Canterbury Tales

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"took the modern world's more spacious way"

How many tales were each pilgrim supposed to tell?

2 on the way there, and 2 on the way back

How many pilgrims were there?


How many husbands did the wife of bath have?


number of times Wife of Bath has married


What do the rioters find beneath the tree?

8 bushels of gold coins

Where are they going?

Canterbury, to the shrine of St. Thomas A Becket

Middle English

Chaucer is the first great author to choose to write in this language

What luxeries does the prioress possess?

Cloak, graceful charm, beads, a golden brooch, coral trinket, lil dogs and jewelry

What were his plans for the pilgrims?

Contest to see who could tell the best story

What does the skipper do that chaucer apparently disapproves of?

Disapproves of killing of war by making them walk the plank.

4 languages in which Chaucer was fluent

English, French, Latin, and Italian


"a true shepherd and no mercenary"

Whom did the plowman love best?


What is the theme of his tale?

Greed is the root of all evil

Who is the host thought to be?

Harry Baileys

pilgrim introduced first


plays the bagpipes


Was the physician a devoted healer? why or why not?

No, he did it for money

Did he behave like a monk? Give examples of why or why not?

No, ignored the regulations for the Monks, dressed in fur, suggest chasity wasn't his strong suit, fat, poverty, obedance did not follow rules of monistary

pilgrim introduced last


most admired religious figure


Describe the miller's character.

mean, bully, thify

What did the Friar receive for forgiving sins?



month in which general prologue is set


most noble of the pilgrims


name of the inn in which the pilgrims meet

Was the pardoner a real pardoner? how do you know?

no he was passing off pig bones for Saint relics, using fake objects to make money , and had a fake licences

Is the lawyer good at his profession? What evidence is there?

no, he know the material but does not have the ability to deliver it.

What rewards did he expect from his work?



number of pilgrims on the journey


number of tales each pilgrim was to tell


number of tales the story would include if it were complete

How do the two friends plan to kill the thrird?

one will wrestle with him in a game and the other was to stab him in the back with his dagger and the other will stab him also

Compare the parson to the friar?

parson does everything he is supposed to as the friar does not


partners with apothecaries to cheat people

items kept in the tippet

pocket knives and hair pins

What does the young man ask the druggist to give him and What reason does he give for needing it?

poison for rats and a polecat

poets' corner

portion of Westminster Abbey where Chaucer is buried

What is a sergeant at law?

pretty high ranking, property lawyer, only 20 sergeant of Law in country of England

What does the young man do with the poison?

put it in two bottles of wine and keeps one clean for himself

old men

represent goodness and wisdom in Middle Ages literature

Why does chaucer say that the physician does not read the bible very much?

scientists at the time were starting to loose faith and you weren't following the rules of the bible if you were over charging people during times of illness

What was the wife of bath's skill?

she made love potions

fustian tunic

simple clothing worn by the knight

Why did they go on pilgrimages instead of traveling alone?

so at night some can sleep and some can watch guard. B/c it was safer to travel as a group

frame tale

story within a strory


strong enough to knock "a bruiser down"


study of physical characteristics and what they reveal about personality or character

What is the student's main interest?

studying philosoity

What was the summoner's duties?

summon to church court

What lines indicate that the merchant was A) boring and B) unsuccessful?

talked in solemn tones and didn't know his name, was in debt

"he could distinguish London ale by flavour"

the Cook

"he therefore had a special love of gold"

the Doctor

"he knew the taverns well in every town"

the Friar


the Friar

pilgrim the Pardoner claims is most sinful

the Host

"he never yet a boorish thing had said"

the Knight

"at the tip of his nose was a wart"

the Miller

"Well she sang...with a fine intoning through her nose"

the Nun

by his bed he preferred to have twenty books

the Oxford Cleric

"by flatteries ...made monkeys of the priest and congregation"

the Pardoner

long, stringy, yellow hair

the Pardoner

"he hated extorting thithe or fee"

the Parson

"he was less busy than he seemed to be"

the Searjeant at Law

"lover and cadet"

the Squire

Where does their pilgrimage begin?

the Tabard inn at Southwark, England

"Wore a coat and hood of green"

the Yeoman

"he was a proper _ I guess"

the Yeoman

Lady Pertelote

the chicken


the creation of characters through both direct and indirect detail

place where traveler's body is found in "The Nun's Priest's Tale"

the dung heap

Sir Russel

the fox

radix malorum est cupiditas

the love of money is the root of all evil

How did they decide who would tell the first tale?

the man who draws the shortest straw went first (the knight tells first)

Madame Eglantyne

the nun

What happens to the young man when he returns to the tree?

the other 2 killed him as they had planned

Who was the plowman's brother?

the parson

How were their lodgings?

the rooms and stables were wide


the rooster

How does the squire's appearance differ from his father's?

the son wore finer clothing than his father, Knight- stained clothing, and very simple doesn't think of how he's dressed, Squire- colorful clothing, curly hair, trinkets cares about appearance.

What is chaucer describing in the opening lines?

the time of year April springtime

Who wins the draw?

the youngest of them

How might their drinking affected their judgement?

they were acting like death was a person

How did the pardoner and the summoner work together?

they worked together by the summoner summoning a person to church


three characters in "The Pardoner's Tale"

What did the 3 friends decide to do?

to go kill death

What idea does the devil put into the young man's mind?

to kill the other two and take the money

Why does the pardoner remind the pilgrims that they may die at any time?

to make them year death so they can buy pardons and he can make money.

What plan does one of the rioter propose?

to send one to town to get bread and wine to sustain them until nightfall so they could take the money without anyone seeing


town in which general prologue is set


two rhyming lines of poetry

Where does the old man tell them they will find death?

under a oak tree not far away

three types of irony

verbal, situational, dramatic

What type of person was she?

very loud, obnoxious, not charitable, flirty, and hypocritical


weighs 224 pounds

irony of Chaucer being one of greatest English writers

writing was never his profession; he didn't complete his greatest work

What famous character does the yeoman resemble?

Robin Hood

wears skirt embroidered with flowers


Why does the yeoman carry a St. Christopher's medal?

St Christopher is the patron of travelers and foresters and a Yeoman is a forester that is traveling

question the knight must answer to avoid beheading

What do women most desire?

famous cloth maker

Wife of Bath

wears scarlet hose

Wife of Bath

Does the knight appear to be chivalrous? How do you know?

Yes it says he followed Chivalry humble in dress and isn't full of himself

Is chaucer part of the group? How do you know?

Yes, he was one of them in fellowship actually says he did at Tabard

Who is the knight's son?

a fine young squire

Wht trades are represented by the guildsmen?

a haberdasher, a dyer, a carpenter, a waver, a carpet-maker


a large hood; worn by the friar

What do the wives of the guildsmen want them to be and why?

alderman, treated well and rasied social status

What was his personality like?

almost to happy to the point of fakeness, gracious and heavy hearted man

Who is being buried?

an old friend

Why does the devil have influence over the young man?

b/c the young man is drunk and he was already sinning by stealing the money

Why does the pardoner say that the young men, "received their due"?

b/c they all ended up dead b/c the planned to murder the others

What was the prize? who was the judge?

banquet paid for by other pilgrims, judge was the host

What did the boy's mother warn him about?

be prepared to meet death at anytime

What was the Friar's greatest talent?


What do the rioters accuse the old man of being?

being deaths spy


believes dreams are prophetic

How do we know that the miller is strong?

break down doors with head and pulled off henages with bear hands

disparate detail

detail that is different from the other details; used to point out way in which the pilgrim is not what they should be

Chaucer grew up near these



forehead measures a span

What did the 3 rioters see when they were drinking in the tavern?

funeral presection


has "locks as curly as if they'd been pressed"


has an ulcer

Wife of Bath

has gapped teeth

What is his handicap?

he always wanted more than he already had strange b/c he was illiterate

What did the miller do while he played his bagpipes?

he brought the pilgrims out of town

Why does the man want to die?

he couldn't find anyone willing to trade their youth for his old age

What is the squire's weakness?

he couldn't women were his weakness

Describe the summoner's intelligence.

he didn't really know latin, he couldn't learn what he needed in order to do his job well

How do we know the parson was a generous man?

he gave his goods to the poor he did not take from others and gave out of own pocket

What was wrong with the cook?

he had an alsore on his knee.

How does chaucer's description of the monk''s dress show his character?

he had money he is fat which implies that he is not living by rules of poverty dresses in furs, wore gold trinkets, had hunting dogs

Explain the line: "But was less busy than he seemed to be..."

he pretended to be busy because he wasn't being hired

What does the pardoner tell us in his prologue that is unexpected?

he stated the theme before telling the story

How did the manciple get rich?

he stole from the university he worked for

What qualities did the plowman have?

he was an honest worker, good, and true, gave money to churches and poor

How is the old man's behavior different from that of the rioters?

he was calm, respectful, and humble thet were loud obnoxious and mean

What kind of boss was the reeve?

he was mean and intmidated the workers no one wanted to work for him

What is the old man's complain about their treatment of him?

he was respectful to them, and also with his old age they should be respectful anyway

For whom does the Friar fix marriages?

his mistresses

How was the parson rich?

holy thought and works

What sport did the monk enjoy?


How did the plowman live?

in peace and perfect charity

literary device most associated with "The Pardoner's Tale"


reason pilgrims choose Canterbury as their destination

it is the site of Thomas Becket's murder


journey with a religious destination or purpose

Which pilgrims did chaucer see as good, honest people?

knight parson and plowman


last pilgrim to be introduced

What was the Franklin's favorite past time?

likes to entertain

verbal irony

literary device that states the opposite of what is intended


literature that makes fun of human weakness or sin

amor vincit omnia

love conquers all

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