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A private pilot ASEL rated student approaches you interested in an instrument rating. Her experience is as follows: 35 hours of PIC XC (all over 50 nm). 50 hours of PIC, 8 hours of instrument time with a CFII, and 25 hours of simulated instrument time with a safety pilot. How many additional XC PIC hours does this student need?


What is the criteria that is used in TERPS by the FAA for determining if there will be standard or nonstandard IFR departures?

152ft/nm slope from the departure end of the runway

You are cruising at 130 knots (ground speed) at 9,000 ft. You need to descend to 3,000 ft to start an approach. Using the 3/6 rule, how many miles out from the initial approach fix do you need to start your descent?


AN OROCA guarantees obstacle clearance of how many feet in mountainous areas?


If you are en-route at FL290 and your altimeter is set correctly, you would be measuring the height above what?


A private pilot ASEL rated student approaches you interested in an instrument rating. Her experience is as follows: 35 hours of PIC XC (all over 50 nm). 50 hours of PIC, 8 hours of instrument time with a CFII, and 25 hours of simulated instrument time with a safety pilot. How many hours of training with a CFII need to be conducted within 2 calendar months prior to the practical?


A standard Low Altitude VOR has a service volume that extends how far?

40 NM

RAIM requires a minimum of how many satellites? (Assum it does not have a baro-aiding unit)

5 to have RAIM 6 to kick out a bad satellite

According to the AIM, a report should be made to ATC when unable to climb/descend at a rate of at least how many feet per minute when operating under IFR?


A private pilot ASEL rated student approaches you interested in an instrument rating. Her experience is as follows: 35 hours of PIC XC (all over 50 nm). 50 hours of PIC, 8 hours of instrument time with a CFII, and 25 hours of simulated instrument time with a safety pilot. How many additional total instrument hours does this student need to meet the requirement?


A private pilot ASEL rated student approaches you interested in an instrument rating. Her experience is as follows: 35 hours of PIC XC (all over 50 nm). 50 hours of PIC, 8 hours of instrument time with a CFII, and 25 hours of simulated instrument time with a safety pilot. Of the total instrument hours left, how many need to be with a CFII?


When declaring an emergency you should squawk what?


The total width of a Victor Airway that is less than 51 NM from the VOR is how wide?

8 NM

If flying below 10,000 ft, it is recommended that you use NAVAIDs not more than how many NM apart?


The localizer modulation frequency is what?

90 and 150

If both the ram air input and the drain hole of the pitot system are blocked, what reaction should you observe on the airspeed indicator.

A frozen reading on current airspeed

In a glass cockpit, this system would provide OAT information.


In a glass cockpit, this system provides attitude and heading information.


This altitude is a measurement of the height above the ground.

Absolute Altitude

Primary instrument for power when in straight and level flight.

Airspeed indicator or RPM

During a transition from straight and level flight to a standard rate turn using the primary/supporting method, which instrument is primary for pitch?


This decision making process is employed when there is time to make a decision and involves exploring multiple options and choosing one.

Analytical ADM

The following instruments and equipment is required for instrument flight: Generator, Rate of Turn Indicator, Sensitive Altimeter, Inclinometer, Clock, Two Way Radios and a Directional Gyro. What is the missing piece of equipment?

Attitude Indicator

In reference to the control performance method, what is the control instrument used for pitch?

Attitude indicator

A turn coordinator indicates which of the following.

Both rate of turn and rate of roll

This airspeed is one of the primary reference points for V speeds.

Calibrated Airspeed

You are flying a UND arecher which is certified as a category A aircraft. When conducting a ciriling approach you are forced to fly at 110 knots do to environemntal issues. What category minimums are you legaly allowed to use?

Can legally use either category A or B but the AIM recommends using the higher of the two.

If there is not a VOR change over point indicated on a victor airway, when should you plan to switch to the next VOR? (select all that apply)

Change in course 1/2 way point

IFR enroute charts do not show which of the following? Major bodies of water Cities and towns Airspace

Cities and towns

What defense mechanism is where the student minimizes their perceived weaknesses by emphasizing the positives or strengths on the flight?


Flying directly above the VOR would put you in which area?

Cone of confusion

If your clearance void time lapses at an uncontrolled field before you take off, what do you need to do?

Contact ATC and inform them that you did not takeoff yet and if necessary, request an amended clearance.

The level of learning at which the student becomes able to associate an element, which has been learned with other blocks of learning, is ...


Fixation, emphasis, and omission are commonly referred to as what?

Crosscheck errors

Today is March 25, if you don't do any other approaches when will you need an IPC check? November - IPC December - 0 January - 1 GPS (LPV) and 1 VOR approach February - 1 ILS approach and holding March - so far nothing this month

December 1st

There are situations when students and instructors have a hard time understanding each other. List one barrier to effective communication that the FOI text mentions.

ECOLI external factors confusion between the symbol and symbolized object overuse of abstractions interference lack of common experience

What pre-takeoff check should be made of the attitude indicator in preparation for IFR flight.

Erect within 5 minutes

What is the correct order to conduct the demonstration performance method of instruction?

Explanation, Demonstration, Student Performance Supervision, and Evaluation

characteristics of an effective assessment?

FAST COCO Flexible Acceptable Specific Thoughtful Comprehensive Objective Constructive Organized

When conducting a VOT check for a VOR your display should indicate what?

FROM 360 TO 180

What suggests that a person forgets information that is not used for an extended period of time?


A clearance to fly a STAR always indicates a clearance to descend.


ADS-B out is currenty only required when operating in or around class B airspace.


Extreme over cooperation, painstaking self-control, inappropriate laughter or singing, and a very rapid change in emotion is a normal reaction to a stressful situation.


In order to receive RAIM, a GPS receiver must have a minimum of 3 satellites.


Pilots should avoid declaring an emergency during conditions of urgency.


The attitude indicator works off of the gyroscopic principles of precession only.


The heading indicator works off of the gyroscopic principles of rigidity in space and precession.


There are always three marker beacons on an ILS approach.


When conducting an approach, seeing any part of the approach lighting system allows you to descend below the MDA/DH and land.


When ustalizing GPS in place of DME you need to factor in the increased error caused by slant range.


You notice that your pitot/static instruments are not reading correctly so you turn on the pitot heat and alternate static source. If in the Archer, you must also close the storm window and turn off the cabin heater.

False Archer POH: "The storm window and cabin vents must be closed and the cabin heater and defroster must be on during alternate static source operation"

This is not an offical segment of an approach. Missed Intermediate Feeder Rout

Feeder Rout

What are the standard alternate minimums that must be forecasted at the proposed alternate airport if the airport has only a non-precision approach procedure?

Forecast 800-foot ceiling and 2 statute miles at your ETA.

RAIM insures what?

GPS accuracy

Explain the concept of line of site and what impact iot has on navigation in the IFR environment.

Having line of sight to something would mean that there is a clear path between the two objects without being blocked by any terrain, buildings, or other obstructions. An example of how LOS impacts flying under IFR is that VORs require line of sight. At low altitude, it may be difficult or impossible to get a signal when there are obstructions in the way such as terrain.

A magnetometer provides us with what information in a glass cockpit?


This is primary for bank when established in a constant speed climb or descent.

Heading Indicator

Slant range error with DME is most pronounced when you are.....

High and close to the station

During descent your static port freezes. This would cause your final indication airspeed to read.....

Higher than normal

If while in level flight it becomes necessary to use the alternate static source which is vented inside the airplane, the altimeter will read........

Higher than normal

Explain what you believe are the two most important instructor responsibilites. Why are they more important than the others?

I think the two most important instructor responsibilities are to ensure aviation safety and to use adequate standards of performance. The reason why I think both of these responsibilities are the most important are closely tied together. A goal of flight instructors is to train pilots to be safe efficient pilots. By setting an example and following safe practices, while using standards from the ACS/PTS, we can better equip pilots to make safer decisions and better handle real world problems.

Explain how you will approach teaching partial panel operations, and where it fits into an instrument course of training.

I would introduce partial panel operations after the student has a good grasp of BAIF. I believe that it fits somewhere in the middle of an instrument course of training. The student should be able to conduct normal instrument maneuvers and instrument approaches. Partial panel operations should be slowly introduced starting with basic maneuvers and then into approaches.

Describe how you would teach decision making to an instrument student, and how it would be different than teaching a new private pilot the same topic.

I would use scenarios that involved different opportunies for the student to practice decision making by using examples such as unforecasted weather, system problems, and low fuel. IFR focused case studies can also be useful to start a good discussion on ADM. With a private pilot, I would focus on the basics of ADM including what it is and talk about some of the decision making models with examples. During flight you can also evaluate the student's ADM skills by practicing diversions and discussing what actions the student would take with different types of system failures.

Every decision making process has you do what? (Select all that apply) Identify a hazard Think through a solution Select the very first possible action

Identify a hazard Think through a solution

When will your student experience reverse sensing on a localizer back course with an HSI?

If the back course is set into the OBS

Which organization of material process is constructed of using something the student already knows as the point of departure and then the flight instructor leads the student into new concepts and ideas.

Known to unknown

This is a type of Differential GPS that has ground receivers scattered around an airport to provide extremly percise GPS signal.


Under what condition of temperature will true altitude be lower than indicated altitude with an altimeter setting of 29.92?

Lower than standard temperature

What is the altitude standard required by the ACS/PTS standards for conducting a VOR approach after the final approach fix?

MDA plus 100 ft and minus 0 ft

Lowest altitude between radio fixes which guarantees navigation reception and obstruction clearance.


Guarantees navigation signal within 22 miles of the NAVAID.


Which of the following is not a step for recovering from a nose low critical attitude? Maintain power Level wings Pull back

Maintain power

Based on the scenario below, if you do not do any approaches in February what is the last day you will be current? May - IPC June - 2 ILS Approaches July - 1 GPS (LPV) Approach August - 0 September - 1 ILS and Holding October - 2 GPS (LPV) Approaches November - 0 December - 1ILS and 1 VOR Approaches January - 1 GPS (LNAV) Approach February - 0

March 31

A Maximum Authorized Altitude guarantees what?

NAVAID Interference Avoidance

Which transfer of learning occurs when the performance of a maneuver interferes with the learning of another maneuver?


Based on the following scenario are you instrument current? Today is March 25th. June - IPC July - 2 ILS Approaches August - 1 GPS Approach September - 1 ILS and Holding October - 0 November - 1ILS and 1 GPS Approaches December - 0 January - 0 February - 1 GPS Approach March - 1 ILS Approach


Your student has her private pilot certificate - airplane and is working toward her instrument rating. During the lesson, she is performing instrument approaches in actual conditions under an IFR flight plan. Can she legally act as PIC in this situation?


Odd numbered airways run primarily which direction?


You are level at 3,000 ft on a heading of 010. ATC instructs you to turn to a heading of 040. Using the magnetic compass what error are you going to be susceptible to?

Northerly turning error

An airport without an authorized instrument approach procedure may be included on an IFR flight plan as an alternate, if the current weather forecast indicates what?

Only if weather allows for descent from the MEA to the runway under basic VFR conditions.

When should you use the minimum safe altitude (MSA)?

Only in an emergency

What helps stimulate remembering of information?

PAASR Praise Association Attitudes Senses meaningful Repetition

What are the 4 characteristics of leaning as described in The Aviation Instructor's Handbook?

PRAM purposeful result of experience active process multifaceted

Before a student can fully concentrate on learning, which human needs must be satisfied?


List two positive aspects of utalizing a TCO and two negative aspects.

Positive Aspects: 1. Using a TCO is an easy way to make sure the overall requirements for the certificate or rating are being met. 2. A TCO is simple and easy to use. It can make preparation easier. Negative Aspects: 1. Lack of flexibility. While you can sometimes skip around to a briefing or sim in the case of bad weather for example, there can still be a lack of flexibility and time to focus on certain things on an average lesson. 2. It can be more difficult to tailor lessons to individual student needs

List and explain 3 qualities that a good student should have in order to maximize their learning experience.

Preparation - Doing homework, readings, and planning prior to a lesson will help the student to be more ready to learn. Active participation - Note taking, asking questions, and being involved in activities can help to increase retention and gain a better understanding of the subject. Meeting basic needs - Showing up to a lesson exhausted, starving, or needing to use the bathroom will be distracting to the learning experience.

When departing from an airport located outside controlled airspace during IMC, you must file an IFR flight plan and receive a clearance before when?

Prior to entering controlled airspace

What is a subconscious technique for justifying actions that otherwise would be unacceptable?


Individuals learn best when they are willing to learn. This is a feature of the law of


The law of learning that deals with material that is most recently learned is best remembered is:


This is the amount of heading change required to point directly at the station.

Relative Bearing

What suggests that a person can't recall the information? They might refer to it as "it is on the tip of my tongue."

Retrieval failure

In order to accommodate for error with a compass when turning to a heading of north, you need to......

Roll out prior to reaching your desired heading

You are told to conduct a holding pattern at an interception of two VOR radials. When should you start the timer for the outbound leg? At a given DME When you reach the published outbound course Correct Rolling wings level

Rolling wings level

Trying to beat weather by ducking under low clouds is called what?

Scud Running

Give an example of how you will create intensity for your instrument student.

Selected Answer: Show an exciting video during a ground briefing. Correct Answer: [None] 1 out of 2 points

Published RNAV routes that are below 18,000 ft are called what?

T Routes

Explain what the Minimal Operation Network is as part of the FAA Navigation Programs Strategy.

The FAA is decommissioning many land based NAVAIDs because of the widespread use of alternatives such as GPS. The Minimal Operation Network (MON) is set up so that incase of a GPS outage, aircraft in the US above 5,000 AGL should be able to have VOR signal reception and be within 100 miles of an airport they can navigate to with a VOR or ILS approach.

Two instrument rated pilots choose to go on a flight in VMC and practice instrument approaches and maneuvers. The pilot flying performed change in airspeed climbs and descents, unusual attitudes and performed a VOR approach, all under the hood. After the flight when filling out the logbook for the pilot flying, what qualifying information must also be entered besides the flight times if he wants to use the approaches for currency?

The date, name of safety pilot, name and type of approach, and airports must be entered.

List and describe the 4 segments of any approach procedure? (4 pts)

The four segments of any approach procedure are the initial, intermediate, final, and missed. The initial approach segment begins at the initial approach fix and brings you to the intermediate fix. Its purpose is to help transition from enroute to the approach. The intermediate approach segment starts at the intermediate fix and ends at the final approach fix. The purpose is to help you get aligned with the final approach course. Next is the final approach segment, which begins at the final approach fix and ends at the missed approach point. The purpose is to get to your DA or MDA while remaining clear of obstacles in order to land off of the approach. In the event that you do not meet the required conditions to land, the purpose of the missed approach is to climb away from obstacles usually so you can hold to figure out what to do next.

Where a holding pattern is specified in lieu of a procedure turn, the holding maneuver must be executed within:

The time specified or published leg length

What portion of dual instruction time may a certificated instrument flight instructor log as instrument flight time?

The time while operating in actual conditions

Which time may be logged as instrument time when on an instrument flight plan?

Time operating sole reference to instruments under actual or simulated instrument conditions

According to FAR 91.205, an inclinometer is a required instrument to conduct a flight under IFR.


In order to accept a STAR you must at least have a textual description. T or F


In the decision making process, accepting risk can sometimes be the best option in some cases.


The AHRS system in the Archer is connected to the emergency bus.


WAAS is an integrated part of a GPS unit which can be turned off by the pilot.


WAAS is one type of Differntial GPS.


This altitude is a measurement of the height above mean sea-level.

True Airspeed

This is calibrated airspeed corrected for nonstandard pressure and temperature.

True Airspeed

This gyroscopic instrument is typically powered by electricity.

Turn and slip indicator

The level of learning is where the student is able to comprehend the concepts and meaning of something is ...


Your student is on their instrument checkride with an FAA examiner and there is weather that is forecast to move into the area. They decide to go on their instrument checkride anyway. The weather moves in as forecast and they are unable to get the checkride completed. Which is most likely the outcome of this checkride?

Unsatisfactory performance, it was a poor decision to fly they were not able to get everything done because of the forecast poor weather conditions

The primary instrument for pitch when established in a constant rate climb or descent.


On both FAA and Jepp enroute charts, controlled airspace is indicated by what color?


When conducting a dual VOR check the allowable variance is how many degrees?

Within 4

Your student wants to plan an IFR cross country going GPS direct and they ask you if they need an alternate source of navigation. Which answer is most correct. You do not need an alternate source of navigation You do need an alternate source of navigation, but WAAS can serve this purpose You always need a ground based alternate source of navigation

You do need an alternate source of navigation, but WAAS can serve this purpose

Who can declare an emergency? (Select all that apply) Pilot ATC Dispatcher

all of the above Pilot ATC Dispatcher

What are the minimum fuel requirements for airplanes in IFR conditions, if the first airport of intended landing is forecast to have a 1,500 -foot ceiling and 5 miles visibility at flight planned ETA? Fuel to complete the flight to the first airport of intended landing...

fly to the alternate, and fly thereafter for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed.

What are the minimum fuel requirements for airplanes in IFR conditions, if the first airport of intended landing is forecast to have a 1,500 foot ceiling and 5 miles visibility at flight planned ETA? Fuel to complete the flight to the first airport of intended landing...

fly to the alternate, and fly thereafter for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed.

fundamental skills of BAIF.

instrument cross check/scan interpretation aircraft control

List and explain 3 important qualities/aspects of a professional flight instructor.

personal appearance and habits proper language preparation SADPP sincerity acceptance Demeanor Personal appearance and habits Proper language

What is the course standard required by the ACS/PTS standards for intercepting a DME arc?

plus 1 nm and minus 1 nm

What is the airspeed standard required by the ACS/PTS standards for conducting a VOR approach after the final approach fix?

plus 10 kts and minus 10 kts

What is the altitude standard required by the ACS/PTS standards for intercepting a course?

plus 100 ft and minus 100 ft

The law of exercise is the basis of

practice and drill

In order to help prevent CFIT accidents, the AIM recommends pilots not descend below the MDA.......

prior to reaching the VDP

What is the course standard required by the ACS/PTS standards for conducting a VOR approach after the final approach fix?

¾ scale deflection

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