bowel movements

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what is an example of a laxative

milk of magnesia

why does pregnancy affect bowel movements?

more pressure on your abdomen

patient who takes milk of magnesia every day is considered what?

perceived constipaton

tap water/ fleet enemas do what?

remove and cleanse

oil retention enema does what


what does a fecal blood test do?

tells if there is blood in the stool

small intestine has what type of stool vs. large intestine

watery stool vs. solid stool

what is an example of a good absorber

white rice

where are bowel diversions found

abdominal region

apple juice causes diarrhea even though what doesnt

apple sauce

fiber acts like a what in your colon?

broom, so that your food can be pushed through without being victim to diverticulitis

a surgical operation in which a piece of your colon is diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall


process of elimination of waste


how can you determine the presence of a fecal impaction?

digital examination

how can you get rid of fecal impaction?


semisolid mass of fiber, undigested food, inorganic material


what are some stimulants for diarrhea

fried foods, red sauces or glutens

what can change the color of the stool?

high amount of vitamin C

used to move waste out of the body when the colon or rectum is not working properly-


what happens in the process of bowel elimination?

1. feces reaches rectum 2. stretch receptors initiate contraction of rectal muscles 3. internal anal sphincter relaxes 4. sensory impulses cause voluntary 5. external sphincter relaxes

assessment for bowel movements:

1. look for stomach to be distended 2. listen for bowel sounds 3. palpate 4. rebound tenderness- peritoneal pain

managing constipation-

- have high fiber foods -increase fluid -activity/exercise -laxative

common alterations of defecations

-diarrhea -constipation -fecal impaction -bowel diversions

common diagnostic tests

-direct visualization -radiographic views -laboratory studies

how can you manage diarrhea

-monitor stools -monitor for fluid imbalance -monitor for skin integrity

name the different types of enemas

-oil retention -tap water/ Fleet

the results of a fecal occult blood test can be inaccurate if?

-patient had an excessive intake of red meat -female patient is menstruating -patient takes high doses of vitamin C

name some factors that can affect bowel elimination

-personal factors -developmental stage -nutrition/hydration -medication -pregnancy

how can you promote regular defecation

-provide privacy -correct position -timing -encourage fluids -proper diet -exercise

managing a bowel diversion

-stoma assessment and care -strict attention to skin care -monitor amount and type of effluent -teach home care

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