Certified Travel Associate

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VFR travel

travel for the purpose of visiting friends or relatives

Greenwich Mean Time

(GMT) The time in that zone encompassing the prime meridian, or 0 degrees longitude

Active listening

- Giving undivided attention to a speaker in a genuine effort to understand the speaker's POV

sales cycle

- steps that a salesperson goes through to sell a particular product or servic

International date line

180 degrees meridian; transition line for calendar days - west you advance one day; east you move calendar back one day

Tropic of Cancer

23 ½ ˚ N mark the boundaries of the places on the earth that receive the most direct sunlight and the greatest heat energy from the sun.

Tropic of Capricorn

23 ½ ˚s S mark the boundaries of the places on the earth that receive the most direct sunlight and the greatest heat energy from the sun.

Time Zones

24 hour zones that 1,000 miles apart from the other, each one is an hour before or after the one next to it, helps to differentiate between the different times from one point on the Earth to another point.


A Purely physical phenomenon in which sound waves are received by the eardrum

A-B-C Method

A Time management strategy that allows you to arrange your daily tasks according to priority.


A body of water that is surrounded by land it can be fresh water or salt water.

Mission statement

A brief summary of what a business owner wants a business to be doing.

West indies

A chain of islands that extends from the Flordia peninsula to coast of Venzeuela and lies between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic.(Caribbean Islands)


A collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval, and use of that data


A collection of writing that carries information to be shared again with someone new.


A communication error that occurs when people interpret words or phrases differently


A communication style characterized by enthusiasm, humor, and liveliness.


A communication style characterized by friendliness, cooperation and patience.


A communication style characterized by independence, efficiency, and decisiveness


A communication style characterized by seriousness, logic, and precision.

Request for proposal

A document used to solicit proposals from prospective suppliers

Marketing Plan

A formal written document communicating the goals, objectives, and strategies of a company.


A large natural stream of water flowing along a definite path, which empties into an ocean, lake, or other body of water.


A letter written inside the organization

Political map

A map showing units such as countries, states, provinces, districts, etc. Each is normally a different color


A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focusing. So the market niche defines the specific product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intended to impact. (small audience)

Incentive Travel

A trip offered as an award by a company to employees who meet a target or achieve a specific goal.

Discretionary travel

A trip taken by choice rather than out of necessity.

Cooperative Advertising

A partnership between two or more companies to share the cost of an advertisement.


A person who is engaged in an activity as means of livelihood; such as a permanent career, not as a pastime.


A person who travels in order to break from the routine, and strike a healthy balance between work and play


A person whose life is centered on varied interest. Allocentrics are outgoing, confident, and curious. Also sometimes called a venturer


A person whose thoughts are centered on the small, everyday problems of the self. This type of person is self-inhibited and non-adventuresome, and values familiarity and comfort in travel. Also sometimes called a dependable.

Executive summary

A persuasive summary that provides an overview of the purpose and contents of a report, identifies the issue or need that led to the report, and includes condensed conclusions and recommendations.


A piece of land, connected to a larger land mass, that juts out and is almost completely surrounded by water. Larger than a Cape

Consumer Protection Plan

A plan offered by a company or an association that protects customers' deposits and payments from loss in the even of a company closure or bankruptcy.


A plan or suggestion put forward for consideration or discussion by others.

Time Log

A record of what you do and how long it takes you to do it.


A ridge of rocks or sand, often of coral debris, at or near the surface of the water.


A selling method that occurs when customers buy additional products or services after the initial purchase like a rental car with an airline ticket.


A set of beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad.


A set of characters and behaviors that enables one to do the best job possible to provide and maintain high quality service to customers.

Press release

A short statement concerning some newsworthy event related to the design firm that is sent to appropriate publications with the hope that the editors will use it.

Target market

A specific group of customers on whom an organization focuses its marketing efforts

Traditional geography

A study of the earth-- it's land and water formations, climates, the people who live on it, and how they interact.

Inverted pyramid

A style of writing most commonly applied to news stories in which the most important facts appear early in the story and less important facts later in the story


A technique that promotes the sale of items of a better quality or of a larger size than what was originally contemplated. For example an outside or balcony stateroom instead of an inside.

Custom Tour

A travel package created specifically for a preformed group or niche market.

Amazon Safari Lodges

A type of accommodation found throughput the jungle regions of the Amazon basin, which are extremely primitive; most lodges don't have running water or electricity; only for the adventurous.


A writer's attitude toward his or her subject matter revealed through diction, figurative language, and organization on the sentence and global levels.


Additional service or products that support or enhance the travel experience, or make it more convenient for the customer


All existing and potential customers for a product or service.

Body Language

All of the conscious or unconscious messages your body sends as you communicate, such as facial expressions, shrugging your shoulders, and wringing your hands.

Western Hemisphere

Also called the New World, North America, South Amercia, and the islands of the Caribbean Sea.


An electronic message sent from one person's computer to another person's computer where it is stored until read by the receiving person.


An extremely dry area with little water and few plants

Prime Meridian

An imaginary line passing through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, which marks the 0° line of longitude.


An individual with specialized skills and abilities working on his or her are of experience.


An opening in the Earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases are ejected. There are 3 types: dormant (can erupt again), active, and extinct.


An opening line that pulls the reader into the story.


An unethical reservation practice of booking two reservations for the same date and time.

Hidden City Ticketing

An unethical ticketing practice in which clients buy a less expensive ticket with a connection in a city then use that connection as their destination.

Back-to-back ticketing

An unethical ticketing practice in which clients buy two round trip discount tickets less than the cost of one round-trip ticket at full fare, thus circumventing certain restrictions on the discount tickets by rearranging departures and returns.

public relations

Any activity designed to create a favorable image of a business, its products, or its policies

Leisure Travel

Any travel undertaken for pleasure, rather than for business reasons.


Asking questions to delve deeper for more information

Non discretionary Travel

Business travel, not vacation, traveler does not choose where to go. Payment is made by corporation that traveler works for.

Travel Accident

Cash Payment for loss of life or limb


Characteristics of a product that provides value to the customer

Nonverbal Communication

Communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions rather than speech


Comprises the verbal and nonverbal message that recipients convey to indicate their reaction to communicate


Correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This should be done before sending the letter.

Collision loss/ Damage insurance

Covers Rental Cars. Most credit cards include this coverage.

Trip Cancelation/ Interruption

Covers the cost of forfeited, nonrefundable, unused payments or deposits due to covered reasons


Cutting and rearranging text for final presentation


Data that describe a group of people in terms of their age, marital status, family, size, ethnicity, gender, profession, education, and income


Describes a vacation that includes room, meals, beverages, entertainment, and all activities in one price.

Public distance

Distance at which formal interactions, such as giving a speech, occur (about 12 feet or more from the body).


Distance east or west of the prime meridian, measured in degrees

Personal distance

Distance that ranged from 18 inches to 4 feet; this distance is for normal conversations.

Social distance

Distance that ranges from about 4 feet to 12 feet and is usually reserved for formal settings.

Trip Delay

EReimburses additional expenses to reach destination if clients miss 24 hours of vacation due to covered reasons

Interpersonal communication

Exchange of information between two persons or among persons in a small group.

True or False People who are primarily worried about keeping a roof over their heads will be equally concerned with what others think of them


True or False Psychocentric travelers are the first to travel to a new destination


Tickler Flies

Files that remind you to do something, to assist with time management


Finalization of a tour, cruise, or similar group travel project after which time no further clients are accepted, any unsold air or hotel space is released, and final lists and payments are sent to suppliers.

Pied Pipers

Group leaders who are well respected and liked in an organization and who will attract fellow travelers just by having their names on a brochure.

Affinity group

Group sharing common interest, usually people who are members of an organization.


High, steep, rugged land that rises above the surrounding land

Baby Boomers

In the late 1940s and 1950s a huge number of American babies are born. The birth of all these babies has a huge impact on American society and economy. they have the highest travel volume of any age group

Informal research

Includes any type of fact gathering short of a normal, controlled survey.

Route Map

Indicates where various transportation systems travel, for example, airline and rail route maps.


Is the conscious act o recognizing, understanding and accurately interpreting the message communicated by others

Tourism geography

It is the study of travel and tourism as a human activity and industry.it includes transportation geography.


Landmasses smaller than continents and completely surrounded by water.


Large areas of the ocean water that penetrate into a land mass


Listening technique used to check your understanding of the customers needs


Listening technique used to get more information about your customers needs.


Listening technique used to show customers that you value what they are saying


Manor houses, castles, monasteries, and mansions that have been converted to hotels

Direct Mail

Marketing communications delivered directly to a prospective purchaser via the U.S. Postal Service or a private delivery company.

Primary coverage

Means they pay first. All expenses are reimbursed directly to client, not requiring any other insurance claims.


Narrow deep inlets of the sea set between high rocky cliffs

Pre-existing Condition Exclusion

Most Plans don't cover cancelation due to illness that existed between 60-180 days prior to the date of purchasing the insurance. Sometimes waived if purchased within certian time of deposit.

Close the sale

Obtaining a commitment from the customer to make a purchase


Occurs when we end our sentences in a higher pitch, as in we are asking a question.


One of the principal land masses of the earth, usually regarded as including Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.

Card Mills

Organizations that sell travel agent id cards to the public for access to agent only rates.

Selective perception

People's tendency to see and hear what they want; info that conforms to pre-established attitudes, goals, needs. (we ignore what is irrelevant to us)


Pieces of land jutting into the sea or some other large body of water (e.g., Cape of Good Hope)


Principle of business writing that means ensuring that what you've written is accurate.


Principle of business writing that means including remarks in your writing that show consideration of your reader's interests and feelings.


Principle of business writing that means writing the message in as few words as possible


Printed brochures with photos, illustrations, and graphics but no text; also called slicks

Closed Questions

Questions that can usually be answered with yes or no.

Medical/ Dental expenses

Reimburses expenses due to sickness or injury while traveling

Baggage Loss

Reimburses expneses due to theft, damage or loss of property

Baggage Delay

Reimburses purchase of essential items for delays of more than 24 hours


Restate text or passage in other words, often to clarify meaning or show understanding.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Software that manages detailed information about individual customers and carefully managing customer touch points to maximize customer loyalty.


Technical terms whose meanings are understood only by select groups.


The distance of a location north or south of the equator

Intimate distance

The distance that extends about eighteen inches around each of us that is normally reserved for people with whom we are close, such as close friends, romantic partners, and family members.

Eastern Hemisphere

The half of the world that lies east of 0 degrees longtitude and includes Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.


The literal or dictionary meaning of a word or phrase


The meaning suggested by the associations or emotions triggered by a word or phrase


The positive results provided by travel products, as perceived by the customer


The process of finding new customers, or identifying prospective purchasers


The relationship between price paid and performance or benefits recieved

Direct Order

The result of direct marketing offers that contain all of the information necessary for a prospective buyer to make a decision to purchase and complete the transactions

Customer-focused selling

The sales approach in which salespeople act as consultants whose knowledge, skill and motivation will lead buyers to purchase decisions that best suits their needs

Situational selling

The sales technique which requires skilled sales professionals to adapt the steps of the sales cycle appropriately to both satisfy the customer's needs and keep the process moving toward a buying decission

Buyer psychology

The science of understanding why people make buying decissions

Trial Closing

The technique of asking questions like "how does that sound?" or "Will that work for you" throughout the sales process in an attempt to gain your customers agreement and move them closer to a close of the sale


The written component of various marketing communications such as brochures and advertisements


Tiny political units that are holdovers from medieval times. some include Andorra, Monaco, and Vatican City.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Transpoertation costs to approprate medical facility or home to recieve care.

Preferred suppliers

Travel agencies have written agreements with suppliers know as the preferred supplier agreement, Agencies depend on suppliers to develop products and services and select suppliers

Special interest travel

Travel that focuses on a particular activity, hobby, or interest or is experienced by a group whose members share common characteristics such as demographics, affinities, or specialized interests.

Meeting Travel

Travel that is undertaken to attend an organized event or meeting

Familiarization Trips (FAM)

Trips offered by governmental tourism agencies, hotels, resorts, and tour operators at low or no cost to acquaint travel salespeople (typically travel agents) with the products and services they offer

True or False Travel Competes with other luxury items, such as CD players, for discretionary spending


True or False Travel is sometimes awarded by companies as an incentive to achieve company goals


True or False VFR travel is travel to visit friends or relatives


Verbalized pause

What do we call words or sounds (ie. "uh", "and", "yeah" that speakers sometimes unconsciously say whenever there is a pause in the flow of the speech?

Verbal disrupter

Words or phrases tacked on tho the end of statements that disrupt the flow from one thought to the next.

Flat Map

a drawn or printed representation of the earth on a flat surface.


a method of categorizing individuals by grouping individuals by their lifestyle choices over which they have control, such as the level of education

Preformed group

a pre-existing collection of travelers, sucha as affinity groups and travel clubs, whose members share a common interest or organizational affiliation


a round model that lets you see Earth's entire surface


a small, low island or coral reef

Multiple Choice Which type of traveler is most likely to seek out unique, novel, and adventurous travel experiences? a. allocentric b. near allocentric c. psychocentric d. near psychocentric

a. allocentric

Multiple Choice In general, VFR travelers will be MOST concerned with which of the following? a. economical transportation b. transfers between airport and hotel c. convenient flight schedules d. connecting time between flights

a. economical transportation


an association or combination of businesses, financial institutions, or investors, for the purpose of engaging in a joint venture


bodies of water, smaller than a gulf and nearly surrounded by land.

Open Questions

broad based questions that ask the interviewee to provide perspective, ideas, information, or opinions

Multiple Choice In general, business travelers will be LEAST concerned with which of the following? a. access to business services b. convenient flight schedules c. accurate reservations d. economical accomidations

d. economical accommodations

Multiple Choice Which of the following is considered a psycho-graphic characteristic? a. age b. income c. marital status d. travel preference

d. travel preference

Multiple Choice Which of the following questions is not necessary to satisfy your customer's travel needs? a. who is traveling b when are the dates of travel c. why is the customer traveling d. what is the customer's annual income.

d. what is the customers annual income


deep valley, with steep sides that were carved by rivers

Verbal communication

expressing ideas to others by using spoken words


in the selling process, making sure that people have a need for the product, the authority to buy a specific product.


large cattle ranches, lowland plains in South America

One on One Marketing

plan wherein a different product is offered for each individual customer so that each customer is treated as a segment of one


principle of business writing that involves presenting all the facts your reader will need to understand and respond to your message.


principle of business writing that refers to the ability to write clearly.

Northern Hemisphere

the hemisphere north of the equator

Southern Hemisphere

the hemisphere south of the equator

Adventure Tour

tourism activities which focus on adventure activities, usually for the individual in a challenging natural environment

Business Travel

travel for the sole purpose of conducting and individuals or companys buisness

Relief map

type of physical map that shows changes in elevation or height above sea level with shading or raised surface

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