Buddhism Exam

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The Ten Precepts

1. Not taking life 2. Not stealing 3. Being chaste 4. Not lying 5. Not drinking intoxicants 6. Eating moderately and not afternoon 7. Avoiding spectacles such as singing or dramas 8. Not using flowers, perfumes, or jewelry 9. Using simple beds 10. Accepting no gold or silver

King Asoka

Helped the spread of Buddhism. First to send out missionaries to go teach the lessons of Gautama. He sent his son to convert the king and court at Ceylon (now present day Sri Lanka) this was also important because today sri lanka now holds one of the richest and oldest histories of Buddhism. Council 3

According to the Buddha what is the central problem of humanity that keeps it bound to the endless cycle of life?

Holding onto Tanha (desire, thirst, and craving) will end you of the cycle of birth, suffering, death and rebirth

Speak of it as a wave, for in a sense it is single. from the gentle swell that sets it in motion to its crashing death on the beach, it is single, identifitable wave that runs its course. Yet no two moments are its molecules Huston Smith

Impermance of self


non-selfness-essence Unique teaching of Buddha was that soul/self did not exist. Natural state of humanity was thus soulless, selfless, lacking essence.

New Year

New year is celebrated in April. Lasts 3 days and has a carnival themed atmosphere First two days are for washing and cleaning Third day is rededication to Buddhist way of life

Robe offering

November, end of rainy season. Theravada Buddhism celebrate Askoa. Get new yellow robes.

Red hat school

One of the biggest contributions is the bardo thodol (the book of the dead). It teaches essentially that after death the human soul abides for 49 days in a dream like state called bardo. This is when the destiny of the soul is determined.


hand posture


heap, focus of the actions that consitute worship. Flowers, water.

The middle way

indulgence/asceticism was acceptable way of life, and that no one should avoid extremes and seek to live in the middle. - Buddha began by teaching that neither the extreme of indulgence nor the extreme of asceticism was acceptable as a way of life and that one should avoid extremes and seek to live in the middle way...


Zen Buddhism flash of enlightenment


Zen Buddhism, such riddles used called case studies

3 posions

craving, hatred, delusion


desire, thirst, craving


great robe

Yellow hat school

larger school Teacher is the Dalai Lama and ruler of Tibet.



Siddhartha Gautama

"one who has achevied goal" name of buddha Sage, desendents


"saint" One who has followed the eightfold path and has arrived at the point of achieving Nirvana is called this. One who is worthy


3 baskets


5 ascetics noted change. Association, assembly, monastic community. Also known as a community of monks. Buddhist monastic order.

What is called a soul/self/esense is actually a combination of

Five Mental or Physical Aggregates/ Skandhas or Heaps: Matter or Material Stuff/The physical body, Sensations/Feelings, Perception/Understanding, Mental Formation/Will, and Consciousness.

Buddhas Birthday

April 8th in China/Japan Last full moon in may- South east Asia Washing the statue of Buddha, flowers.

Thervadism goal

Arhat (one who is worthy) Enlightenment = Wisdom and finding it yourself

Why did the four sights cause him to begin a search for religious answers?

Became aware that life always involves suffering and pain. Could not even look at women the same way.

Mahayana goal

Bodhisativa (saint) Enlightenment = compassion

Who is the ideal figure in Mahayana Buddhism?



Body posture, seat.

Discussion of Nirvanna, what is extinguished?

Boundaries of finate self


Buddha achieving full enlightenment

Om mani padme hum

Om, the jewel in the lotus hum


Can provide help for humans struggling with the problems of life. - Future Buddhas

Champion Ascetic

Deny the body Live without pleasure Skinny Buddha--> Indian

Picking up more leaves story

Develop more Sutras, Buddha through leaves and those who picked up more learn more. Mahayana Buddhism


Diagnosis, cause 2nd noble truth

The Rational sect/ T'ien-t'-ai, Tendai(Japan)

Founded by monk Chih-I - In reality there is only one true buddhist teaching; individuals must study the scriptures of Buddhism to know truth. Therefore, although meditation may be helpful at certain times, it is not the only path, rational thought and study should be in place also.

Mahayana Buddhism

Great raft, vehicle. Expansive way maha= great, expansive - second turning of the wheel - did not need to be a monk - marriage of two virtues, wisdom. - more documents - Buddha more than a man - Not the only Buddha

Big raft small raft question


The festival of souls (Ullambana)

July, Japan. August, China. Buddhist believe that purgatory is opened and the souls of the dead are allowed to wander the world

Great renunciation/Great going forth

Leaves kingdom, change clothes with hunter for orange robe

When the Buddha answered "There will be some who will understand" who vanished forever?

Mara, Temptation


Native Tibetan religion that emphasized incantations and spells to protect people from the demons and spirits that lurked in the shadows and dark places of harsh lands. Concern for magic and protecting from demons as major emphasis. - form of folk Buddhism that is more concerned with life in the world than with the attainment of enlightenment.


Prescription. "Path" the eightfold path 4th noble truth


Thata = "truth" Agata = come, arrived Thus come or thus perfect Truth gather One who has come to truth

Buddha reached enlightenment under what tree?

The Bo tree


Theory behind Buddhist practice of meditation or the doctrine of dependent origination/arising. Pratitya means "moving toward." Samutpada means "co-arising" or "arising in combination."

Three baskets

Vinaya Pitaka- mosaic rule Sutta Pitaka - Discoures Abhidhamma Pitaka - supplement to the doctrines

Bo tree at Bodhgaya

Wait this is where the Buddha found enlightenment Temptations: 1) Natural calamities = turns into flowers 2) Deep darkness = alinated 3) Army of demons 4) Sexual temptation 5) Deal = mara (3 daughters)


Wheel of becoming, existence. round of life

Buddhist councils

Within a year of Buddhas death his followers (Mahakasyapa) called a council to try to determine the true meaning of his teachings as they regarded monastic requirements. This council failed to bring unity and within a short period of time there were 4 major Buddhist factions.


Wrathful deity, good guys. Defenders of law Seen on the wheel of becoming.

See the Buddha and kill him


Buddhist Creed

"I Take refuge in the Buddha; I take refuge in the Dharma (law); and I take refuge in the Sangha

The Parable of the Poisoned Arrow

"In the same way," Shakyamuni advised Venerable Mal, "anyone who says, 'I will not follow the spiritual life until Buddha has explained to me whether the universe is eternal or not or whether Buddha exists after death' would die long before he could ever receive satisfying answers to his question." The truly spiritual or religious life doesn't depend at all on how these questions are answered. For, as Shakyamuni then pointed out, "Whether or not the universe is eternal, you're still faced with birth, old age, death, sorrow, grief, and despair, for which I'm now prescribing the antidote."

Pure land sect

"the land of bliss" "pure land Buddhism" - One of the most popular and wide spread branches of Mahayana Buddhism - Multiple buddhas, among these are the Dhyani Buddhas, who preside over heavenlike lands where evil does not exist. The most well known is Amitabha. Repeating his name will give rebirth in the new world. *Faith in Amitabha s its central premise and eternity in the Pure Land as its goal Pure land monk can marry, have children, and live a life close to a laity. Worship done in "churches" and also have "Sunday school"

Thervada Buddhism principles

- Conservative - Closer to original teachings - Must achieve enlightenment for themselves without reliance on the gods or on any force beyond themselves. - Monk is ideal figure. Live in Sangha, once the goal he is seeking becomes reached he becomes a arhat. - IF not joining the monk that person must commit life of a layperson, supporting the needs of the monks and hoping to be in a better position in another life. - Goals of religion are reached through the efforts, meditation and achievement of the individual. - Relics of the life of Buddha - many buddhas in the past and future, buddha is only a man who discovered the path Nirvanna by themselves. - Offering food to a monk most important way of making merit

Principles of Mahayana

- Liberal - Origin: when Buddha was teaching his lessons only a few members could pick up on these teachings. these students picked up more leaves. - Buddha was more than a man, he was really a compassionate, eternal, and almost divine being who came to Earth in the form of a man because he loved humankind and wished to be of assistance. - Multiple Buddhas located in the cosmos - Others Buddhas to help lead a path to enlightenment - Developed a class called Bodhisattvas

What are the four passing sights that Gautama saw?

1) A wrinkled an bent elderly man 2) man with a disease 3) Rotting corpse 4) peaceful monk who renounced the world in search of release from his suffering

Four noble Truths

1) Dukka = The truth of suffering 2) Samudaya = truth of origin of suffering 3) Nirodha = truth of sensation of suffering 4) Magga = truth of pain of the cessation of suffering

Three great flaws vexing human existence

Dukka Anatman/Antta Anitya/annica

Far from being the door to abundant life, the _____ is a strangulated hernia; the more it swells, the tighter it shuts off the free flowing circulation on which health depends, and pain increases.



Emphasis on intent Action consequence That which binds or rebirth Conditioned action

Zen, the intuitive sect

Emphasized that the truths of religion do not come through rational through processes, study of scripture, or faith, but rather through a sudden flash of insight. - Trace it back to Buddha under the Bo tree - Advocates of this position maintain that the intuition or inspiration that comes after a period of meditation is the key to Buddhist truth. Founder was Bodhidharma, cut off his eye lids and turned into tea. Use tea to stay awake and meditate for longer. - Basic principle: that enlightenment is an individual matter and therefore one cannot receive much help from other persons or institutions. Buddha nature is within themselves - Meditation is dhyana - rejects wheel of rebirth, 4 noble truths, liberation - Wheel of rebirth in nirvanna - Use riddles - Heavy impact on Japan and art. "the controlled accident" - Distrust rational process

Goal of Buddhism

Extinguishing of Tanha (desire, truth, craving) - Once reached release from cycle.

Image of raft This is called ______renounces____

Prajnaparmatia/perfection of wisdom


Prognosis, eradicate 3rd noble truth

The sociopolitical sect: Nichiren

Purely Japanese phenomenon Believed that all of the current sects of Buddhism were a perversion of the true teachings of the Buddha. Lotus sutra was the only scripture a person needed to study. - Teaching any other sect would lead you to hell. This sect held lots of hostility towards other sects and holds strong patroism in Japan. - Simple form of Buddhism


Root is budh = awakened "to wake up" Enlightened one

Hinayana Buddhism

Small raft or vehicle, exclusive way Hina= small/lessor yana = raft/vehicle "Something that carries something" Thervadism, the way of the elders


Stories concerning the former lives of Buddha Gautama. Most common themes in Buddhist art and are the subject of sermons and popular religious texts in all Theravada societies


Suffering 1st noble truth


The characteristic physical structure of Theravada Buddhism is a complex of buildings called this. - Most important room is called the bot or vihara, a hall used for teaching, preaching and meditation

"Once he had perceived the inevitability of pain and passage, fleshly pleasures lost their charm and he determined to follow the calling of a truth seeker. One night in his 29th year he effected"

The great going forth Huston Smith


Theravada meditation insight meditation; its purpose is the sudden, intuitive realization of Buddhist truths and modeled after the experience Buddha had under the Bo tree


Theravada meditation intense concentration, the purpose of which is the attainment of the spiritual states that open the path to enlightenment

Tibetan/Tantric Buddism

Third raft- The diamond vehicle Mantras, mudras, mandalas - Sound, body, gesture, sight "Positions of the body" The isolation of this nation made it unique. Concern for magic as a means of coping with with the problems of life. - Sought enlightenment and conquest over the flesh by carrying passion to excessive lengths. - Patron of the Tibet people is Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, loved for great compassion and ability to rescue his disciples from the perils of the world, as well as to guide them on a path to enlightenment. - Prayer wheel - Clergy, the lamas, more powerful than kings.


Tibetan Buddhism - manuals, special stress on sacred sounds, hand gestures, mystical circular digrams. Teach the various magical words and spells that help one deal with the unknown and are believed to guide the quest for positive rebirth and eventually enlightenment.


To extinguish, to blow out, put out like candle. - Rather the end of all states and conditions the extinguishing of all craving, hatred and delusion that accompanies enlightenment


relics of the Buddha


shakya = name of the clan Buddha is from muni = "the silent one" pr silence even, but it is the word used to refer to sage name of buddha


superior one. Tibet Buddhism, were more powerful than the kings and lived lavish lives. Soon after celibacy was restored. they were divided into two orders: Yellow hat and Red hat

Buddhist suttras

sutra, sew someone up scriptures

Parable of the chariot

take out yoke, armour, wheels piece by piece, thats who you are


to thirst, to desire, to crave.

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