BSC 304 Final Exam

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189. Which of the following deltabacteria obtains nutrients by predation? First swimming at a high rate of speedslamming into its prey, drilling a hole, entering the cell, then reproducing in the periplasmic space until the cell lyses and dies.

, Bdellovibrioales

210. When Fleming discovered penicillinthe world instantly celebrated this amazing discovery.

, False

211. Chang and Fleury extracted and purified penicillin. They brought samples to the US but to ensure that they could grow the mold even if their samples were confiscated, they:

, Hid samples of the mold in Dr. Floreys coat

204. Many prokaryotes from natural communities are said to be uncultured because we do not know their culture requirements. However, we can now characterize even uncultured prokaryotes using_______, the sequencing of "community DNA."

, Metagenomics

181. The nucleotide sequence of the ____________ is the standard for identifying environmental taxa

, SSU rRNA genes

160. The Dutch microbiologist van Niel first demonstrated anoxygenic photosynthesis in soil and water bacteria. He generalized his work by hypothesizing that every molecule in nature can be used as a source of carbon by some microorganism AND that:

. A limitless variety of species carry out different energy-yielding reactions depending on what their environment has to offer

152. The immune response elicited from each individual antigenic determinant found within an antigen is best described as

. Clonal

39. How can a population of E. coli double in time if it takes 60 min for an individual cell to replicate itself (40 min for DNA replication and 20 min for septation)?

2nd 3rd 4th round of DNA replication can begin before 1st round is completed

159. If infections are spread by person-to-person contact what percentage of the population will be protected against herd immunity if people are not vaccinated?,

95% of people need to be vaccinated if herd immunity is to be effective.

38. The theory of programmed cell death

A fraction of the population genetically is programmed to die

57. Bacteriophage consist of

A virus that infects a bacteria

2. How many bacteria are estimated to exist on Earth?

About 5x 10^30

100. _________ (which rapidly kill their hosts) act as predators or parasites to limit host population density.

Acute viruses

27. All organisms require carbon hydrogen, oxygen, and a source of electrons. Which of these statements regarding microbial nutrition is not true?,

All organisms require carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and a source of electrons

203. Self-regulating biological communities and their physical environment are called:

An ecosystem

137. Which of the following would contribute to a compromised immune system?

Antibiotics; Being sick

121. Any molecule that will when introduced into a person, elicit the synthesis of antibodies that specifically bind the molecule is called a/an


74. An important feature of the influenza viruses is the frequency with which changes in antigenicity occur. The most important is called ______________ and is due to reassortment of genomic material when two different strains of flu viruses infect the same cell and are incorporated into a single new capsid.

Antigenic Shift

3. The man credited as being the first to describe microorganisms is:

Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek

11. Why do light microscopes not go beyond 1000 - 1500x?

Anything beyond 1000x is just magnifying a blur

150. Which of the following would be considered an aspect of the adaptive immune response?

Anything that develops as the need arises

68. In the lytic phase

Assembly of phage particles is called, Aggregation

37. Which section shows a growth phase where the cells are dividing at their maximum rate of division for those conditions?


41. What is the importance of bacteria to the Nitrogen cycle?

Bacteria fixes nitrogen

124. TC cells are the enforcers of the cell-mediated immune response. They destroy the membranes of _______ to prevent the spread of infection.

Bacterial and infected host cells

92. Which of these is a classification system for viruses?

Baltimore Virus Classification

51. A bacterial species is found growing in a sample collected at 2000 m depth. When brought into the lab scientists find that it grows in a flask on a table in the lab with no special equipment. This species is best described as:,


110. What bacterium was discovered to be the actual cause of stomach ulcers and won the nobel prize for it's discoverers?

Barry Marshall and Robert Warren won the Nobel Prize in 2005; H. Pylori is credited with being the cause of stomach ulcers

75. Why does Dr. Schultz spend so much time on one little virus?

Because Viruses are important

56. When scientists changed a protein in mice so that the mice could no longer tell "good" bacteria from "bad" the mice developed something similar to heart disease. Why?,

Because they could no longer distinguish between the two

117. Why should you drink plenty of water during cold and flu season?

Being hydrated means your blood is circulating quickly and white blood cells can get around to fight off infection

134. Which of the following is NOT a benefit provided by the gut microbiota

Benefits: Make vitamins and digest food Prevent colonization by pathogens Promote host tissue differentiation

165. All of the following are likely to be found among benthic microbes EXCEPT

Benthic microbes are barophiles: The seafloor supports psychrophiles whereas hydrothermal vents support thermophiles

179. Macroelements flow in ______________ of nutrients throughout the biotic and abiotic components of the biosphere.

Biogeochemical cycles

180. Will-o'-the-Wisp are believed to be created by mischievous spirits found in bogs and graveyards. These pale glows lead foolish travelers off the path and to their doom. As a skeptical know-it-all microbial ecologist you deduce that Will-o'-the-Wisp are actually caused by:,

Bioluminescent microbes

18. Peptidoglycan consists of chains of subunits cross linked for strength. In Gram-positive cells these subunits are linked:,

By interbridges

29. a chemolithoautotroph gets its carbon from:


58. Despite the fact that Dr. Schultz believes viruses are living entities that travel in a protein "spaceship" from planet to planet (cell to cell) other scientists consider viruses to be 'non-living', or acellular, because:

Cannot reproduce without a host cell

98. The virus particle or virion, consists of a single nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) contained within a protective protein _______.,


64. A _________ is a ring or knob-shaped unit made of 5 or 6 protomers which may be pentamers (if they have 5 subunits) or hexamers (if they have 6 subunits)


147. Natural killer cells target ________ cells that ________.

Cells that do not produce healthy MHC class I antigens

120. The part of the antibody that is specific to a particular epitope is the ______.


31. Which of the following is a micronutrient ?

Cobalt Copper Mn Zn

12. Which is true of the phospholipid molecules that make up the cell's plasma membrane?

Consist of glycerol with ester links to two fatty acids and a phosphorus head group

182. The organisms in this archaeal phylum have the following characteristics: Most are extremely thermophilic many are acidophiles, many are sulfur-dependent, and one particular species can survive for being autoclaved for over an hour.,


186. Largest most diverse group of photosynthetic bacteria, have chlorophyll a and b, have a unique two-photosystem apparatus arranged in arrays of membranes called thylakoids, and have oxygenic photosynthesis,


36. Which section shows a growth phase where the number of cells dying is greater than the number of cells dividing?


66. Which of the following type of genome is NOT seen in viruses

DNA or RNA, single or double stranded, linear or circular

7. The microscopic technique in which unreflected and unrefracted light does not enter the objective and only light refracted and reflected by the speciman forms an image is the:

Dark Field Microscopy

184. These bacteria stain gram-positive but their cell wall is layered with an outer membrane like the gram negatives. These cocci are distinctive in their extraordinarily great resistance to radiation and desiccation:

Deinococcus Radiodurans

101. In contrast to our vast arsenal of antibiotics (effective against bacteria) the number of antiviral drugs remains small. Why?,

Designing safe and effective antiviral drugs is difficult because viruses use host cell to replicate, makes it hard to find target for drug without hurting the host

55. A nurse sprays a counter with Lysol and wipes it. What is this called?


192. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning bacterial endospores:

Dormant, tough, non-reproductive structure, Occurs in gram positive bacteria

95. When measuring the growth rate of a virus the period of time when virions are virtually undetectable inside the infected cell is called what? ,

Eclipse phase

131. When an infection causes a fever

Elevated body temperature, Stimulate the production of prostaglandins

135. Which of the following factors contribute to dysbiosis

Emotional stress, Change in diet, Antibiotic therapy, Microbiota

198. Organisms (archaeum bacterium, fungus, algae, or amoeba) that live inside rock, coral, animal shells, or in the pores between mineral grains of rock,


42. All bacterial cells need to be supplied with a source of

Energy, electrons, carbon

60. Viruses with an additional layer surround the capsid that is composed of lipid and proteins are


49. The tolerance of an organism's proteins and other macromolecular structures to the physical conditions within that niche define the organism's:

Environmental Niche

106. Why are most skin colonizers gram positive?

Epidermal excretion are high in salt and low in water activity, and contain enzymes that degrade bacterial peptidoglycan; Gram positive bacteria are more resistant to salty and dryness

151. The small segment of antigen that is capable of eliciting an immune response is called an


5. The primary use of Koch's postulates is to

Establish a link between an infectious agent and a disease

91. How does a seemingly "new" virus emerge to sicken humans?

Evolution of viruses

16. _______ _________helps solutes move across a membrane from a region of high concentration to one of lower concentration. It does not use energy and cannot move a molecule against its concentration gradient.

Facilitated Diffusion

146. Opsonization is a process whereby the innate and adaptive immune mechanisms work together...

Facilitates phagocytosis

162. Which of the following is NOT an environmental factor affecting microbial growth?

Factors Impacting Growth: Oxygen level, Availability of other nutrients, Temperature, Salinity, pH

196. Which of the following factors does not influence the degradation of organic matter?

Factors that Affecting Decomposition : Temperature Moisture Nutrients Soil pH Soil Texture

53. A scientist isolated a pure culture of a bacterium from 4-Pole Creek. He grew the bacterium in a test tube (not shaking) with minimal media. After growing overnight the test tube was cloudy throughout, but especially turbid near the top of the tube. The scientist can state with some certainty that the bacterium is a/an,

Faculative Microbe

97. One of the reasons we are so concerned about the bird flu is the the 1918 flu was found to be a type of bird flu

False, swine flu

175. True or False: Jupiter and Saturn have moons that are candidates for extraterrestrial life due to their subsurface oceans.

False; just Jupiter has been found to have proof of water

33. The addition of which of the following would change a chemically defined medium into a complex medium?


190. What dastardly villain tracked pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 from cattle feces on a ranch to spinach on a nearby farm and ignited the 2006 E. coli outbreak?

Feral pigs

40. A student counts the number of cells in a sample by filtering the cells onto a membrane filter and counting the cells on the filter with a microscope. She ALSO plates a dilution of cells from the same sample onto an agar plate and counts the colonies that grow. Which count is likely to give the higher number of cells per liter of the sample?


25. There are three hairlike appendages that bacteria may have. Which does the following describe: there are up to 1000/cell, they mediate attachment to surfaces, and some are required for twitching motility?,


8. The microscopic technique that exposes the specimen stained with fluorochromes to ultraviolet violet, or blue light is the:,

Fluorescence microscopy

191. Myxobacteria are class deltaproteobacteria with a distinctive life cycle resembling that of cellular slime molds. In the presence of food they form a swarm and migrate on solid surfaces feeding and leaving a slime trail. When nutrients are exhausted, they aggregate and differentiate into a characteristic ________. ,

Fruiting body

19. Which of the following is not a function of the cell wall?

Functions: Provides shape Protects from lysis Contribute to pathogenicity

13. Organisms that have a procaryotic cell sturcture thin peptidoglycan cell walls and an exterior cell membrane.,

Gram negative bacteria

17. ________ in bacteria may be used for storage of organic or inorganic materials.


54. Most microbes are capable of withstanding a wide range of salt in their environment. These microbes are called:


153. Edward Jenner was able to demonstrate the first example of immunological cross-protection because

He used cow pox on orphans to protect them from small pox

94. Ebola is unlikely to cause an epidemic in the US because


48. Rapid temperature changes experienced during growth activates batches of genes called:

Heat shock response

197. Which of the following is true of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand or BOD.

High BOD accelerates heterotrophic respiration

63. Each species of virus infects a particular group of host species this is called their _______.,

Host range

118. The type of adaptive immunity that is mediated by B cells and produce antibodies to target antigens is called:

Humoral immunity

86. Where might you find psychrophiles hyperthermophiles, and barophiles all within a few meters of each other,

Hydrothermal Vent

108. People with mitral valve prolapse are sometimes told to take antibiotics before a dental procedure because of the danger of:

If the microbes from the nasopharynx and mouth get into the heart it can get stuck in the valve and create vegetations; These vegetations can break apart and cause bacterial infection of the blood

122. The most abundant class of antibody in blood and tissue fluids:


24. Which of the following is true of gas vesicles

Impermable to H2O but not to atm gas

26. If it is true that transport of food to and waste from an organism is solely dependent on diffusion at low Reynold's numbers why do many bacteria have flagella?,

Increases food supply, movement when the nutrients run out

143. Which of the following is NOT an integral part of the inflammatory process?

Inflammatory Process Infection via splinter Resident macrophages engulf pathogens and release cytokines Vasoactive factors and cytokines help deliver additional phagocytes Some cytokines initiate healing as pathogens are destroyed

119. You didn't get your flu shot as Dr. Schultz suggested. Suddenly your roommate walks in, announces they have the flu and promptly cough all over you. As you have a big date that night, you really hope your ____________ kicks in quickly!,

Innate immunity

111. Innate immunity refers to types of _________ immunity that are ________ in action

Innate immunity is non-adaptive and has non specific responses to destroying cells and is present at birth

116. Prostaglandin ...

Is released by capillary cells ,Stimulates nerve endings, Signals itching and pain

132. Antibodies that have differences in the constant regions that are shared by all members of a particular species are called:


170. One of the most important ecological roles of the Florida Everglades is that

It acts as a natural purifier for water

104. Which of the following statements is a good reason to get a yearly flu vaccine?

It can protect you, your babies and your old people

127. Vaccination is very effective because

It gives the immune system an advantage in creating Beta cells in order to fight off the infection

195. Bifidobacterium bifidus of the Order Bifidobacteriales is interesting because it:

It is the pioneer colonizer of the human intestinal tract

1. Prokaryotes

Lack a nucleus, simple cell structures, thick complex outer envelope, compact genome, tightly coordinated cell functions

81. What is true of smallpox:

Lady Montague started inoculating, took 12 years to vaccinate the world

99. (early 1700s) proponent of inoculation of children with material from smallpox lesions of mild cases observed this practice among Turkish women Mixed success in getting this to be common practice

Lady Wortley Montague

200. Because the presence of oxygen in the root nodules would reduce the activity of the oxygen-sensitive nitrogenase - ___________ binds briefly to the O2 allowing an oxygen concentration that is low enough to allow nitrogenase to function but high enough so that it can provide the bacteria with oxygen for respiration.


73. The smallest amount of virus needed to cause death of 50% of exposed host cells or organisms

Lethal Dose

4. ________ resolved the spontaneous generation controversy using flasks with curved necks AND saved the French wine industry by developing a method to reduce the microbial load in wine.

Louis Pasteur

168. Compared to eutrophic lakes the biochemical oxygen demand or BOD of oligotrophic lakes is


145. Interferons are

Low molecular weight cytokines Host specific and not virus specific

45. Why is a typical run for E. coli about 30um?

Low renyold's number

139. Which of the following cell types would most likely be elevated in a viral infection?


140. What do NK cells use to distinguish between self and non-self?

MHC Class I antigens

128. Which of the following statements are true regarding the Major Histocompatibility Complex?

MHC Class I presents intracellular antigens (such as viruses and intracellular bacteria, MHC Class II presents extra cellular antigens , Is what determines if a given antigen is recognized as self or nonself

157. The antigen-binding receptor expressing hepatitis antigen in an infected liver cell would be


158. The gut is able to distinguish between indigenous microbiota and pathogens by using which part of epithelial cells?

MHC II and MHC II Cells

114. ________ are present in most body tissues and are the cells most likely to make first contact with pathogens.


22. Bacteria accomplish chemotaxis by

Making long interrupted runs when conditions are good

72. Entry of plant viruses into host cells usually requires

Mechanical Transmission

102. Which of the following is not a step required in the lytic replication cycle?

Mechanism: Host recognition and attachment Genome entry Assembly of phages Exit and transmission

90. Which of the following is not a viral mechanism of oncogenesis?

Mechanism: Insertion of an oncogene into host genome Integration of entire viral genome Expression of viral proteins that interfere with host cells

149. Which of the following could be categorized as an example of humoral immunity?

Mediated by B lymphocytes

47. Which of the following are more likely to be a human pathogen?

Mesophile 15-45 degrees C

Which of the following is a macronutrient ?

Mg2+ Ca2+ Fe2+ K

208. _________ is a symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular host plant


164. A holobiont is defined as

Microbe that have beneficial effects such as in digestion and skin protection

176. If life is found on other planets it will almost certainly be ,


46. Cardinal temperatures

Min and max temperature that define limits of growth and development

62. Capsids are large macromolecular structures which serve as the protein coat of virus. These coats are often made of only one protein building block. Why?

More efficient, less genetic material

163. The algal and fungal interaction within a lichen would best be described as


112. The vast majority of white blood cells are:


129. _______ make up the vast majority of white blood cells. They engulf and destroy microbes by phagocytosis.


138. The major phagocytic cells in the body are


142. Extravasation is the process by which ________ move(s from the bloodstream into surrounding tissues.


202. Which of the following is NOT true of the Nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen has more oxidation states than any other major biochemical element, It cannot exist without prokaryotes, Extreme perturbation by human technology

166. Lakes that have dilute concentrations of nutrients are termed


50. A bacteria species from which of the following groups would typically have the highest growth rate?

Ones that grow at High Temperatures

28. a photoorganoheterotroph gets its electrons from:

Organic molecules

87. Variolation was first tested in England on:


30. a chemoorganoheterotroph gets its energy from:

Oxidation of organic or inorganic materials

209. In Dr. Schultz's work on the Ohio River and the fate of freshwater bacteriawhat abiotic factor seemed to separate the communities?

Oxygen levels/light

20. Gram-Positive cell walls are composed primarily of _______


185. Which of the following bacterial phyla is thought to be deepest (oldest) branch of Bacteria?

Phylum Aquificae

205. Food webs that include microbes can be very complex at least in part due to the ability of __________ to conduct both phototrophy and heterotrophy.,


21. Cell envelope - Often used to refer to everything from the plasma membrane outward. Includes:

Plasma membrane Cell wall Capsule

85. Plant viruses are transmitted to uninfected cells through ___________.


154. Which of the following is most likely to elicit the strongest antigen-specific immune response within a human?

Primary Antibody Response Via first exposure to disease or vaccination Antibodies appear in serum after several days B cells that bind antigen make antibodies Some B cells become memory cells Secondary Antibody Response, Via a second exposure to pathogen or booster dose ,Antibodies appear in blood within hours, Much larger response with mostly IgG

133. The antibody response in which: antibodies appear in serum after several days B cells that bind antigen make antibodies, IgM is seen followed by IgG, and some B cells become memory cells.

Primary antibody responses

78. ________ are proteins that infect animals.


113. A(n) _________ is a live microbial culture that is supposed to help return the host to good health.


156. Mycobacteria spp. have evolved a mechanism to evade adaptive immunity by

Produce IL-6 which inhibits T-cell activation and IL-10 which down regulates the production of MHC II molecules

69. In the lysogenic cycle the phage genome integrates into the host's chromosome. Once inserted, the phage is called a ________; the host cell is called a ________.,

Prophage, Lysogen

43. Acylhomoserine lactones (AHL) are autoinducer molecules produced by many bacteria. The concentration of AHLs allows cells to access population density in a process called:

Quorum sensing

83. Define viroid

RNA molecules that infect plants

93. Viroids are _______ agents that infect _______.

RNA, Plants

177. The part of the biosphere that contains significant amounts of an element is called its


201. The part of the biosphere that contains significant amounts of an element is called its:


6. The smallest distance by which two objects can be separated and still be distinguished is called:


171. Which of the following organisms forms a specific mutualistic association with legumes


199. The bacterial ________ is a signaling molecule that induces the root hair to curl around the bacteria and take it up into the infection thread.

Rhizobium Nod Factor

169. Which term represents the region of soil that receives substances from plant roots


103. As cells lyse virions are released until they reach the final plateau. This is called the ___________.,

Rise period

207. Wastewater treatment decreases the BOD and the level of human pathogens before water is returned to local rivers. In wastewater treatmentmicrobial activity decomposes organic material during _____________.,

Secondary Treatment

123. One of the main reasons we don't get sick all the time is that the immune response has a memory such that a second exposure to a pathogen results in antibodies specific to that pathogen being generated within hours (mostly IgG generated at high levels). This is called:

Secondary antibody Responds

34. Mannitol-salt Agar contains 7.5% NaCl which inhibits most microorganisms except Staphylococcus species making MSA a ________ . MSA also contains mannitol and an acid-base indicator, phenol red. S. aureus ferments mannitol, and the indicator changes from red to yellow if the species is present, thus making MSA agar a ______ as well.,

Selective, Differential

23. Plasmids

Small closed circular DNA molecules Exist and replicate independently of chromosome

15. Which of the following are functions of the plasma membrane?

Structural support Allows interaction with environment Acquires nutrients Eliminates waste Location of metabolic processes Responds to change

172. Bacteroids remain sequestered within a sac of plant-derived membrane known as the :


125. Which T cell destroys bacteria and infected host cells?

Tc cells

148. The hypothalamus is important because it regulates


173. Which of the following require endosymbiotic protists and bacteria to digest plant material such as lignin and cellulose


193. Rosenzweig and Vreeland grew viable bacteria from spores they claim were 250000000 years old. However, other researchers claim that the genetic sequence of these ancient bacteria are too similar to modern day strains of this bacterium. Both teams seem to have done careful work. How can this be?,

The bacteria didn't evolve in the time passed

206. The ocean's biologically driven sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere to deep sea water and sediment is called:

The biological pump

82. Dimitri Ivanowski was:

The first to demonstrate the causative agent for TMD passed through bacterial filters, the agent was toxin

109. An individual's microbiome varies widely from day to day.

The food we eat and bacteria we interact with help mold and change our microbiome

144. A woman falls and suffers a cut on her leg. The cut went through her skin and she is bleeding. Which of the following defense mechanisms will participate in eliminating microbes contaminating the cut?

The inflammatory response

44. TLR5 is a protein that can recognize bacteria and makes human gut cells send signals to the immune system telling the immune system to ignore the "good" bacteria. Scientists created mice that were born without TLR5. These mice got 20% fatter than normal and had high levels of triglyceride, cholesterol, blood pressure, and even diabetes. What does this have to do with microbes?,

The microbes made them hungry

174. The largest reservoir for carbon is

The ocean

194. Actinomycetes are responsible for:

The source of most currently used antibiotics

178. In the global carbon cycle do forests act as sources or sinks of carbon? ,

They can act as either a source or sink depending on

183. Which of the following is true of the haloarchaea from the Archaeal phylum Eurycarchaeota?

They require at least 1.5 M NaCl

167. Eutrophic lakes typically support ten times the microbial concentrations of an oligotrophic lake. Which of the following statements is NOT true of eutrophic lakes?

Things that are True: Large concentrations of nutrients, such as runoff from agricultural fertilizer or septic systems Decreased animal life Organic pollutants from sewage effluents

14. Which of the following is not true of integral proteins

Things that are true: Structural support Detection of environmental signals Secretion of virulence factors and communication Ion transport Energy storage

115. _________ are cell surface glycoproteins present on many eukaryotic cells that recognize microbe associated molecular patterns.

Toll like receptors

9. A microscope in which an image is formed by passing an electron beam through a specimen and focusing the scattered electrons with magnetic lenses is called a

Transmission electron microscopy

71. _______ is the ability of a virus to infect a particular tissue type.


88. _______ is the ability to infect a particular tissue types


89. True or false: In plants viruses typically utilize a lytic burst to infect nearby cells,


96. In Botswana the AIDS epidemic hit so bad that prior to the epidemic, life expectancy dropped from 6o to 40.,


161. The availability of oxygen and other electron acceptors is the most important determinant of the types of metabolism in a habitat. Which of the following is NOT true about anaerobic environments?

True statement: anaerobic environments have slower growth factors

67. Which of the following is not true regarding the lysogenic phase?

True: Phage into genome, integrates into the hosts chromosome

155. A typical antibody molecule has ________ antigen-binding sites.

Two identical binding sites

188. Helicobacter pylori is responsible for


105. What is the host of origin of this influenza virus: A/Perth/16/2009 (H3N2)


10. Which of the following is true of a scanning tunneling microscope?

Used for imaging surfaces at the atomic level

The viral shunt

Viral killing of microbial hosts redirects carbon and nutrients away from larger organisms towards microorganisms

77. Which of the following is NOT an important role of viruses in ecosystems:

Viruses are good for population control

107. Under what circumstances can an opportunistic pathogen cause disease?

When the host is immunocompromised is when the opportunistic pathogen can cause disease; Medical treatments, or deficiencies

187. Which of the following genera contain a species that causes cholera a disease that can be fatal in hours if not immediately treated by oral rehydration therapy?

a disease that can be fatal in hours if not immediately treated by oral rehydration therapy?, Vibrio Cholerae

61. A virion is: Virus Particle consisting of a single nucleic acid

has a protein capsid

126. When a B cell contacts its cognate antigen

it is stimulated to proliferate and differentiate into:, Plasma cells: which secrete antibodies and Memory cells

130. When a __________ encounters a cell lacking MHC Class I antigens

it secretes perforins protein into the target cell which lyses the cell., Natural Killer Cells

35. A student swabbed ground beef from the local store before cooking. He isolated several bacterial colonies

then grew each colony on an Eosin Methylene Blue culture plate. One of the cultures had cells that grew well, with dark interiors, and a greenish sheen. What can the student deduce?, E. Coli on the beef

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