Buisness Law Chapter 21-28

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"Without reserve" auctions give the auctioneer the right to withdraw the goods from the sale process if the bids are not high enough.


A bailment is a special form of a sale of goods in which possession is transferred to a bailee.


A blank endorsement indicates the person to who the instrument is to be paid-that is, the transferee.


A blank indorsement indicates the person to whom the instrument is to be paid-that is, the transferee.


A common carrier is liable for all delays in the delivery of goods.


A contract carrier holds itself out as willing to furnish transportation for compensation without discrimination to all members of the public who apply.


A contract that has elements of both goods and services is always classified as a contract for the sale of goods.


A custodian who holds money for the benefit of a minor under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act may choose to use the money to send the minor's sister to summer camp.


A document of title is not sufficient for a creditor to take an interest in goods.


A firm offer is effective for three months, but only if the merchant receives consideration.


A holder is also known as an assignee of the paper.


A person who acquires the instrument on which the last indorsement is blank becomes a holder in due course.


A public warehouse is statutorily required to insure all the goods.


A sale of goods is defined under UCC Article 2 as transfer of title to intangible property for a price.


A sales contract may provide that in case of breach, no damages may be recovered or no consequential damages may be recovered.


A seller's insurable interest in goods always terminates with the passage of the title to the buyer.


An endorsement "Pay to Donald Hames, Cathy Dukes" is not valid indorsement because it does not contain the words "order" or "better".


An instrument may be transferred only by negotiation.


An output or requirement contract is not enforceable unless the parties include an estimate of prospective amounts.


Any modification of a sale contract between merchants must be supported by some form of consideration.


Bearer paper may only be negotiated by the actual transfer of possession of the instrument.


Consequential damages are available to the buyer but not to the seller.


If a buyer chooses to cover the substituted goods purchased must be identical to the contract goods.


If a buyer materially breaches the contract, the seller may not cancel the contract until it notifies the buyer.


If a thief sells stolen property to a good-faith buyer, the buyer acquires title to the property.


In a bailment, the bailee does not necessarily have to be aware that the bailed goods were placed within the Bailee's exclusive possession or control.


In a bailment, the person who turns over the possession of bailed property is the bailee, and the person who accepts possession is the bailor.


In certain cases, real property can constitute a bailment.


In order for a bailment to be valid, the bailor must be the owner of the subject property.


In states that follow the community property tradition, property acquired after the marriage belongs solely to the party who acquired it.


Joe rents a unit at the local Stor-More complex and places a lock on the unit's door. Joe has created a bailment with Stor-More.


Joint tenancy and tenancy in common both feature the right of survivorship.


Myra, a person who attended a wedding reception at the Hotel Miramar, is injured on the dance floor. Miramar is liable to Myra for her injuries.


Order paper is negotiated by the indorsement of the holder only.


Personal property is tangible and immovable


Rejection of an improper tender of goods constitutes terminates the buyer's options for recovery.


Severalty is a form of property ownership by two or more persons.


Someone who finds and resells stolen property passes on a good title to a good faith purchaser.


Substantial impairment requires proof that goods are worthless.


The CISG governs all contracts between parties in the countries that have ratified it.


The UCC has adopted the common law 'mirror image' rule.


The UCC requires assurances to be in writing and signed by the company President.


The person on whom a demand for assurance is made, must reply in writing for the assurance to be deemed "adequate."


The statement, "I doubt that I can perform the contract," is a repudiation of the contract


The term "course of dealing" refers to the language and customs of an industry.


The transfer and collection of negotiable instruments between banks requires specific indorsements.


Title to personal property can be acquired by gift or purchase or stolen property.


To be engaged in warehousing, an enterprise must have appropriate store buildings.


To recover damages, a buyer must give the seller notice of the breach within three (3) days.


Under both the CISG and the UCC, a buyer may reject goods only if the tender of the goods is a fundamental breach of the contract.


Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, payment by a buyer requires payment either in cash or by certified check.


When a method of transportation called for by a contract becomes unavailable for any reason, the contract is automatically vided.


When a sales contract is broken by the buyer, the seller has only the remedies of lien and resale available.


When the price of the goods is $500 or more, a writing signed by the defendant is required in all cases.


With regard to transactions between merchants, failure to repudiate a confirming letter within ten (10) days after receipt binds the non-signing merchant, just as if he had signed the letter or a contract.


f adequate assurance of performance is not given within five (5) business days from the time of the demand for assurance, the demanding party may treat the contract as repudiated


he standard for rejection requires that any defect in the good be material.


A bailee's lien give the bailee the right to keep possession of the bailed property until reasonable until reasonable chargers for storage and/or repairs are paid.


A bill of sale can be used as proof of an otherwise oral agreement.


A buyer can be barred from claiming a breach if the sales contract expressly states that the buyer will not assert any defenses against the seller.


A buyer has a right to insist that all the goods be delivered at one time.


A buyer has the right to accept some commercial units of a shipment and reject other commercial units.


A buyer may reject the goods for any defects in the goods.


A buyer may revoke acceptance because of a seller's failure to complete promised repairs.


A buyer revokes her acceptance when she returns a raincoat to the seller that shrank in the rain.


A buyer who cancels a sales contract because the seller fails to deliver the goods is entitled to recover as much of the purchase price as had been paid.


A factor is a special type of bailee.


A gift causa mortis is considered a conditional gift.


A gift is a free transfer of the title to property.


A liquidated damages clause is a contractually-agreed upon amount of damages to be paid in the event of default or breach.


A payee whose name is misspelled may indorse with the wrong name, the correct name, or both.


A qualified indorsement qualifies the effect of a blank or special indorsement by disclaiming certain liabilities of the indorser to a maker or drawee.


A qualified indorsement qualifies the effect of the blank or special indorsement by disclaiming certain liabilities of the indorser to a maker or drawee.


A restrictive indorsement specifies the purpose of the indorsement or the use to be made of the paper.


A right in a thing is considered property.


A sale by a factor can pass title to goods from the consignor to the purchaser.


A sale or return is a completed sale with an option for the buyer to return the goods.


A secured transaction is a pledge of property by the buyer that enables the seller to take possession of the goods if the buyer fails to pay the amount owed.


A special indorsement consists of the signature of the indorser and words identifying the indorsee.


A warehouse receipts may be either negotiable or nonnegotiable.


An offer to buy or sell goods may be accepted in any manner that is reasonable under the circumstances.


An oral contract to sell specially manufactured goods if enforceable if the goods cannot be sold to other buyers, and the manufacturer has made a substantial progress in manufacturing the goods.


An ordinary gift made between two living persons is called an inter vivos gift.


Consumer protection law prohibits the waiver of defenses in consumer contracts.


Goods are identified when they have been selected as the goods is made, title and risk of loss remain with the buyer.


Goods physically existing and owned by a seller at the time of a transaction are called existing goods.


If a buyer purchases good on approval, the buyer's creditors cannot reach such goods until there is an approval.


If a buyer refuses to accept specially manufactured goods, the seller has the right to keep the goods, and recover the full purchase price as damages.


If a buyer refuses to pay for goods after an acceptance that was not revoked, the seller may bring action to recover the purchase price and any incidental damages.


If a contract calls for both rendering services and supplying materials to be used in performing the services, the contract is classified according to its dominant element.


If a lost negotiable instrument is in bearer form at the time of the loss, the finer is entitled to enforce payment.


If a warehouse receipt provides for the delivery of the goods "to the bearer", the receipt may be negotiated by transfer of the documents.


If an instrument is payable to alternative payees, it may be endorsed and delivered by either of them.


If an instrument is payable to bearer, it can be negotiated by transfer of possession alone.


If good.s are specially manufactured, unique, or rare, a buyer may have the right to specific performance


In a FOB place of shipment contract, the seller's obligation ends when he delivers the goods to a carrier for shipment.


In an FOB shipment contract, title to the goods pass to the buyer when goods are delivered to the carrier.


Indorsements may be classified in terms of whether the indorser has added any words to the indorsement and what those words are.


Most courts consider an engagement ting to be a conditional gift.


Order paper is converted in to bearer paper by the holder's blank indorsement.


Order paper is converted into bearer paper by the holder's blank indorsement.


Personal property is lost when an owner does not know where it is located but intended to find it.


Proof of substantial impairment of the value of a contract to the buyer is required to justify revocation of acceptance.


Proper delivery of a car would be stratified with the delivery of a key and a title document.


Sales law includes special rules that apply to merchants.


Some courts allow sellers to recover the profits they would have made if the buyer had completed the transaction.


Suppose NovaTek sells $10,000 worth of goods to BestGear on credit and ships the products. During shipment NovaTek discovers BestGear is insolvent. NovaTek can stop shipment of the product if BestGear has not provided assurances.


The UCC imposes a higher standard of good faith on merchants than on nonmerchants.


The impostor rule is an exception to the rules on liability for forgery that covers certain situations, such as the embezzling payroll clerk.


The impostor rule is an exception to the rules on liability for forgery that covers certain situations, such as the embezzling payroll clerk.


The order or bearer character of a paper is determined as of the time the negotiation takes place.


The provisions of Article 6 concerning bulk transfers are designed to protect creditors.


The seller's right to cure a defective tender means that the seller will be given a second chance to make a proper tender of conforming goods.


The storage of goods in a warehouse and the shipment of goods by a common carrier are examples of special bailment.


Title to abandoned property is acquired by the first person who obtains possession and control of the property.


Title to goods can be transferred without the actual delivery of the goods involved.


UCC Article 2 applies only to contracts for the sale of familiar items of personal property, such a automobiles or chairs, but also to the transfer of commodities, such as oil, gasoline, milk, and grain.


Unclaimed property is often transferred to the government under the concept of escheat.


Upon the death of a joint tenancy with a right of survivorship, that deceased joint tenant's shares passes to the remaining tenants equally.


Warehouse receipts and bills of lading are both considered documents of title.


When a buyer has broken a sales contract, the seller may resell the goods or the balance of them in the seller's possession.


When a contract to sell identified goods does not specify a place of delivery, the goods are considered delivered at the seller's place of business.


When a negotiable instrument is transferred by negotiation, the transferee becomes a holder in due course.


When a person picks out a custom necktie and purchases it, the transaction involves fungible goods.


When a special indorsement is made, the instrument continues to be order paper and may be negotiated only by an indorsement and delivery


When an oral contract is made to sell a 75-inch LED LCD TV for $6800, payment and acceptance of part of the purchase price avoids the bar of the statute of frauds.


Wrongful dominion over a principal's tangible personal property is a form of conversion.


f a party refuses to perform a contract when the time for performance arises, the other party has the right to seek assurances.


A buyer may reject a tender of delivery: a. if the goods do not conform to the contract in some way. b. only if the goods have a substantial defect. c. unless the seller promises to cure the defective tender. d. unless the goods have been sold on credit.


A seller's right to retain possession of goods until the seller has been paid is called a: a. seller's lien. b. buyer's lien. c. merchandise estoppel. d. nonpayment tort.


An agreement to periodically deliver home-heating oil to residential customers that does not indicate the duration of the contract. a. is enforceable for a reasonable period of time b. lasts for one delivery only c. is not a legally-enforceable contract d. constitutes a bulk transfer


An indorsement "for deposit only" is: a. restrictive b. qualified c. special d. blank


An indorsement "for deposit only" is: a. restrictive. b. qualified. c. special. d. blank


Harvested crops would be example of ________. a. existing goods b. tangible goods c. future goods d. intangible goods


If a negotiable order instrument is transferred to another party without an indorsement, the instrument has been: a. assigned b. negotiated c. obtained by fraud, and is therefore invalid d. obtained by fraud, but may be reatified


If a negotiable order instrument is transferred to another party without an indorsement, the instrument has been: a. assigned. b. negotiated. c. obtained by fraud, and is therefore invalid. d. obtained by fraud, but may be ratified.


If appropriate assurance is not given in response to a demand for assurance of performance, the demanding party may: a. treat the contract as repudiated. b. sue for libel. c. file for an insurance payment. d. not replace the repudiated contract.


Most courts hold that when a customer takes an item from the shelf in a self-service store, there is: a. no sale b. a sale c. a contract to sell d. a conditional sale


Negotiation of bearer paper requires: a. delivery only. b. indorsement only. c. both indorsement and delivery. d. neither indorsement nor delivery.


Negotitation of bearer paper requires: a. delivery only b. indorsement only c. both indorsement and delivery d. neither indorsement nor delivery


The situation in which an individual impersonates the holder of a savings account and, by presenting a forged withdrawal slip to the savings bank, receives from the bank a check payable to the bank's customer, is covered by the: a. impostor rule. b. negotiation rule. c. assignment rule. d. bank rule.


The statute of limitations for breach of a sales contract: a. may be reduced between merchants to one year. b. may be expanded by the buyer and the seller to six years. c. begins to run from the signing of the contract. d. always requires a notice to the seller to activate the statute.


The transferee has only those rights that were possessed by the transferor of the note when a transfer of an instrument is made by: a. an assignment b. a negotiation c. a sale d. a will


When a buyer demonstrates in some way that the goods conform to the contract, the buyer has made a(n): a. acceptance of the goods. b. assignment of the goods. c. substitution of the goods. d. avoidance of the contract


When a buyer has possession of goods after rightfully rejecting them, the buyer is treated: a. the same as a seller in the possession of goods after default by a buyer. b. as being strictly liable for the safety of the goods. c. the same as if an entrustment had been created. d. as an insurer of the goods until the seller retakes possession.


When a seller breaches a contract for the sale of goods to a buyer, the buyer is entitled to specific performance of the contract if the: a. goods are unique. b. market cost of the goods has increased. c. goods can be purchased in any major city in the country. d. buyer's customers will be disappointed if the buyer does not obtain the goods.


When particular goods have been selected by either the buyer or the seller, or both, as being the goods called for by the sales contract, the goods are said to be a. identified b. actualized c. realized d. materialized


Which method of payment gives the buyer credit by postponing the time for payment? a. a promissory note b. a check c. a draft d. a certified check


___________ is a transfer of possession - but not title - to personal property. a. a bailment b. an option to purchase c. a gift d. a consignment


____________ represents a pattern of performance between the parties to a contract. a. course of dealing b. usage of trade c. course of trade d. usage of dealing


All the following can be considered an acceptance by the buyer expect: a. an express statement of approval by the buyer b. the buyer's examination of the goods c. the buyer's retention of goods for an unreasonable period of time d. the buyer's modification of the goods


If a contract contains a delivery term of __________, the seller's responsibility is to get the goods to the buyer. a. FOB place of shipment b. FOB place of destination c. CIF place of shipment d. CIF place of destination


If a contract for the sale of goods omits the price to be paid, the:________. a. contract is void because it is too in definite to be enforceable b. buyer is required to pay a reasonable price for the goods c. buyer can pay whatever price the buyer in good faith believes is a proper price d. seller can rightfully charge whatever price the seller in good faith believes is proper price


If a contractually-specified mode of transportation is not available., the: a. contract is automatically voided. b. seller must make delivery by a commercially-reasonable substitute. c. buyer must arrange to pick up the goods. d. seller must make personal delivery


In an FOB Place of Destination shipment Title passes to the buyer: a. when the goods are tendered at the seller's loading dock. b. when goods are tendered to the buyer at the destination c. when goods are tendered to the carrier d. when the goods are identified by the seller


In the case of a check, when the impostor rules applies: a. the drawer of the check can successfully raise the defense of the forged indorsment b. the forged indorsement is effective to negotiate the instrument c. the forged indorsement is ineffective to negotiate the instrument d. the instrument becomes non-negotiable


Which term is not required in a writing in order to satisfy the statue of frauds? a. language indicating that a sale or contract to sell has been made b. the price of the goods c. the quantity of goods involved in the transaction d. the signature of the defendant


_________ reserve auctions are those in which the goods must be sold regardless of whether the auctioneer is satisfied with the levels of the bids. a. with b. without c. unqualified d. unrestricted


A _______ is a completed sale with an option for the buyer to return the goods. a. conditional sale b. contingency sale c. sale or return d. sale on approval


A __________ indorsement consists of the signature of the indorser and words specifying the person to whom the indorser makes the instrument payable. a. qualified b. restrictive c. special d. blank


A ____________ indorsement consists of the signature of the indorser and the words specifying the person to whom the indorser makes the instrument payable. a. qualified b. restrictive c. special d. blank


A liquidation of damages clause in a consumer contract is enforceable if it: a. is not in excess of twice the provable damages. b. is agreed to by both parties to the contract. c. reasonably attempts to estimate the actual harm caused by a breach. d. is a reasonable amount designed to punish the breaching party.


Consumer leases: a. must always be evidenced by a writing b. are always three- party transactions c. require the lessor to make all usual warranties made by a seller in sale of goods d. all of these


Goods that are not yet in existence or are not yet owned by the seller are __________ goods. a. fungible b. nonexistent c. future d. contingent


If a buyer accepts goods but later claims the goods suffered from a substantial impairment, he is: a. only required to prove the goods do not conform to the contract. b. only required to prove the goods are shown to be worthless. c. only required to prove the use to the buyer is materially different than the contract promised. d. automatically canceling the contract.


If a buyer procures the same or similar goods as those involved in the sales contract breached by the seller, the buyer: a. loses all rights to prosecute for breach. b. is said to have validated the seller's action. c. is said to have covered. d. is also in breach.


Negotiation of order paper requires: a. delivery only. b. indorsement only. c. both indorsement and delivery. d. neither indorsement nor delivery.


Negotiation of order paper requires: a. delivery only b. indorsement only c. both indorsement and delivery d. neither indorsement nor delivery


The legal definition of a guest of a hotel requires that the person: a. live at least five miles from the hotel b. is a guest of a registered occupant of the hotel c. is a transient d. stay at the hotel for at least 24 hours


The order or bearer character of the paper determines how it may be: a. assigned b. sold c. negotiated d. accepted


The order or bearer character of the paper determines how it may be: a. assigned. b. sold. c. negotiated. d. accepted.


The relationship of guest and hotelkeeper ends when the guest: a. pays his or her bill. b. advises the hotelkeeper pf his or her departure. c. leaves or ceases to be a transient. d. has stayed for 30 days and becomes a boarder.


To be adequate, after a proper demand an assurance of performance must: a. include consideration. b. allow for the additional examination of the goods. c. be sufficient to assure a reasonable person that the contract will be performed. d. be written.


When consigned goods are sold by a factor: a. When consigned goods are sold by a factor b. title passes even if the goods have been stolen, provided the factor is ignorant of this fact. c. the sale passes the title of the owner to the buyer d. strict compliance with the Federal Factors Act is required to pass title


When goods are delivered to a common carrier for immediate shipment and while they are in transit, who is normally liable for any loss or damage to the goods? a. the shipper v. the consignee c. the carrier d. the individual designated as responsible in the bill of lading


When the indorser merely signs a negotiable instrument, the indorsement is called a __________ indorsement. a. special b. qualified c. blank d. restrictive


When the indorser merely signs a negotiable instrument, the indorsement is called a ____________ indorsement. a. special b. qualified c. blank d. restrictive


When the name of the payee is spelled incorrectly, the payee: a. must indorse the instrument with the incorrect spelling of the payee's name. b. must indorse the instrument with the correct spelling of the payee's name. c. may indorse the instrument with either the correct or incorrect spelling of the payee's name. d.may not indorse the instrument


When the name of the payee is spelled incorrectly, the payee: a. must indorse the instrument with the incorrect spelling of the payee's name b. must inforse the instrument with the correct spelling of the payee's name c. may indorse the instrument with either the correct or incorrect spelling of the payee's name d. may not indorse the instrument


__________ reserve auctions are those that give the auctioneer that right to withdraw the goods from the sale process if the bids are not high enough. a. qualified b. restricted c. with d. without


A blank indorsement turns a(n) _____________ instrument into a(n) ___________ instrument. a. negotiable; non-negotiable b. non-negotiable; negotiable c. bearer; order d. order; bearer


A blank indorsement turns a(n) __________instrument into a(n) __________ instrument. a. negotiable; non-negotiable b. non-negotiable; negotiable c. bearer; order d. order; bearer


A common carrier is absolutely NOT liable for loss or damage to goods in all of the following situations expect: a. incidents arising from the inherent nature of the goods. b. incidents involving a public enemy. c. incidents involving acts of God. d. incidents involving mechanical breakdown of the vehicle.


A contract involving both services and goods is classified as a contract for the sale of goods if: a. the services are to be performed upon the goods b. the services cannot be performed unless the goods are supplied c. nom charge is made for the services d. the sale of goods is the dominant aspect for the transaction


A merchant cannot revoke a firm offer to buy or sell goods if the merchant has: a. promised to keep the offer open b. declared in the presence of two or more reputable witnesses that the offer will be kept open c. received consideration to keep the offer open d. stated in a signed letter that the offer would not be revoked for specified period of time


A seller may cancel a sales contract if the buyer does any of the following except: a. wrongfully rejects the goods. b. repudiates the contract. c. fails to make a payment due on or before delivery. d. rejects an improper tender.


All of the following are covered by Article 2 of the UCC except: ______________. a. big screen TV's b. commodities c. custom-made furniture d. gifts


As a general rule, courts will _________ in recovering money or property transferred under an illegal agreement. a. assist a commercial buyer b. assist a non-commercial buyer c. assist a institutional buyer d. not aid either party


Carol, who is planning to move out of town, offers to sell her sofa to her friend Betty for $750. Betty says, "I'll take it, and I would like you to throw in the coffee table along with it. "Under Article 2 of the UCC, Carol and Betty have: a. no contract, because of the mirror image rule b. no contract, because Carol did not accept Betty's counteroffer c. a contract for both the sofa and coffee table d. a contract for the sofa only


If a lost instrument is order paper, the finder __________. a. becomes the assignee of the instrument. b. becomes the owner of the instrument. c. becomes the holder of the instrument. d. does not become the holder of the instrument.


If a seller elects to resell the goods remaining in the seller's possession after the buyer breaks the contract, the seller: a. must always give notice of the sale to the original buyer. b. is never required to give notice of the sale to the original buyer. c. is required to follow strict standards in the resale of the goods. d. is not required to give notice of the sale to the original buyer when the goods are perishable


If shipped goods are damaged or destroyed after risk of loss passes: a. the contract is avoided b. the seller has breached the contract c. the buyer has the option to accept or not accept the goods d. it is the buyer's loss


In a _________, no sale takes place (meaning there is no transfer of title) until the buyer accepts the goods. a. conditional sale b. contingency sale c. sale or return d. sale on approval


In the absence of a liquidated damages clause and a proof of greater damages, the seller's damages are computed as: a. 25% of the purchase price or $500, whichever is less. b. 25% of the purchase price or $500, whichever is greater. c. 20% of the purchase price or $500, whichever is greater. d. 20% of the purchase price or $500, whichever is less.


The commercially reasonable charges incurred by a seller in caring for goods after the buyer's breach are recoverable by the seller in an action for damages as: a. contract damages. b. punitive damages. c. additional damages. d. incidental damages.


The obligations of the parties to a sales contract include: a. the seller's duty to deliver the goods to the buyer's place of business. b. the buyer's duty to always accept the goods. c. the seller's duty to arrange for appropriate transport. d. the buyer's duty to pay for the goods.


The right to ___________ is a second chance for a seller to make a proper tender of conforming goods. a. rehabilitate b. repair c. heal d. cure


The transferring of an instrument in such a way as to make the transferee the holder of the paper is termed: a. an assignment. b. a conversion. c. a sale. d. a negotiation


The transferring of an instrument in such a way as to make the transferee the holder of the paper is termed: a. an assignment b. a converison c. a sale d. a negotitation


When goods are sold at an auction in separate lots, the title to each lot passes: a. when the winning bidder tenders payment for the lot b. when the lot is received by the winning bidder c. only when all lots have been sold d. when the auctioneer announces that the lot in question has been sold to the bidder


Which of the following is not an example of incidental damages recoverable by a seller? a. expenses for the care of the goods after the buyer's breach b. expenses for transportation of the goods after the buyer's breach c. expenses for resale of the goods after the buyer's breach d. expenses for the attorney's fees after the buyer's breach


Which of the following situations create(s) an exception to the statues of frauds writing requirements? a. non-resealable goods b. receipts and acceptance c. payment d. specially manufactured goods


__________ goods are goods that, when mixed together, are indistinguishable. a. tangible b. intangible c. heterogeneous d. fungible


f the buyer has paid for the goods in advance but revokes his acceptance when the goods arrive, he: a. can resell the goods. b. must prove the nonconforming defect was known at the time of the original acceptance. c. return them within ten (10) days and wait for the refund. d. may retain possession of the goods as security until the refund has been paid.


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