bustech exam

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using low-cost or free techniques to minimize your cost of doing business

opportunity cost

value of the next best alternative licensing arrangement- firms choose foreign individuals or organize to manufacture or market their products in another country

organizational chart

visually shows the various positions within the company as well as the lines of authority


a business or firm owned and run by two or more partners


a company or group of ppl authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law


a complete list of items such as property goods in stock or contents of a building


a creativity tool that provides cues to trigger breakthought


a new idea, method or device. the introduction of smth new


a person or company offering smth for sale and whose product line offerings directly relate to your business


a person who owns or starts an organization such as a business


a type of genetic strategy aimed at clarifying how one product is unlike another in a mass market


a way people run business that widely accpeted


amount of moeny that a company receives during a specific period

net profit

amount of money left after operating expenses are deducted from the business

inelastic demand

an economic situation where the demand remains unaffected while the price of a good or service fluctuates

imitative strategy

an overall strategic approach in which the entrepreneur does more or less what other are already doing

management role

behaviors adopted to perform various management functions like leading planning organizing strategizing and solving problems

sole proprietorship

business owned usually operated by one person who is responsible for all its debts


business term for the population of customers for ur product or service

staple goods

constantly in demand replaced on a daily

odd-even pricing

consumers view prices ending an odd number as value or sale item, even number - full price or more expensive

mixed economy

features characteristics of both planned and market economies (most countries and USA)


funding a business online through the collective involvement of others who provide donations loans or investments

gross profit

funds left over after decuting the cost of goods sold


gov. order banning exportation and/or importation of a particular product or all products from a particular country

product line/item

group of closely related products, make up a product line

limited liability corporation

hybrid of a publicly held corporation and a partnership in which owners are taxed as partners but enjoy the benefits of limited liability

market economy

individual producers and consumers control production and allocation by creating combinations of supply and demand

mass market

large portions of the opulation


legal agreement granting you rights to use a particular piece of intellectual property


market or industry characterized by a handful of sellers with the power to influence the prices of their products


market or industry characterized by a handful of sellers with the power to influence the prices of their products

Niche Market

narrow defined segment of the population that is likely to share interests or concerns

command economy

one in which a centralized gov. controls the means of production and determines output levels


payment based on the number or value of licensed items sold

seasonal goods

popular only during certain time a year

gross domestic product (GDP)

refers to the total value of all final goods and services within a given period by a national economy through domestic factors


restriction on the number of products of a certain type that be imported into a country

promotional price

sale is taking place within a store (end of yr holiday sale, increased foot traffic lead potential sales)


sell products directly to those who use or consume them


sell products to other business rather than the final consumer


tax levied on imported products


the amount you pay for goods


the difference between a business and its expenses


the extent to which an idea is viable n realistic n the extend to which you are aware of internal and external forces that could affect your business

magic number

the post tax income the entrepreneur personally seeks from the business


the willingness and ability of buyers to purchase a product


the willingness and ability of producer to offer good or service for sale


things people believe when running a business

psychological pricing

to create a certain perception in the mind of the customer

target market

your market is the subgroup you choose to focus on

convenience goods

small, inexpensive items that are purchased of few

SMART goal

specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely


staple goods, convenience goods, seasonal goods, fashionable goods


statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it

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