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Air Force One, the private flight service for the President of the United States, makes frequent unscheduled landings at major airports. Because of security concerns, all flights landing at or taking off from these airports are grounded in these instances. The situation often leads to several hours of flight delays for thousands of passengers. 1. Is it fair that the security of an important elected official such as the President of the United States take precedence over the travel plans of thousands of his/her constituents? Describe a situation where you have experienced a travel delay at a time that was inconvenient for you. How did you handle it?

Although this delay might make travelers feels unfair and frustrated but on the other side it is very important for the president of nation to be safe because if something happens it is often interpreted as instability of the whole nation. When I was traveling, my flight had been delayed due to a problem with one of the engines. We were forced to wait 5 hours for the engine to be fixed and allowed to fly. Though it was inconvenient, the safety of the plane is what matters most.

Patient refuses treatment

Doctor needs to more tests to make sure and confirm diagnosis. educate patient of consequences of refusing treatment and login nothing. doctor needs together more information about why patient is refusing treatment and understand why. eventually patient has the right to make their own decisions.

You are the professor at a university, and a student approaches you asking for a "strong" letter of recommendation. The student was caught cheating last year, and a colleague told you that he "threw a tantrum." If you did write the letter, would you mention what your colleague had said about the student, why or why not?

If I did write the letter, I would rather use the facts and my personal observations of the student. I do not know exactly what transpired between their conversation, and I do not know if there was a miscommunication or possible exaggeration of the student's behavior. This letter will seriously impact the academic and possibly professional future of this student, I would hesitate to include information that I do not know firsthand of.

A friend who had been chronically ill wanted you to end his life What is your stance on Physician Assisted suicide ?

It is important to look at both sides of the argument. It can be helpful to eliminate pain however it is unethical to allow someone to die before it is naturally time and violates the oath, devalues life. Thus for those reasons, I do not believe in physician assisted suicide. However, if the patient is in pain I will try to make them as comfortable as possible in their last days.

What is your approach to working with someone whose values are vastly different from your own.

My approach to working with someone whose beliefs are vastly different from my own is to listen, try to empathize, which opens up the dialogue and makes it easier to find a common ground.My roommate was skeptical about masks and social-distancing during COVID-19, and by listening to his reasons, I was able to find house rules that we would both agree upon that would keep us both safe and allow his right to autonomy while sharing common space.

What is the greatest challenge you have ever faced and what did you do to overcome it?

The greatest challenge I ever faced was when my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer about 9 year ago. I'm extremely close with my dad, and I've seen him fight cancer and go through other health problems. I would take my father to the hospital for treatment and take care of him at home.Also i worked to support my family financially.

Have you ever been at odds with a coworker? How did you handle this?

Yes. When I was working as a dental assistant, I worked with my coworker who wasn't participating and contributing much to our team in the office. I decided to talk to him about it privately with non-judegmental manner and just suggest that we switch off tasks because I was taking on all of the tasks that he hadn't been doing. He ended up taking it really well and was really nice about it. I'm glad I addressed the problem with him directly to come up with a solution.


• Talk to student to rectify the situation• Maybe the evidence was not destroyed and rather misplaced• Do everything to help the student find the evidence and retrace steps• If there is nothing left to do, I will have no choice but to report the situation to authorities but make sure they understand that it was a mistake and to show leniency, and continue to do whatever I can to help the student

Processed meat has been found to be a carcinogen in humans, putting it in the same class as smoking cigarettes. As a public health official, what steps would you take when considering a ban on processed meats in your community?

As a public health official, I would do more research into the effects on the health of the public. My main concern is the health of the general public, the limitations of my office, and individuals' right to autonomy. If the risk to the public is great and warrants intervention, I would see if the manufactures could look into making it healthier. If not, then I would consider a partial ban, by enforcing taxes or an educational initiative. I would not consider a complete ban unless the research is irrefutable and it causes a direct and imminent health threat (think asbestos), as that will infringe on personal choice

In countries where the provision of health care services is subsidized by the government, do you think that governments should be able to prevent access to substances known to cause chronic disease? Why or why not?

By preventing access to substances known to cause chronic diseases, governments may help their citizens live long, healthy lives by reducing chronic diseases, increasing quality of life, and decreasing overall healthcare spending. However, this also limits personal choice and may marginalize those choosing to practice this behavior for personal reasons. Instead of outright prohibition, governments can gradually limit access, such as the UK did with sugar and the US did with cigarettes by enforcing taxes.

What are some other ways in which widespread social media use, and the resulting data collection, could negatively impact our society? How can we better protect members of the public from the misuse of their private data?

Social media has the power to connect individuals and ideas from all around the world, but this also comes at a price. From promoting negative body images to our youth to disseminating false information like anti-vaccination propaganda, there are serious consequences to these platforms. Data collection can also be used against the public like China's media surveillance to subdue peaceful protests or collecting information on consumer behaviors to encourage sugary foods in youth. The government should protect the public by giving individuals the ability to turn off data collection and also limit the kind of information that is available to be collected and sold. In addition, similar to incorporating typing and online etiquette classes to the curriculum, we should include education on the risks if the internet in our schools. Online data should also be anonymous, to prevent tracking.

Your supervising physician or fellow PA are drunk at work, what would you do?

The first thing I'd want to do is gather some information and try to remain non-judgmental. I would speak with him privately in a non-confrontational manner. Also patient safety should be number one priority. When i was sure that he is drunk then i need to let my supervisor know about the situation and send him home.

Should it be the patients or the doctor's right to make the decison?

The patient has a right to make decisions regarding medical care, including the decision to discontinue treatment, to the extent permitted by law. Doctors need to explain treatments clearly.

What do you think is the significance of the statistic presented in the first sentence, that though 86% of people know that excess salt consumption is bad for their health, only 53% of them actually consider salt content when making food choices?

The statistic alludes to the fact that individuals do not always act upon their knowledge. There are confounding factors to behavior, such as environmental, cultural, and psychological. However, I would hesitate to support this statistic before doing more research into how they got these numbers.

you see your Classmate is cheating from your neighbor. 1- what will you do ? 2- Imagine you know that you neighbor let that student chean on purpose. how would that change your answer ? 3- if you were the professor what will you do ?

1- After the exam ends, I will privately talk to my calssmate with non-judgmental attitude and try to find out why he did that. Maybe there is some stuff going on in his personal life that he couldn't be prepared well for the exam. I would offer my help. I would also ask him to talk to professor about his cheating. 2- I would encourage them both to confess to professor. cheating or allowing to cheat diminish the integrity of medical profession and disrespects other students who study hard for their success. 3- I would ask the student with non- judgmental manner and in private to explain why they cheated. I need to have more information about why they did this before making any decisions . If this is their first time I would use this situation for teaching them rather that suspension or further punishments. If they need help with material I would offer my help during office hours.

Observation, reason and human understanding, courage , these make the physician. 1- what does this quite mean to you? 2- discuss importance of courage in medicine? 3- describe a time in your life when you had to make a courageous decision. what did you lean form that experience?

1- Being a doctor needs more than knowledge. we learn to observe symptoms and make diagnosis. But we also need to build relationships with patients based on human understating so we gain patience's trust. we need courage to act ethically when situations is difficult. a doctor without any of these would be ineffective. 2- It takes courage to inform a patient or their family of bad news or answer hard questions with honestly. courage is needed when performing difficult procedures. I takes courage to follow ethical and moral standards. 3- I personally think it takes courage to move to America by myself to follow my dream when not knowing the language or didn't know anyone here. I was born and raised in a lower-middle-class family in Tehran, Iran. Neither of my parents had received a higher education. I started working as a cashier at Target. I continued working full-time after starting college and I developed a growing interest in the dental field. You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.

1- Recall a group situation when the group did not do what you wanted. 2- Why did the group not take your suggestion?

1- During college I was a part of a group project where we were required to teach information on the cell cycle to the rest of the class in a creative way. While I thought it would be a good idea to play a game of jeapordy with the class, the rest of my group members wanted to act it out. Though I expressed my hesitancies about the difficulty of acting it out, the rest of my group thought that was the best way to present the information. I went along with the group and did my best to act out the topic and teach it to the class 2- The group felt that acting out the cell cycle would make more sense and help teach the students better.

You are an employee at a company and over a period, you have observed harsh treatment towards a black co-worker. When asked, your boss says he is hard on her because he wants to see her improve her weaknesses and reach her full potential, however, it is perceived as discriminatory by not only you, but others in the office as well. 1. What is going through your mind? 2. What should you do? 3. What would you do if you were the employee being discriminated against?

1- I am wondering if this is discrimination or if the boss is hard on her because she has potential that he is trying to help her realize. If he is trying to help her realize her potential, he should treat other employees with the same level of intensity. The major problematic factor is that she is being treated differently from others. it is possible that the boss genuinely wants to help her. I will have to investigate to find out what is occurring. 2-I need to gather information to learn what is going on. I would talk to the employee of color and ask her about her experiences. I would encourage her to approach the Human Resources department with her concerns so they can help her. I would approach the boss to find out why he treats her like this. If he genuinely believes he is helping her grow, I would be understanding. If he confesses to discriminating against her, I will notify him that is not acceptable. If he agrees to change that is great, but if not, I will report him to higher authorities in the company. 3- I would first investigate and find out if I am truly the only person being treated this way. If it turns out that he is treating others equally harshly, then there is no problem, as I am not facing discrimination. However, if it turns out that I am the only person receiving this treatment, I will approach my boss to share my concerns. If he is understanding and commits to changing how he treats me, I will be forgiving him but if he is harsh and refuses to hear my concerns, I will approach the human resources department with my concerns so they may help me.

Bussiness partner conflict, 1- How would you approach your partner about his inconsistence performance? 2- Imagine your partners has problem with health of his mother. how would this change your approach? 3- conflict avoidance often causes greater conflict. Do you agree with this statement ?

1- I would be listening to my partner with non-judgmental attitude in private and try to fully understand his perspective. If he has personal problems I would try to help him overcome those problems. If he has business partnership problems I would listen, not to jump to any conclusions, try to find solutions and move forward as business partners. 2- I would express my concern for his mother and tell him that i wish he told us earlier so we could support him. I would offer him to take some time off to focus on wellbeing of his mother. Also i would follow up with him to see if he needs any help or more time. 3- I agree that avoiding conflict doesn't erase the problem. By handling conflict maturely and empathetically we can understand another person's perspective and find solution for any problems.

There is a local bully, Thomas, who has been taunting children as they walk home from school and has been known to create a fearful environment for other children in the neighborhood. One day as he is troubling a group of innocent girls, Willy, a fellow classmate was fed up and punched the bully repeatedly. The bully was badly harmed and taken to hospital to get stitches, his parents are now asking who did this to him. 1. What should you do? 2. Is it acceptable for someone to do bad things for a good reason? 3. What are your thoughts on the philosophy, "one needs to have a taste of your own medicine"?

1- I would encourage Willy to report what he did. If he refuses I would tell him that it is my ethical responsibility to report him. I would get every student who has been bullied by Thomas to come forward so that Thomas may face some consequences for his negative behaviors and hopefully change his behavior. 2- No. Sometimes people are put in a difficult situation that may tempt them to respond in an unethical way. In such situations, I believe the penalty one should receive must reflect their circumstances, because though their behavior was wrong, their intent was not . Social services need to be available, so that good people in bad situations have somewhere to turn so that they never feel like unethical behavior is the only option. 3- if an individual suffers what they make others suffer, they are more likely to realize the extent of their behavior and are less likely to be a repeat it. Doing wrong to someone who does you wrong does not make it right. I think it is wrong to give people a taste of their own medicine, I believe legal actions should be taken for people who do wrong.

You are an employee at a retail store and you overhear an interaction between a customer and another employee at the cash register. The customer is here to return an item; however, she does not have a receipt for the purchased item and claims to have paid in cash. Despite assurances by the customer that she did buy the item at your store, your colleague informs the customer that, while she can provide store credit or an exchange, store policy does not allow refunds of more than $20 without a receipt. The customer informs your colleague that she really needs a refund given that this was a birthday purchase for her daughter, but now she desperately requires that money to buy her daughter's prescription medication. While the manager can override the store policy, she is away until next week. Your colleague turns to you for advice given that you have been working at the store for longer than she has. 1. What do you tell the other employee - go ahead and give the refund, or abide by store policy? Justify your answer. 2. Assume you advise the newer employee not to give the refund, but she does anyway. Do you report this to your supervisor? Why or why not? 3. If you were asked to establish a policy around refunds for a new store, what aspects would you take into consideration?

1- I would like to help the customer as best as I can without compromising store policy. Before I make a decision on the matter, I gather more information. I speak with her in a non-judgmental and non-confrontational manner privately. I would like to know the store policy regarding refunding of items without a receipt. I can call a different branch of the store to provide guidance, or - if possible - I could call our store's manager to see if I could get approval to process the return. if the customer did buy the item from our location and I am able to refund them in cash I would not hesitate to complete the refund. If I am unable to provide a refund, I would apologize and I would try to assist this customer as best as I can. I would encourage her to speak with her pharmacist, as they may have a payment plan for prescriptions, or they may have a generic form of the medication that costs less. 2- It would depend on the store policy, since upholding such policy is my duty as an employee. I would encourage her to document the event so that she can submit a report to management. If it was clearly against the rules, and my advice was in line with store policy and procedures, then I would give her the opportunity to do the right thing and report her actions to the manager.I would follow up with her and, if she has not reported the incident, then I would report to the manager. 3- My goal would be to provide the best shopping experience to customers without compromising the store from a business perspective. I would gather information from our customer, employees and upper management to get their input. I would look into refund policies at other stores, to see how a proper balance between customer and business needs is met. My priority would be making the return policy clear, simple and in the best interest of the customers. I would clearly outline the return policy on the store's website and train employees. I would provide an electronic and printed receipt to customers, so they can access their receipt from anywhere.

You are sitting in on a conversation between Tom and Jessie, two of your co-workers at an energy firm. Tom informs Jessie that he is having a tough time with a personal decision: he and his wife are expecting a child, and his wife would like him to take paternity leave with her. He tells Jessie that the company is taking on a new project that he would lead and doing well on this project could significantly advance his career. Despite his excitement for parenthood, he is struggling between spending time with his family in the short-term vs. focusing on his career, which would ultimately benefit his family in the long-term. He feels that if he misses this work opportunity, he will not get a similar chance for a few years. Additionally, claiming that the industry is largely "male-dominated," he feels that his boss would not be understanding if he requested paternity leave; he even recalls a time in the past when a male colleague who took paternity leave was penalized by being kept in the same position for years upon his return to work. Jessie turns to you and asks, "What do you think he should do?" 1. Would you recommend he take paternity leave? Why or why not? 2. What strategies could you offer to help him make a decision that he feels comfortable with? 3. Maintaining work-life balance can be challenging. Why do you think people struggle to find balance?

1- I would need to gather more information. I would like to know the company's policy with regard to paternity leave. I would also have a private and non-judgmental conversation with Tom to discuss his priorities. I would support his decision whether he takes paternity leave or stay to work on the new project. 2- I would encourage him to gather more information about the company policy regarding paternity leave. He can speak with human resources, his boss, and with colleagues who have taken paternity leave. Once this information is collected, I would help Tom to find his priorities and what sacrifices he is willing to make to fulfill his goals. This is a personal decision and I would support Tom by making sure he collects all the necessary information required to make this decision. 3- There are many reasons why individuals struggle with maintaining an acceptable work-life balance, including having a demanding job, poor time management or scheduling skills, unrealistic expectations by employers, and financial pressures. It is important for individuals to identify the specific reasons behind their personal situation and try to have a more balanced approach to life. As well, employers should be mindful of the time demands they place on employees. Poor work-life balance can often have negative effects on individuals and can impact their work performance and their overall health.

You are at the airport with your family, preparing to board a plane to your favorite vacation destination. The flight attendants prepare to begin calling passengers for boarding. Prior to calling for passengers in first class, the attendant asks for any passengers with disabilities to come forward for priority boarding. A couple, a young man and woman in their mid-to-late twenties, begins moving toward desk; the man is carrying all of their carry-on baggage, and they are smiling and laughing, with no visible complications with movement in either of them, and neither has any kind of visible mobility device (e.g., a cane, crutches, wheelchair, etc.). As they move past you, the woman in line behind you sighs loudly. You turn to look at her, and she is glancing around at your fellow passengers, visibly annoyed. She loudly proclaims, "This is unbelievable! Look at them!" She notices you looking at her, catches your eye, and looks at you expectantly. "You know what I mean, right?" she says to you, gesturing toward the couple, who have overheard this and look visibly upset. 1. What would you do in this situation? 2. To use accessible parking spaces, people with disabilities must display a special placard, or have special license plates on their car. Do you think similar documentation should be required for accommodations like the one posited in the scenario (priority boarding on a flight)? Why or why not? 3. Can you describe a time when you intervened on behalf of someone else in a public space?

1- I would want to do is gather some information and try to remain non-judgmental. it would not be appropriate to ask them to disclose any disability status. I'd try to speak with the upset woman in a non-confrontational manner to clarify what exactly she was finding so frustrating. If she tells me that she was assuming that the couple were actually able-bodied I would try to acknowledge her feelings by actively listening. Then I would gently say "I appreciate your frustration and your understanding of the situation. However, I wonder if you are familiar with the term 'invisible disability'. This can be confusing for those unfamiliar with such conditions. 2- Disability parking passes are a useful way of ensuring public spaces are accessible to people with conditions that limit their mobility. while many people use cars and parking facilities every day most people only fly a few times a year. Obtaining a parking pass requires an appointment with a physician, it may be difficult for someone to complete all of the necessary steps in time for their flight, especially as they are disabled. Allowing priority boarding takes a very small amount of time and it is a very small inconvenience. 3- One day on my way to school I noticed a young woman walking quickly with a young man following behind her. The man was yelling at the woman, "Hey! I'm just trying to say hello to you. She looked visibly upset. I wanted to help her, so I put on a warm smile and walked over to her. "Oh, there you are," I said, "I've been trying to find you!" She looked confused, but began walking toward me. As she got close, I whispered, "It's okay. Tell me where you're going and I'll walk with you." As we walked , she told me that man was following her for 20 minutes. I walked her to her building, and then went back about my day. Though I myself am a woman, and have experienced similar, this was the first time I was able to help someone else through a situation like this.

You are sitting in a meeting with Frank and Julia, two of your co-workers at a financial firm. Frank wants to talk about a member of his team, Jason, with regards to some concerning behavior of late. Frank is concerned that Jason has been showing up late to work and has been seen dozing off during meetings. Despite this behavior, the team's overall performance has been very positive. Julia weighs in on the conversation, saying that our company encourages flexible working conditions, where employees can maintain their own schedules as long as they maintain good performance with positive reviews. Frank further elaborates that Jason has been acting a little distant of late and avoiding any personal questions about his family; he's worried that this behavior could be a sign of something more serious. While Julia seems concerned by this disclosure, she informs Frank that, as long as Jason has not shared any specific struggles with Frank, it would be a transgression of boundaries to approach Jason about personal matters. 1. What advice would you give to Frank about his team member, Jason? 2. Do you agree that taking any additional action in this situation would be considered "overstepping boundaries"? Why or why not? 3. Imagine you heard rumors that Jason was being bullied at work, would this change your reaction to the situation? Explain your response.

1- I wouldn't make any assumptions and encourage Frank to speak with Jason in a private and non-judgmental manner. I would suggest that he share his concerns with Jason and give him an opportunity to share any personal struggles with him. It is important to help him see that he is supported by his team. 2- It would depend on intent and approach. If it is curiosity, it would be considered "overstepping boundaries". if the intent is to ensure the safety and well-being of the team member, then no. Conversation should take place in a private setting and be confidentiality maintained. 3- It would not change my approach to the situation. I would start by gathering more information, since I cannot act on rumors. I would meet directly with Jason in a private setting and speak with him in a non-judgmental and non-confrontational manner. I would focus on Jason's well-being and follow up with a full investigation into the bullying situation.

1- The doctor violated patient confidentiality. How would you characterize the seriousness of it? 2- What if doctors took this stance with all patients and not just friends? Weigh the potential benefits of earlier preventative care and support together with better final outcomes and reduced hospital visits against absolute privacy.

1- It is evident that the doctor is concerned for her patient. However, as a physician it is required to maintain a patient's privacy and confidentiality. I would characterize the seriousness of it by finding out if this has been a problem in the past, and if she continues to do it. Also, if the doctor had a personal rather than professional relationship with the patient. Thus, it is important to gain all the facts before characterizing the seriousness of the situation. 2- There could be many benefits of this. Physicians would be able to make sure that family members are taking adequate care of the patient. They also could encourage them to bring the patient in or what to watch out for. This could be helpful in treating the patient earlier rather than later. However, this would disrupt a patients rights. The family may not have the best interest in mind for the patient which could become a conflict of interest. The patient also might rather have in home care rather than burdening or worrying family members. Thus for these reasons, physicians should retain their patient's privacy while also encouraging a support system and preventative care for the patient.

You are a member of a study group and you observe two members of your group, John and Steve, having a heated conversation. John looks stressed and is upset that the group project is not yet close to being complete, despite being due at the end of the week. When Steve asks John what is stressing him out, he says he is overwhelmed by the amount of work which was redistributed to group members when Marshal, another group member, had to leave the group due to a medical condition. While Marshal's medical condition is severe and required hospitalization, John is upset that Marshal knew how important this project is to everyone's grades and thinks it's unfair for the other members of the group to have to take on the work Marshal was supposed to complete. To make matters worse, Steve discovers a recently posted picture on Marshal's Facebook page showing him at a pool party, which further angers John. With the current arrangement, the work submitted by the group would award Marshal the same grade as the others, despite not completing the same amount of work. John suggests Marshal has been dishonest about his medical condition to get out of work, while Steve reminds John that this picture could have been taken a while back. Steve turns to you and asks you to decide how to proceed from here. 1. What do you recommend to your group members? This is a moral and ethical dilemma. 2. Do you think it is okay to report a concern to a supervisor based on a suspicion? Why or why not? 3. Do you believe that one false or inappropriate post on social media can have a lasting effect on someone's career? Explain your response.

1- It is important to take a step back and not jump to any conclusions. I would like to know whether the photo posted on Facebook is a new or old photo. I would like to speak with Marshal in a private and non-judgmental manner. If this is an old photo then all is resolved. if this is a new photo, then I would ask him if he feels better and he can come back to the group to contribute. If Marshal has been dishonest about his medical state, I would first encourage him to try to make up for it.. If he refuses to do so, then I would report the situation to the course professor. I would suggest that the group seek an extension from the professor to complete the project. 2-prior to reporting a concern, it would be my responsibility to investigate first. If I find evidence to support that concern, then I would report that concern to a supervisor. Supervisor would use the provided evidence to further investigate the concern and approach the claim in an unbiased manner. 3- I do believe that one false or inappropriate post can have an effect on someone's career. Posts on social media usually reflect our beliefs and are used to determine the moral caliber of a person. While I understand that individuals do change and grow with time, the burden of proof would be placed on person.

From time to time, we are all faced with conflict in some form. With experience, we learn to deal with different forms of conflict. 1- Describe a time when you had to deal with conflict and how you coped with it? 2- How might you handle a similar situation differently should it arise again?

1- When I was in college we were assign a group project and one of my classmate in our group was constantly late finishing tasks. When I approached him about it, he reacted defensively. I kept calm and acknowledged that the deadlines were challenging and asked how I could assist him. He calmed down and told me that he was involved in another project. After a meeting with the other classmates, we came to a solution and we were able to finish assignment on time 2- I actively readjust my attitude during a conflict situation. I would make an effort to have good communication earlier on. I would make sure that I listen to the other person's carefully. I would also set up follow up meetings so we could come together and discuss any issues we were having and to review different options to find solutions for problems.

You have a co-worker who is clinically diagnosed with depression. She calls in sick and unable to get out of bed very often. 6 months into the year, she has been away from work a total of 10 weeks. This is a small company with few employees, resulting in less productivity in the workplace. Moreover, she has become difficult to work with, as she is very sensitive and unable to accept any criticism. 1. What is going through your mind? 2. If you were the boss, what would you do? 3. Tell us about a time you had to support a friend or colleague during difficult times?

1- With a co-worker that is constantly missing there will be greater pressure on other employees.I acknowledge the co-worker needs help and support, but the company will need to ensure there is no burnout or frustration for the rest of the team. 2- It is important for me to reach out to her and find out how she is coping, find out how best the company can support her. I would request a doctor's note confirming the diagnosis of depression. I would offer sick leave. I would ask if she has access to the resources she needs for recovery.I find a temporary employee to cover her position in her absence to ensure that company goals and objectives are still achieved. When she is feels strong enough to return to work her job is available for her. 3- My friend's mother was diagnosed with cancer. I could not do anything to change the diagnosis, I did everything I could to support my friend and her family. Eventually, her mother recovered and is now doing well and my bond with my friend is stronger than ever. This situation taught me the value of supporting others during difficult times, and the big impact of small acts of kindness. These are lessons I will use to continue to serve my community.

From time to time, we all make decisions we regret. Whether bound by less-than-ideal circumstances, lack of resources to make the best decision, or a lack of foresight or maturity, everyone has made a bad or unfortunate decision in their lives. 1- Can you reflect on a decision you've made that you later regretted? 2. How can one move past, or learn from, such regret? 3. Did you ever make what seemed like a bad decision, only to later learn that it was still the best decision at the time?

1- Worrying too much about what other people thought of me - trying to uphold what I thought were their beliefs not mine. 2. In my opinion regret is a negative word. When I do something and it doesn't go well, instead of having a regret, I try to look at the brighter side, that is, lessons learnt. At the end of each day, I mentally review and analyze day's events and conversations like what didn't go well, what were mistakes I made and what can be done now. Lessons learnt might help to avoid such mistakes in future. 3. Yes, there are always things that could have been done differently. I tend not to regret those choices though, because I'm careful to make the best decision I can at the time. Nobody is perfect and things will sometimes go wrong, so there's not point wallowing in regret when you could be doing something positive to fix the problem.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1. What does this quotation mean to you? 2. Can you reflect on a time when this quotation was relevant in your own life? 3. How does this question relate to your desired field?

1- if injustice exists anywhere it is a negative force and is harmful even to place where justice currently exists. injustice can spread and shouldn't be tolerated anywhere. 2. I was a member of a study group in college for a project. Two of my classmate were accusing another member of group regularly coming to meetings unprepared, suggesting that she's only learning from the information that they have provided during the study sessions. Sarah defended herself by saying that she has been busy writing an important paper and she also is under a lot of pressure. I thought there might be something going in her life that she couldn't talk about it. I thought it was just unfair to judge Sarah without getting more information. 3. In order to treat patients effectively dental profession must gather information whether or not they have access to nutritious, they have time for proper oral and self-care, or whether they consistently work multiple jobs. Doctors have a responsibility to build a trusting relationship to fully understand their patients' circumstances and try to help as much as they can.

You are a member of a study group and you observe members of your group having a heated conversation. Mike and John are confronting Sarah about her inconsistent contribution to the study group. Mike and John are upset that Sarah did not contribute to the study session today and accuse her of not being prepared. Sarah defends herself by saying that she has been busy writing an important paper. Mike and John inform her that they also had the same paper due and, despite that, were able to show up prepared for the session. They then accuse her of regularly coming to tutorials unprepared, suggesting that she's only learning from the information that they have provided during the study sessions. Sarah informs them that she has been under a lot of stress and that they are not being fair to her. She prepares to leave due to their "negativity". 1. You are a member of the study group and have not participated in the interaction so far, but now the group is looking to you. How would you diffuse this situation? 2. Do you agree with the two students who are upset with Sarah? Why or why not? 3. What suggestions can you make to help the group function better going forward?

1-I would listen to both sides. I would ask questions to understand why the different parties feel the way they do. I would validate Mike and John's feelings with regards to their frustrations but I would also validate Sarah's feelings around being very busy. I would speak privately with Sarah, in order to determine whether she was dealing with a personal matter or emergency. I would help her identify any barriers. I would refer her to campus resources for support. I would follow up at our next study session to ensure we are all on track. 2- Both the perspectives of Sarah and the male students needs to be explored and shared with each other. If Sarah has not been preparing for the sessions then I would agree with the two male students' feelings, because, as a member of the group, everyone needs to contribute equally. However, it is important to obtain Sarah's perspective and to help her overcome barriers. 3- Allowing all members of group to make space for other members to defend themselves, gives everyone an equal opportunity to share their perspective. Setting expectations allows everyone to be aware of minimum requirements to be part of the group. Exploring barriers, Once barriers are identified, then strategies to overcome these barriers can be implemented, allowing all group members to be contributing members.

A time when you exhibited good communication.

A. When I was on the Philantrophy Committee and in charge of my sorority's yearly philantropy event, one of my members informed me a couple of days before an important deadline that she would not be able to complete her task in time. She had a presentation for a campus research conference that week. Although none of the other team members approached me, I knew a couple of the other girls were also presenting at that conference. I discretely approached them and asked if they also needed help in meeting their deadlines. After determining that another student was eager for help, I was able to reassign their tasks to those who were able to spare the time. By communicating with my team members, I felt like we were able to make key deadlines that allowed our philantropy event to run smoothly. I was even able to watch my friend present her research project later that week.

Describe your leadership style.

As a leader, I prefer to be engaged and communicative with my team members. When I was on the Philanthropy Committee in my sorority, I kept open communication with my members, allowing me to address issues before they become major problems. For example, I realized a couple of my members were having trouble meeting deadlines because of their academic workload, and by reaching out to them, I was able to reassign their tasks to other members who were interested in more responsibility.

A time when you were collaborative.

As an EMT working in an underserved community, my partner and I developed efficient partnership in order to handle the high call volume. Since he was training to be a firefighter and very physically fit, he would take point on the heavy lifting of patients. Since I was interested in learning more about patient care, I would take point in the patient assessments. Together, we were able to respond to over 20 calls on some days. The medics we worked with would compliment the synergy and teamwork we had.

You are the manager of an office, where lunches have been missing from the common kitchen. What would you do? Two of your team members, who sit near the lunchroom, have noticed the cleaning staff going in and out of the lunchroom at odd hours, they want you to confront them. What would you say to your team members?

As the manager, my priority is the well-being of my team members, including the one who may be stealing lunches. I would interview my team privately, in a non-confrontational manner. If someone confesses, I would inquire as to why to see if they need help (financially or otherwise), and see if there is anything I could do to help them. However, I would have to warn them that this unprofessional behavior cannot go on and next time, I will have to fire them. I would recognize that I do not have all of the facts in this situation, and try to find more information before jumping to conclusions. I would interview them privately. If they have substantiated observations of wrong-doing by the cleaning staff, then I would have a private meeting with the cleaning staff manager informing them of what has been going on (without implicating anyone). Together, we can work to help the offenders rehabilitate their behavior.

When selecting individuals for professional school, what do you think is more important: academic performance and standardized test scores or their ability to demonstrate professional-type behaviors across a variety of settings?

Both academic and professional-type behaviors are important for professional school. Academic performance demonstrates student's ability to handle the rigors of graduate-level learning. Since most, if not all, graduate schools and the professions they train for requires networking and collaboration, professional-type behaviors are also very important. Academic performance and standardized test scores have been demonstrated to discriminate against lower-socioeconomic groups, while not always indicating future professional performance. I would argue that professional-type behaviors are more important when selecting individuals for professional school, given the short-comings of standardized test scores.

In December 2013, just days before Christmas, the North American ice storm left over one million residents without power. In Canada, the City of Toronto was one of the hardest hit by the ice storm. At one point, over 300,000 Toronto residents were without electricity and heat. Many were without power for 24-72 hours, and it took until the New Year for power to be restored to all residents. In your opinion, how should a city prepare for a natural disaster? What steps would you take to prepare yourself for an emergency situation? During natural disasters do healthcare professionals have a duty to the public (for example, working extra hours in potentially dangerous situations)

City should have an emergency food storage and emergency fund so they can plan for recovery. Alternative power systems like generators and solar panels In order to prepare for an emergency. individuals should have food storage and battery operated emergency radios . I would prepare a back pack with all essentials for food, cloths, battery to survive atlas for one month during natural disaster. Health professionals have an obligation to use their knowledge and education to help those in need, especially during natural disasters. If that means working extra hours or in potentially dangerous situations, then they should do so. it is important for physicians to be smart about where they go and how tholepin others to not put themselves in danger.

1- Describe the major differences between schoolyard bullying and cyberbullying. 2- How would you respond to this act of cyberbullying? 3- What are a few strategies to detect, monitor, and confront acts of cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is often found on social media, whereas schoolyard bullying is in a public area. In cyberbullying the perpetrator is behind the comfort of their screen and say things that they may not say in person. In schoolyard bullying individuals are forced to confront each other in person. Another difference is that schoolyard bullying tends to involve a group and is more public I would confront the girl who posted the picture and ask if I could speak with her. I would express how hurtful the post was and if she could take it down. I would explain that I was not on a date and simply with my family. I would then listen to her side of the story. She might have really felt like it was a date and was worried about the guy. If she refused to take the picture down, then I would confront the principle of our school and explain how difficult the situation was. Encourage students to speak up to their teachers or other supervisors about it when they see it. It is necessary to report when one has seen it. it is important to confront the person that is doing the cyberbullying in person. By speaking to them one on one, it is easier to resolve conflict as well as let the other person know their feelings and concerns. If the person continues to cyberbully, then it is necessary for individuals to report it to adults who can take more serious measures.

"The doctor should be opaque to his patients and, like a mirror, should show them nothing but what is shown to him."What does this quote mean to you? Discuss the importance of truth telling and honesty in medicine.

Doctors need to be completely honest with their patients and not withhold any information. The physician should do their best to also not give any false or misleading information, only that which is true and evident. It also explains that physicians should not use any personal bias to interfere with their professional and researched recommendation. Truth telling and honesty are extremely important in medicine as physicians are obligated to follow a code of ethics and to do no harm. If physicians are lying or not being honest, then they could lose their license as well as put patients in danger.

How can widespread social media use and data collection benefit our society?

During COVID-19, the government and other health groups used social media platforms to disseminate information to help the public stay safe. By spreading verified facts about masks and social-distancing, authorities combat the spread of misinformation and help "lower the curve" of infections. It is my hope that in the future, authorities continue to utilize this important and powerful messaging tool to keep the public informed of the truth and safe.

A time when you worked with others unlike yourself

During college I was randomly assigned to a group to work on a class project with. We all got along great, but whenever we would get together to work on the project, our group members wanted to talk about things not related to the project. However, I really like to get projects done quickly and not procrastinate. In order to use our time wisely, I thought it would be a good idea to use the first 15 minutes to just talk and hangout before we started working on the project. I found that this strategy helped us still be able to enjoy our time together, as well as get our project completed on time

How can you advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace? Why is it important to have a diverse workplace?

First, I would make sure to identify my biases and work on them. I would call out acts of discrimination when I see it in the workplace. I would also advocate for a diversity committee or workshop to make sure we can develop long term solutions to building a more inclusive workplace. If I was in a leadership position, I would make sure our hiring practices were fair to all applicants. If our applicant pool is not representative of the population, I would also propose outreach measures to reach diverse, qualified individuals. Diversity and inclusion are important, especially in healthcare, as our patients come from all walks of life and we need to address our own biases to ensure that all patients get the best treatment. A diverse team lends different perspectives, allows everyone on the team to feel included and welcome. It is not only racial, as it also encompasses sexual orientation, gender, religion, physical differences and more. A diverse team will also lead to cultural competence, which is important for providing quality care

Working with difficult people.

I believe the difficulty is in the relationship, not simply the person. There were a couple of patients who would frequently show up in the ED that would frustrate many of the clinicians. Whenever I would work with these patients, I would check my frustration and bias before going into the room. Once I'm in there with the patient, I have a clear agenda and set boundaries with them. I always take the time to listen to their concerns and empathize with their situation. These strategies have helped me many times and my conversations with them have usually been positive and fruitful. I usually get along with most of my coworkers and bosses. When I was working as a student on the campus library, I had a difficult time while working with another student worker. His unfriendly behavior was lowering my overall job satisfaction and performance. I pulled him aside one day after work and told him how his behavior was making me feel. Surprisingly, he apologizes, saying that he was overwhelmed with schoolwork, which was affecting his behavior at work. After that, he was friendlier and I was more understanding.

Describe one time when your boss had to confront you about an issue with your work.

I currently work as a dental hygiene. About a month after my graduation I started working in this office that they just bought a new laser device that i wasn't familiar how to use it. My boss told me that I was using it wrong, and was moving the machine too fast. Though I felt a little embarrassed, I asked if I could watch him do it the next time a patient came in so I could see the correct way to do it. He explained how to use that device and I was able to learn from it.

A family member is acting as an interpreter as you get consent for a procedure for your patient. You are suspicious that the interpreter is not fully translating what you are saying with respect to the risks involved. How would you ensure that your patient is able to give an informed consent? What potential issues could arise if a family member is acting as a communicator? How would this situation proceed if instead a paid translator, who has no relation to the family, were used?

I do not want to jump to any conclusions that the family member is not interpreting correctly. However, if I did not do anything I could potentially be putting the patient at risk.I find another interpreter at the hospital who is not related to the patient to ensure that he is getting all the correct information. The family member may not want to pay for the surgery Or the family member could be trying to persuade them to do a procedure for a personal gain, even if it is not in the patients best interest. There could also be a chance that a family member does not want to share all the risks as to not scare them or make them upset. Using additional interpreter, patient is able to give informed consent and eliminate any conflict of interest. patient would be able to receive informed consent with no other bias and make a logical decision on the proposed treatment

patient comes in with pain and needs to see his doctor. Yelling at the nurse who wants him to fill out paperwork. You are the physcian. What is going on in your mind right now? What would you do?

I do not want to jump to any conclusions until I gather more information. The patient could be experiencing lot of pain and it might be very difficult to answer questions at that moment. As a physician, I need to gainmore information so I can understand how best to help. I need to evaluate the patient, know about background and what the current pain is. MY first thought would be to treat him with a nonaddictive pain medication such as advil. However, If I feel he is in excruciating pain then I will prescribe medication. I would schedule a follow up to evaluate other medical doctors if needed. I would also discuss the risks of taking pain medications.

Shows nursing students talking about a new rule that was announced saying that they had to spend 6 months working in rural areas before they could go anywhere else. What are your thoughts? What are the hardships of working in rural areas? How could doctors be persuaded to work in rural areas?

I need to gather more information with out making any assumptions. If i have any concerns I can express them. I would have to decide with my family if the new issue fits into my current plans Individuals might have limited knowledge on healthcare and preventative care since there is not as many doctors. An underserved area also means that the individuals could potentially be in a lower socioeconomic status and levels of education. Government should come up with ways to promote it. For example, a program that pays for medical school in exchange for the doctor working in rural areas or pay physicians a higher amount in rural areas.

You're a pilot waiting at the airport for your next assignment. You are sitting at the bar with a colleague who is also awaiting an assignment. Your colleague gets a call informing him of his next assignment. You over hear him accept the assignment, you have observed that he has been drinking beers at the bar while waiting. - 1 What is going through your mind at this point?

I need to remain non-judgemental and not jump to any conclusions based on the primary observations made. I do not want to make the assumption that my colleague is being irresposible and unprofessional by drinking alcohol while accepting an assignment. It could turn out that my colleague could be drinking non- alcoholic beer an assignment could be not immediate. I will discuss the matter privately with my colleague to gain more information as I am concerned about the well being and safety of all passengers.

You are an amusement park ride attendent. Your colleague shows up late for his shifts and smells of marijuana. What do you do? You find out that your colleague was perscribed medical marijuana. What would you do?

I want gather more information in non-judgmental manner and privately talk to my colleague. I don't want to make any assumptions. It is possible that the colleague simply smells like mariujauana because someone close to him was using it. If the colleague was under the influence, I would encouragehim to tell the supervisor and that he needs to go home as to not put others in danger. If he was unwilling tolisten, then I would be obligated to tell the supervisor. If the collegue was using medical marijuana, then I would encourage him to talk to the supervisor about it. If he was using marijuana, there could be situations where he was not in the right state of mind to be working. However, if he refused, I would tell him that I needed to let the supervisor know of the situation as it could affect people's safety.

You see an 18 month old girl for her regular visit, which includes routine vaccines. Her mother announces that she doesn't want to have her daughter vaccinated because she has heard on television that vaccines lead to autism. What are the important questions to ask the mother? How can doctors reconcile what patients see and hear in the media with suggested medical practices? What can be done to promote effective communication in a healthcare setting?

I would ask the mother if she had other sources besides tv. As a parent it is ultimately their decision, but I would explain them my professional opinion and research on the topic. Ask the mother what concerns her the most and address those concerns. It is important to recognize that what they hear in the media can be very scary as a parent and understand that they just want to do what is best for their children. Doctors should be honest but caring when they approach these patients.Present the most up to date research on the subject and scientific evidence and encourage their decision based on that. Effective communication should be delivered from doctors to their patients. It would be especially helpful if providers educated their patients on proper and preventative healthcare while also treating them.

The law firm you work for has a Facebook page, and one of your clients "likes" the page, allowing her to post on the page's wall. She then posts what you think is private information about her divorce settlement for public viewing. How would you contact her and what would you like to know from her? Who decides what to post in this situation? The client or the firm? What benefits in the medical field could be gained by social media use?

I would contact my client and talk in person privately explaining the risks of posting private information about the divorce on Facebook and encourage her to take the information down. If the client refuses, then I would tell her that our Facebook will delete it as that is private information. If I did nothing there is a risk that it will defame the company as well as hurt the individuals and families involved in the divorce. Since it is the law firm's Facebook page then they decide what is posted on it and be able to monitor what is posted on it. However, they should realize that it is a public forum and so they should be aware of the risks. As a result, the law firm should make clients aware of the risks of posting private information on the Facebook page and discourage it if possible and explain that the purpose of the page is to advertise and market the firm, not to expose any private or confidential info. There could be more information on the benefits of receiving preventative care as well as teaching more people about proper healthcare in general. There could be seasonal posts that encourage vaccinations. Also, social media could also be used to help spread information and newest updates on diseases or illnesses and what symptoms to be aware of. These ideas could help eliminate certain illnesses or diseases.

An employee accepted a return even though it wasn't qualified for return and you told person not to do it. What would you say after finding out about the return? This is in clear violation of store policy, and the employee made a decision without clearing it with management. Is this acceptable? Why are the policies in place then? How should the employee present the action to their manager?

I would express understanding as that is a difficult situation and you want to have the customer be happy and help them. However, I would also explain the risks of breaking store policy. I would encourage him to stick to the rules or call me for permission beforehand since the outcomes of him breaking them have negative consequences. There are both sides of the situation as the employee wants to help out the customer. However, the employee is breaking policy. Customer might leave unhappy, there would be more serious consequences of the employee breaking the rule. They could potentially losing the job, set a bad example to other employees, and defame the company. As a result, it should not be acceptable. Policies are guidelines to be used as default behavior. They are for the overall good of the business, and may address issues unknown to the employee. The employee should definitely report the situation to the manager as they had to break the rules. They should explain their side of the situation and ask for advice in case this happens in the future.

You learn that one of your patients is positive for the HIV virus. He has not yet developed AIDS. He asks you not to tell his wife because he is afraid that it would break up his marriage. The man's wife is your patient too. What should you do?

I would give the patient a little time to cope with the news. He could be in shock and not thinking through the situation clearly. If he was still unwilling to tell his wife, then I would spend time strongly encouraging him to do so. I would explain the risks associated with not telling her. I would try to find out his reasons for not wanting to tell his wife. I respect the pt's wishes and protect his privacy. Medical provider does not impose personal belief or judgement on their patients. However, you can encourage patient to openly talk about it with partner -provide information of risks to their partner but ultimately the decision is the PT's

You are a professor teaching organic chemistry to first year students at a prestigious university. Throughout the year you notice that Sally is consistently late for class, and often times is missing altogether. A few days prior to a major exam you pass by Sally in the hallway and decide to ask the cause of her behaviour. She confides in you that adjustment from high school to university has been difficult for her and asks for an extension on the exam. What do you do? What services do you think that universities should offer students experiencing difficulties transitioning from high school? Considering that individuals learn using different methods and at various paces, should universities consider offering exams in different mediums (for example, written, oral or via demonstration where applicable)?

I would let her know that i completely understand how difficult the transition could be. I would explain that though I could not give her an extension on the exam because i think it wouldn't be fair to other students but I would help her before the exam to answer any questions she has and go over her mistakes with her after the exam. more/longer office hours, counseling services, big sis/little sis ( we had this program in out hygiene program which was very helpful to get information on each course and how to get prepared, you were acted with someone who was a year ahead of you. Since everyone learns differently, I think it would be beneficial for universities to use variety of methods testing material.A course could do a combination of a written, oral, etc. exams.

Imagine that you witness your attending doing something that in your opinion does not fit the standard of care. How would you react?

I would take a step back and analyze the situation and try to understand the thought process of why the physician made that order. I would also talk to him privately in non-judmentl manner. If I was still unsure I would consult the my supervisor and try to determine why he chose that treatment bc it could have been a mistake- made by me or by physician

doctor is using a pharm company in exchange for rewards and vacation time. What would you do as an office administrator? What would you do if this was your colleague doing it? Would you report your colleague to a disciplinary council?

I would talk to doctor in non-gudjmental manner privately and try to get more information. If the physician was receiving gifts from a pharm. company than that could put the entire clinic at risk and ruin the reputation, as well as put people's jobs at risk I would report it and encourage him to stop. I would talk to my colleague in non-gudjmental manner privately and try to gather more information. I would explain my concern. This could have serious consequences for all employees. It could also lead to defaming the company and the physicians could lose their licenses. As a result, I would encourage my colleague to stop their behavior. If they did not, I would need to report. First I would talk to my colleague and encourage him to tell the supervisor, stop his behavior. If not, then I would refer him to a disciplinary council regardless of the impact it could have on our relationship.

You and your friend Sarah are walking down the street on your way home from a tough day of university classes. Sarah is complaining angrily to you about a particular professor and his teaching methodology. Furthermore, Sarah is threatening to submit a formal complaint about the professor to the university administration to initiate disciplinary action for his teaching style. You happen to enjoy the professor's way of teaching. Given your opinion about the professor, how will you counsel Sarah about her desire to submit a complaint to the university administration? If Sarah's submission of the complaint would lead to a permanent blemish on the professor's record, would you change your answer to question 1? Why or why not? Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.

I would tell Sarah that I am sorry she is having a difficult time with the professor. Then I would tell her that everyone learns and teaches differently that rather than submitting a complaint that she should discuss her problems with her professor in private. Perhaps the professor could teach her in a different style that was more helpful to how she learns. It would not change my answer. I would first encourage her to discuss any issues she was having with the professor. Then the professor could have a chance to help her in the course. if the teacher was completely unwilling to help her then I would understand why she wanted to discuss it with the university. When I was in high school I had to make a decision of whether I should quit the piano class to focus more on my academics. piano took a lot of my time, and it was hard to do well in school because I did not have the time to focus on my studies. When making a difficult decision, it is important to look at both sides and evaluate which would be best in the long run.

What if you had a patient that wanted to try a homeopathic remedy for her pains and aches that you have seen no evidence that it actually helps. there are no negative side effects. What do you tell her? If a patient was taking a placebo (and it was helping) what would you do? Tell her it was a placebo? If a patient was seeing success with something that you have not seen any evidence that it works what would you tell them?

I would try to find something that works for her. I would explain that I have been trained in evidence based medicine, and I have not found any research that supports homeopathic treatment but that does not mean it cannot be helpful.I would support her decision to try homeopathic methods and schedule a follow up with her. As a physician, we are trained in evidence based medicine and we are obligated to be honest with our patients. If the treatment was a placebo, then I would let the patient know and encourage another treatment that does have evidence to support it. If a patient was seeing success with a treatment that I did not believe was effective, I would be happy that they have found something that works for them and will do additionnal research with it. I would then encouage additional treatment with something that has evidence to back it up as well. However, if I knew of potential harmful side effects of their homeopathic medication then I would encourage them to not take it anymore.

You are working at an electronics store, Excellent Buy Electronics, and helping a customer choose a television. The man is insulting his female partner - telling her that she is stupid and never does anything right and he is getting fed up. His voice rises and the other customers in the store hear this. Should you intervene? If so, how can you diffuse this argument? When and to whom would you report a situation like this?

If I felt the situation was safe enough I would try to approach the individuals privately and express my concern. If they were having an argument then I would ask that they take it outside. if I felt like there was something else going on such as abuse and a person was in any danger then I would get my manager who oversees the safety of the store who may potentially call the police.

car getting hit and not being able to get his DL number and girl getting mad If you saw the car again and the person... What would you do? What if you told your supervisor and he told you not to get involved

If I saw the car again, I would write his license plate number down and talk to driver in non-judgmental manner about my concerns. If he did admit to hitting the car, I would encourage him to contact the police. If he refuses then I would feel obligated to call the police and explain the situation. I would explain my obligation as a parking attendant. I would tell him that I am going to call the police about the situation as this not only could affect our jobs as well as the companies, but it also affects the individual who had her car hit.

Describe a time when you used teamwork to solve a problem.

In my pathology class, we did dental case studies every week. We were divided into groups, and given background information and medical history. As a group we had to figure out the diagnosis of the patient. At first, we really struggled with this, always running out of time before we could figure out what was wrong. However, as we learned to work as a team we got significantly better. We would create a google doc, divide out what each person was going to research, take turns discussing what we found out. Each person had a job, and we were all contributing, and we were able to figure out the diagnosis so much faster.

A doctor is managing a 70-year old gentleman with severe dementia, and she has been in direct communication with the patient's family. The doctor is becoming frustrated with the family for not helping to remind the patient to take his prescription medication, which will help alleviate his symptoms. The family is upset with the doctor for being irritated with them because, as they see it, they do all they can for their father, given their other professional and personal responsibilities. How could this situation have been avoided? What are the steps of conflict resolution? When does a doctor ask for help in a situation like this? Who can doctor turn to?

It could be avoided with communication with family members if possible each privately with non-judgmental manner to explain how demanding this situation can be. I would explain their roles and what they need to do. If they are okay with their duties, then I would explain the importance of taking medication and showing gratitude to family members. Understand where the others are coming from and see the problem from their point of view. it is necessary to talk to them in a kind manner and gather all the information and to really listen to their personal situations. They can also provide their rationale for how they are feeling and can collaborate together to come up with a better solution that would better fit the needs of both parties. when doctor gather all the information and made sure that patient doesn't have anyone who care for him/her and is completely neglected. it would be necessary to report this to supervisor so they can decide what the next level of action is and if the police can take it under further investigation.

You are the professor at a university, and a student approaches you asking for a "strong" letter of recommendation. The student was caught cheating last year, and a colleague told you that he "threw a tantrum." What would you say to the student?

My biggest concern is my student's well-being, as well as the academic integrity of my office and the university. I would gather more information from the colleague and the student, privately and non-judgmentally before jumping to conclusions. If it turns out the student did cheat and act unprofessionally, but the student demonstrated maturity and learned from the situation, then I would agree to write the letter of recommendation. However, if the student still unprofessional when asked about the situation, then I would have to regretfully decline writing the letter of support.

You're watching tv, and you hear a huge fight going on next door, all the sudden there is a bang and then its silent. What goes through your mind? What would you say if you knocked on the door and someone there told you to go away and mind your own business?

My first reaction would be concern about the safety of the individuals. I do not want to jump to any conclusions so I need to gain more information. There could be a possibility that it was a movie or a tv show, however, it could also be two individuals who got into an argument which became dangerous. I would explain my concern and why I was knocking. If they still told me to go away, then I would leave and call the police as I do not know what the situation is. If I did not call the police, I could potentially be putting individuals in danger as well as myself.

"Do not follow where the path may lead". What does this quote teach you about leadership?

That leaders are innovative and form their own path to success. By following everyone else, one will only accomplish what everyone else has. In medicine, leaders have innovated new technologies like the Da Vinci robot to assist in surgeries, resulting in safer procedures for patients. Innovative thinking is how leaders find novel solutions and make the industry safer, more efficient, and accessible to the community.

There is some evidence to suggest that the widespread use of certain wireless tablet devices in hospitals has led to significant improvements in patient satisfaction as well as some small decreases in physician error. During the product launch of technologies such as the tablet, product shortages frequently occur, leaving some prospective consumers empty-handed. Knowing that these technologies may benefit patients in hospital, some believe that hospitals should be given priority treatment to receive devices before being offered to the community at large Should this tablets be given to hospitals first or clinics ? Should companies be forced to discount their products when there is a societal benefit? What are some of the security issues related to the use of tablets in hospitals?

Though it is important for hospitals to maintain patient satisfaction and reduce error because they do see alot of patients, the first-come, first-served system should not be overruled. Certain clinics could have been waiting months for the tablets, and it would be unfair to give the tablets to hospitals first even if it would benefit them. While it may benefit the company to mantain a high price of products, it would have a higher positive outcome if the products were discounted. Since the tablets offer higher patient satisfaction and reduce error this could have a huge impact on reducing problems in the health care system. As a result, companies should discount these items so that all clinics have access to these tools that will benefit society. One security issue of the tablets is having all the patients information online. If anyone were to hack into the system then the patients confidentiality would be breached. Another security issue could be the wifi network that the tablets use. If the wifi network was being used inappropriately, then other individuals could have access to data that they are not allowed to have.

You are asked to put three items into a time capsule, which will be opened in 300 years. This time capsule is intended to reflect the areas of humanity that are going well, and those that need improvement, in the current year. What areas, both positive and negative, do you feel should be highlighted? Explain why you consider these to be key areas. What responsibility, if any do current generations have for future generations? Explain your answer.

Today, technology has improved many areas of our society. Our smartphones allows us to connect with others and ideas in an instant. With this ability, we can collaborate and innovate unlike before. However, we have also caused an environmental disaster that has destroyed the precious biodiversity our world has to offer. Through human means alone, we have caused mass extinctions in almost every environment. As we rely on this planet for our resources and shelter, we have the responsibility to maintain this earth for our future generations. As we provide education, groceries, and homes for our children to grow up with, we should provide a livable earth for all future children. Our earth also has intrinsic value and we must preserve it.

Tell me about a time that you made a mistake at work?

When I first started to work in front desk at a dental office, I once had a new patient call in to schedule an appointment. I was very busy with other patients and forgot to ask which insurance they had. When they came in, I had to be the one to tell them that we didn't take their insurance and apologized. Thankfully, we did offer a competitive self pay rate, which she ended up doing and had a good experience at our clinic despite my mistake. Since then, I learned to be extremely careful about focusing on one task at a time.

What is the greatest challenge you have ever faced? what did you do to overcome that challenge?

When I moved to America by myself to follow my dreams without knowing the language or anyone here. I was born and raised in a lower-middle-class family in Tehran, Iran. Neither of my parents had received a higher education. I started working as a cashier at Target. I continued working full-time after starting college and I developed a growing interest in the dental field. You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience and challenge in life.

Describe a time you had an ethical dilemma and how you resolved it.

When I was a new tech working nights, we had a patient, Jane Doe, who come to the ER frequently and upset the nurses with her behavior. One time a physician ordered eye drops for her. The nurse I was working with was annoyed and ask me to just flush Jane's eyes out with water. I refused and politely asked her if she would be able to complete the order. To help out, I offered to complete the vitals for her other patients so she would be less stressed.

Describe a past situation in which your ethics were challenged.

When I was in college, I was taking a test for one of my classes. I noticed that a girl next to me had notes and she was cheating. I was nervous to say something in case I was wrong...maybe it was just scratch paper. After the exam, I talked to her privately and she said that didn't have enough time to be more prepared for the exam and agreed to talk to professor about the cheating. Our professor gave her another chance to retake the test and i helped her to study for the test.

Recall a situation where someone else's work or excellence benefited you, either undeservedly or disproportionately.

When I was in college, I worked on a group research project. My role was to identify a strategy and direction, and then hand those ideas off to my professor. Then my other teammate in the group would then execute those ideas. At the end of the project, I presented the whole project in a seminar. They loved the research, and praised me for them. However, the ideas were the product of my group which i mentioned at the end of my presentation.

A time you received unfair treatment or criticism

When I was working as a front desk in a dental office, we had a patient that came in after an exam. Unfortunately, we did not take her insurance and she would have to pay out of pocket. When I told her that, she got extremely angry saying that she had called our clinic and someone had told her that we took her insurance. The patient also was angry because she had taken off work and driven to our clinic. Though, I was not the person that took the call I was the one receiving the criticism. At that point, it did not matter who told her that. Our goal is to treat patients with the utmost respect and give them the best possible care. I apologized and helped her find another clinic nearby that took her insurance

Describe a time in your life when you had to tell someone a hard truth. What did you learn from the experience?

When I was working as a mentor at my university, I was in charge of helping students work through any challenges they were having. I had a student that really wanted to apply to dental hygeine school program but didn't have good grades. Though I wanted to be supportive, I needed to be honest with her that she had a low chance of getting in unless she retook her classes. I talked to her privately and discussed my concerns. It was difficult and a sensitive conversation, I had an obligation as a mentor to be honest. we were able to come up with ways that she could do better in her classes.

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."What is your interpretation of that quote? Describe a time in your life when you failed. Would you change anything about that quote if you could?

Winston Churchill alludes to the fact that success is the result of many failures. A famous example is the invention of the light bulb, where Thomas Edison failed a thousand times, but on the thousand and first try, he created this amazing technology that changed the entire world. In my personal life, I understand that failures are just another step in achieving my goals. When I received the final rejection letter from PA schools from the first time I applied, I was very disappointed in myself. Knowing that I wasn't going to achieve my goal of getting into PA school for at least one more year was devastating. However, I realized that this was also a second chance at better myself as a candidate and potential PA student. I used the year to improve my GPA, healthcare, volunteering, and shadowing experience. Now applying for the second time, I am excited for the opportunity to prove myself and show what I have learned in the past year. One of my favorite quotes is attributed to Albert Einstein and is summarized by: "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." If I could change anything about Churchill's quote, I would include something about learning from your failures and mistakes to improve your ability to succeed. When I was learning how to snowboard, each time I fell or went down a slope, I thought about how I could improve. I focused on my stance, my turns, and my braking. Each time I went down that mountain, I got incrementally better by focusing on improving my mistakes.

Your patient is diagnosed with Syphalis but does not want to tell his wife. What would you do?

You respect the pt's wishes and protect his privacy. Medical provider does not impose personal belief or judgement on their patients. However, you can encourage patient to openly talk about it with partner -provide information of risks to their partner but ultimately the decision is the PT's

You are about to leave for the day and realize that you gave a patient medicine they are allergic to. What do you do?

contact patient immediately. tell patient to stop taking medication. provide patient information, document the mistake and schedule a follow up with patient the day after. notify the healthcare team of the mistake. learn from this mistake and be more careful next time


doctors should have always consider patient first also search at laws of giving birth control to minor without parents. explain all the risk f taking both control that it doesn't prevent STS and more details about it. understand and gather more information why child doesn't want parents to be present. give patient some time to think.

You are waiting in line to purchase some beer at a concert and the person next to you starts chatting and mentions that she forgot her identification. She asks if you could buy liquor for her and her friend. You think they may be underage. What are some of the ethical considerations that need to be taken into account in this situation? What is your decision? What circumstances would change your decision? What if you knew the individual personally, and knew her age. Would that affect your decision?

some of ethical consideration could be that she or her friends might be underage and I would be breaking the law. I don't know if they have ride or they want to drive after drinking. I would not purchase her beer because there are too many variables that are unanswered. The only circumstances that would change the situation was potentially if i knew she and her friends are over 21. I would still not purchase the alcohol if they were underage. This could have serious repercussions on them as well as me.

An adult refuses care because it is against his/her religious beliefs

work with the patient by either explaining the treatment or pursuing alternative treatments. however a physician should never force a competent adult to receive care if it is contrary to the patients religious beliefs.


• Before I make any decisions, I would like to gather more information on the situation regarding both patients. • Whichever patient I give the kidney to will depend on priority of who needs it sooner and will not be able to wait for the next transplant available. • I want to make sure that my decision results in the best outcomes for both parties collectively. • Expertise, not personal, who will receive it better

NOT REPORTING CHILD ABUSEAbused by parents but don't tell, 16 year old, severe bruises on body, admit to being abused by parents

• How long, injuries, frequency • Motives, punishment or anger • Have you told anyone • Why don't want to report to child services • HELP WITHOUT BREAKING REQUEST• ONCE HE HAS CORRECT INFO, ASK AGAIN • CONSULT SUPERVISOR • EVENTUALLY REPORT, just doing it the right way

LIMITED VACCINETake vaccine self, or give it to another person

• How many vaccines made • Will there be a cure • Do either of us show signs of disease • Who is the other person • HOW CAN WE SAVE THE MOST PEOPLE • Take self if you can result in more lives saved


• Maybe I'm mistaken and he is examining patients properly • Maybe he isn't, is distracted, and I need to intervene for the safety and wellbeing of the patients • I will talk to him first and remain objective and non-judgmental • If I have to I will report to authorities regardless of our relationship • Maybe it's a misunderstanding• Have a private conversation with him, saying I'm concerned and what I'm seeing • If it continues, report to authorities


• Maybe one of them is not drunk and is a DD• Maybe they all are very drunk and are a danger to themselves and others, and I need to intervene

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