BUS2 134A Ch 14-18

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Bobbie bought a Dell computer because her brother has one, and he seems to be satisfied with it. She did not compare any other computers when making this choice. Which type of choice process did Bobbie use?

attitude-based choice

Which type of consumer choice process involves the use of general attitudes, summary impressions, intuitions, or heuristics and no attribute-by-attribute comparisons are made at the time of choice?

attitude-based choice

The brands or products one will evaluate for the solution of a particular consumer problem are called the _____.

evoked set

What is the key to success of store brands?

high quality at a reasonable price

The minimum amount that one brand can differ from another with the difference still being noticed is referred to as the ________.

just noticeable difference

Effective quality control and distribution and package inserts that assure the consumer of the wisdom of their purchase are attempts at _____.

suppressing problem recognition

Nominal decision making is sometimes referred to as _____.

habitual decision making

Joseph is considering the purchase of a computer, and he is comparing brands on the basis of price, memory, speed, and reliability. He mentally ranks each alternative on these attributes and makes a selection based on these rankings. Joseph is using which type of choice process?

Attribute-based choice

Which type of consumer choice process requires the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made, and it involves attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands?

Attribute-based choice

According to the research discussed in Chapter 17, which of the following is the major reason consumers give for shopping online?


Leon is concerned with the reliability and durability of laptop computers he is considering purchasing. This represents which dimension of product performance?


Which dimension of product performance relates to the physical functioning of the product?


_____ is the result of a discrepancy between a desired state and an actual state that is sufficient to arouse and activate the decision process?

Problem recognition

Which dimension of product performance relates to aesthetic or image-enhancement performance?


Which of the following is true regarding postpurchase dissonance?

The importance of the decision to the consumer is one factor that influences the probability and magnitude of postpurchase dissonance

Emma noticed that she was almost out of gas, so she pulled into the nearest gas station and filled up her tank. Emma's decision on which gas to purchase is characterized by _____.

a low level of purchase involvement

Which marketing strategy is similar to preference strategy but is complicated by the fact that the target market is not seeking information about the brand?

acceptance strategy

Which marketing strategy is similar to preference strategy, but the target market is not seeking information about the brand?

acceptance strategy

Which approach to problem identification focuses on a particular activity such as lawn maintenance?

activity analysis

A(n) _____ is the way an individual perceives his or her feelings and situation to be at the present time

actual state

Amy is shopping for a dress to wear to a formal dance. She tried on several dresses, not even noticing the price of each. After about two hours of this, she tried one on and exclaimed, "This is it!" That particular dress was the one that she thought made her look fabulous, so she bought it. Which type of choice did Amy use to select this dress?

affective choice

Which of the following tends to be more holistic in nature, and brand is not decomposed into distinct components that are evaluated separately from the whole?

affective choice

Dawn and her two daughters went to see Pride & Prejudice at the movie theater. They all loved the movie and came out saying "we're so glad she married Mr. Darcy!" This movie provided them with _____.

affective performance

The emotional response that owning or using the product or outlet provides is known as _______.

affective performance

Which of the following is FALSE regarding information search? a) The amount of search depends on purchase involvement b) Searching for information is free c) Information search involves mental as well as physical activities that consumers must perform d) The initial search generally produces a set of guides or decision restraints e) Search has benefits such as finding a lower price or getting higher quality

b) Searching for information is free

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate condition to attempt to influence generic problem recognition? a) It is early in the product life cycle b) The firm has a small percentage of the market c) External search after problem recognition is apt to be limited d) It is an industry-wide cooperative effort e) all of the above are appropriate conditions to attempt to influence generic problem recognition

b) The firm has a small percentage of the market

Which type of consumer decision making does NOT include alternative evaluation? a) routine decision making b) nominal decision making c) extended decision making d) simple decision making e) limited decision making

b) nominal decision making

Which type of customer has an emotional attachment to the brand or firm?

committed customer

Disposition of the product or the product's container may occur _____ product use.

before, during, and after

A limited capacity for processing information is known as _____.

bounded rationality

The fact that consumers have limited capacity for processing information is referred to as __________.

bounded rationality

Brad was out of soft drinks in his dorm room, so he went to the store and purchased Coke. This is the brand he always buys, and he would not even consider purchasing another brand. Which type of nominal decision does this illustrate?

brand loyal decision

Consumers who exhibit a positively biased behavior toward a specific brand are exhibiting _____.

brand loyalty

Joyce will only drink Pepsi, and she feels an emotional attachment to it. That is the brand she was brought up on and is the one she continues to drink every day. Joyce is exhibiting _____.

brand loyalty

Which of the following is FALSE regarding consumer decisions and the consumer decision process? a) The decision process model provides useful insight into all types of consumer purchases b) Consumer decisions are frequently the result of a single problem c) Consumer decisions are rational and functional; otherwise they do not involve decisions per se d) Some consumer decisions result from the convergence of several problems e) Once the decision process begins, it may evolve and become more complex with multiple goals

c) Consumer decisions are rational and functional; otherwise they do not involve decisions per se

Which of the following is FALSE regarding committed customers? a) They are unlikely to consider addition information b) They are resistant to competitors' marketing efforts c) They are less likely to forgive an occasional product or service failure d) They are likely to be a source of positive word-of-mouth e) They are more profitable to the firm than mere repeat purchasers

c) They are less likely to forgive an occasional product or service failure

Evaluative criteria can differ on all EXCEPT which of the following? a) type b) number c) quality d) importance e) evaluative criteria can differ on all of the above

c) quality

The term used to refer to turnover in a firm's customer base is ____.


George has used the same company for his car and home insurance for over 20 years. Any claim he has made has been handled fairly and quickly. A major hurricane came through his area causing many individuals, including George, and business owners to lose everything. While he was hearing about so many insurance claim nightmares, he knew his company would come through because he trusts this company. George is an example of a _____.

committed customer

Which decision rule states that the brand that rates highest on the sum of the consumer's judgments of the relevant evaluative criteria will be chosen?


Which decision rule establishes minimum required performance standards for each evaluative criterion and selects the first or all brands that meet or exceed these minimum standards?


Pamela likes to sew because it relaxes her. To her, it's like therapy. For Pamela, sewing represents which type of motive?

consummatory motive

Which type of motives underlie behaviors that are intrinsically rewarding to the individual involved?

consummatory motives

Eric booked a hotel through hotels.com. However, when he arrived at the hotel, they had no record of his reservation, and he was unable to get a room. He decided then that he would never use this service again. Which reason for changing providers does this represent?

core service failure

Every time Hannah buys a sandwich at Super Subs, she gets a stamp on a card. Once she has 10 stamps, she'll get a free sandwich. This is an example of a(n) _____.

customer loyalty program

Attribute-based choice requires _________. a) the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made b) attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands c) summary impressions d) a and b e) all of the above

d) a and b

Which of the following affects how important various criteria are for consumers? a) usage situation b) competitive context c) advertising effects d) all of above e) none of the above

d) all of above

Which decision rule establishes a minimum level of performance for each important attribute (often a fairly high level), and all brands that meet or exceed the performance level for any key attribute are considered acceptable?


Which marketing strategy is appropriate if the brand is not part of the evoked set and the target market engages in nominal decision making?

disrupt strategy

A brand whose perceived performance falls below expectations generally produces _____.


How has the Internet changed consumers' ability to search for information? a) allows easy access to manufacturers' websites b) allows easy access to other consumers c) allows easy access to government agencies d) expends the ability of marketers to provide information to consumers e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Rational choice theory implicitly or explicitly assumes a number of things about consumer choice that often are not true, such as a) consumers seek on optimal solution to a problem and choose on that basis b) consumers have the skill and motivation to find the optimal solution c) the optimal solution does not change as a function of situational factors such as time pressure, task definition, or competitive context d) a and c e) all of the above

e) all of the above

The probability of a consumer experiencing postpurchase dissonance, as well as the magnitude of such dissonance, is a function of which of the following? a) The degree of commitment or irrevocability of the decision b) The importance of the decision to the consumer c) The difficulty of choosing among alternatives d) The individual's tendency to experience anxiety e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Which condition is appropriate to attempt to influence generic problem recognition? a) It is early in the product life cycle b) The firm has a high percentage of the market c) External search after problem recognition is apt to be limited d) It is an industry-wide cooperative effort e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Which of the following is often used as a surrogate indicator of quality? a) price b) advertising intensity b) warranties c) country of origin e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Quaker introduced its "Quaker Oats to go" bar and marketed it as a healthy and convenient breakfast choice. Quaker's marketing message is designed to help the consumer to _____. a) search for information b) engage in self-assessment c) recognize a problem d) acknowledge breakfast as important and make it a priority in the their busy day e) c and d

e) c and d

Which of the following is NOT a decision rule used by consumers? a) conjunctive b) disjunctive c) lexicographic d) compensatory e) conjoint

e) conjoint

Which decision rule requires the consumer to rank the evaluative criteria in terms of their importance and to establish a cutoff point for each criterion, and all brands are first considered on the most important criterion, then second most important , and so on until only one brand remains?


Freddy is purchasing a new car, and he has decided that gas mileage, price, reliability, and styling are important to him. These attributes represent Freddy's _____.

evaluative criteria

Nancy usually considers price and quality when she has to make a major purchase, such as an appliance or an automobile. These two features represent Nancy's _____.

evaluative criteria

The various dimensions, features, or benefits a consumers looks for in response to a specific problem are called ________.

evaluative criteria

The various dimensions, features, or benefits consumers look for in response to a specific problem are called _____.

evaluative criteria

The Smith's oldest daughter, Olivia, is a senior in high school. She has all "A's" and scored a 34 on the ACT. She is president of the debate team and the national honor society as well as a member of the cheerleading squad. Olivia wants to attend medical school, so both she and her parents are very concerned about which undergraduate school she attends. They have spent countless hours on the Internet examining universities, and they have already visited five campuses. For Olivia and her parents, which type of decision making does this represent?

extended decision making

Very high levels of purchase involvement tend to produce _______.

extended decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes the evaluation of many attributes and alternatives and employs complex decision rules?

extended decision making

Which type of decision making involves an extensive internal and external information search followed by a complex evaluation of multiple alternatives and significant postpurchase evaluation?

extended decision making

Todd owns a discount sporting goods store, and several of the items in his store have a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) above Todd's lower price. Todd is using the MSRP as a(n) _____.

external reference price

Which type of reference price is presented by a marketer for the consumer to use to compare with the current price?

external reference price

Nathan is purchasing a new computer, so he asks his friends and family for help in selecting one. He also has searched the Internet and visited the Dell, Gateway, and Apple websites and has consulted Consumer Reports. Nathan is conducting which type of information search?

external search

Which type of search can involve independent sources, personal sources, marketer-based information, and product experience?

external search

Which problem recognition involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce?

generic problem recognition

Two basic approaches to causing problem recognition are _____.

generic problem recognition and selective problem recognition

Which approach to problem recognition attempts to determine human capabilities in areas such as vision, strength, response time, flexibility, and fatigue and the effect on these capabilities of lighting, temperature, and sound?

human factors research

Purchase of which product typically represents low social risk and low economic risk for consumers?


What are the two dimensions to performance for products?

instrumental and symbolic

Hannah asked her mother to buy her a certain brand of athletic shoes because that's what all the other kids are wearing at school. For Hannah, which type of motive is most likely underlying her request for that specific brand?

instrumental motive

Which type of motives activates behaviors designed to achieve a second goal?

instrumental motives

If the target market engages in limited decision making and the brand is not part of the evoked set, the objective will to ________.

intercept the consumer during the search for information on the brands in the evoked set

which of the following are types of reference prices?

internal and external

Neil is considering the purchase of a 4-wheeler ATV. He visited a distributor to look at different models, and when he looked at prices he compared them with a price his brother told him he paid for an ATV. The price Neil retrieves from memory is known as a(n) _____.

internal reference price

Which type of reference price range does a consumer retrieve from memory to compare with a price in the market?

internal reference price

Nakeisha wants to purchase some new make-up, but she wants something different from what she is currently using. Since she has experience with this product, she just thinks of the other products she has tried and decides to purchase one of those. Which type of information search has Nakeisha performed?

internal search

Once a problem is recognized, relevant information from long-term memory is used to determine if a satisfactory solution is known, what the characteristics of potential solutions are, what are appropriate ways to compare solutions, and so forth. This is referred to as _____.

internal search

All other things being equal, consumers tend to prefer ______.

larger retail outlets over smaller outlets

Which decision rule requires the consumer to rank the criteria in order of importance, and then the consumer selects the brand that preforms best on the most important attribute?


Marla is bored with her cell phone. She wants to purchase a new one that has cool ring tones and can take a picture. She's not going to conduct a big search for a new phone as she's just going to consider a few others. Which type of decision making is this?

limited decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes the evaluation of only a few attributes, simple decision rules, and a few alternatives?

limited decision making

Which type of decision making involves internal and external search, few alternatives, simple decision rules on a few attributes, and little postpurchase evaluation?

limited decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes only a limited internal information search and no external search for information?

nominal decision making

Blake doesn't much care about cars but is engaging in a substantial amount of information search about cars since he is about to buy a new car. In terms of involvement, Blake is _____.

low in product involvement; high in purchase involvement

Which marketing strategy requires consistent attention to product quality, distribution, and a reinforcement advertising strategy because the brand is purchased habitually by the target market?

maintenance strategy

Selecting the optimal alternative, minimizing the decision effort, and maximizing the ease with which a decision can be justified are examples of consumer _____.


If, in response to a problem, a consumer recalls a single, satisfactory solution, no further information search or evaluation may occur. The consumer purchases the recalled brand and _____ has occurred.

nominal decision making

Which type of consumer decision making only includes the stages of problem recognition, limited internal information search, purchase, and limited postpurchase behavior?

nominal decision making

Which type of decision making process in effect involves no decision per se?

nominal decision making

Carla continued to search for information on cars even after she purchased one. She would go over her decision in her head, and pay attention to ads that featured the car she bought. She was also noticing how many other people drove her model of car, which made her feel more confident that she made a wise decision. Carla is attempting to reduce _____.

postpurchase dissonance

Connie just purchased her first new car, and she's actually feeling a little bad about it. She's concerned about how much money she spent and how long she will be making car payments. She's not sure she made the right choice, either. She liked another car a little better, but ended up purchasing another model. Connie is experiencing _____.

postpurchase dissonance

Doubt or anxiety regarding a purchase a consumer has made is known as _____.

postpurchase dissonance

Extended decision making with the brand in the evoked set requires which marketing strategy?

preference strategy

Which approach to problem recognition starts with a problem and asks respondents to indicate which activities, products, or brands are associated with (or perhaps could eliminate) those problems?

problem analysis

Tess noticed that she was almost out of shampoo. Which stage of the decision process will this observation activate?

problem recognition

What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?

problem recognition

Which approach to problem recognition examines the purchase or use of a particular product or brand?

product analysis

Which of the following are indirect measurement techniques used to determine consumers' evaluative criteria?

projective techniques and perceptual mapping

The level of concern for, or interest in, the purchase process triggered by the need to consider a particular purchase is known as _______.

purchase involvement

Which theory assumes that the consumer is a rational decision maker with well-defined, stable preferences, and has sufficient skills to calculate which option will maximize his or her value and will choose on this basis?

rational choice theory

A firm that introduces a new line of non-fat snack food due to increasing consumer concern with health is ________.

reacting to problem recognition

A price with which other prices are compared is known as a(n) ________.

reference price

Leslie loves to shop at T.J. Maxx and feels she is saving a lot of money because the price tags usually have the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) listed and crossed off and the T.J. Maxx price below much lower. The MSRP is being used as a _____.

reference price

When a retailer represents a price as "regularly $15.99, now $9.99," the $15.99 is called the _____.

reference price

An attempt to develop an ongoing, expanding exchange relationship with a firm's customers is called _____.

relationship marketing

Marketing efforts focused on a firm's current customers are generally termed ______.

relationship marketing

Marriott Rewards customers earn points whenever they stay at any Marriott property. Louis is in this program, and he travels quite a bit because he works in sales. He usually stays at a Courtyard by Marriott, and when he walks into the lobby there is a sign by the desk welcoming him by name as well as other Marriott Rewards customers who might be staying there. This ongoing relationship between Louis and Marriott is an example of _____.

relationship marketing

Rita is doing her family's grocery shopping and purchases ice cream. She's purchased Blue Bell ice cream before and purchases it again. She's not committed to this brand; it's just that she and her family like it. Which type of nominal decision is this?

repeat purchase decision

Kevin buys the same brand of clothing all the time. He continues to buy it because it fits him well and the price is right, but he does not have an emotional attachment to it. Kevin is an example of a(n) _____.

repeat purchaser

___________ continue to buy the same brand though they do not have an emotional attachment to it

repeat purchasers

Which model is used to calculate the level of store attraction based on store size and distance from the consumer?

retail attraction model

The retail attraction model is also called the ________.

retail gravitation model

According to Forrester Research discussed in Chapter 17, the major reason people give for not shopping on the Internet is _____.

security concerns

Which problem recognition involves a discrepancy that only one brand can solve?

selective problem recognition

The ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli is called _____.

sensory discrimination

The ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli is called ______.

sensory discrimination

Service employees that are uncaring, impolite, unresponsive, or unknowledgeable will cause consumers to switch providers for which reason?

service encounter failure

A $10 savings on a $200 item should ________.

show the dollar savings but not the percentage savings

Harriet is very frugal, so she regularly combs the grocery ads looking for bargains. Usually she'll go to a particular store just to buy an advertised item, but sometimes she purchases other items that were not advertised as well. The purchase of the unadvertised items represent which type of sales?

spillover sales

Sales of additional items to customers who came to purchase an advertised item are referred to as _____.

spillover sales

A retailer being temporarily out of a particular brand is called ______.


Brands owned and sold by a specific retail outlet are known as _____.

store brands

Kelly likes to shop at Target. She really likes the Archer Farms brands with the rooster on the label, which is one of Target's own brands and can only be purchased there. These types of brands are known as _____.

store brands

Sam is a retiree with considerable resources, so he doesn't really spend much time on purchase decisions. His belief is that the most expensive brand is probably also the best in terms of quality. Sam uses price as a _____ indicator of quality.


An attribute used to stand for or indicate another attribute is known as a _____.

surrogate indicator

Sandy uses online banking, and her bank charges her $4.99 per month. However, she has seen ads for a competing bank offering free online banking services. She'd like to switch, but she realized that it might be difficult to do since she has several of her bill payments set up as automatic debits. The cost of changing to another bank represent Sandy's _____.

switching costs

The costs of finding, evaluating, and adopting another solution are known as ________.

switching costs

Monique is buying a new coat for the winter. While she is concerned with how well the coat will keep her warm, she is also concerned with how stylish it will make her look. Her concern for stylishness represents which dimension of product performance?


which dimension of product performance relates to aesthetic or image-enhancement performance?


The two types of evaluative criteria are _____.

tangible and intangible

A completely nominal decision does not even include consideration of _____.

the "do not purchase" alternative

Sensory discrimination is ___________.

the ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli

A metagoal refers to _____.

the general nature of the outcome being sought

A metagoal refers to _________.

the general nature of the outcome being sought

John drinks Schwepps Ginger Ale for dinner as a beverage, while Jack uses it only as a mixer in his cocktails. Which factor that influences the importance of evaluative criteria is this?

usage situation

What is the first decision a dissatisfied customer will make?

whether or not to take any external action

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