CDC Know It All

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What is Maine's minimum wage?


How many pages should a resume be?


How many JMG college programs are there


How many months of JMG follow-up will you receive after graduation?

12 months

How many JMG programs are there in Maine


JMG students earn how much more in wages?


When did JMG start?


When requesting an application how many should you ask for?


How many middle schools have JMG


JMG has been best in the nation for the past how many years?


How many years has JMG existed

25 years

How many states have JAG programs?


JMG has served how many students since it started?


What percent of JMG students are enrolled in post-secondary education?


How many regional managers/regions are there?


How many high schools have JMG


How many JMG graduates are engaged in workforce, college, or military?


How many students take JMG each year


JMG's Graduation rate is


What is an entrepreneur?

A person who takes the risk of starting their own business?

What does APR stand for?

Annual Percentage Rate

Who is part of the Career Association?

Any JMG student

Where is JMG Central Office?

Augusta, Maine

What is the color of the JMG logo

Blue and Green

An application should be filled out in

Blue or Black Pen

What does CDC stand for?

Career Development Conference

Who is an appropriate reference?

Coach, Teacher, Previous Employer- NOT A PARENT OR FRIEND

What is the JMG logo?


Who is the President or CEO of JMG?

Craig Larrabee

What do you call money that you pay up front before taking out a loan?

Down payment

What is post-secondary education?

Education after high school

Craig Larrabee holds what position with JAG?

Executive Vice President

What does FAME stand for?

Finance Authority of Maine

What are three good examples of body language?

Firm handshake, eye contact, smiling, straight posture

What town has the northernmost program?

Fort Kent, Maine

What does a FAFSA stand for?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid

What does GNAP stand for?

Greeting Name Association/Affiliation Purpose

What sections are included in a resume?

Heading, Education, Experience, Activities, Awards

What type of tax do you report each year by April 15th?

Income tax

A JMG teacher is called a

JMG Specialist

What is the XYZ statement for JMG?

JMG partners with public education and private businesses to offer results-driven solutions to ensure all Maine students graduate, attain post-secondary credentials and pursue meaningful careers

JMG is part of JAG which stands for...

Jobs for America's Graduates

What does JMG stand for

Jobs for Maine's Graduates (check punctuation!)

Who is the President/CEO of JAG?

Kenneth Smith

What are the Career Association Goals?

Leadership Development, Career Development, Social Awareness, Civic Awareness, and Community Service

What does LEC stand for?

Leadership Education Conference

What should you write on an application when it does not apply to you?


What should you answer for "rate of pay desired"

Negotiable or Open for discussion

When you ask people you know about jobs this is called?


What is the JAG logo?

Red, White, and Blue Ribbon

What does SMART stand for?

Specific, Measurable Attainable, Realistic, Timed

What is the JMG motto?

Student Centered, Results Driven

What are net wages?

Take-home pay or the amount after taxes

What are gross wages?

The amount you take home before taxes

Which colleges have JMG?


When addressing a cover letter and you don't know who you are writing to you should write...

To Whom It May Concern or Dear Sir or Madam

What form tells employer the amount of taxes to withhold?


If you get injured on the job what type of insurance would cover you?

Worker's compensation

What is a W-2?

a form used by your employer to report tax withholdings

What does CEO stand for?

chief executive officer

What does IRS stand for?

internal revenue service

What does N/A stand for?

not applicable

Who does JMG partner with?

public education and private business

What does SSN stand for?

social security number

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