Bonding MC Practice 2

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SF4 will have ______ lone pair(s) and a __________ molecular geometry. (A)one; seesaw (B)two; square pyramidal (C) one; T-shaped (D)two; square planar


The formal charge on carbon in the molecule below is __________. (A)0 (B)+1 (C) +2 (D)+3 (E)-1


The molecular geometry of the right-most carbon in the molecule below is __________. (A)trigonal planar (B)trigonal bipyramidal (C)tetrahedral (D)octahedral (E) T-shaped


The only substance listed below that contains ionic, σ, and π bonds is: (A)Na2CO3 (B)HClO2 (C) H2O (D)CO2 (E)NaCl


. How many σ-bonds and -bonds, respectively, are in a CO2 molecule? (A)1 σ-bond and 2 -bonds (B)2 σ-bonds and 0 -bonds (C) 2 σ-bonds and 2 -bonds (D)2 σ-bonds and 4 -bonds (E) 4 σ-bonds and 0 -bonds


. Hydrogen bonding is a special case of __________. (A)London-dispersion forces (B)ion-dipole attraction (C) dipole-dipole attractions (D)none of these (E)ion-ion interactions


. In which of these substances are the atoms held together by polar covalent bonding? (A) SrCl2 (B) CsCl (C) ClF (D) TiF2 (E) S8


1. Which of the following processes involves breaking intremolecular forces? (A)H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2 HCl(g) (B)I2(g) → 2 I(g) (C) Na(s) → Na(g) (D)2 C2H6(g) + 7 O2(g) → 4 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(g) (E) 2 KBr(s) → 2 K(g) + Br2(g)


2. What is the energy of the two isolated atoms? (A)-400 J (B)0.100 nm (C) -335 J (D)-155 J (E) 0 J


64. Of the following molecules, only _____ is polar. (A)CCl4 (B)BCl3 (C) NCl3 (D)BeCl2 (E) Cl2


. In which of the following molecules is hydrogen bonding likely to be the most significant component of the total intermolecular forces? (A)CH4 (B)C5H11OH (C) C6H13NH2 (D)CH3OH (E) CO2


. The molecular geometry of the H3O+ ion is __________. (A)linear (B)tetrahedral (C) bent (D)trigonal pyramidal (E) octahedral


. The property responsible for the "beading up" of water is ____________. (A)density (B) viscosity (C) vapor pressure (D)surface tension (E) hydrogen bonding


21. There are __________ valence electrons in the Lewis structure of CH3CH2Cl. (A)14 (B)12 (C) 18 (D)20 (E) 10


A volatile liquid is one that __________. (A)is highly flammable (B)is highly viscous (C)is highly hydrogen-bonded (D)is highly cohesive (E) readily evaporates


Which of the following molecules would require Pi bonds in the lewis structure? I. SO2 II.H2O III.NO2 - (A)I only (B)II only (C)III only (D)I and II only (E)I, II, and III


Which of the following would have the lowest boiling point? (A)HI (B)I2 (C) Br2 (D)F2 (E) C3H8


Which one of the following substances will have hydrogen bonding as one of its intermolecular forces? A B C D E


Which pair of ions should form the ionic lattice with the highest energy? (A)Na+ and Br- (B)Li+ and F- (C) Cs+ and F- (D)Li+ and O2- (E) K+ and F-


Which species has the same bond order as the carbon monoxide molecule? (A)ClF (B)CO3 2- (C) CO2 (D)NO+ (E)O3


. What is the formal charge of the oxygen atom of the following compound? (A)+3 (B)+1 (C)-2 (D)-3 (E) 0


61. Of the molecules below, _____ is polar. (A)SbF5 (B)AsH3 (C)I2 (D)SF6 (E) CH4


. Arrange the following bonds in order of increasing bond strength. (A) C-I < C-Br < C-Cl < C-F (B) C-F < C-Cl < C-Br < C-I (C) C-Br < C-I < C-Cl < C-F (D) C-I < C-Br < C-F< C-Cl (E) none of the above orders is correct


. Given the following substances and their normal boiling points, in °C: C: 43.8 °C D: 93.7 °C M: 56.7 °C T: 83.5 °C R: 63.6 °C Which ranking correctly lists some of these substances in order of decreasing vapor pressure at 20 °C? (A)C > R > D (B)D > T > R (C) R > M > D (D)C > D > M (E)D > R > M


. The smallest F—P—F bond angle in PF6 - ion is (A)90 degrees. (B)109.5 degrees. (C) 120 degrees. (D)145 degrees. (E) 180 degrees


. The substance with the largest heat of vaporization is __________. (A)I2 (B)Br2 (C) Cl2 (D)F2 (E)O2


. Which of the following molecules has the shortest bond length? (A)N2 (B)O2 (C) Cl2 (D)Br2 (E)I2


. Which species has the greatest bond enthalpy? (A)CN- (B)O2 (C)SO2 (D)SO3 (E) CO2


62. Of the molecules below, only _____ is nonpolar. (A)CO2 (B)H2O (C) NH3 (D)HCl (E) TeCl2


63. Of the molecules below, only _____ is nonpolar. (A)BF3 (B)NF3 (C)IF3 (D)PBr3 (E) BrCl3


66. Which of the following molecules has a dipole moment? (A)H2O (B)Br2 (C) CCl4 (D)CO2 (E) CH4


68. Which one of the following substances is more likely to dissolve in CCl4? (A)CBr4 (B)HBr (C) HCl (D)CH3CH2OH (E)NaCl


69. The strength of London dispersion forces between like-molecules depends on __________ and __________. (A)molecular mass, polarizability (B)polarizability, electronegativity (C) molecular mass, volatility (D)size, shape (E) vapor pressure, size


CH3CH2OH boils at 78 °C and CH3OCH3 boils at - 24 °C, although both compounds have the same composition. This difference in boiling points may be attributed to a difference in (A)molecular mass (B)density (C) specific heat (D)hydrogen bonding (E) heat of combustion


In the H-C≡N molecule, the hybridization of carbon is ________ and the hybridization of nitrogen is _________. (A) sp, sp (B) s 2p, sp (C) sp, sp2 (D)sp2, sp2 (E) sp3, sp


What is the predominant intermolecular force in CBr4? (A)London-dispersion forces (B)ion-dipole attraction (C)ionic bonding (D)dipole-dipole attraction (E) hydrogen-bonding


Which one of the following substances will not have hydrogen bonding as one of its intermolecular forces? A B C D E


. The lattice energy for ionic crystals increases as the charge on the ions _____________ and the size of the ions __________________ . (A) increases, increases (B) increases, decreases (C) decreases, increases (D) decreases, decreases (E) none of the above is generally correct


A valid Lewis structure of __________ cannot be drawn without violating the octet rule. (A)NF3 (B)IF3 (C) PF3 (D)SbF3 (E)SO4 2-


Of the following, _____ has the highest boiling point. (A)N2 (B)Br2 (C) H2 (D)Cl2 (E)O2


The bond angle in Cl2O is expected to be approximately (A)90 degrees. (B)109.5 degrees. (C) 120 degrees. (D)145 degrees. (E) 180 degrees.


. What is the formal charge on nitrogen in the molecule below? (A)0 (B)+1 (C) +2 (D)+3 (E)-1


The hybridization of the carbon atom labeled x in the molecule below is __________. (A) sp (B) sp2 (C) sp3 (D)sp3d (E) sp3d2


The molecular geometry of the SF2 molecule is __________. (A)linear (B)bent (C)trigonal planar (D)tetrahedral (E) octahedral


The molecular geometry of the SiH2Cl2 molecule is __________. (A)trigonal planar (B)tetrahedral (C)trigonal pyramidal (D)octahedral (E) T-shaped


Viscosity is ____________. (A)the "skin" on a liquid surface caused by intermolecular attraction (B)the resistance to flow (C)the same as density (D)inversely proportional to molar mass (E) unaffected by temperature


What is the bond energy (bond strength) of the bond? (A)0 J (B) -330 J (C) -110 J (D)-422 J (E) -10 J


Which bond has the greatest ionic character? (A)H-CL (B)H-F (C) H-O (D)H-N (E)H-S


Which compound has the greatest lattice energy? (A)BaO (B)MgO (C) CaS (D)MgS (E) CaO


Which of the following pairs of bonded atoms would be expected to have the longest bond length? (A)C-N (B)C-S (C) C-B (D)C-F (E) C-C


Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between bond length and bond strength for a series of compounds involving bonds between the same two atoms? (A)The greater the bond strength, the longer the bond. (B)The greater the bond strength, the shorter the bond. (C) Bond length and bond strength are not related. (D)The relationship between bond length and bond strength depends on other factors.


Which one of the following exhibits dipole-dipole attraction between molecules? (A)XeF4 (B)AsH3 (C) CO2 (D)BCl3 (E) Cl2


According to VSEPR theory, if there are 4 pairs of electrons in the valence shell of an atom, they will be arranged in a(n) _________ geometry. (A)octahedron (B) straight line (C)tetrahedron (D)trigonal plane (E)trigonal bipyramid


How many equivalent resonance forms can be drawn for CO3 2-(carbon is the central atom)? (A)1 (B)2 (C) 3 (D)4 (E) 0


Of the bonds C-C, C=C, and C≡C, the C-C bond is __________. (A) strongest/shortest (B) strongest/longest (C) weakest/longest (D)weakest/shortest (E)intermediate in both strength and length


Of the following, _______ is the most volatile. (A)CBr4 (B)CCl4 (C) CF4 (D)CH4 (E) C6H14


The ease with which the charge distribution in a molecule can be distorted by an external electrical field is called the __________. (A) electronegativity (B) hydrogen bonding (C) polarizability (D) volatility (E) Viscosity


The hybrid orbital set used by the central atom in NCl3 is __________. (A) sp (B) sp2 (C) sp3 (D)sp3d (E) sp3d2


The molecular geometry of the PHCl2 molecule is __________. (A)bent (B)trigonal planar (C)trigonal pyramidal (D)tetrahedral (E) T-shaped


There are _____ unhybridized p atomic orbitals in an sp-hybridized carbon atom. (A)0 (B)1 (C) 2 (D)3 (E) 4


There is/are __________ σ bond(s) in the molecule below. (A)1 (B)2 (C) 12 (D)13 (E) 18


Which of the following is a correct Lewis structure? (A) (B) (C) (D)


Which of the following would be expected to have the highest heat of vaporization? (A)He2 (B)Ar (C) PH3 (D)O2 (E)Ne


Which of the following would have the shortest C-C bond length? (A)CH3CH3 (B)CH2CH2 (C) CHCH (D)CH3CH2OH (E) All have the same bond lengths


Which one of the following derivatives of ethane has the highest boiling point? (A)C2Br6 (B)C2F6 (C) C2I6 (D)C2Cl6 (E) C2H6


. A molecule has a central atom surrounded by 2 lone pairs and 3 atoms. The best description for the shape of the molecule is (A)trigonal bipyramidal. (B)octahedral. (C)trigonal planar. (D)T-shaped. (E) see-saw.


. The central iodine atom in the ICl4 - ion, has ___ nonbonded electron pairs and ___ bonded electron pairs in its valence shell. (A)2,2 (B)3,1 (C) 1,3 (D)3,2 (E) 2,4


Of the following species, __________ will have bond angles of 120°. (A)PH3 (B)ClF3 (C) NCl3 (D)BCl3 (E) All of these will have bond angles of 120°


44. The basis of the VSEPR model of molecular bonding is ____________. (A) regions of electron density on an atom will organize themselves so as to maximize s-character (B) regions of electron density in the valence shell of an atom will arrange themselves so as to maximize overlap (C) atomic orbitals of the bonding atoms must overlap for a bond to form (D)electron pairs in the valence shell of an atom will arrange themselves so as to minimize repulsions (E) hybrid orbitals will form as necessary to, as closely as possible, achieve spherical symmetry


60. A polar molecule must have the following characteristics I. Asymmetrical II. polar bonds III. Identical electron domains (A)I (B)II (C)II (D)I and II (E)I, II, and III


65. Which of the following molecules will have a net dipole moment? I. PCl3 II. CH3F III. CBr2F2 IV. O2 (A)IIand IV only (B)Iand III only (C)III and IV only (D)I, II and III only


67. Of the following molecules, which has the largest dipole moment? (A)CO (B)CO2 (C) O2 (D)HF (E) F2


As electronegativity _________ between atoms, the bonds covalent character ___________. (A)Increases, decreases (B)Increases, increases (C) Decreases, increases (D)A and C (E) B and C


The bond angles marked a, b, and c in the molecule below are about __________, __________, and __________, respectively. (A)90°, 90°, 90° (B)120°, 120°, 90° (C) 120°, 120°, 109.5° (D)109.5°, 120°, 109.5° (E) 109.5°, 90°, 120°


There can be four equivalent best resonance structures of __________. (A)NO2- (B)NO3- (C)SO32- (D)SO42- (E) BrO3-


What is the bond length of the bond between the two atoms? (A)20 pm (B)330 pm (C) 2000 pm (D)140 pm (E) 400 pm


When NaCl dissolves in water, aqueous Na+ and Cl- ions result. The force of attraction that exists between Na+ and H2O is called a(n) __________ interaction. (A)dipole-dipole (B)ion-ion (C) hydrogen bonding (D)ion-dipole (E) London dispersion force


Which bond is the most polar? (A)H—C (B)H—N (C) H—P (D)H—O (E)H—Se


Which compound should have the lowest vapor pressure at a temperature at which all these substances are in the liquid state? (A)CH3-CH2-F (B)CH3-CH2-CH3 (C) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 (D)CH3-CH2-O-H (E) CH3-O-CH3


Which of the five basic geometries for molecules and ions has the smallest bond angle? (A)linear (B)planar triangular (C)tetrahedral (D)octahedral (E) These all have the same bond angles.


Which of the following BEST explains why neopentane hase the lowest boiling point? (A)neopentane is more polarized due to having fewer electrons (B)N-pentane is more polarized due to having more electrons (C) They all have equal numbers of electrons but neopentane has less surface area (D)neopentane and n-pentane have equal numbers of electrons but n-pentane has more surface area


Which of the following bonds would be most covalent in character? (A)B-F (B)C-F (C) Be-F (D)O-F (E)N-F


Which of the following has a bond order of 2? (A)Li2 (B)B2 (C) N2 (D)O2 (E) F2


. C12H26 molecules are held together by __________. (A)ion-ion interactions (B)hydrogen bonding (C)ion-dipole interactions (D)dipole-dipole interactions (E) dispersion forces


. In general, the vapor pressure of a substance increases as __________ increases. (A) surface tension (B)molecular weight (C) hydrogen bonding (D)viscosity (E)temperature


According to VSEPR theory, if there are 5 pairs of electrons in the valence shell of an atom, they will be arranged in a(n) _________ geometry. (A)octahedral (B)linear (C)tetrahedral (D)trigonal planar (E)trigonal bipyramidal


Based on molecular mass and dipole moment of the five compounds in the table below, which should have the highest boiling point? Substance Molecular Mass (amu) Dipole Moment (D) Propane, CH3CH2CH3 44 0.1 Dimethylether, CH3OCH3 46 1.3 Methylchloride, CH3Cl 50 1.9 Acetaldehyde, CH3CHO 44 2.7 Acetonitrile, CH3CN 41 3.9 (A)CH3CH2CH3 (B)CH3OCH3 (C) CH3Cl (D)CH3CHO (E) CH3CN


Of the following substances, _____ has the highest boiling point. (A)H2O (B)CO2 (C) CH4 (D)Kr (E)NH3


Pi bonding occurs in each of the following species EXCEPT (A)CO2 (B)C2H4 (C) CN¯ (D)C6H6 (E) CH4


The central iodine atom in the ICl4 - ion, has ___ nonbonded electron pairs and ___ bonded electron pairs in its valence shell. (A)2,2 (B)3,1 (C) 1,3 (D)3,2 (E) 2,4


The liquefied hydrogen halides have the normal boiling points given below. The relatively high boiling point of HF can be correctly explained by which of the following? (A)HF gas is more ideal. (B)HF is the strongest acid. (C) HF molecules have a smaller dipole moment. (D)HF is much less soluble in water. (E)HF molecules tend to form hydrogen bonds.


What frequency of light would be required to break a C=C bond with an enthalpy of 614 kJ/mol? (A)1.02 nm (B)663 nm (C) 1.95 x 10-7 nm (D)0.195 nm (E) 195 nm


Which of the following has bond order of 1.5? (A)HCN (B)BF3 (C) N3 (D)C2H2 (E)NOF


Whish molecule has the weakest bond? (A)CO (B)O2 (C) NO (D)N2 (E) Cl2


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