CC 201 Final Exam

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"mined" via high-powered computers that solve complex math problems

Public Key

don't care if people have it -your address

Private Key

don't want people to have it -your house key


encrypted text, indecipherable -decrypt to get back to plain text

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

encryption mechanism created in 1991 by Phil Zimmerman

social learning theory four key elements

1.differential association 2.definitions 3.differential reinforcement 4.imitation

according to the routine activities theory, what three things have to converge?

1.motivated offender 2.suitable target 3.absence of a capable guardian

general strain theory three primary categories

1.threatened or actual failure to achieve positively valued goals 2.threatened or actual removal of positive stimuli 3.threatened or actual presentation of negative stimuli


A form of malware that combines aspects of Trojan horse programs and viruses and allows an infected computer to receive commands and be controlled by another user through Internet Relay Chat channels on the Web via http protocols

Network Investigative Technique (NIT)

A form of malware used to compromise the data of suspects in criminal cases online

Dark Web

A portion of the Internet that can only be reached via the use of specialized encryption software and browser tools

entrance node, exit node

ISPS can see the ____ and ___


Is bitcoin anonymous?

solving crimes

Pro of techniways


The Onion Router


The Onion Router -developed in the late 1990s -federally funded by US Naval Research Laboratory, NSF, and others -currently a 503(c) non-profit organization in Cambridge, MA

Dread Pirate Roberts

The online pseudonym for Ross Ulbricht (creator of the first Silk Road)

Access key

The password used by encryption programs that unlocks a file using the same algorithm that encrypted the information in order to decrypt it

Deterrence Theory

Theory that is most often applied to the death penalty


exciting and attractive


first publicly available Darknet -not censored -P2P file sharing -must be configured properly for anonymity -known for hosting and facilitating child pornography -friend to friend mode acts as an anonymous intranet -launched in 2000


first publicly available darknet

Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road)

founded after several failed jobs and decision to sell shrooms online -had no coding experience, had friend help -ordered hits on people who got in his way


full open source platform launched in 2015 -built in Python -hard to set up/fun to play around with -no IP address, instead uses a private key

operation SaboTor

government has been pressured to shut down these darkness sites due to the latest opioid crisis -shut down over 50 sites -seized 51 firearms, $7 million, and lots of drugs


government sponsored, the gold standard

social learning theory

holds that individuals who have a greater proportion of beliefs supportive of deviant behavior will be more likely to engage in deviant activites


idea that people drift/stray away and commit crime


information intended to be seen once encrypted


isolated & potentially anonymous networks that require a separate software to access


isolated and potentially anonymous networks that require a separate software to access


known for hosting and facilitating child pornography


most bitcoin mining happens in _______


motion in and out of delinquency

zero net

no IP address, instead uses a private key


no centralized backing, solely available online

denial of an injury

no one or thing will get hurt or damaged

Deep Web

not been crawled and indexed, therefore not available on normal web browsers

condemnation of the condemners

one of the five basic techniques Sykes & Matza developed that allows individuals to break from conformity, operating on the basis that those who would condemn their actions are hypocritical and doing so out of personal spite

appeal to higher loyalties

one of the five basic techniques Sykes & Matzo developed that allows individuals to break from conformity, operating on the basis that an offense is for the greater good of the group

differential reinforcement

one of the four principal components of Aker's social learning theory, arguing that the punishments or positive reinforcement we receive after engaging in crime will influence our willingness to perform that act again

differential association

one of the four principal components of Aker's social learning theory, arguing that who we associate with influences our willingness to engage in crime and our exposure to definitions supporting offending


one of the four principal components of Aker's social learning theory, suggesting that the way and individual views a behavior will affect their willingness to engage in that activity

zero net

owner can sign and publish site updates

Space Transition Theory

people can have a different persona online -anonymity and ability to escape

dark web

portion of the internet that can only be reached via the use of specialized encryption software and browser tools


process of behavioral changes because of technological changes


process of encoding a message in such a way that only those who are authorized parties can access it


refers to how likely it is that an individual will be caught and punished for an offense within deterrence theory

zero net

sites cannot be taken down once put up

denial of responsibility

some other person, event, or situation will be directly responsible for the offense and should be blamed


special language used by subcultures to refer to individuals in and out of the group and to demonstrate connection to the subculture


suggestions that an individuals first act of deviance or criminality is an attempt to model the behavior of their peer and intimate others


swiftness, in the context of deterrence theory


temporary transition to deviance from conformity caused by justifications held by an individual that justifies why the commission of deviance is acceptable and not in conflict with their general belief system

Invisible Internet Project-I2P

the longer your computer is connected, the more you are trusted and the quicker your access becomes -interface of a 2003 web platform -history of illicit activity -old, clunky, slow

digital drift

theory proposed by Goldsmith and Brewer that extends Matza's drift theory to on-line spaces to account for individual involvement in cybercrime

denial of a victim

there is no discernible victim or the "victim" deserved it

deterrence theory

this perspective argues that humans will be deterred from choosing to commit crime if they believe that punishments will be certain, swift, and proportionately severe


uses an existing but obsolete protocol to break encryption and steal sensitive information from web browsers, email servers, and VPN sessions

absence of a capable guardian

variable in routine activity theory that references the lack of physical, personal, or social protection that can minimize harm to a target

motivated offender

variable within routine activity theory that constitutes any individual or group who has both the inclination and ability to commit crime

Silk Road

was shutdown when an IRS agent found a personal email address to sign up for a site to promote

22 million

what is the bitcoin cap?

general theory of crime

what separates noncriminal from criminal is controlled: social pressure

according to the deterrence theory, what are the three punishments that will deter from committing crime?

1. certainty 2.celerity 3.severity

5 techniques of neutralization

1.denial of responsibility 2.denial of injury 3.denial of a victim 4.condemnation of the condemners 5.appeal to higher loyalties

Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit

A working group created by the Microsoft corporation to combat cybercrime in conjunction with law enforcement


Adhering to radical ideology by seeking information on your own

social learning theory

Akers expanded upon Sutherland's original differential association theory by introducing principal components of operant conditioning, namely that behavior followed by rewards or reinforcements will be more likely to continue, while acts followed by punishment will be less likely


An attack using an older application in the OpenSSL library to encrypt data in order to break encryption and steal sensitive information

Silk Road

An online market developed to enable individuals to buy and sell narcotics through various mechanisms internationally -garnered great attention from both researchers and the popular media due in part to the fact that transactions were paid using bitcoins -developed by Ross Ulbricht

Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road)

Arrested in a library in California -convicted of Money Laundering, hacking, conspiracy to traffic false identity, conspiracy to traffic drugs -serving a double life sentence plus 40 years with no chance of parole

.com, .org, etc.

Clearnet addresses ends in

routine activity theory

Cohen and Felson (1979) argued that direct-contact predatory victimization occurs with the convergence in both space and time of three primary components: 1. a motivated offender 2. a suitable target 3. the absence of a capable guardian

furthering crime -can use your data to track you, learn about you, and stalk you -fraud from stealing data

Con of techniways

operation bayonet

Dutch Police got on the trail of many DNMS -10 month investigation -about 3,600 dealers -over 24,000 drug listings

Operation Bayonet

Dutch police got on the trail of many DNMs -10 month investigation -about 3,600 dealers -over 24,000 drug listings but they wanted to take it over not shut it down

Appeal to higher loyalties

One of the five basic techniques Sykes and Matza developed that allows individuals to break from conformity, operating on the basis that an offense is for the greater good of the group

Pretty Good Privacy

PGP stands for

Community-oriented Policing (COPS)

Pairing up with community to solve problems -online reporting mechanisms


Tor addresses end in

Clearnet activities

Tor browser can be used for


ability to interact and deepen relationships in deviant subcultures

adding negative stimuli or in the removal of positive stimuli

according to the social learning theory, punishment may take form of


addresses end in .onion

Internet of Things (IoT)

all non-computing devices connected via the internet -fit bit -smart refrigerator -Alexa device -toasters -routers -printers


all of the places where the signal has been scrambled


although definitions supporting criminal activity are critical to the offender to justify their behavior, _________ will occur if it is reinforced through some means, whether social or financial

general strain theory

an individual-level theory developed by Robert Agnew that discusses the role of frustrations leading to negative emotions which, if not addressed appropriately, can lead individuals to engage in crime as a response


anonymous market places like bay or Etsy for criminal products/services


another name for encryption

American Kingpin

book all about Silk Road

zero net

built in python, fully open source -hard to set up -fun to play around with

tor browser

can be used for clearnet activities

play pen

child pornography site based in Tor, FBI ran the site for 2 weeks


crawled and indexed publicly accessible website that are available on web browsers

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