BPM 300

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What are the phases of the BPM Governance Framework Roadmap?

1. Strategy 2. Setup 3. Transition 4. Continuous Improvement

-What is a key element of a process-oriented organization?

Defined Process Ownership

What is the purpose of the Starter Kit for Business Process Management?

"...provide vision and guidance to SAP customers and partners to learn about SAP's process orchestration capabilities, how to benefit from it, and how to accelerate their journey towards a process-oriented enterprise."

-The BPM transformation will not succeed if IT do not...

...become process-oriented (Process-Centric IT Operations Model)

-The implementation of a Process-Centric IT Operation Model is recommended...

...in order to improve the current situation and solve the complications resulting from a system & application-centric IT organization.

-Even with a Process-Oriented IT Operations Model, the business should...

...still be the lead in providing process-relevant information

-The Transition phase transforms...

...the BPM Strategy and Set-Up into reality.

BPM Governance Framework Roadmap: What are the steps in the Continuous Improvement phase?

1. Add Process-Based Rewards 2. Expand Reporting 3. Allocate Budget 4. Perform Audits

-What are the activities in the Continuous Improvement phase of the BPM Governance Framework - Roadmap?

1. Add process-based rewards 2. Expand reporting 3. Allocate budget 4. Perform audits

What do ASAP Business Add-ons cover?

1. Additional flavor methodology and accelerators 2. Solution or Industry-specific business content (i.e. - business process structure, transactions, solution documentation, links to IMG objects, BC Sets, enhancements, SOA services, composite applications, test cases, and training material) 3. Relevant services and training

What are some important benefits of adapting to a BPM methodology?

1. BPM requires and enables organizations to manage the complete revision cycles of their processes, from process design to monitoring and optimization, and to change them more frequently to adjust to changing circumstances. 2. The development of BPM technologies is enabling business managers to abstract process flows from the underlying applications and infrastructure, and to change them directly.

Identify the major strategies through the Evolution of Architecture, and some key characteristics that defined them.

1. Business Silos - The use of local IT applications supported the objective of Return On Investment (ROI) from local business initiatives, and were defined by local business leaders focusing on local and functional optimization. 2. Standardized Technology - The business objective of reduced IT costs was achieved through shared technical platforms defined by IT and business unit leaders with behavior centered on IT efficiency. 3. Optimized Core - Companywide standardized processes or databases were implemented to support business objectives focusing on the cost and quality of business operations. The applications were defined by Senior management and process leaders, adhering to a business and operational efficiency centric strategy. 4. Business Modularity - Key business objectives of speed to market and strategic agility are enabled through plug-and-play business process model designed by IT, business and industry leaders. Strategic Agility is the prevailing tactic. 5. Dynamic Venturing - ROI of new business ventures is facilitated by seamlessly merging IT systems with partner systems, applications are defined by IT, business and industry leaders, as well as partners. Strategy calls for organic reconfiguration

-Process Ownership is a means and key enabler to

1. Continuously improve processes according to changing business process needs 2. Increase process efficiency in a sustainable way

BPM Governance Framework Roadmap: What are the steps in the Transition phase?

1. Create Basics 2. Perform Analysis 3. Define Portfolio 4. Optimize Processes

-What are the activities of the Transition Phase of the BPM Governance Framework - Roadmap, and what are their characteristics?

1. Create Basics - Implementation of Process Map, roles and tasks, and decision-making bodies 2. Perform Analytics - Implementation of Process Maturity Plan and Process Performance Measurement 3. Define Portfolio - Implementation of process-oriented strategic planning and project portfolio management 4. Optimize Processes - Implement PML Methodology

BPM Governance Framework Roadmap: What are the steps in the Set-Up phase?

1. Define Basics 2. Develop Analytics 3. Create Methods 4. Harmonize Terms

-What are the 4 steps of the Set-Up Phase, and their characteristics?

1. Define Basics - Define the Process Map, roles and tasks, and decision-making bodies 2. Develop Analytics - Prepare the Process Maturity Plan and the Process Performance Measurement 3. Create Methods - Define process handling and optimization methodology, modeling conventions and BPM tool landscape 4. Harmonize Terms - Define standard process terminology

-The Transition Phase follows a structured approach, what are the steps?

1. Ensure Process Structure is Transparent 2. Define Process Owner Role & Engagement Model 3. Assign Process Owners 4. Roll-Out Process Ownership 5. Define Process Performance Indicators

BPM Governance Framework Roadmap: What are the steps in the Strategy phase?

1. Link to Strategy 2. Define Building Blocks 3. Choose a Path 4. Monitor Fit-Gap

What are the steps of the Strategy phase of the BPM Governance Framework - Roadmap, and their primary purposes?

1. Link to Strategy - Develop and understanding and definition of how BPM supports the corporate strategy 2. Define Building Blocks - Determine the factors that need to be considered, analyzed and adjusted in order to make BPM a success 3. Choose Path - Define the best way to approach Step 3 of the Roadmap, Transition 4. Monitor Fit-Gap - Report on and review the building blocks during the overall BPM transformation

-What are two common causes for the failure of BPM Transformation projects?

1. Managers failing to realize that the transformation is a process rather than an event, resulting in skipped steps in response to pressure from superiors to accelerate the process 2. Even capable manager make critical errors (i.e. - premature declaration of success, thus mitigating momentum)

-What are the 7 Steps of Measurement?

1. What should you measure? 2. What can you measure? 3. Gather data 4. Process data 5. Analyze data 6. Present & use information 7. Implement corrective action

-What is the approximate breakdown of automated versus manual processes that are typically covered by BPM?

80% Manual, 20% Automated

What role to ASAP 7 and ASAP Business Add-ons play in the SAP Value Partnership

ASAP 7 and ASAP Business Add-ons are the Methodology and Governance framework behind the SAP Value Partnership

What is the value of ASAP 7 in SAP implementation projects?

ASAP 7 provides a proven, comprehensive, repeatable and rich implementation methodology to streamline projects

What is the purpose of ASAP Business Add-ons?

ASAP Business Add-ons provide proven content for implementations of various industries and cross-industry solutions, solution packages, and other related areas like Agile Methodology, BPM, SOA, MDM, EA Governance, and Strategy Frameworks

How are ASAP Business Add-ons deployed?

Add-ons are activated and available in SAP Solution Manager, SAP Enterprise Modeling by IDS Scheer, and Roadmap Composer

How are ASAP Business Add-ons delivered?

Add-ons are delivered via SAP Service Marketplace, BPX Community, and Ecohub (download page)

-KPIs and PPIs need to be identified and aggregated on

All levels of the Process Map

Is BPM a technology? Explain.

BPM is neither a technology nor a an updated version of Business Process Reengineering (BPR). It is an IT-enabled management discipline that represents a fundamental change in the way businesses manage and run their processes.

What is BPM?

Business Process Management (BPM) is a management discipline that requires businesses to shift to process-centric thinking, and reduce their reliance on traditional territorial and functional structures.

How can you create a clear link and transparency between the processes and the business strategies?

By developing a BPM strategy based on the corporate strategy

-In order to ensure high performance business processes, what two kinds of characteristics have been developed?

• Process Enablers • Enterprise Capabilities

-In regards to the Set-Up Phase of the BPM Governance Framework and defining process maps, what does Core Processes mean?

Core Processes are the fundamental activities or group of activities that are so critical to the company's success that failure to perform them will weaken the company in the long term. Core Processes are characterized by the following: • The focus is on customer requirements and direct customer benefit • They have strategic relevance for the company as core processes determine the competitive advantages and core competencies of the organization • The customer is the direct receiver of the process output

-In regards to the Set-Up Phase of the BPM Governance Framework and defining process maps, what does Corporate Services mean?

Corporate Services are the activities that support the Core Processes. These services themselves do not create direct benefit to the customer; however, they are no less relevant than the Core Processes as they provide the necessary service to ensure efficiency of the Core. Corporate Services are characterized by the following: • They are processes that are suitable for being outsourced • They are tied to Core Processes via internal Service Level Agreements • The customer is an indirect receiver of the process output via Core Processes

-What is the purpose of step 3, Create Methods, of the Set-Up Phase?

Define process handling and optimization methodology, modeling conventions, and the BPM tool landscape

-Process Owners are responsible for

Driving continuous improvement

-What process-relevant aspects do PML cover?

• Process Governance • Process Ownership • Organization • People • Technology

-What is the purpose of Step 4, Optimize Processes, of the Transition phase?

Implement PML Methodology

-What is the purpose of Step 1, Create Basic, of the Transition Phase?

Implementation of Process Map, roles and tasks, and decision-making bodies

-What is the purpose of Step 2, Perform Analysis, of the Transition Phase?

Implementation of Process Maturity Plan and Process Performance Measurement

-What is the purpose of Step 3, Define Portfolio, of the Transition phase?

Implementation of process-oriented strategic planning and project portfolio management

The Evolution of Process Management - identify the sequential development

Industrial Engineering -> Toyota Production System -> Total Quality Management -> [BPR/Lean Manufacturing/Six-Sigma] -> Business Process Management

What is the purpose of the "Transform Your Business" use case in the Starter Kit?

It helps the user improve their focus on business process optimization.

What is the purpose of the "Redesign Your IT for a Process-Based SOA" use case in the Starter Kit?

It helps the user learn how to build a flexible IT.

What is the purpose of the "Build a Process-Based Composite Application" use case in the Starter Kit?

It helps the user learn how to build process innovation on top of their SAP environment.

What is the purpose of the "Setup a Continuous Process Improvement Program" use case in the Starter Kit?

It helps the user learn how to manage ongoing process improvements.

Where can you get the Starter Kit for Business Process Management?

It is available for download online on the SDN.

-What is the purpose of the Process Classification Framework?

It is the tool to ensure the use of the same process terminology

-What are Key Performance Indicators (KPI)?

KPIs represent business goals that an organization wants to achieve on a strategic level. They are qualitative or quantitative assessments of the company's performance regarding the company goals, and they can be financial or non-financial • Revenue Growth • Employee Turnover • # of New Employees • License Revenue per Product in $

What tools are available to assist with the implementation project?

SAP Solution Manager, and BPM Technology (Business to Model and Modeling to Execution)

-How many different models/assessments for maturity evaluation are there?

More than 140

-What factors determine the implementation approach?

Organizational Maturity and Culture

-What are Process Performance Indicators (PPI)?

PPIs represent process goals that a company wants to achieve on an operational level. The quantify the performance of a process against a dimension (time, cost, quality). They can be measured directly by data that is generated within a process flow. • Cost - Engagement cost per applicant • Time - Average cycle time to fill a position • Quality - Miss hire ratio

-What is the purpose of Step 2 (Develop Analytics) of the Set-Up phase?

Prepare the Process Maturity Plan and the Process Performance Measurement

-In regards to the Set-Up Phase of the BPM Governance Framework and defining process maps, what does Strategy mean?

Strategy consists of the activities which define, cascade, and manage the strategy of a company. Strategy is an input to both Core Processes and Corporate Services

-Where can the BPM Governance and Strategy Add-on be found?

The SAP Service Marketplace

-What is the basis for the BPM Strategy?

The corporate strategy

-What is the definition of a Process Owner?

The process owner is the central point of contact for a specific business process with end-to-end responsibility for the whole Process Management Lifecycle to ensure best in class processes

-What is the role of the BPM expert?

The role of the BPM expert is to support the complete lifecycle of a BPM governance, and to provide a connection to SOA governance.

-What purpose to the building blocks serve?

They provide the elements needed to complete the BPM Roadmap, and should evolve in a coordinated and gradual manner.

-When, in the overall roadmap, do the Supporting Phases occur?

They run in parallel to the 4 main phases of the roadmap

How do organizations operationalize the strategy (i.e. - translate strategy into new work processes)?

They use Process Models and Innovation, focusing on 3 to 5 strategic themes.

-What is the purpose of Step 4 of the Strategy Phase - Monitor Fit-Gaps?

To report on and review the defined building blocks during the overall BPM transformation.

-The Process Maturity Plan provides

Transparency on which major processes should be optimized.

-What must be understood before and accurate and effective BPM Strategy can be developed?

You must understand what the focus and goals of the corporate strategy are, and ensure buy-in from all relevant parties.

What are some of the process based implementation content packages provided through the ASAP 7 methodology and associated tools?

• ASAP Business Add-Ons • Rapid Deployment Solution and Content Component • Solution Manager Content • Best Practice

-What needs to be considered when prioritizing processes?

• Alignment with the corporate strategy • Input from the Process Maturity Analysis

-What is the Role of the Process Owner?

• Analyze • Design • Implement • Run/Monitor

-Identify 3 benefits of implementing a Process Performance Measurement tool?

• Automation • Transparency • Culture of Continuous Improvement

BPM Experts provide

• BPM process knowledge • Knowledge transfer of BPM methods & tools • Process project support • Facilitation of cooperation between business & IT • BPM quality assessments

-What are some characteristics of good BPM Methodologies?

• Be and end-to-end lifecycle model • Include both the process and it's relevant environment • Enable comparability and reuse of deliverables • Be open and flexible to the use of existing methods • Be simple and useable by as many employees as possible • Map and promote the interaction between IT and business

-What are the Supporting Phases of the BPM Governance Framework - Roadmap?

• Build a process-centric IT • Manage Change • Communication & Training

What are overall goals of the BPM Governance Framework Roadmap?

• Build a process-centric IT • Manage change • Communicate and train

What are the key roles in a BPM Governance project?

• Chief Processor • Head of Process Office • BP Architect • BP Expert • BP Consultant • BP Program Manager • Head of Decentral Process Office • BP Consultant - Decentral PO • Business Process Owner

-Identify 4 influencing factors that impact the Path.

• Convenient Projects • Degree of Maturity (of the organization in terms of being process-centric) • Resource Situation • Existing Pain Points

-What are the tasks and responsibilities of a process owner?

• Derive process goals from companies' strategy • Drive improvement projects • Drive continuous improvement derived from performance deviation regarding customer requirements • Ensure compliance (e.g. - SOX) • Contribute to process community • Provide process reporting to the BPM Office

-What are the levels of Process Management?

• Enterprise/Process Landscape • Project/Program • End-to-End Process

-What are the objectives of Process Performance Measurement?

• Fact-based and professional management of processes • Systematic detection of improvement potentials • Verifiable assessment of optimization projects • Establish a culture of continuous improvement • Increase the company's overall process maturity

-What are the expectations of a Certified BPM Application Associate?

• Foundation level knowledge of SAP Solutions • Hands-on skills to contribute to successful SAP implementation projects or system optimizations

-What are the focal points of the Technology building block?

• IT Operations o System Architecture Management o IT Service Execution o IT Support • BPM Enablement o BPM Tool Landscape

-What skills does a process owner need?

• Knowledge of business process management methods • Ability to convince functional managers and performers of process goals • Knowledge of the process

According to BPM experts, what are the major challenges of or deficiencies that businesses face pertaining to Business Process Management at the strategic level?

• Lack of governance • Lack of employee buy-in • Lack of common mind share of BPM (similar thinking about?) • Broken link between BPM efforts and organizational strategy

According to BPM experts, what are the major challenges of or deficiencies that businesses face pertaining to Business Process Management at the tactical level?

• Lack of standards • Lack of BPM education • Lack of methodology • Weaknesses in process specification

According to BPM experts, what are the major challenges of or deficiencies that businesses face pertaining to Business Process Management at the operational level?

• Lack of tool support for process visualization • Perceived gaps between process design and execution • Miscommunication of tool capabilities

-What are the levels of the Process Maturity Journey?

• Level 1 - No Organized Processes • Level 2 - Some Organized Processes • Level 3 - Most Processes Organized • Level 4 - Processes are Managed • Level 5 - Processes are Continuously Improved

-What are the levels of the process maturity journey needed to reach business modularity?

• Level 1 - No organized processes • Level 2 - Some organized processes • Level 3 - Most processes organized • Level 4 - Processes are managed • Level 5 - Processes are continuously improved

-What are characteristics of the levels of the process maturity journey needed to reach business modularity?

• Level 1 - No organized processes: A culture of heroes operating new functionality • Level 2 - Some organized processes: Processes improved at the workgroup or department level, permitting IT cost reduction and control, reduced time-to-market, and documented processes • Level 3 - Most processes organized: Processes are organized and redesigned at the enterprise level, characterized by business responsiveness and the ability to change business processes quickly and effectively. • Level 4 - Processes are managed: Processes are measured and managed systematically, transforming the organization from reactive to real-time, and increasing transparency • Level 5 - Processes are continuously improved: Process teams continually improve processes, enabling business optimization, increased quality of decisions, and optimization across the borders of IT and the business

-What are benefits of SAP Service Architecture?

• Low TCO • Flexibility without disruption

-What are the focal points of the Structures building block?

• Organization o Organizational Structure o Decision Making Bodies o Roles and Tasks o Organizational Interaction o Budget and Cost Allocation • Guidelines & Standards o BPM Methods o Process Terminology o Tool Conventions o Process Map

-What are the building blocks the need to be analyzed in Phase 2 of the BPM Governance Framework -Roadmap?

• People (Personnel Development) • Processes (Strategy, Business Process Operations) • Structures (Organization, Guidelines & Standards) • Technology (IT Operations, BPM Enablement)

-What are the focal points of the People building block?

• Personnel: o Skills Profiles o Training o Process-Based Rewards o Communication o Change Management

-What are key factors for evaluation when executing a Process Maturity Assessment?

• Process Design • Process Infrastructure • Process Performance Measurement

-What are three common types of Transitions in BPM projects?

• Revolutionary Approach - fastest delivery, benefits quickly in place, high costs and risks, resource draw affects daily business • Step-by-Step Approach - Cost savings, chance to reengineer within project, 100% cannot be achieved, must address dependencies between projects • Evolutionary Approach - Deep/systematic process, smooth organizational changes, slow realization of benefits, increased potential for process changes within project period

-What are the focal points of the Processes building block?

• Strategy o Process-Oriented Strategy Plan o Project Portfolio Management o Service Management • Business Process Operations o Process Maturity Plan o Process Projects o Business Process Execution o Process Performance Measurement o Corporate Process Reporting o Auditing

-Generic Process Models follow a process definition based on what 3 areas?

• Strategy • Core Processes • Corporate Services

-Where can you access the BPM Governance Framework?

• The Roadmap Composer • Solution Manager

What scenarios are addressed via Gartner's BPM use cases included in the Starter Kit?

• Transform you business to become more process driven • Setup a continuous process improvement program • Build a process-based composite application • Redesign you IT landscape for a process-based SOA

What factors need to be considered when building a BPM strategy?

• Understand the focus and goal of the business model and corporate strategy • Include all relevant parties • Obtain feedback and communicate openly • Develop measurable objectives

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