Capitulo 3 - La Naturaleza
Translate 'to tolerate' or 'put up with' to Spanish.
Translate 'to turn off' to Spanish.
What is the Spanish word for 'to take advantage of'?
Translate 'to repair' or 'fix' to Spanish.
Translate 'to ascertain' or 'find out' to Spanish.
Translate 'to add' to Spanish.
Translate 'to make fun of' to Spanish.
Burlarse (de)
Translate 'to hang (up)' to Spanish.
Colgar (ue)
Translate 'to freeze' to Spanish.
Translate 'to say goodbye (to)' to Spanish.
Despedirse (de)
Translate 'to miss (someone)' to Spanish.
Echar de menos
Translate 'shower' or 'downpour' to Spanish.
El aguacero
What is the Spanish word for rainbow?
El arco iris
What are the Spanish words for forest and woods?
El bosque, la selva
What is the Spanish word for climate?
El clima
What is the Spanish word for desert?
El desierto
What is the Spanish word for hail?
El granizo
What is the Spanish word for hurricane?
El huracán
What is the Spanish term for environment?
El medio ambiente
What is the Spanish word for marsh, bog, or swamp?
El pantano
What is the term for weather forecast in Spanish?
El pronóstico (de clima)
What is the Spanish word for lightning?
El relámpago
What is the Spanish word for earthquake?
El terremoto
Translate 'thunder' or 'to thunder' to Spanish.
El trueno (tronar)
What is the Spanish word for volcano?
El volcán
Translate 'to push' to Spanish.
Translate 'to turn on' or 'to light' to Spanish.
Translate 'to get angry' to Spanish.
Translate 'to make a mistake' to Spanish.
Translate 'to keep' to Spanish.
What are the Spanish words for daybreak and dawn?
La aurora, el amanecer
What is the Spanish word for breeze?
La brisa
What is the term for the ozone layer in Spanish?
La capa de ozono
What is the Spanish word for erosion?
La erosión
What is the Spanish term for shooting star?
La estrella fugaz
What are the Spanish words for star, sun, and moon?
La estrella, el sol, la luna
What is the Spanish term for drop of water?
La gota de agua
What is the Spanish word for flood?
La inundación
What is the Spanish word for drizzle?
La llovizna (lloviznar)
What are the Spanish words for rain, to rain, and to pour?
La lluvia, llover, llover a cántaros
What are the Spanish words for low tide and high tide?
La marea baja/alta
What is the Spanish word for nature?
La naturaleza
What is the Spanish word for fog?
La niebla
What is the Spanish word for cloud?
La nube
What are the Spanish words for sunrise and sunset?
La salida del sol / la puesta del sol
What are the Spanish words for storm?
La tempestad, la tormenta
What are the Spanish words for waterfall?
Las cataratas
What are the Spanish words for plains or prairie?
Las llanuras
Translate 'to deserve' to Spanish.
Translate 'to show' to Spanish.
Mostrar (ue)
Translate 'to snow' to Spanish.
Nevar (ie)
Translate 'to forget' to Spanish.
Olvidarse (de)
Translate 'to fight' to Spanish.
Translate 'to belong (to)' to Spanish.
Pertenecer (a)
Translate 'to remove' to Spanish.
Translate 'to return' to Spanish.
Translate 'to sound' or 'to dream' to Spanish.
Sonar (ue) / soñar (ue)