BYU IHUM 201 Final Spring Term

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International style

14th and 15th century painting style fused the French and Sienese. It appealed to the aristocracy because of its brilliant color, lavish costumes and themes of knights and ladies

Which is true regarding Raphael's School of Athens? 1. Its other title is Science. 2. It includes a self-portrait of the artist. 3. It depicts the energy of Classical philosophy by using three-point perspective. 4. It was painted for the Neo-Platonist Academy in Florence.

It includes a self-portrait of the artist.

Which of the following was not an early Renaissance painter in Florence? 1. Lorenzetti 2. Fra Angelico 3. Uccello 4. Masaccio


The Prince is dedicated to

Lorenzo de' Medici

The sins punished in the Inferno are all distortions of


The Prince


Which Renaissance sculptor is associated with the belief that his role was to carve away the excess in a block of marble to liberate the figure within?


When Count Ludovico recommends that the courtier study music, what does Gaspar object?

Music will make the courtier cowardly


Music with two or more melodies blended together.

What is Petrarch's "Letter to Posterity?"

An autobiography left unfinished at Petrarch's death

How was the final form of Saint Peter's Basilica altered from Michelangelo's plan?

An extensive portico was added and the nave extended.


An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements

At what time of year are the pilgrims heading to Canterbury?


The structure of the Inferno follows the philosophy of



Artistic movement against the Renaissance ideals of symetry, balance, and simplicity; went against the perfection the High Renaissance created in art. Used elongated proportions, twisted poese and compression of space.


Association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests

"My Heart is Heavy"

Beatriz (Comtessa de Dia)

Why are rulers who wish to do so always able to deceive, according to Machiavelli?

Because people are generally stupid

Who offers the prayer to the Virgin Mary in Canto 33 of Paradisio?

Bernard of Clairvaux

"I Love the Glad Time of Easter"

Bertran de Born

What Italian author used the events of 1348 as a backdrop for his work, the Decameron?


According to the final section, why are the princes of Italy generally so corrupt?

Nobody ever tells them the truth


Calfskin prepared as a surface for writing or painting.

The Courtier




A humorous or amorous poem in a musical setting for a singer plus two or three instrumentalists is known as a/an:


Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucer

Which of the following buildings is an example of Perpendicular Style?

Gloucester Cathedral

On what day is the 62nd poem set?

Good Friday


Granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support

Who composed the first polyphonic setting of the Mass by a single composer?

Guillaume de Machaut

What does Duke Valentino do to Remirro de Orco, his loyal agent who has imposed Valentino's rule on Romagna?

Has him executed

What happens to Sir Launfal at the end of the story?

He and the lady fo away to Avalon

In "The Lay of the Nightingale", what does the husband do to the nightingale?

He catches it and kills it

What was innovative about Donatello's portrayal of David?

He combined a classical form with a Christian subject.

What is true about Josquin des Prez?

He demonstrated a careful attention to the relation between words and music

In "The Lay of Sir Launfal", what is Launfal's situation at the beginning of the story?

He fights valiantly, but the king forgets about him

Which is true about Castiglione? 1. The Courtier is just a compilation of his notes assembled and published after his death. 2. Surprisingly, he did not move in high social circles and his work is the product of his imagination. 3. He was not a noble, but as an author earned a place in polite society. 4. He himself was a courtier and frequented the social elite.

He himself was a courtier and frequented the social elite.

What is true regarding Dante's depiction of Satan?

He is an unspeaking, hairy beast.

Which is true regarding Petrarch's professional life? 1. He mainly refused permanent positions so that he could travel and work as he pleased. 2. He enjoyed steady employment as the pope's secretary. 3. Like his father, he had a career in law. 4. He had a long career at a university in Florence

He mainly refused permanent positions so that he could travel and work as he pleased.

What does the neighboring knight do at the end of "The Lay of the Nightingale?"

He makes a jeweled box in which he keeps the body of the nightingale

Regarding physical build, what should the ideal courtier look like?

He should be neither very tall nor very short

After Duke Valentino uses the powerful Orsini family to gain Romagna, what does he do?

He tricks them into trusting him and has them killed.

How does Petrarch describe love in his 61st poem?

He uses a series of paradoxes, such as sweet agony.

According to Machiavelli, why did Julius II succeed so well in what he did?

He was bold and the time was right for that

What is true about Peter Abelard?

He was placed on trial for heresy by Bernard of Clairvaux.

Marie de France most likely lived and produced her works at the court of

Henry II of England

What famous painting of Sandro Botticelli celebrates the spring?


moveable type

Individual characters made of wood or metal that can be arranged to create a job for printing and then used over again

Why does Machiavelli compare Fortune to a river?

It can be stormy and overflow, but you can also make preparations against that.

What is true about Palestrina's music?

It demonstrates a conservatism tied to the Catholic response to Protestantism

Which of the following is one of the "rules of love" from Andreas Capellanus?

Public revelation of love is deadly to love in most instances

What Classical reference appears in the 78th poem?

Pygmalion, the sculptor whose statue was brought to life by Venus

"Pantagruel and Gargantua"


What is Virgil representative of in The Divine Comedy?


What city is most associated with the High Renaissance in Italy?



The collection of Jewish rabbinic discussion pertaining to law, ethics, and tradition consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara.

Why does Sir Launfal break his promise to his lady?

The queen accuses him of not loving women

chanson mass

uses a popular song melody and puts it there as the tenor line and as the basis of the composition

How was the plague spread?

via rats aboard trade ships

Upon entering the neighboring village, the rogues in The Pardoner's Tale find an old man who

wants to die but cannot

International Style

was characterized by lavish color and intricate decoration

uomo universale ("Renaissance Man")

well educated, talented and knowledgeable in many different fields

What moment is portrayed in Leonardo's Last Supper?

when Jesus announces that one of the disciples will betray him

horizon line

your eye level line; the place where land and sky appear to meet.

hierarchical scaling

The use of relative size to indicate the comparative importance of the depicted objects or people.

In "The Lay of the Nightingale", which best describes the relationship between the woman and her neighbor?

They are in love with each other, but they only express it in words and glances

The Count argues that the ideal courtier should avoid "summersaults" and "rope-walking." Why?

They are not appropriate for his social conditions

At one point, the conversation turns to the present state of France. What do the speakers say is the principal fault of the French?

They do not value literature enough

What is one of the reasons that Aquinas cites in order to prove God's existence?

Things are in motion, so something must have originally set them in motion

Who wrote Summa Theologica?

Thomas Aquinas

What is the goal of Aquinas' Summa Theologica?

To harmonize human reason and God's revealed truth contained in the scriptures

The setting for Castiglione's work is


The Birth of Venus demonstrates

a Neo-Platonic interest in ideal beauty

Cantus Firmus Mass

a cyclic Mass in which the five movements of the Ordinary are unified by means of a single cantus firmus

A cantus firmus mass is ________.

a cyclical mass where all the movements are based on a single Gregorian chant

In the 190th poem, Petrarch's love interest is symbolically represented as

a doe


a gallery with an open arcade or colonnade on one or both sides


a humorous or amorous poem set to music for a singer and 2/3 instrumentalists

traversal lines

a line that intersects two or more parallel lines

A paraphrase mass is

a mass that borrows a melody and uses it in all the polyphonic voices.

An imitation mass is...

a mass that borrows musical material from a polyphonic source.

What is scholasticism?

a methodology and philosophy that involved logic, questioning, and debate

What symbol of correction does the poet wear during his trip through Purgatory?

a reed

What is isorhythm?

a repeated melody and rhythmic structure in a polyphonic musical piece


a short piece of sacred choral music, typically polyphonic and unaccompanied.

In the 189th poem, Petrarch compares his experience with love to

a stormy voyage at sea

What is true regarding the overarching results of the major events of the fourteenth century?

a strengthened sense of nationalism

linear perspective

a type of perspective used by artists in which the relative size, shape and position of objects are determined by drawn or imagined lines converging at a point on the horizon

How much of our life is in our control, according to Machiavelli?

about half


an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with while balancing those of the hips and legs.

How did Saint Bernard of Clairvaux interpret the Song of Solomon (or the Song of Songs)?

as an expression of love between God and the Church

Where was the residence of the Papacy from 1309 to 1367?


Why does Machiavelli write that it is better for a ruler to be feared than loved?

because you can depend on people's fear

Michelangelo's David was

carved out an enormous piece of abandoned marble

The artist Benvenuto Cellini wrote an autobiographical account in which he noted the creation of

casting a Perseus in bronze

Where is the narrator at the beginning of The Divine Comedy?

lost in a dark forest

Courtly love narratives portrayed the dream of

love overcoming class boundaries

illuminations/illuminated manuscripts

manuscript supplemented with decorations


many-paneled altarpiece

Text depiction or word painting is

matching musical effects with the individual words being sung.

What does Sir Launfal promise to the mysterious lady?

not to reveal their relationship

Perpendicular Style

often included a high, flattened apse of stained glass.


painting done rapidly in watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, colors will penetrate the plaster and become fixed as it dries

What is contrapasso?

poetic justice

Who were troubadours?

poets (including nobility) who wrote love songs

What is NOT one of the qualities that Castiglione believed a courtier should have?

religious dedication

In the Sistine Chapel, what are the subjects of the famous ceiling frescoes?

scenes and figures from the bible

Regarding vices and virtues, Machiavelli writes that

some things that are supposed to be virtues will ruin a ruler if he does them.

What does the term uomo universale mean?

someone who is good at everything

In Pico della Mirandola's Oration on the Dignity of Man, what does God tell Adam?

that Adam can be whatever he chooses to be

When discussing visual art, Count Ludovico claims

that painting is better than sculpture.

In the final chapter, Machiavelli compares contemporary Italy to...

the captive Hebrews in Egypt

Which of the following is a characteristic of humanism? 1. emphasis on humanity's lost and fallen state 2. the celebration of an individual's personal experiences and feelings 3. the idea that Fate or Providence are in control of one's life 4. the importance of focusing on the next life

the celebration of an individual's personal experiences and feelings

Which of the following is not one of the proposed topics of conversation in The Courtier? 1. the contemporary political state of Italy 2. the best virtues and most excusable faults among those in love 3. the meaning of a mysterious letter that the duchess is wearing 4. the follies of those present

the contemporary political state of Italy

What was a reason for the rise of universities?

the growing power of central governments

What is sfumato?

the hazy, smoke-like effect in Leonardo's paintings

Petrarch's family moved from Italy to Avignon, France, because

the pope was now living there

lost-wax bronze casting

the process by which a bronze or brass is cast from an artist's sculpture

The subject matter for the competition to design the Florence Baptistery door was...

the sacrifice of Isaac

Michelangelo's sculpture of "Moses" was carved for

the tomb of Pope Julius II


the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting. Gradations of value to create the illusion of rounded three dimensional forms in space

In The Creation of Adam, why is the finger of God reaching out to man?

to bring him to life

In The Courtier, Magnifico argues that women imitate men

to gain their freedom

What does the mysterious lady ask of King Arthur?

to release Sir Launfal to her

T/F Petrarch actively sought fame, recognition and reputation


The Divine Comedy

Dante Alighieri

Which is not part of the ordinary of the Mass?

Dies Irae

What building is the city hall of Venice?

Doge's Palace

Whom does Machiavelli cite as an example of a leader who successfully deceived people?

Pope Alexander VI

Sfumato technique

"smoke," technique of oil paint which colors or tones are blended in such a way that they "melt" into one another, soften transition from light dark, without lines or borders

According to Count Ludovico, one of the benefits of studying literature is

An ability to speak with confidence

Who was Savonarola?

A reactionary Dominican friar

What does Machiavelli suggest regarding qualities such as compassion, trustworthiness and honesty?

A ruler should seem to possess them, but should depart from them when necessary.


A secular song for 2 or 3 unaccompanied voices (renaissance)

What kind of life did Abelard lead before his turn to scholasticism?

A soldier's life


A three-paneled painting or altarpiece.

vanishing point

A vanishing point is a point in space, usually located on the horizon, where parallel edges of an object appear to converge.


A very small painting

The architect credited with canonizing principles of mathematical perspective in a treatise, who also contructed the Palazzo Rucellai in Florence is


The Book of the City of Ladies

Christine de Pizan

What Florentine banker founded an academy for the study of Plato?

Cosimo de' Medici

The humanist scholar who was responsible for making the first attempt to edit the Greek text of the New Testament by comparison of extant manuscripts is


In Praise of Folly

Erasmus of Rotterdam

What does the final line of the 90th poem mean?

Even though Love's arrow struck him a long time ago, Petrarch still feels the wound.

True or false: Sic et Non provided reasoned answers to the posed questions and contradictions



For an Italian Renaissance courtier, the undertaking of difficult tasks as if effortlessly and with an attitude of nonchalance.

Which Dominican monk preached against Florentine art and culture?

Fra Savonarola

which two european countries were the main combatants in the Hundred Years War?

France and England

What is true regarding punishment in Purgatory?

It is meant to teach a virtue.

In the final section of The Courtier, what reason is given for the ideal courtier to have all the qualities described?

It will allow him to guide and persuade the political ruler.

In the final section, what is the reason for the ideal courtier to have all these qualities?

It will allow him to guide and persuade the political ruler.

Guillaume Dufay

L'homme armé mass: a motet mass

Letter to Lucilia Vernacula, On the Death of her Husband, and Letter to Bibulus Sempronius

Laura Cereta

In the 333rd poem, what is Petrarch's "precious" treasure in the earth?

Laura's dead body

Letter of Application to Ludovico Sforza

Leonardo da Vinci

orthogonal lines

Lines on an object that lead to the vanishing point

Which of the following was not designed by Brunelleschi? 1. the dome of Florence Cathedral 2.Palazzo Rucellai 3.Pazzi Chapel 4.the loggia of Ospedale degli Innocenti

Palazzo Rucellai

Which of the early universities enjoyed the greatest reputation?


What does Aquinas argue whether people can be happy in this life?

People can have an imperfect kind of happiness, but true and perfect happiness cannot be obtained in this life

Does Aquinas think that human beings can become happy through their own natural powers?

People cannot obtain perfect happiness through their own natural powers

Who is the author of Sic et Non?

Peter Abelard



The Canzoniere


In the 3rd poem, what is unusual about the time when these events take place?

Petrarch falls in love on a very religious day

What theme does the 62nd poem express?

Petrarch would like to repent and turn back to God.

Which artist wrote the first theoretical treatise about creating perspective in art?

Piero della Francesca

Cesar Borgia (Duke Valentino), one of Machiavelli's favorite examples, was the son of

Pope Alexander VI

relief sculpture

Sculpture that projects from a flat background

What is true regarding Petrarch's love interest Laura?

She died of the Black Plague

What is true about Marie de France's prologue?

She says that since she has a gift, she is bound to share it.

What is true about Heloise?

She was renowned for her learning in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew.

Who wrote the Canticle of Brother Sun?

St. Francis of Assisi

Chaucer's Pardoner says that even though he is an evil man, he can _____

Tell a moral tale

What name did Michelangelo give to East Doors of the Florence Baptistery?

The Gates of Paradise

After the return of the papacy to Rome, what name was given to the split (1378-1417) in the Roman Catholic Church?

The Great Schism

Which best describes the attitude of a knight towards his lady according to courtly love?

The knight is to be subservient to the lady's wishes

What is Petrarch describing in the 3rd poem in his collection?

The moment when he saw and fell in love with Laura

What is one of the objections that Aquinas mentions against God's existence?

The natural world could be accounted for in other ways without God

In what circumstances did Machiavelli write The Prince?

in exile from Florence


in painting, a semitransparent coating on a painted surface that provides a glassy or glossy finish

In Canterbury Tales, although the main point of the tale is something different, the pardoner also takes the chance to preach against


According to the introductory sections, what do the courtiers do when evening falls?

go to the duchess's chambers to engage in social games

Leonardo's intellectual interests, as evidenced by his notebooks, did not include 1. anatomy. 2. grammar. 3.botany. 4.mechanical engineering.


To what does Machiavelli attribute the success of Hannibal, the famous general from antiquity?

his inhuman cruelty

The majority of Petrarch's poems are about

his love for Laura

Petrarch regarded as his most important works

his poetry in Latin.

Josquin des Prez

composer of madrigals and polyphonic motets

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

composer of polyphony, especially the Mass for Pope Marcellus

Petrarchan sonnet is defined by its..

content, number of stanzas and rhyming scheme

When Machiavelli compares the ideal prince to a lion and a fox, what does the fox represent?


What is Machiavelli's goal in the final chapter?

encourage a powerful leader to unite Italy and expel foreign armies

Key characteristics of Florentine Renaissance perspective include all but the following 1. Close observation of real people 2. Uncluttered arrangement 3. Clarity of line 4. Concern for psychological states 5. Focus on symbolism in minutely rendered details 6. Concern for mathematically precise perspective

focus on symbolism in minutely rendered details

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