Caring For Children

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What are four guidelines for appropriate behavior while observing?

- Blending into the background. - Remaining unnoticed. - Confidentiality. - Answering the child's questions politely.

What are the seven learning centers for early childhood classrooms?

- Block Center. - Dramatic Play Center. - Art Center. - Library Center. - Discovery Center. - Manipulative Center - Music Center.

What behaviors are important in a health care routine?

- Children should wash their hands before eating or playing. - Parents making a habit of washing their hands. - Children should learn several important health care habits. - Children need to feel healthy in order to participate in learning activities.

What are the five areas of development that can be stimulated through play?

- Thinking and problem solving. - Movement or motor skills for large and small muscles. - Creativity. - Relationships with others.

What are some guidelines for establishing appropriate rules for young children?

- Using hands gently. - Walking inside the classroom. - Being a friend to other people.

What does a good schedule for young children consist of?

1. Arrival and free play. 2. Circle time. 3. Small-group activities. 4. Large-group music activity. 5. Toileting and hand washing. 6. Snack. 7. Outdoor Play. 8. Learning Centers. 9. Story Time.

What info is needed in an activity plan?

1. Title 2. Objective of the activity. 3. Type of activity. 4. Materials needed. 5. Procedures to be followed. 6. Evaluation


A short period of time spent sitting away from the main activities of a classroom.

Is a subjective or objective observation more effective? Why?

An objective observation is more effective because it has more accurate info.

Running Record

An observation method that involves recording for a set period of time about a particular child.

Objective Observation

An observation using facts, not personal feelings to describe things.

Subjective Observation

An observation using one's personal opinions and feelings, rather than facts, to judge or describe things.

How does caring for a baby differ from caring for a toddler?

Babies need a lot of physical care and protection. The care is different for babies and toddlers. Toddlers are more sensitive to their parents.

What should a care provider do if a fire breaks out?

Be responsible for the children. Lead or carry them into safety. Then tell anyone else who may be in danger, and call the fire department. Then notify the parents.

How can observation information and interpretations be used?

Can be used by following the basic rule of confidentiality.

What kind of play encourages the most learning?

Dramatic play.

Frequency Count

How often a certain behavior occurs.

Developmental Checklist

Identifies certain skills a child should excel at.

How can a care provider prevent misbehavior in older children?

If parents establish their authority with the provider. The provider should remain calm in that situation and be fair but firm.

How can you improve your ability to be an effective care provider?

If the children are taken care of, safe, and happy.

What are the advantages of arriving early for a child care job?

It gives them the chance of getting use to the parents while they are still home and it allows the provider to get additional info from the parents.

How can a classroom be designed to fit young children?

It should be designed to meet their needs and make learning possible.

What should a care provider do to be prepared if there is a fire?

Locate all of the outside doors, escape routes from various parts of the home. Find out if the house has smoke detectors or fire extinguishers and ask if parents have an escape plan.

Anecdotal Record

Observations that focus on an event.

What is an example of being a good role model?

Positive behavior having an influence on other children.

What is an example of positive reinforcement?

Rewarding or recognizing the children with attention.

What is an example of dealing with a child who is hoarding all the play things in the dramatic play center?

Telling the child to go to another play center.

What is an example of dealing with a child who is yelling in the classroom?

Telling the child to use their inside voice.

What should a care provider discuss before working for a family for the first time?

The charges, how long the parents will be gone, and make arrangements for getting to and from the home.

Why is being a care provider an important job?

They are completely responsible for the safety and welfare of the children when the parents are gone.

What is the importance of health care routines?

They prevent the spread of illness. They also make sure children are healthy and well rested.

What is the purpose of interpreting the observation information?

To explain or find the meaning, and then gather the info.

What can you learn from observing children?

To gain a better understanding of their growth and development, learning about each child, gain feedback about parenting abilities and identifying those who have special needs or disabilities.

When might a time-out be used?

When a child does something minor that is wrong.

Why is confidentiality important?

You are keeping the information private.

What is necessary for a safe environment?

You must check the environment and make sure it is childproof. Adults need to closely supervise the children as they work and play.

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