Byzantine Empire and Crisis and Recovery in the West

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What did flagellant groups begin to do?

Kill Jews and attack clergy who opposed them

How did the Byzantines view themselves?

A continuation of the Christian Roman Empire


A huge amphitheater built by Justinian

What did Mehmet order the Hagia Sophia to become?

A mosque

How did the Byzantine Empire revive?

Abolition of iconoclasm Reforms in education, Church life, military and peasant economy Intellectual renewal

How much power did the Byzantine emperor have?

Absolute power

Who took over after the Battle of Manzikert?

Alexius Comnenus

What was going on the int Balkans in the seventh century?

An asiatic group called the Bulgars took the Danube valley

What social concept began as a result of the Black Plague?


Where did the Black Plague originate?


Which battle was fought on a muddy field resulting in a great victory for the English?

Battle of Agincourt

Of what did people accuse the Jews?

Beginning the Plague by poisoning the town wells.


Belief that Church councils have greater authority than the pope

Which general was in charge of the reconquest of the West?


What disease struck the west in the fourteenth century?

Black Plague

What problems persisted during the revival?

Bulgars Muslims Photian schism

Of what was Justinian's codification the basis?

Byzantine Law for the rest of its existence

What was the main onslaught of the ottomans against Constantinople?


Did the Byzantines perder diplomacy of fighting as a means to reach their goals?


Why did the crusaders conquer Constantinople?

Emperor Isaac II appealed to the crusaders and offered 200,000 marks in silver to reconcile the Churches, but couldn't pay the sum.

Who ultimately won the Hundred Years' War?


Under whose protection did the people believe Constantinople was?

God and Mary


Groups of people who wandered from town to town, flogging each other with whips to beg the forgiveness of God

What did the French rely on in the Hundred Years' War?

Heavily armed noble cavalry

What had happened politically by the fourteenth century?

The feudal system disintegrated

What was the general mortality rate of the Black Death?

Incredibly high

How did people feel in terms of themselves in the Renaissance?


To what did the persecution of the Jews lead?

Jewish migration to Poland and Russia

Because of its protection what did the inhabitants believe about Constantinople?

It cannot be taken or captured

What was the state of the Church in terms of temporal power after the Great Schism?

It had lost much of its power

What did many believe of the plague?

It was sent by God as a punishment or by the devil

Under whose reign did the Byzantine Empire begin to revive?

Michael III

Who consolidated power in the Byzantine Empire after the west pulled out?

Michael Paleologus


New governmental system put in place by Heraclius which combined the civil and military authority in the hands of the same person, which increased militarization.

What revolt did Theodora resolve?

Nika Revolt

Who said "Christ is my God; Ciero is the prince of the language."


How were Dauphin Charles' odds?


Who brought the papal power back to Rome?

Pope Gregory XI

Who was elected pope after the Romans' threat?

Pope Urban VI

How did the Black Plague initially get to the west?

Rats accompanying Mongol troops.

What does Renaissance mean?


What did Justinian do after the Nika Revolt?

Rebuilt Constantinople

What happened after the crusaders' siege of Constantinople?

The Byzantine Empire fell into petty states

What Dynasty did Alexius begin?

The Comneni Dynasty

Who won the Battle of Crécy?

The English

Why did the Church split in 1054?

The Patriarch of Constantinople did not accept the pope's claim that he was the sole leader of the Church

Iconoclastic Controversy

The conflict over whether the generation of icons was a form of idolatry which almost destroyed the Byzantine Empire.

What did Alexius request of the Byzantines?

The military leaders take an oath of loyalty to him and allow him control of all conquered areas.

Why did the strengthening of the position of free farmer's fail?

The nobles were too powerful

Pope Boniface VIII vs King Philip IV

The pope declared that the clergy could not pay taxes to their secular ruler without the pope's consent, but the king of France refused to accept this position. He had the pope captured, who soon died. The king elected Clement V as the new Pope, who set up in Avignon.

Why was the west unable to maintain the Latin empire?

The principalities began infighting

What was the most serious challenge to the Byzantine Empire in the seventh century?

The rise of Islam.

What route did the Black Plague follow?

The trade routes

What woman played a powerful role in religion and politics during Justinian's reign?


Why were the crusaders so successful in taking Constantinople?

They believed they were acting in accordance with God's will

What happened economically due to the Black Plague?

Trade and manufacturing decreased drastically Shortage of labor and dramatic increase of pay Decline in demand New taxes

What did Clement II do?

Was elected Pope by the French cardinals and returned to Avignon

What ideal came from the Renaissance?


What charges were brought upon Joan of Arc?

Witchcraft and heresy

Macedonian achievements

Worked to strengthen the position of free farmers Fostered economic prosperity Spread of cultural influence Strong civil service Talented emperors Military advances

Did the Emperors ever change their stance on the use of icons?


When was the high point in Byzantine civilization?

9th century

What kind of state was the Byzantine Empire?

A Greek state A Christian state

What happened due to the Great Schism and conciliarism?

Council of Constance deposed both popes and elected a new one that was acceptable to all parties.

How did Constantinople view itself?

Center of a world empire A special Christian city

What were the influences for Byzantine writing?

Classical Greek literature

Of what was the Renaissance a rebirth?

Classical culture

Describe the spread of Islam relative to the Byzantine Empire.

Conquered the Yarmuk River, taking Syria and Palestine Conquered the old Persian Empire Failed to take Constantinople due to the use of Greek fire

What was the largest city in Europe during the Middle Ages?


After the consolidation under Michael III, what did the Byzantine Empire consist of?

Constantinople and the surrounding areas

What was the last Byzantine work written in Latin?

Corpus Iuris Civilis

Was there a Renaissance for women?


What did Alexius do?

Defeated the Normans Won in the Balkans Stopped the Turks in Anatolia

What happened militarily after the fall of the Macedonian Dynasty?

Fall of the army and reliance on mercenaries


Movement against the use of icons

Were revolts often successful?


Did the Byzantine control of the West last very long? How long?

No 3 years


Justinian's jurist who he authorized to make a systematic complication of imperial edicts, resulting in the Code of Law, the first part of the Corpus Iuris Civilis. This was how Justinian codified Roman Law

Why did the Hundred Years' War begin?

King Edward III of England was the duke of Gascony and pledged loyalty to King Philip VI of France. But, when King Philip seized Gascony, Edward declared war.

What did the Great Schism do?

Led large numbers of churchmen to take up conciliarism

Battle of Kosovo

Ottoman Turks defeated the Serbs

What did Emperor Leo III do?

Outlawed the use of icons Used the controversy to strengthen the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Why has Justinian been criticized?

Overextending his resources and bankrupting the empire.

What did the English rely on in the Hundred Years' War?

Paid foot soldiers and archers

What did the crusaders do when on Crusade?

Pass through the Byzantine Empire and make the Byzantines fearful of being overthrown.

What did Justinian begin to attempt to reach his goal?

Reconquer the West

What was Justinian's goal?

Reestablish the Roman Empire in the entire Mediterranean world.

What did many serfs do during the Black Plague?

Rent out their services, freeing themselves of serfdom

What occurred due to the government taxes during the Black Plague?


Who ended the Peasants' Revolt, eliminated the poll tax and pardoned the rebels?

Richard II

As what did humanists serve?

Secretaries or at courts of princes or popes

What happened to people's faith in the Renaissance?

Secularism became popular

What group captured Baghdad and threatened the Byzantines?

Seljuk Turks

Who won the Battle of Manzikert?

Seljuk Turks

What was so remarkable about Theodora?

She was a low-class woman who rose up to become the empress.

What happened in the east as Germanic peoples settled in the West?

The Empire solidified and prospered.

What were people trying to find in the Renaissance?

The glories of the Greco-Roman culture

What caused the English Peasants' Revolt?

The implementation of a poll tax


The intellectual movement based on the study of the Greek and Roman classics and the humanities

What did the citizens of Rome do to ensure a Roman was elected pope?

Threaten the French-majority cardinals

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