Bones - Intense

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Each of the following bones is part of the pelvic girdle, EXCEPT the _____.


The gluteal tuberosity is a bone marking found on the __________.


articulates with the acetabulum and the tibia.


Correctly match the definition and term: long bone

femur of the leg

In a(n) __________, the vertebral column is formed from 33 separate bones.


The menisci of the knee are made of __________.


Match the description to the correct stage of bone repair: activity of fibroblasts and osteoblasts creates an overgrown splint around the fracture site.

fibrocartilage callus

During fetal development, intramembranous ossification takes place in _____.

fibrous connective tissue membranes

Before 8 weeks, the skeleton of the human embryo is composed of ______.

fibrous membranes and hyaline cartilage

Correctly match the definition and term: hollow space in the shaft of a long bone.

medullary cavity

Match the type of cartilaginous feature to the correct description: hyaline cartilage.

most abundant skeletal cartilage


narrow ridge of bone

Correctly match the opening or depression in bone with its correct name: fissure.

narrow, slitlike opening

constructs the bridge of the nose

nasal bone

The hormone that raises the level of calcium ions in the blood.

parathyroid hormone

When Ca2+ concentration in the blood becomes lower than normal, __________.

parathyroid hormone is released

A joint between skull bones is called a __________.


When standing normally, most of your weight is transmitted to the ground by the __________.

talus and calcaneus

contains mastoid sinuses


external acoustic meatus


mastoid process


stylomastoid foramen

temporal bone

Correctly match the definition & disorder: common in those carrying a "large load up front," such as men with "potbellies" and pregnant women.

temporary lordosis

Which of the following is a facial bone?


part of the nasal septum


How many regions of the vertebral column are there?


How many cervical vertebrae are there in a normal adult?


Which of the following statements best describes interstitial growth of cartilage?

Chondrocytes divide and secrete new matrix from within the cartilage.

Which of the following characteristics of skeletal cartilage limits its thickness?

It is avascular and receives most of its nourishment from the perichondrium that surrounds it.

Which of the following is a canal-like passageway?


A painful infection of the bone often caused by bacteria.


Match the description to the correct stage in intramembranous ossification: formation of an ossification center in the fibrous membrane

Stage 1

Match the description to the correct stage in longitudinal growth of a long bone: Cartilage cells undergo mitosis

Stage 1

Match the description to the correct stage in longitudinal growth of along bone: Cartilage cells undergo mitosis.

Stage 1

Match the description to the correct stage of endochondral ossification: formation of bone collar around the diaphysis of the hyaline model

Stage 1

Match the description to the correct stage in longitudinal growth of a long bone: Cartilage cells undergo hypertrophy followed by calcification of the matrix.

Stage 2

Match the description to the correct stage of endochondral ossification: calcification of cartilage in the center of the diaphysis.

Stage 2

Match the description to the correct stage of endochondral ossification: calficication of cartilage in the center of the diaphysis.

Stage 2

Match the description to the correct stage of intramembranous ossification: formation of bone matrix within the fibrous membrane.

Stage 2

Match the description to the correct stage in endochondral ossification: invasion of internal cavities by the periosteal bud and spongy bone formation

Stage 3

Match the description to the correct stage in longitudinal growth of a long bone: Dead cartilage cells appear; matrix begins deteriorating.

Stage 3

Match the description to the correct stage of intramembranous ossification: formation of woven bone and the periosteium.

Stage 3

Match the description to the correct stage of intramembranous ossification: formation of woven bone and the periosteum.

Stage 3

Match the description to the correct stage in longitudinal growth of a long bone: Ossification occurs on the face of the epiphyseal plate closest to the medullary cavity.

Stage 4

Match the description to the correct stage of endochondral ossification: formation of compact bone plates and red marrow

Stage 4

Match the description to the correct stage of endochrondral ossification: formation of the medullary cavity as ossification continues.

Stage 4

Match the description to the correct stage of endochondral ossification: ossification of the epiphysis.

Stage 5

perforating canals that carry interconnected blood vessels to the Haversian canal

Volkmann's canals

Yellow marrow is useful as __________.

a tissue that may revert back to red marrow if a person needs more red blood cells

Match the type of cartilaginous feature to the correct description: fibrocartilage.

able to withstand heavy loads and absorb shock

Which of the following statements concerning the periosteum of a bone is NOT true?

all bone surfaces in the body are covered by the periosteum

growth of bone in thickness

appositional growth



At the end of secondary ossification, hyaline cartilage can be found _____.

at the epiphyseal plates

The bones in the long axis of the body make up the __________.

axial skeleton



Intramembranous ossification __________.

begins with a connective tissue membrane


between ribs

Match the description to the correct function of the skeletal system: hematopoiesis

blood cell production

structures contained in the central canal of an osteon

blood vessels

Fossae are ______.

bone depressions

Excess bony material is removed from the external and internal surfaces of the diaphysis.

bone remodeling

The final step in fracture repair is _____.

bone remodeling

Match the description to the correct stage of bone repair: trabeculae invade callus and begin to replace fibrous tissue and cartilage.

bony callus formation

The hormone that may function to decrease the level of calcium in the blood


Bones serve as an important reservoir of _____.


Hydroxyapatite in bone matrix that gives bone its hardness is primarily composed of _____.

calcium and phosphates

Major inorganic component of bone.

calcium phosphate

Match the description to the correct function of the skeletal system: mineral storage.

calcium phosphate repository

Osteocytes maintain contact with the blood vessels of the central canal through _____.


narrow passageways that contain cytoplasmic extensions of osteocytes



carpal bone

the wrist bones


short bone

carpals of the wrist


cavity within a bone

transverse processes contain foramina

cervical vertebra

zygomatic bone


cartilage cells


The twisting of a long bone is prevented by which of the following?

circumferential lamellae

Major organic fiber of bone.


A patient is brought to the emergency room with a broken bone. According to the x-ray, the bone is fragmented into three pieces. This would be considered a __________.

comminuted fracture

Correctly match the definition and term: A fracture in which bone fragments break into three or more pieces.

comminuted fracture

The two types of osseous tissue are __________.

compact bone & spongy bone

Correctly match the definition and term: A fracture that has broken ends of the bone protrude through the soft tissues and the skin

compound fracture

A fracture in which the bone is crushed

compression fracture

A fracture in the shaft of a bone would occur in the __________.


Correctly match the definition and term: shaft of a long bone.


The role of the cranium is to _____.

enclose and protect the brain

Match the description to the correct function of the skeletal system: protection.

encloses brain and other soft organs

The process of bone growth at the epiphyseal plate is similar to __________.

endochondral ossification

replacement of hyaline cartilage with bony tissue

endochondral ossification

thin connective tissue membrane that lines the medullary cavity


longitudinal growth region of the long bone

epiphyseal plate

Expanded portion of the long bone at its ends.


Mary is 50 years old. During a checkup, a bone scan reveals that portions of her skeleton show signs of osteoporosis. After reviewing the test results, her physician suggest hormone therapy. What hormone is prescribed for Mary.


The hormone that is used in hormone therapy to reduce osteoporosis in females.


Correctly match the term & definition: forms part of the nasal septum & the lateral walls & roof of the nasal cavity.


The crista galli is a projection from which bone?


cribiform plate


superior and middle nasal conchae are part of this bone.


Which of the following is the most deeply situated bone in the skull?

ethmoid bone

smooth, nearly flat articular surface



false ribs

Correctly match the following term: greater & lesser trochanter.


bone that has the lateral malleolus.


A narrow, slitlike opening in a bone is referred to as a _____.


Thin bone

flat bone


floating ribs

occipital bone

forms most of the base of the skull

parietal bone

forms the bulk of the cranial ceiling

Correctly match the following bones: supraorbital foramen

frontal bone

Correctly match the opening or depression in bone with its correct name: groove


bony expansion carried on a narrow neck.



heel bone

Caused by tearing of blood vessels in and around fracture site.

hematoma formation

coxal bone


The only bone of the body that does NOT articulate directly with any other bone is the __________.

hyoid bone

forms part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity

inferior nasal concha

Growth of a cartilage in which the chondrocytes within the matrix become active and proliferate is known as __________

interstitial growth

Which of the following is NOT composed of hyaline cartilage?

intervertebral discs

replacement of connective tissue membranes with bony tissue

intramembranous ossification

Bone with a complex shape.

irregular bone

frontal bone

is the most anterior part of the cranium

The female pelvis ________.

is tilted anteriorly (forward) compared to a male pelvis

C7 is referred to as the "vertebra prominens" because __________.

its spinous process is larger than those of the other cervical vertebrae



Correctly match the definition & disorder: dorsally exaggerated thoracic curvature, or "hunch back"


forms part of the medial orbit wall

lacrimal bone

Cavities in bone where bone cells live.


Rings of bone matrix.


concentric rings that surround the Haversian canal



lateral forearm

tibia and fibula


Match the type of cartilaginous feature to the correct description: elastic cartilage.

located in the external ear and epiglottis

Has a length greater than width. flat bone

long bone

When the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone, __________.

long bones have reached their adult length

Correctly match the definition & disorder: an accentuated lumbar curvature, or swayback


massive kidney-shaped body from a superior view

lumbar vertebra

The vertebrae that have enhanced weight-bearing capability are the ___________.

lumbar vertebrae

Sutures connect all the bones of the skull, EXCEPT the __________.


The only bone of the facial skeleton that does NOT articulate with the maxillae is the _____.


forms the chin


bone that contains the infraorbital foramen.


keystone bone of the face



medial forearm

A common injury in the winter is a fall in which someone hits the back of his or her head on the ice. What bone is most likely to be involved in this type of fall?


Correctly match the term & definition: forms posterior aspects & most of the base of the skull.


allows the spinal cord to pass to the brain


Correctly match the following bones: foramen magnum

occipital bone

Appositional growth _____.

occurs when the lacunae-bound chondrocytes divide and secrete new matrix, expanding the cartilage from within

Correctly match the term and description: bone-building cell.


Correctly match the definition and term: bone-forming cells


Correctly match the term and description: bone-destroying cell.


Bone is broken down by __________.


Correctly match the term and description: mature bone cell


The cells that maintain mature compact bone are __________.


The lacunae of bone contain __________.


Correctly match the definition and term: Hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone would produce changes in the bone similar to those associated with this disorder.


Hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone would produce changes in the bone similar to those associated with this disorder.


basic functional unit of compact bone


A condition that occurs when the bones become weak and thin and tend to fracture easily.


A condition that produces a reduction in bone mass sufficient to compromise normal function is __________


Correctly match the term and description: bone stem cell

osteoprogenitor cell

Bone-forming cells originate from _____.

osteoprogenitor cells

forms the posterior hard palate

palatine bone

Correctly match the term & definition: forms most of the superior and lateral aspects of the skull

parietal bone

sesamoid bone

patella of knee

Which of the following is NOT a part of the axial division of the skeletal system?

pectoral girdle


pectoral girdle

Match the name of the bone to its location: ilium

pelvic girdle

Which of the following structures anchors the periosteum to the underlying bone?

perforating fibers

fibrous connective tissue membrane that covers the outer surface of long bone.


Correctly match the term and description: diaphysis.

primary ossification center

Endochondral ossification

process of long bone development

Collagen fibers do NOT ______.

provide for bone hardness

articulates with the capitulum of the humerus


armlike bar of bone


substance contained in the spaces of the spongy bone

red bone marrow

Which of the following does NOT correlate with the skull growth spurt that is seen between the ages of 6 and 13?

replacement of the fontanelles with bone

Which of the following bones belong to the axial skeleton?


A condition that may cause bow legs in a child.


If a breastfeeding mother becomes vitamin D deficient, what disease is most likely to develop in the nursing infant?


Correctly match the opening or depression in bone with its correct name: foramen.

round or oval opening through a bone


rounded articular projection

glenoid cavity


Correctly match the term & definition: abnormal lateral spinal curvature that occurs most often in the thoracic region, "twisted disease."


Which of the following spinal deformities is quite common during late childhood in females?


Correctly match the term and description: epiphysis.

secondary ossification center

__________ bones act to alter the direction of tendon pull.


Ovoid bone found in a tendon.

sesamoid bone

In adolescence, the "growth spurt" that is observed is mainly attributed to an increase in __________.

sex hormones


shallow, basinlike depression in a bone, often serving as an articular surface


sharp, slender, often pointed projection

Approximately equal in length and width.

short bone


shoulder blade

Correctly match the definition and term: A fracture in which the bone breaks cleanly and does not penetrate the skin.

simple fracture

Match the description to the correct function of the skeletal system: movement.

site of attachment to skeletal muscles

Correctly match the term and description: epiphyseal plate.

site of length increase in long bones


small rounded projection or process


smooth, nearly flat articular surface

Correctly match the term & definition: keystone of the cranium.


foramen ovale is part of this bone


foramen spinosum

sphenoid bone

Correctly match the definition and term: location of red bone marrow.

spongy bone

xiphoid process


flat bone

sternum of breastbone

Choose the MISMATCHED paring. deltoid tuberosity: humerus styloid process: humerus surgical neck: humerus radial tuberosity: radius

styloid process: humerus

Correctly match the definition and term: Elevated levels of a hormone that could cause premature closure of the epiphyseal plates.


What would you find located in the lacrimal fossa?

the lacrimal sac

Which of the following sutures is most likely to contain sutural bones?

the lambdoid suture

Where would a dentist inject lidocaine to prevent pain in the lower teeth?

the mandibular foramen

The structural unit of compact bone is __________.

the osteon or Haversian system

Which of the following bones would most likely be involved in surgery to remove a tumor on the pituitary gland?

the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone

Which of the following sites is the site where bone marrow is routinely sampled in an adult?

the sternum

long, sharp spinous process that projects inferiorly.

thoracic vertebra

A hormone that modulates the activity of growth hormone, ensuring proper bone formation.

thyroid hormone

At its distal end, the femur articulates with the _____.


Correctly match the term & definition: medial and lateral condyles.


bone with the bony crest that forms the shin


tiny plates or needle-like processes of bone material found in spongy bone


Spongy bone contains all of the following, EXCEPT __________.

true osteons


true ribs

large, rough, rounded projections


The olecranon process would be found on the __________.


olecranon process


irregular bone

vertebrae of spinal column and hip bones


very large, blunt, irregularly shaped process

All of the following are stored in the matrix of bones, EXCEPT __________.

vitamin D

Rickets can be caused by a deficiency of _____.

vitamin D

Which bone does NOT form a part of the orbits of the eyes?


Mary fractured her pisiform bone in a fall. What part of her body was injured?




Which of the following is classified as a short bone? wrist bone vertebra finger bone sternum

wrist bone

the substance usually found in the medullary cavity of bones in an adult

yellow bone marrow

The bones of the skeleton store energy reserves as lipids in __________.

yellow marrow

forms the cheek and part of the orbit

zygomatic bone

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