business short answer questions (2.28.18)

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describe the elements involved in the application process

- application - screening - testing - interview

what does a human resources manager consider about job applicants

- review each candidate's resume - screening - interview qualified candidates - check the applicant's background and references

describe some of the qualifications employers seek in employees

-past work experience -dedication toward a job

describe how a company attracts and rewards good employees

-promotions -a raise -a good work enviornment

what are three ways to gain work experience

1 way is to shadow people while they are doing the job you are wanting to apply for. another way is to be active in the community by helping out in anyway possible. lastly you can try working at like small companies or like events to start seeing what working at a job is like.

why would a business list a new position as temporary but intend to have an employee in the position permanently?

A business would list a new position as temporary but intend to have an employee in the position permanently because if they hire an employee and do not like the way they work they can easily fire them and rehire until they find the perfect employee for the job.

discuss the purpose of a resume and the information it contains

A resume is summary of your skills, education, and work experience. The purpose is to provide the person looking through your resume facts about yourself and why they should hire you. Your resume gives the person their first impression of you so if your resume is not good they will not think of you as a good they will not think of you as a good person to hire. It also tells an employer what you are able to contribute to the company.

what is the difference between an aptitude and an ability

Aptitude- your potential for learning a skill Ability- a natural or acquired skill or talent

define what attributes you should know about yourself when analyzing careers

Experience Conceptual power Character Job-related skills Education

most job interviews are structured the same for all canidates. why do you think recruiters might ask the same questions of all applicants, instead of letting applicants decide what to emphasize?

I think recruiters might ask the same question and not let applicants decide what they talk about because interviews need to be on the spot. Applicants can not be prepared on what they say because if they are prepared, they can choose to only to say good things about themselves or lie and say invalid facts about themselves.

why is it important to find out as much as possible about a position before being offered the job?

It is important to find out as much as possible about a position before being offered the job because you may be asked questions about the company during your interview and the more you show that you know about the job the more the person hiring you will think you actually want the job.

what is the difference between a job and a career

Job- work that people engage in to earn pay Career- is a work history of one or more jobs in the same or related fields

what is networking and why is it important?

Networking is the practice of building informal relationship with people whose friendship could bring advantages such as jobs or business opportunities. It is important because it can give you possible connections into a business and help you get the job easier.

what is outsourcing? why is it done?

Outsourcing using outside sources to do tasks traditionally handled by internal staff. It is done do get the job done quicker and more efficiently.

what are some ways to ensure that your resume is correct before sending it to an employer

Some ways to ensure that your resume is correct before sending it to an employer is checking your grammar, spelling, and organization because if your resume is disorganized and full of mistakes you have less of a chance of getting hired. Also, have someone else check it over for any mistakes

what changes do you think will occur in the workplace because of a rise in the number of younger workers?

The changes I think that will occur are that young employees will need a little more supervision because of their phones. They also are young and can be smarter then others.

discuss how employers and job candidates both benefit from a job interview

helps both of them realize if the job candidate will meet the job´s needs and wants

what is the importance of understanding employers' wants and needs

so you can meet them

what is the importance of career planning?

so you know exactly what your graduation plan, educational and training plan, experience, and how you will set your goals.

identify the steps in developing a new product

step one: generate ideas step two: screen ideas step three: develop a business plan step four: develop the product step five: test-market the product step six: introduce the product step seven: evaluate customer acceptance

how does the status of employees change

the status of employees change through promotions, transfers and separation.

a job applicant cannot be asked the following questions during an interview - what nationality are you? - Are you married? - What are your daycare arrangements? - What religious meetings or holidays do you observe? explain why these questions are inappropriate for a job interview

these questions are illegal to ask these questions are off topic to the job the applicant is being interviewed for. This can biased acceptations or rejections based off of common interests and/or similarities in their life

identify responsibilities of human resources managers after they have hired a new employee

they have to train and evaluate the employee they just hired

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