions were created by combining only three different colors of light supports the ______ theory of color vision.


What would be the likely outcome of a person who was blind at birth, and had vision restored later in life by the removal of cataracts (cloudy vision).

Trouble describing the shapes of objects

True or False: Johannes Muller held that whatever excites a particular nerve establishes a special kind of energy unique to that nerve.


True or False: Phase differences are usable for detecting localization of low frequency sounds.


True or False: Taste receptors are continually being replaced.


True or False: The amplitude of a sound wave is its intensity.


True or False: The pinna helps us identify the location of a sound.


True or False: Amacrine cells refine the input to ganglion cells, enabling them to respond specifically to shapes, movement, or other visual features.


True or False: Photopigments are stable in the dark.


The eardrum is also known as the __.

Tympanic membrane

Cortical area _____ appears to be where conscious visual perception occurs.


The visual paths in the temporal cortex collectively are referred to as the __.

Ventral stream

The visual paths in the temporal cortex collectively are referred to as the _____.

Ventral stream

The current view of how you perceive high frequencies is based on __.

Where along the basilar membrane neurons fire most rapidly

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