Cadaver Pics, back muscles

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Semispinalis cervicis muscle O:transverse processes C1-T10 I:occipital bone spinous processes of C2-T4 Inn: posterior rami of spinal nerves Act: extension, rotation, stability of posture

#21 (Muscle)

Splenius cervicis O:spinous processes T3-T6 I: transverse process C1-C3 Inn: posterior rami of spinal nerves Act: looking up or turning head

* Deep back layer * #5

Longissimus muscle (errector spinae) O: Sacrum, illiac crest, spinous and transverse process, and ribs I: Ribs, transverse and spinous process, and occiput Inn: Posterior rami spinal nervs Actions: Extends and lateraly flexes vertebral clumn i.e., bending back and sideways

* Intermediate layer * Number 10

Rectus capitis posterior minor *suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1*

* can't pick up minors *

Trapezius O: Midline occipital protuberance inferior to T-12 I: Scapular Spine Inn: Accessory Nerve (CNXI) Blood supply: Transverse cervical artery Actions: Upper fibers: Elevate shoulder Mid fibers: Retract scapula Lower fibers: depress scapula

* first layer * Number 4

Latissimus Dorsi O: T7/T8-T12 spinous processes, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest I: Floor of intertubercular groove of humerus Inn: Thoracodorsal n. B.S.: Thoracodorsal a. Actions: Draws arms back and inwards to the body (adducts and internally rotates humerus)

* first layer * Number 7

Levator Scapulae O: C1-C4 transverse processes I: Supero-medial border of scapula Inn: Dorsal scapular (C5) n. Blood supply: Dorsal scapular a. Action: Elevates scapula

* first layer *Number 18

Iliocostalis (errector spinae) O: Sacrum, illiac crest, spinous and transverse process, and ribs I: Ribs, transverse and spinous process, and occiput Inn: Posterior rami spinal nervs Actions: Extends and lateraly flexes vertebral clumn i.e., bending back and sideways

* fourth layer * #11

Rhomboid major/minor O: Nuchal ligament, C7-T5 spinous processes Inserts: Medial end scapular spine along medial border to inferior angle Inn: Dorsal scapular n. Blood supply: dorsal scapular a. Action: Retracts scapula

* second layer * Number 20

inferior posterior serratus O: T11-L1 spinous processes I: 8-12 ribs Inn: T9-T12 thoracic spinal nn. B.S.: Intercostal aa. Act: aids in expanding ribcage for respiration

* third layer * 24

Superior posterior Serratus O: C7-T3 Spinous processes I:2-4 Ribs Inn: 2-5 intercostal nn. B.S.: Intercostal aa. Act: Aids in expanding ribcage for respiration

* third layer * Number 6

Obliquus capitis inferior *suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1*

* triangle *

Obliquus capitis superior *suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1*

* triangle *

Rectus capitis posterior major *suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1*

* triangle *

Splenius capitis O: Spinous processes TC7-T4 with ligamentum nuchae I: mastoid process, lateral nuchal line deep to SCM Inn: posterior rami of spinal nerves Act: looking up or turning head

*Deep back layer* Number 2

Spinalis muscle (errector spinae) O: Sacrum, illiac crest, spinous and transverse process, and ribs I: Ribs, transverse and spinous process, and occiput Inn: Posterior rami spinal nervs Actions: Extends and lateraly flexes vertebral clumn i.e., bending back and sideways

*Intermediate layers* 18

Semispinalis capitis O:transverse processes C1-T10 I: occipital bone spinous processes of C2-T4 Inn: posterior rami of spinal nerves Act: extension, rotation, stability of posture

1 layer in Number 1

#18: Rectus capitis posterior Major muscle #19: Oblique capitis inferior muscle #17: Oblique capitis superior muscle Not in triangle: #16: Rectus Capitus posterior minor muscle Suboccipital Triangle: Superomedial border--rectus capitis posterior maj; superolateral border--obliquus capitis superior; inferolateral border--obliquus capitis inferior Suboccipital Triangle: Roof: semispinalis capitis; floor--posterior atlanto-occipital membrane Inn: suboccipital nerve (posterior ramus C1) B.S.: Vertebral artery Action: Postural

Find and name the parts of the triangle. Which part isnt the triangle?

O: Sternocostal portion of sternum, sternum and adj 6 costal cartilage, medial portion of clavicle (head of clavicle) I: Upper shaft of humerus Inn: Upper fibers: lateral pec n., lower fibers are innervated by your lateral and medial pec nerves Act: Adduction and internal rotation at humerus, horizontally adducts humerus, flexion and internal rotation at shoulder joint.

Pectoralis Major

O: stabilizes joint to prevent anterior dislocation, internally rotates and adducts humerus I: Upper shaft of humerus A

Pectoralis Major

O: Ribs 3-6 near costal cartilages I: Coracoid process of scapula Inn: Medial Pectoralis n (C8-T1) Act: Stabalized scapula by bringing it anteriorly and inferriorly against the thoracic wall.

Pectoralis minor

O: Between first rib and costal cartillage I: Inferior surface of clavicle Inn: N. Subclavius (C5-C6)


1) Azygos 2) L. Brachiocephalic v.

The R. superior intercostal drains into ____ and the left superior intercostal drains into ____

1) Azygos or hemiazygos venous systems which go onto drain into the SVC

The post. intercostal vv. anastomose with the ant. intercostal vv. to drain into what?

1. Brachial plexus 2. Axillary artery

What BV's run under the pectoralis minor?

1) Axillary A and V 2) Lymphatic vessels and nodes 3) Brachial plexus

What are the contents of your axillary?

1) Ant and lat. trunk- Innerate your muslces and skin 2) Upper/lower extremety Ant Rami: Merge with other ant. rami forming plexus (like brachial, etc) to form yoru peripheral nerves

What does your Ant. Ramus innervate?

1) Synovial joints of vertebral column 2) Deep back mm. 3) skin

What does your post. ramus innervate?

1st: Lat 1st rib but medial to the pec minor 2nd: Deep to the pec minor 3rd: Lat pectoralis minor/ inf. teres major

Where are each of the 3 parts of the axillary artery located?

1) Thoracic aorta 2) Sublavian

Where does your blood supply to your thorax come from?


Which artery is found under the p. minor?


Which vein is known to be found b/t your deltoid and pec major?

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