CCC Module 5 Post Test

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What is the basis for Mission Essential Task Lists (METL)?

Unit mission and capabilities

CPT Neumann wants to conduct an exercise that will test the ability of the units chain of command, train and evaluate the units ability to coordinate and control more than one weapon system to deliver direct or indirect fires using full-caliber munitions


What must CPT Neumann consider when developing a unit METL? (Select all that apply)

Mission-essential tasks are Army Collective tasks,No more than seven mission-essential tasks,Each mission-essential task supports the HQDA-standard METL of the next higher unit_(if applicable).

A ________ is comprised of conditions, supporting resources, and time that enables training tasks to proficiency.

Training Environment

Who is responsible and accountable for the training and performance of their units and resources training one echelon down, and evaluates to two echelons down?


CPT Neumann wants to conduct a maneuver exercise to train and evaluate the units ability to maneuver and integrate direct and indirect fires. What type of training event will he conduct?


CPT Neumann knows that the unit must train to specific types of proficiencies, which of the following are included? (Select all that apply)

INCORRECT MET[,] Weapons_qualification

What do commanders and senior leaders use to focus unit training efforts? (Select all that apply)

INCORRECT Training_priority_refinement[,] Effective_communication[,] Clear_vision_and_expectations

These include military occupational specialty (known as MOS)-specific tasks, Army warrior tasks, and physical readiness training. Prioritization of tasks ensures the right tasks to train nest from the highest echelon to the lowest.

Individual tasks

CPT Neumann and you are discussing your units upcoming training. He wants to ensure that your training plan develops subordinate leaders. He asks you what your upcoming training plan will include to support a proactive process to leader development? Select all that apply.

Training objectives, Leader evaluation and assessment, Established leader goals, objectives, and expectations

How do Senior leaders invest in the development of subordinate leaders? Select all that apply.

Training to the standard, Focused leader development activities

CPT Neumann is approached by 1LT Rock for clarification of what a standard METL reflects in relation to a units training. How should CPT Neumann explain what a standard METL reflects?

Unit's design capabilities

Which collective task proficiency rating indicates a unit cannot perform a task?

Untrained (U)

Captain Neumann understands the impact of task atrophy. What are ways he can mitigate these effects?

Use available training resources to extend training proficiency, Leverage live, virtual, and constructive environments.

When logging in to ATN to view your METL, when the standardized METL list opens you will see your TO&E number displayed unless you are ______.

A soldier assigned to a Table of Distribution and Allowances. (TDA)

The long-range planning process culminates in the publication of a long-range training calendar and what other product?

Annual Training Guidance

CPT Neumann wants to conduct an exercise to employ and test communications equipment and to train commanders and staffs, communications personnel, and small-unit leaders in C3. What type of training event will he conduct?


You are a Maneuver Company commander, planning a squad LFX event. You realize that an AAR is a requirement according to FM 7-0, and you start thinking about adding formal AAR requirements to your planning process. When will a formal AAR be conducted? (Select all that apply)

At the conclusion of the entire training event, At appropriate times during the training event.

CPT Neumann needs to view a METL for a unit other than their own. What is the first step to doing this?

Backspace to delete the default TO&E number.

What is a collective task on which a platoon or lower echelon trains that support a company MET?

Battle Tasks

Prioritized collective tasks below company level that are critical to the successful accomplishment of prioritized company METs are ________.

Battle Tasks? INCORRECT High-payoff tasks

Leaders must know and understand their roles in executing training. Commanders and leaders must: (Select all that apply)

Be present and actively engaged in training, Ensure training is conducted to standard as prescribed in Army training and evaluation outlines and applicable weapon system publications, Demonstrate tactical and technical proficiency.

CPT Neumann has conducted mission analysis and has identified additional METs critical to the success of the mission. This will result in:

Brigade and higher echelons being given assigned mission.

__________ uses computer models and simulations to exercise command and staff functions. It involves real people interacting with simulated units operating simulated systems.

Constructive Training

Units without a standard METL must______?

Create one

_______ are scenario-driven evaluations of a units training proficiency conducted by leaders from outside the evaluated units chain of command.


_______are directed and resourced by the commander two echelons above the evaluated unit. Leaders outside the evaluated units chain of command conduct these evaluations.


You are in the first step of the AAR process: Plan. What are the remaining steps? (Select all that apply)

Evaluate, Integrate, Execute

CPT Neumann is using a training technique that allows for the training individual and collective tasks and drills consisting of activities conducted sequentially from an assembly area, rehearsal, execution, after action review (AAR), and retraining. What is the training technique being used?

Lane Training

CPT Neumann asks you what significant opportunities should you provide a junior leader during leader development training?

Learn from their mistakes, Improve their leadership proficiency

CPT Neumann wants to use a training environment that is executed in field conditions using tactical equipment. What type of training environment is this?

Live Training

At the _________, individual tasks to include Army Warrior tasks, military occupational specialty, or MOS specific tasks, and crew drills are identified.

Lowest Echelon

After locating the METL that you are searching for within ATN, you may print or save the document as a/an ______.


You and CPT Neumann are assessing your company's proficiency in executing the task, Conduct Movement to Contact, and determine that overall, there are shortcomings that require significant training to meet the Army standard. What is your assessment of your company's proficiency at this task?

Practiced (P)

What guides and influences training at every echelon, providing tasks and purpose to every aspect of how Army forces training?

Principles of Training

_________ are task-based, limited exercises designed to train a collective task or a group of related tasks and drills. They usually include drills, leader tasks, and Soldier tasks.


Captain Neumann began phase two of training by evaluating each platoon's proficiency to conduct a dry-fire mission task. Where in lane two will this training take place?

Start Point

A high-payoff is a task that:

Supports more than one of the organization's METs or battle tasks.

The primary advantages of lane training are: (Select all that apply)

Tasks are based on unit proficiency requirements and training objectives, It requires limited space to execute tasks, The training environment is unit controlled.

CPT Neumann is assessing the units collective live-fire proficiency and it has attained a level where their shortcomings require minimal training to meet the Army standard. What is the assessment of the units proficiency?

Trained (T)

Why are training events carefully planned, coordinated, and resourced?

To produce skilled, confident Soldiers, leaders, and units.

CPT Neumann's training plan reflects a team effort by outlining commander guidance in training focus, direction, and resources and feedback from subordinate leaders on unit task proficiency, training resource needs and execution of training to standard. What approach to training is being used?

Top down, bottom-up

CPT Neumann wants to conduct an exercise that is a task-based simulated, tactical operation in a live-field environment against an actual or simulated opposing force. What type of training event will he conduct?


Commander Rock is working on the units training plan. Which of the following must be present in the complete long-range plan?

INCORRECT A_statement_of_your_Command_Guidance_regarding_training

Commanders must recognize that units cant fully train every task. On what do commanders base their training prioritization? Select all that apply.

INCORRECT All of the Above

CPT Neumann wants to conduct an exercise that will train unit staffs to perform tasks essential to command-and-control planning, coordination, integration, synchronization, and control functions under simulated operational conditions. What type of traini


CDR Rock is having a dialogue with the next higher echelon commander to determine the priorities for each proficiency to include METL. CPT Neumann is asked what collective task the organization training is on to be proficient for the assigned mission. What is CDR Rock asking you to discuss?

Mission essential task

What is the principle of training, that best represents the NCO's responsibility regarding the principles of training?

NCOs train individuals, crews and small teams, and advise commanders on all aspects of training.

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