Breeds of Companion Animals: Dogs - Herding Dogs Student NotesHerding Dogs

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Herding dogs

Are born with the __(instinct)__ to control the movement of animals

Australian Shepherds

Have a natural or docked __(bobtail)__ Possess blue, __(amber)__, hazel, brown or a combination eye color

Herding dogs

Include the following breeds: Australian Cattle Dog (Blue or Red Heeler) Australian Shepherd Collie Border Collie German Shepherd Old English Sheepdog __(Shetland)__ Sheepdog Pyrenean Shepard Welsh Corgi, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Pembroke

Shetland Sheepdog Behavior

Is characterized by the following: __(affectionate)__ loyal playful intelligent protective active

German Shepherd Behavior

Is characterized by the following: adaptable __(energetic)__ strong high endurance hard working loyal fearless

Old English Sheepdog Behavior

Is characterized by the following: adaptable energetic __(strong)__ smart gentle intelligent hard working

Australian Cattle Dog Behavior

Is characterized by the following: alert devoted intelligent loyal powerful __(affectionate)__ protective of family, home and territory generally not social with other pets

Pyrenean Shepherd Behavior

Is characterized by the following: athletic __(active)__ agile lively fearless cheerful

Welsh Corgi, Pembroke Behavior

Is characterized by the following: athletic __(dependable)__ loyal obedient devoted outgoing over protective of family and territory

Border Collie Behavior

Is characterized by the following: athletic energetic __(intelligent)__ devoted high endurance determined

Australian Shepherd Behavior

Is characterized by the following: intelligent __(loyal)__ energetic reserved with strangers herding instinct protective

Collie Behavior

Is characterized by the following: intelligent friendly loyal __(sensitive)__ devoted athletic

Welsh Corgi, Cardigans Behavior

Is characterized by the following: strong fast __(loyal)__ affectionate highly intelligent courageous devoted aggressive toward other dogs

Australian Shepherds

Males weigh __(50 to 65)__ pounds and measure 20 to 23 inches in height Females weigh 40 to 55 pounds and measure __(18 to 21)__ inches in height Grow moderate length hair which can be black, blue merle, red or red merle in color

Pyrenean Shepherds

Weigh __(15 to 32)__ pounds and measure 15 to 21 inches in height Grow either rough-faced or smooth-faced coats which can be tan, copper, fawn, charcoal, gray, silver or combinations of colors Are excellent livestock __(herders)__

Welsh Corgi, Pembroke

Weigh __(25 to 27)__ pounds and measure 10 to 12 inches in height Grow straight, medium length hair which can be sable, fawn, red or black and tan in color May or may not have __(white)__ markings on coat

Welsh Corgi, Cardigans

Weigh __(25 to 38)__ pounds and measure 10.5 to 12.5 inches in height Grow straight, __(medium)__ length hair which can be sable, red, brindle, black, blue merle, black and tan or black and brindle in color May have white markings

Border Collies

Weigh __(30 to 45)__ pounds and measure 18 to 23 inches in height Grow __(medium)__ length hair which can be rough or smooth Produce coats which are black, blue merle or sable color with white or tan markings

Australian Cattle Dogs

Weigh __(35 to 45)__ pounds and measure 46 to 51 inches tall Grow short to medium length __(straight)__ hair which can be blue, blue merle or red merle in color Are born white and gain their color within a few weeks


Weigh __(50 to 70)__ pounds and measure 22 to 26 inches in height Grow either rough or smooth coatsrough coats are long and are __(harsh)__ textured, smooth coats are short and dense Produce coats which are sable, tricolor, blue merle or predominantly white

Old English Sheepdogs

Weigh __(60 to 100)__ pounds and measure 21 inches in height Grow thick and insulating hair Produce coats which are gray, grizzle, blue or blue merle with or without white markings Enjoy working with their owners in __(rural)__ settings

German Shepherds

Weigh __(75 to 95)__ pounds and measure 22 to 26 inches in height Grow straight, thick hair which is long and rough Produce coats which are black, black and tan, black and cream, black and silver or sable in color Are one of the most popular breeds in the __(world)__

Shetland Sheepdogs

Weigh approximately __(20)__ pounds and measure from 13 to 16 inches in height Grow long, rough coats which are primarily sable or blue merle Often are thought to look like a __(miniature)__ Collie

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