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A property that belongs t o objects that are commonly used to annotate drawings.

Linear Dimensions Radius Dimensions Aligned Dimensions Angular Dimensions Diameter Dimensions

Basic Dimensioning Commands


Command to lengthen linears and curves up to a specified boundary

[PEDIT] Spline

Creates a curve passing through the first and last control points

Apply Item Overrides

Ctrl+click items in the array to erase, move, rotate or scale the selected items without affecting the rest of the array

Decimal Scientific Engineering Architectural Fractional

Five Different Linear unit types

Decimal Degrees Deg/Min/Sec Grads Radians Surveyor N 77d30'0''E

Five different Angular unit types


Hatches or fills inward from the outer boundary. HATCH turns hatching or filling off if it encounters an internal island. This option hatches or fill only the outermost level of the structure and leaves the internal structure blank

Normal Outer Ignore

Island Detection Styles


It is a command that breaks the selected object between two points


Shortcut for explode

Polar Array Rectangular Array Path Array

Types of Array

User Defined Predefined Custom

Types of Hatch Pattern

Donut (DO)

a close polyline composed of wide arc segments


a command to duplicate objects/entities using Polar, Rectangular and Path option


a command to edit polylines


a command to relocate selected objects


a command to resize selected portion by using crossing-window or crossing polygon


a command to rotate objects around a base point


a command to round or clean the edges of two selected objects


a command to shrink or enlarge selected objects


a computer aided design program derived from a program called Interact; used for 2D or 3D design and drafting

Clean screen

a display setting that gives you maximum drawing space.

Ortho mode

a drawing mode that allows you to draw only perpendicular lines

Model Space

a drawing space where the user model the objects

Section view

a drawing that represents a cross section of a part

Drawing template file

a file that contains preset values for frequently used settings; aka prototype drawing


a generic term used for changing your objects


a group of commands on the ribbon

Object Snap (Osnap)

a method of snapping to certain, precise points on an object.

Rectangle (REC)

a pline entity; draws rectangular objects

Polygon (POL)

a polyline entity draws 2D shapes with 3 to 1024 sides

Backup file

a safeguard in case a file gets corrupted; saved with a .BAK extension

Limits (Grid)

a setting to impose an artificial boundary that limits you to drawing in the grid area

Layout Tabs

a space used for plotting your drawings; formerly called Paper Space


a specific folder where AutoCAD looks for or save file

Orthographic projection

a standard drawing method that shows two or more views of the same part

Polar coordinates

a way of inputting points based on distance and angle

Hatch Pattern

acts as one unit, unless when it's exploded

File tabs

adds new drawing files by pressing + icon; switch between model and layout tabs


aka print. To make a hard copy of a drawing


all objects are drawing in this

Using Grips

allows pre-selecting of entities before issuing a command (noun-verb sequence)


allows you to control how the multiline is drawn to the relative to your setting out info


allows you to easily draw at a 30 degree angle as needed for an isometric drawing


allows you to make quick changes to objects in the drawing


allows you to mirror selected objects in your drawing by picking them and then defining the position of an imaginary mirror line using two points

Justification option

allows you to set justification to top, default, zero, or bottom

Direct Manipulation Hatch Tools

allows you to stretch or move the hatch or change the origin, angle, or scale


an easy step by step instruction


any item that is in the AutoCAD database; also known as an entity.


any specific characteristic of an object such as layer, scale, linetype, start point, et.

Drawing Settings (Status Bar)

application station bar; consists of different settings; toggles on and off icons


basic drawing unit set for your drawing

Ribbon tabs

below QAT; drafting and annotation


breaks a compound object into its component objects


can be used to create one or more duplicates of any drawing object or objects which you have previously created by defining a base point or displacement and a second point of displacement

Isometric Commands

can be used to give 3D representation while using 2D only commands

Ribbon view

change ribbons Minimized to tabs, panel titles, panel buttons or cycle through all


command for gradient


command for hatch

Trim Grip Extend

command to change position of endpoints

[PEDIT] Join

connects lines, arcs or pline to the end of an open pline

[PEDIT] Close

connects the last segment with first/remove closing segment


connects two non-parallel objects by extending or trimming them to intersect or to join with an optional beveled corner

Navigation bar

contains additional tools like pan


contains all info needed to reproduce the objects when the file is opened

Additional Settings (Status Bar)

contains models, annotation and other settings; available in drawing window status bar


coordinates of drawing

Model and layout tabs

create Rename and Delete Layout tabs; change location of model and Layout tabs to status bar

Customize User Interface (CUI)

created to suit the needs of drawing environment


creates a quadratic or cubic NURBS curve

Revision Cloud (REVCLOUD)

creates as polyline of sequential arcs to form a cloud-shaped object

Xline (XL)

creates infinite lines which are commonly used as construction lines


creates semi-infinite lines used as construction lines


creates smooth curves passing every control point

Lines (L)

creates straight line segments; the most simple of AutoCAD objects

Selection set

current group of objects selected for modifying


cuts objects at a cutting edge defined by other objects

Four Places of Decimal

default Linear Unit Precision

Relative Polar Coordinates

defines a new points that is the specified distance units away from the current point at the specified angle from the origin

Associated Dimensioning

dimensions that are associated with specific points

Hatch Transparency

displays the current value for transparency, or accepts a value for the transparency override

Title bar

drawing file name

Polyline (PL)

draws line and arc segments that form a single object


ellipse is a pline representation


ellipse is a true ellipse objects

Hatch Background

enables you to have the effect of layering hatches in one object

Hatch Mirror Behavior

enables you to mirror hatches while retaining their orientation

Style Option

enables you to set the current multiline style

Hatch Scale

expands or contracts a predefined or custom hatch pattern


fills an enclosed objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill.


formatting that defines the look of text, dimensions, etc.

[PEDIT] Ltype Gen

generates line type in a continuous pattern through the vertices polyline

Gradient Fill

gives the blended-color effect of the surface with light on it.


hatches or fills inwards from the outer boundary, If HATCH encounters an internal island, it turns off hatching or filling until it encounters another island within an island

Quick access toolbar

have some tabs like new, open, save, save all, plot, undo and redo


hotkey for history


hotkey for ortho


hotkey for polar


ignores all internal objects and hatches or fills through them

Absolute Cartesian

in this method, you enter the points as the relate to the origin of WCS; in the coordinate form of X,Y

Copying Tool

includes a new array option that enables you to create a linear, non-associative array

External links

information center that links to AutoCAD 360


it snaps to the closest endpoint of an arc, elliptical arc, line, mline, polyline segment, or ray to the closest corner of a trace, solid, or 3D face


it snaps to the midpoint of and arc, elliptical arc, line, mline, polyline segment, solid, splice, or xline.


it snaps to the nearest point of an arc, circle, ellipse, elliptical arc, line, mline, point, polyline, ray, solid, spline, or xline


it snaps to the quadrant point of an arc, circle, ellipse or elliptical arc


it specifies a stored predefined AutoCAD pattern


items are contained in a single array object, similar to block


items in the array are created as an independent object


lines drawn between points


link with help file


links similar objects to form a single, unbroken object

M2P or MTP (Middle between two point)

locates the midpoint between two points

Drawing area/ graphics area

main area of model where you create new drawing elements; infinite space area


main toolbar area; consists of panel

NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines)

math the autocad uses

User Coordinate System (UCS)

mods made to the WCS

[PEDIT] Edit Vertex

moves, deletes or inserts vertex


moving around drawing by dragging the drawing area

Ortho and Polar

must be on when using Direct Distance Entry


objects are drawn with particular _______.

Application menu button (AutoCAD logo)

offers different options along with default QAT options below

Viewport controls

on screen view port controls form; change AutoCAD views and visual styles

Object Snaps

one of the handiest tools in AutoCAD. It specifies a point at an exact location on an object

(Center, Radius) (Center, Diameter) (2Points) (3Points) (TTR) (TTT)

options of drawing circles

Bounding Objects

paper can be represented by a rectangle, corner points, lines, etc.

Hatch Preview

passing your cursor over an eligible area shows you what the hatch would look like if you clicked there


pattern of dots displayed on the screen to guide the user


pre-drawn image that can be inserted in a drawing


refer to angular units in the upper section of drawing units dialogue box


refer to the linear units in the upper section of drawing units dialogue box

Replace Items

replace selected items with other objects. Any items overrides are maintained.


search any commands or information

View cube

see drawing elements from different view direction; rotate view


separate window on your drawing

Origin Point

shifts the hatch pattern to align with the specified origin point


shortcut for Break


shortcut for Join


shortcut for PEDIT


shortcut for align

CO or CP

shortcut for copy


shortcut for explode


shortcut for move


shortcut for rotate


shortcut for scale


shortcut for stretch


shortcut for trim


shortcut of chamfer

Drawing Coordinates (Status Bar)

shows current location of mouse cursor


small handles on objects that allow for quick editing


snaps to an extension in parallel with an object

APParent Intersection

snaps to the apparent intersection of two objects that do not intersect in 3D space but appear to intersect in the drawing


snaps to the center of an arc, circle, ellipse, or elliptical arc.


snaps to the extension point of an object.


spant to the insetion point of an attribute, a block, a shape, or text.

[PEDIT] Width

specifies a new uniform width

Hatch Angle

specifies the angle for the hatch pattern relative to the x-axis of the current UCS

Zero angle at 3o'clock

starting position of AutoCAD

[PEDIT] Decurve

straightens all segments of the polyline

World Coordinate System (WCS)

system of xyz coordinates


the 0,0 point of the current coordinate system

Vector Drawings

the Auto CAD drawings


the cursor when it is in the drawing space


the default template that automatically loads when starting a drawing session

Sample Output

the final section in the dialogue box that gives you a preview of the drawing units displayed using the current settings

Drawing Units Dialogue Box

the first thing you see when starting Units command

Drawing Scale and Drawing Units

the most important concepts that newcomers to AutoCAD need to know

Direct Distance Entry

the most way to enter points precisely; sometimes called as mouse/point systems.


the outer boundaries of the objects

Drawing Units for Design Center blocks

the third section that allows you to assign a specific unit to the drawing so that when blocks are inserted via AutoCAD Design Centre, they will automatically be scaled


this command aligns objects with other objects in 2d or #D

User Defined

this creates a pattern of lines based on the current line type in your drawing

Relative Cartesian Coordinate

this method allows you to enter points in relation to the first point and to succeeding points


this mode snaps to a point object


this mode snaps to a point perpendicular to an arc, circle, ellipse, elliptical arc, line, mline, polyline, ray, solid, spline, or xline


this mode snaps to the tangent of an arc, circle, ellipse, or elliptical arc


this snap to the intersection of an arc, circle, ellipse, elliptical arc, line, polyline, ray spline, or xline.


this specifies a pattern that is defined in any custom.


to select an object by left clicking it


toggle for OSNAP


toggle for grid


toggle for snap


turn off object snap mode

Grid Extents

use LIMITS command to modify grid extends


use to copy objects that are similar and parallel to existing entities at a specified distance or at a through point


use to view either a smaller or larger section of your drawing

Linear Dimensions

used to add dimensions to rectilinear shapes, most commonly used

MLine (ML)

used to draw multiple parallel lines

Keyboard Pulldown menu Toolbar

ways to access the Modify Tools

Dialog box

what AutoCAD uses to get info from the user

Command line

where commands are inputted to use AutoCAD features; provides information what you should do next

Drafting settings

where drafting settings can be changes


will change depending on what function it is performing

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