BUSI 1200 Final

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A patent generally has a life of

20 years

BUSI 1200 is one of how many leadership courses in the College of Business leadership program


How many small test are given during the semester


The article "A New Crop of Mall Rats" said that what percentage of Gen Zers had been to a mall during their survey period in 2018


Which statement is the best about ethics across national boundaries

A bribe in one country may not be a bribe in another

Infrastructure is the foundation for

A country's economy

China is

A mixed economy

The Toyota 5 Whys method is

A way to make sure you identify a problem rather than a symptom

A written list of resources needed to make a strategic goal happen is an

Action plan

Which of the following are examples of the political/legal general environment?

All of the above

The foreign corrupt practices act makes it illegal for

Americans to bribe any government official anywhere in the world

Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets:

Are examples of intellectual property

The board of directors are

Are part of the internal environment

The balance sheet represents the value of your company

At a specific point in time (a given day)

When writing about your experiences it is better to use


The internal stakeholder business environment includes

Can include all the above

Look at the figures below for assets = liabilities + owners Equity. Which Company below has the highest ownership by owners?

Company C 500 = 200 + 300

The task environment would include

Customers, competitors, suppliers, and distributors

Which of the following are, arguably, the two most important steps in the DECIDE process

Define; Evaluate

Generation Y and the baby boomers are examples of

Demographic environment

The strongest type of patent is

Design patent

All non-personal email communication from students to instructor should come via

Discussion Board General Questions Thread

China's great demand for world commodities such as steel and oil is an example of what general environment


A manager making a strategic decision needs to have an EDGE perspective. EDGE stands for Expectations, Diversity, Globalization, and Ethics


A persons privacy can be compromised by DNA results only is the donor is a very close relative


A student who misses 2 Chats and makes A's on all their tests and assignments will pass BUSI 1200


Accurate accounting systems that follow accepted policy do not increase trust in company strategies


Distributors, not owned by your company, do not help execute your strategy


Employers spend about a minute, on average, in their first review of a resume


Financial institutions as a source of capital are part of the General Environment


Grammatically speaking the word 'data' is singular


In a SWOT analysis, all competitors are threats


Leadership is the ability to influences employees


Leading change is not important in strategy


Managers do not watch the business environment to help them plan or adjust their strategy


On your first resume you should include as much information from high school as you can


Profit is the result of purpose in a vision or mission


The EDGE perspective in the ECU College of Business means leaders consider Energy, Divergence, Global, and Ethics when leading


The goal of every presentation are to direct and hold audience attention and promote memory


To be a leader, you must hold a manager job title in the organization


We learn that only experienced people should lead


Why companies do what they do, should not be communicated first when communicating strategy focus and momentum to stakeholders


he name of this course is Strategy Forever


it is illegal for police in the US to use public DNA/Geneology web sites to help find suspects


In the paradox of choice experiment discussed in class, researches found that more people bought a product when they had

Fewer options to choose from

Which four of the following are performance dimensions for Supply Chain

Flexibility; Time; Cost; Quality

The shrinking of time and space that makes it easier and faster for people to communicate is known as

Global village

Which statement is the most correct about Globalization?

Globalization has both positive and negative consequences

When adding your address to your resume you should use

Home (permanent) address

Return On Assets measures

How efficient management is in using assets to generate

Which of the following is not a reason for an increased global economy

Increase in protectionism

To equal the spending power of $100 10 years ago you would need $119.51. This increase is caused by which two of the following

Inflation; Taxes

Using intellectual property, you do not own

Is just as illegal as robbing a bank

Companies are created in various legal structures in response to what two concerns

Liabilities / taxes

In class it was suggested by some text book authors that MIS was the most important course in business school. The underlying reason for this assertion was that

MIS helps you learn how technology touches and changes all facets of business

"Don't Play it (too) Safe" says that anger

Makes men but not women more likely to gamble

the term conflict minerals refers to materials in the supply chain that

May or may not be what they say they are

Used sin decision making the minimax regret criteria looks for the alternative that

Minimizes your loses if you don't pick the best alternative

A company had 100 suppliers providing $100 million annually in materials for it's plant. 20 suppliers provided $80 million of those supplies. This is an example of

Pareto Analysis

Manufacturers and service providers are linked by all of the following EXCEPT

Process flows

Which of the following pricing strategies is generally used with new high tech devices


An organizations code of ethics is made up of which three elements

Social; Personal; Professional

As asset is

Something owned by the business, normally not fully consumed in the current reporting period, that helps make or deliver your product or service

In a payoff table, which of the following do you NOT have control over

State of nature

A drug company discovered a new drug. They manufacture the drug but partner with another drug company already selling to this therapeutic market to sale aid

Strategic allies

All major assignments must be completed to pass BUSI 1200

T rue

A tariff is a


Trademark most likely protects

The product logo and name

Exchange rate is

The rate at which one country's currency can be exchanged for another country's currency

Managers tend to have more control over

The task environment

Firms become international because

They need access to new markets

The formula for Coca-Cola is an example of

Trade secret

NAFTA is an example of a

Trading bloc

A company can pursue more than one grand strategy at a time


A good rule of thumb is one slide per minute of presentation time allowed


A leader looking back at five years of balance sheets would want to see liabilities


A mission has a longer time horizon than a vision


A promotion campaign that uses Google Ad Words to target customers is a push campaign


As a general rule, behaving ethically is good for managers and companies


As a general rule, money today is better than money tomorrow


Gen Z consumers, oddly to marketers, like to spend time at the mall and use their smart devices to shop. A change up from previous generations


In making ethical decisions, managers must often choose between the conflicting interests of stakeholder groups


Key customers will change over time for any customer and must be accounted for in the strategy


Leaders use financial statements to measure if they are achieving their strategy or not


Mining companies are using blockchain technology to help reduce conflict materials in their supply chains


Stakeholders that do not believe their strategic goals are being addressed will not support company strategy long term


Strategy requires cultural support


The Federal Trade Commission requires that influencer's on social media indicates that the content they are posting is sponsored


The control step in strategic planning recognizes that good failure can exist


The internet of things is part of the sociocultural environment will impact smart green and strategies in the coming years


The matching principle says expenses must be recognized in same period they occurred to generate sales


The relationships you build are more important when leading than your position on the organizational chart


When McDonald's added the McCafe, this was a defensive strategy to defend its breakfast business


When making a resume, tables and templates should be avoided


When providing your experience on a resume you should quantify what you did where ever possible


In the article "Don't Play it (too) Safe" the author says that two of the following are good strategies fo CEO's to help understand their temperament and risk

Use an executive coach; Have a diverse team around you

Simon Sinek believes the first strategic communication to stakeholders should be

Why you do what you do

n a SWOT analysis, Strengths, and Weakness are [x] while Opportunities and Threats [y]

X = internal; y = external

Sam Walton said "People think we got big by putting big stores in small towns. Really, we got big by replacing [x] with [y]"

X = inventory; y = information

If [x] is the language of the universe then [y] is the language of business

X = math; y = accounting

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