Cellular Injury, Cell Death, and Autopsy

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Autopsy of Ghon

1. Cervical region 2. Abdominal region 3. Urogenital region

Y shaped incision

Can be made starting at the top of each shoulder and running down the front of the chest, meeting at the lower point of the sternum.

Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy

or We take a sample of the tissue or fluid

Autopsy of Letulle

organs are taken out en bloc

Biochemical test

presence of any analyte

Autopsy of Virchow

where each organ is taken out one by one

Autopsy of Rokitansky

where organs are examine in situ.

Autopsy of Ghon

where organs are taken out in three. blocks.


which can also occur as a defense mechanism during healing processes, is almost always normal and beneficial

Autopsy of Rokitansky

•ADVANTAGE: Practical. You can view it as whole. DISADVANTAGE: You need to be expert

Gaseous necrosis

Cause by Fungal and mycobacterial infections, such as tuberculosis

Cellular Swelling

Cells are incapable of maintaining ionic and fluid homoeostasis failure of energy dependent ion pumps

Punch Biopsy

Circular blade ranging from 1mm-8mm

Caseous necrosis

Conversion of destroyed cells into granular, friable mass made up of a mixture of coagulated protein and fats

Single Vertical Cut

Cut is made from the middle of the sternum

Medico-Legal Autopsy/Forensic/Coroner's autopsy

Death is classified into one of five headings: (a) Natural (b.) Accident (c.) Homicide (d.) Suicide (e.) Undetermine

Coagulation necrosis

Denatures not only the proteins but also the intracellular enzymes

Fibrinoid necrosis

Fiber is the main reason for this type of necrosis to happen.


Find out whether there is any drugs or alcohol

Fat necrosis

Focal area of fat destruction

Caseous necrosis

Fragmented or lysed cells enclosed in an inflammatory border

Autopsy of Virchow

Good for: demonstrating pathologic changes of the individual ADVANTAGE: simple to perform and systematic DISADVANTAGE: destroys the anatomic structure

Fatty change

Occurs in hypoxic injury

Hydropic change & Vacoular degeneration

Other term of Cellular Swelling

Gangrenous necrosis

Refers to massive death of the tissue caused by a combination of ischemia and superimposed by bacterial infection

Fat necrosis

Release of pancreatic lipase into the and peritoneal cavity.


Removal of cells or tissues for examination from a living subject to determine the presence or extent of a disease

Cellular injury

Results when cells are stressed so severely that they are no longer able to adapt

Cellular Swelling, Fatty change

Reversible injury

Rigor Mortis

Rigidity of the body due to hardening of the skeletal muscle Sets within 2 hrs after death (head & neck) Complete within 12 hrs. 3-4 days

Shave Biopsy

Scalpel or curved razor

Curettage Biopsy Curette

A surgical instrument that has a scoop, ring, or loop at the tip.

Livor Mortis/Postmortem (Lividity) Hypostasis

Becomes evident as early as 20 min after death

Autopsy of Letulle

ADVANTAGES: fast and easy DISADVANTAGE: bulky and difficult to handle

Autopsy of Ghon

ADVANTÁGES: it preserves anatomic structure DISADVANTAGE: you can't observe the relationship within the other organ

Liquefaction necrosis

Accumulation of leukocytes and liberation of enzymes

Fat necrosis

Acute Pancreatitis


After death examination of the body and dissection of its internal organs to confirm or determine the cause of death

24; 36

All natural deaths occurring in the hospital within _____ hours of admission, unless the case was attended by private physician within _____ hours of death


Applied to a limb: arterial occlusion


Applied to a limb: venous occlusion


Is cell death that is triggered by external factors or disease, such as trauma or infection


Is form of cell death that is generally triggered by normal, healthy processes in the body.

Anatomical/Academic Autopsy

Is performed by students of anatomy for educational purposes only.

Clinical/Pathological autopsy

Is performed to diagnose a particular disease.

Virtual/Medical Imaging Autopsies/Virtopsy

Is performed utilizing imaging technology only, primarily magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT scan

Clinical/Pathological autopsy

It aims to determine, clarify, or confirm medical diagnoses that remained unknown prior to the patients death.


It is considered an "unprogrammed" (unnatural) cell death process at this time

T-Shaped Incision

It is done when the deceased is a child.

T-Shaped Incision

Made from the tips of both shoulder, in a horizontal line across the region of the collar bones to meet at the sternum in the middle

Fatty change

Manifested as lipid vacuoles in the cytoplasm

Liquefaction necrosis

Seen in focal bacteria/ fungal infection

Coagulation necrosis

The architecture of the dead tissues is preserved


The coroner has authority in the following cases: Newborns in the first _____ hours of life

Fibrinoid necrosis

The shape of tissues gets irregular and then later causes the cell death.

Gaseous necrosis

This combination of liquefactive and coagulative necrosis is caused by dead cells that are not completely digested by microphages; they leave a granular residue that impedes circulation.

Coagulation necrosis

This type is seen most often in the heart after an infarction, as well in kidneys and adrenal glands

Liquefaction necrosis

Transformation of the tissues into liquid viscous mass


True or False. Necrosis is always abnormal and harmful


True or False. Verbal consent from the next of kin-abide by the extent or restrictions allowed

Incisional/Core Biopsy

We take the sample or part of the area or organ

Excisional Biopsy

We take the whole area or organ

Cellular injury

When cells are exposed to inherently damaging agents or suffer from intrinsic abnormalities

Avascular necrosis

When the blood supply is limited to the tissue the demise of the bone tissue happens and this is where ____________ appears.

Algor Mortis

Where the body temperature changes At room temp.: 2°-2.5°F/hr 1st hour 1.5-2 °F/hr Until 12 hours 1°F/hr next 12-18 hrs As rule the body cools at 1.5 F/hr (50% of cases)

En bloc

all together in a united group


can uncover the disease not detected during life, determine the extent of injuries may have contributed to a person's death.

En masse

mass; all together; as a group

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