CDOC quiz 14-16

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Terminology of image of God in humans

"Image" = - Hebrew tselem -Greek eikon -Latin imago "Likeness" = -Hebrew demuth Greek homoioma Latin similitudo

Imputation of Adam's Sin: Pelagian View

-Pelagius a British monk who came to Rome around AD 400. He believed God created each soul in an innocent state. Therefore, no sin has been transmitted from Adam. Adam only serves as a bad example. Salvation through living a perfect life is possible.

Satan's tactics

1) He addressed Eve alone. 2) He denied God's word 3) He questioned God's goodness 4) He distorted the truth

Results of the original sin

1) Humans are totally depraved 2) Humans have the innate sin nature

Consequences of the fall

1) Judgement upon the serpent 2) Judgement upon Satan 3) Judgement upon the Women 4)Judgement upon the man

The Extended consequences

1) Separation from God 2) Death to all

What happened to the image after the fall?

1) The image was RETAINED after the fall - Fallen people can still produce great ideas and achievements (rational, spiritual, and personal being) 2) The image was MARRED after the fall -Man''s rational, spiritual ad personal capacities are distorted and misused. 3) In believers, the image is PARTIALLY RESTORED in Christ - Believers use there God-given capacities for good, to glorify Him

Biblical evidence for Dichotomy

1) The term "soul" and "spirit" are used interchangeably in Scripture 2) Scripture describes the whole person as "soul/spirit" plus "body"

Romans 3:23

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Substantive view

The image of God is something man is. - The image is an inner quality (reason, spirituality & personality) which is part of Man's created nature


Man is three-part being: body, soul, and spirit. The soul makes us alive and the spirit makes us alive to God. GK tricha="Three" Popular among conservatives in the 1800's and well-known and widely held view in early church

Material and Immaterial components of man

Material: Adam created from the dust - made of real, physical substances Immaterial: God created Man in his image. He endowed man with -Intellectual Capacities -Spiritual Capacities -Personal Capacities.

Male and female

Men and women are equal in personhood an importance - Men and women are to exhibit harmonious relationships. Two individuals become "one flesh"

John 3:7

You must be born again

Adam's responsibilities

1) to exercise dominion 2) to enjoy God and his garden 3) to abstain from the Tree

The definition of sin:

1. Sin is transgression of the law of God. 2. Sin is failure to conform to the standard of God. 3. Sin is a principle within man. 4. Sin is rebellion against God. 5. Sin is wrongful acts toward God and man.

SO what is the image?

A combination of all three! Because Man IS a spiritual, rational, and personal being, he HAS the possiblity of relationship with God, and therefore can DO what God desires

Biblical terminology: heart

A comprehensive term in both testaments. Intellect, emotions, and Volition

The Transmission of the Immaterial: Creationism

A new soul is added to the new human life -suggests that at the time of human conception, God creates a new soul and unites it to the body. The view was held by Charles Hodge (d. 1878). Creationism does not accord well with the biblical truths that God's creative work is finished and that humans have original sin .

Genesis 15:6

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.


Accepts that man is basically comprise of 2 substances: material and immaterial. -However, the material and immaterial are made up of many different "facets" and are complex. Body: Complex Soul: Complex

Genesis 3: The tempted

Adam and Eve possessed "unconfirmed creature holiness" ~Unconfirmed (because Adam had neither passed nor failed the test) ~creature (because they are not God) ~ holiness (because they were innocent, unfallen) They were without sin; and they had no propensity to sin.

Adam's Acquiescence

Although Eve was the first to eat, Adam bears the responsibility for the sin. -The fall occurred when Adam ate the forbidden fruit -Adam's sin Brought the terrible consequences of sin to the human race.

Imputation of Adam's Sin: Augustinian View

Augustine said the human race has fallen in Adam's sin. Humans can only choose among evil options. Non posse non peccare : "It is not possible not to sin." Levi was "in the loins" of Abraham when Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Heb. 7:9-10). In the same way, all humans were "seminally present" in Adam.

Ephesians 1:3-6

Believers were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.

Biblical terminology: Soul

Hb: nephesh= "living being" Gk: psyche The soul is the animating life force within humans.

Biblical terminology: Spirit

Hb: ruach Gk: pneuma Both meaning wind, breath, spirit. refers to the immaterial part of man (but never, as with "soul" to the whole person)


Humans are composed of two parts: a body and a soul. Both material and immaterial element GK dicha=two temno=cut Ancient Greeks such as plato rejected monism, and distinguished body from soul


In Philosophy: The concept that all reality is "one thing" "One being" and so denies the distinction between God and creation In Theology: The concept that human beings "are not to be thought of as in any sense composed of part or separate entities but rather as a radical unity. - The monist suggest that various biblical terms are just different ways of referring to "the self"

God's creation of Adam

It was direct -personal act of God apart from evolutionary process It was immediate - God did not use a previous life form

Imputation of Adam's Sin: Federal View

Reformed Theology teaches that Adam was not the seminal head, but the federal (covenantal) head of Man. God entered into a covenant of works with Adam and named him the official representative of the human race. By sinning and breaking that covenant, he plunged all those whom he represented into sin.

Original sin: Key texts

Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned." Psalm 51:5 "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me." Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Biblical evidence for Trichotomy

Scripture does sometimes use a threefold division

Man's position: A servant

The Chief End of Man: - We were made to glorify God and to serve Him. When we refuse this role and serve only ourselves, we deny our true character -Humans are less than complete when the fail to glorify God.

Man's position: A creature

The Creator-Creature Distiniction: - We are dependent. When we assert our independence, we deny our true character "Humans are always on the other side of the line from God"

The functional view

The Image of God is something man does - The image consists in something we DO. Its a function which we preform (aka Dominion over creation)

Definition of image of God in humans

The fact that man is in the image of God means that man is like God and represents God.

Biblical terminology: Mind

The function of the mind parallel those of the heart: intellectual, emotional, and volitional the term is more of a NT concept.

Relational view

The image of God is a relationship man has - Man bears the image only by being in right relation with God

The tempter

The serpent was a creature native to the garden. -Satan the adversary was using the body of the serpent for the temptation.

Original sin definition

The sinful state and condition into which men are born. -It is derived from the original root of the human race. - It is present in the life of every individual from the time of his birth - It is the inward root of all the actual sins that defile a man.

The Transmission of the Immaterial: Pre-Existence

The soul is present at conception - suggests a person's soul existed prior to conception. Hinduism teaches reincarnation: a soul moves through various incarnations. Pre-existence is not taught in the Bible

Romans 6:23

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is salvation in Jesus Christ

Biblical Terminology: conscience

The witness within the man that teaks him he ought to do what he believes is right and not to do what he believes is wrong. Term only found in NT. Functions of the conscience is assigned to the heart in the OT.

Romans 3:21-28

This is the central passage on the doctrine of Justification

The Transmission of the Immaterial: Traducianism

This soul is transmitted through human reproduction -suggests that the immaterial aspect of a human being is generated by the parents just like the body. Was first articulated by the Christian writer Tertullian (ca. 200) It was held more recently by W.G.T. Shedd (d. 1894).

Biblical terminology: Flesh

Usually refers to the material or physical part of man. -also used to describe the sinful human nature: the desires to disobey God.

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