Developmental psychology chapter 1-7

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When a child applies a word too narrowly or fails to use a word to name a relevant event or object, this is known as ______________.


Moro reflex

which occurs in response to a sudden, intense noise or movement.When startled, the newborn arches its back, throws back its head and flings out its arms and legs.

Bowlby argued that infants develop an internal _________ model of attachment.


According to a 2006 study of discipline and corrective methods, one-third of parents had __________ before the time the child was 12 months old.

yelled at their infant

Infant fear first emerges at ________________ months and peaks at about _________________ months.


A high quality day care should provide which of the following?

A good amount of time spent with each child. Age appropriate toys for play. A safe environment

Jean Piaget

A swiss psychologist most famous for his theories on cognitive development in children,.

When infants correctly find an object hidden in one location and continue to look in that location even when they see the object hidden in a new location, they are engaging in which of the following?

A-not-B error

Babies have at least three types of cries: a basic cry, an ___________________ cry, and a ________________ cry.


What is the term for the loss or impairment of language processing?


Which of the following represent main issues that impact how we look at development?

Continuity and discontinuity Nature and Nurture Stability and change

Which of the following developmental issues compares quantitative change to qualitative change?

Continuity vs. discontinuity

The sounds that infants make to express pleasure during interactions with a caregiver are called ___________.


________-cultural studies compare aspects of two or more cultures


_____________ is the first form of vocalization an infant makes, starting at birth.


________________ are influenced by both biological foundations and by an individual's experiences.


What term refers to the appropriate use of language in different contexts?


Which of the following statements best describes the influence of biology and environment on the emotional development?

Emotions are influenced by both nature and nurture

Which type of infant smile does not depend on external stimuli?


Which of the following are environmental influences that can encourage or discourage the persistence of temperament characteristics?

Goodness of fit influences Cultural influences

Which of the following statements is true regarding telegraphic speech?

Telegraphic speech is not limited to two words.

The main cause of death in children 1 through 4 is ________________.


The __________ period of development is the period of transition from childhood to early adulthood. It begins at approximately 10 to 12 years of age and ends at 18 to 21 years of age.


As a preschool child grows older, the percentage of increase in weight and height ________ with each year of growth.


Match each of the three major types of research design with its correct description.

descriptive< aims to observe and record behavior experimental< aims to determine cause and effect correlational< aims to asses the strength of the relationship between or among variables

Which of the following statements best reflects the position of most developmentalists?

development is influenced by nature, nurture, stability, change, continuity, and discontinuity.

A feeling or affect that occurs when individuals are in a state or an interaction that is important to them, especially to their well-being, is called an _________.


end of chapter 6

end of chapter six

Most developmentalists support the view that parents should soothe a crying infant in order to help the infant develop a sense of trust and secure ___________.


The awareness that an object does not change its basic properties or characteristics even when its appearance is altered is known as


What is one of the hallmark aspects of intuitive thought substage in piagets preporational stage.

contextual factors in learning

An infant waving bye-bye is an example of ________.


The match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands with which the child must cope is known by the term ________.

goodness of fit

Social policy is the course of action taken by a nation's __________ to promote the welfare of the country's citizens.


Development is ____________, which means that researchers in may different fields have an interest in understanding the many aspects of development.


The preoperational thought substage that is called _____________ intuitive thought is considered the period when children seek answers to all sorts of questions.



is a psychological learning process wherein there is a decrease in response to a stimulus after being repeatedly exposed to it.


is when we respond to an old stimulus as if it were new again.

Many children in the United States are cared for by ________ outside caregivers.


___________ increases the speed and efficiency of information traveling through the nervous system, and helps children develop abilities such as hand eye coordination.


A scientist who supports the ______ perspective would stress the importance of genetically programmed growth tendencies common among humans.


At the beginning of the sensorimotor stage, __________ have little more than reflexes with which to work.


According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, a child's cognition is _________ different in one stage compared with another.


The sensorimotor substage in which sensation and action are coordinated primarily through such behaviors as rooting and sucking is called ______________.

simple reflexes

The enduring personal characteristics of the individual are known as _______________.


Words are created out of ____________.


match the constructivist concepts with the theory to which they belong

piagets theory Children organize and reorganize previous knowledge focuses on the individual vygotskys theory focuses on context and collaboration Children organize through social interactions

Growth hormone deficiency is the absence of the growth hormone by the ___________ gland to stimulate the body to grow.


Which theory views children as thinkers who can predict, explain, and understand themselves and others?

theory of mind

The word helper has _____________ morphemes.


Match the language sounds or words with the ages at which children begin using the sound or words.

two-word utterances/18 to 24 months of age cooing/2 to 4 months Crying/birth babbling/6 months first word spoken/ 13 months

Rank in order from first to last, the steps in the scientific method.

1 Conceptualize a problem 2 Collect research data. 3 Analyze data 4 Draw conclusions

Rank the main causes of death among children, from the highest incidence to the lowest incidence.

1.Accidents 2.Congenital malformations 3.Deformations 4.Chromosomal abnormalities

Order the sequence of babies' sounds during the first year of life, beginning with the earliest form.


Experts recommend that young children get between __________________ and ________________ hours of sleep each night.

11 to 13 hours

In 1992, the European Union mandated a __________.

14-week paid maternity leave

In the United States today about ______% of children aged 5 and under have been in more than on child care arrangement.


newborns sleep

16 to 17 hours a day

The "vocabulary spurt," when it happens, usually occurs between ___________ and 24 months.


A newborns vision


Match each activity with the appropriate age at which it can be achieved.

3years old< hopping and jumping 4years old>climbing a low jungle gym 5 years old>running races with friends

Which of the following individuals are displaying self-conscious emotions?

4-year-old Sam, who feels shame 7-year-old Harry, who is embarrassed

A child calls all winged creatures birds, including bats and butterflies. Her mother teaches her the correct terms for different animals, and the child does not make the mistake again in the future. What Piagetian concept does this example describe.


According to data from 2014, a child from which of the following ethnic groups would be MOST LIKELY to live in poverty in the United States?

African American, Latino

What is the term for the production of strings of consonant-vowel combinations?


____________ age is a person's age in terms of physical health, and __________age refers to a person's adaptive capacities as comparted to others of the same chronological age.


Which of the following theorists held that development reflects the influence of five environmental systems?


Which of the following statements best describe child-centered kindergartens?

Child-centered kindergartens emphasize play. Child-centered kindergartens see children as individuals with their own developmental patterns of growth. Child-centered kindergartens focus on the process of learning, not on what is learned.

Which of the following parents is following the recommended strategeies regarding child care?

Christa observing her childs behavior for changes or needs.

A person creates a unique developmental path by actively choosing from the environment the things that optimize his or her life. Which of the following statements describes this process?

Development is a co-construction of biology, culture and the individual.

The jealousy research study in which infants observed their mothers holding a lifelike baby doll illustrates the ___________.

Difficulty of interpreting infant emotions

According to a 2006 study of discipline and corrective behavior, which of the following was the MAIN method parents used to correct unwanted behavior in their 12-month-olds?

Diverting the infant's attention

Which of the following is not true regarding cultural influences on emotional development?

East Asian parents encourage their children to express emotions versus showing emotional reserve.

According to Rothbart and Bates' temperament classification, the category of ________ control includes being able to soothe oneself, shift attention, and demonstrate inhibition.


Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson (1902 - 1994) was a developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst, best known for formulating the Psychosocial Stages of Development which outlined personality development from birth to old age. He also coined the term Identity Crisis which describes when a person loses their sense of self. However, Erikson is most remembered for the stages of development, so let's explore those in more detail. Each of the eight stages is marked by a conflict which must be successfully resolved in order to attain a favorable outcome, which he called "virtues."

Which psychoanalytic theorist proposed the eight-stage psychosocial theory of development?


When adults restate what a child has said in a linguistically sophisticated form, they are using which of the following strategies?


Which of the following temperament classifications apply to Rothbart and Bates' model?

Extraversion/surgency Negative affectivity Effortful control

True or false: If a preoperational child cannot conserve length, the child also will not be able to conserve number.


True or false: In infancy, spoken vocabulary far exceeds receptive vocabulary.


True or false: The life-span perspective involves sociocultural and individual factors, but not biological factors.


True or false: There is a limit to the number of sentences that can be created using the finite set of words and rules in the human language.


True or false: According to Bernice Neugarten (1988), chronological age is the most important conception of age in U.S society.

False he argues chronological age is becoming irrelevant in U.S Society.

Who is more likely to bounce infants, toss them in the air, or tickle them?


Baby Rebecca is putting her hands by her face. She accidentally puts her thumb in her mouth. She reflexively begins to suck on her thumb. Later in the day, she tries to put her thumb back into her mouth, and the assumption is that she enjoyed sucking her thumb earlier and is trying to repeat the action.Which sensorimotor substage is Rebecca in?

First habits and primary circular reactions

The regions of the brain associated with producing language, called Broca's area, are located in the left ________ lobe.


Project ________________ ____________________ is a U.S governemnt-funded program that provides education for low-income children to acquire the necessary skills for success in school

Head Start

Regarding growth in early childhood, which of the following statements are true?

Head size is more in proportion to the rest of the body than it was during infancy. There is a sloe, steady decline in percentage of body fat.

Which of the following are variables found in experimental research?

Independent, Dependent

In the terms of stability and change issue , which of the following statements is NOT consistent with the view of developmentalists who emphasize the stability perspective.

Interactions with others and later environmental experiences are most important for development.

A baby watches her older sibling throw a temper tantrum and later imitates the behavior.Which sensorimotor substage is the baby most likely in?

Internalization of schemes


Is a term created by Jean Piaget to describe what occurs when new information or experiences cause you to modify your existing schemas.

Which of the following statements are true of stranger anxiety?

It appears at about 6 months of age. It peaks at about one year of age.

Which of the following statements are true regarding face-to-face play?

It begins when the infant is about 2 to 3 months of age. It includes vocalization,touch, and gestures.

Which of the following is the best description of the Bringing Home Baby project?

It is a workshop for new parents that emphasizes strengthening the couples' relationship and becoming acquainted with the baby.

Rebeca, a 14-month-old infant, and her mother are looking at a picture book. Her mother points to a picture of a dog and says,"Look, there's a doggie!" Rebeca repeats the word doggie. What concept does this example illustrate?

Joint attention

_________ is a form of communication that is based on a system of symbols.


Which of the following are characteristics of child-directed speech?

Language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences.

Which of the following developmental periods is typically the longest, based on today's population trends?

Late adulthood

Which of the five systems of rules of language has the function of marking tense and number?


Lauren has just begun to use a sippy cup after sucking out of a bottle for the first year of her life. She becomes frustrated because she tries to such out of the spout of the cup, but nothing comes out. Her father shows her that she needs to tip the cup to get the liquid to come out. Her initial drinking scheme has come in conflict. What Piagetian concepts fit with Lauren's cognitive experience?

Lauren will need to accommodate her drinking scheme to fit the new information. Lauren will organize her knowledge of drinking after experiencing different types of cups. Lauren is in a state of disequilibrium

Lev Vygotsky

Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) was a Russian psychologist most known for his Sociocultural theories on cognition. Vygotsky developed the Social Development Theory which proposed that the social environment was integral to the development of higher cognition and that learning preceded development. Social and cultural influences are highly influential on a individual's cognitive development and are essential in the formation and development of it.

Which of the following is not an example of a common first-word type for an infant?


Which of the following guidelines assist parents in teaching proper eating habits to their children?

Maintaning a breakfast,lunch and dinner routine Modeling healthy eating habits Preparing a balanced meal with proper representation of the major food groups

Which theorist believed that humans are biologically prewired to learn language at a certain time in a certain way?

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky is an American linguist who contributed greatly to Cognitive psychology through language research. Chomsky challenged the Behaviorist view that language, like any other behavior, was learned through exposure to language in the environment. Chomsky theorized that all humans share an innate capability for language unlike any other species of animal and that our capacity for language was the same no matter what culture or environment we are exposed to. Evidence for this theory can be seen in a household with a baby and a kitten.

Development is contextual and has three types of influences.What are these influences?

Nonnormative life events Normative age-graded Normative history-graded

________ is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched.

Object permanence

In Piaget's theory, __________ is the grouping of isolated behaviors and thoughts into a higher-order system.


What is the term for the tendency to apply a word to objects that are inappropriate for the word's meaning?


___________ is the tendency to apply a word to objects that are inappropriate for the word's meaning.


Which of the following statements regarding the child-directed speech is not true?

Parents purposefully speak in child-directed speech since it is difficult to do when talking to infants.

Which of the following is not a component of language?

Perceptual categorization

Match Bowlby's phase of attachment with its description.

Phase 1: birth to 2 months< children instinctively direct attachment to human figures. Phase 2: 2 to 7 months< Attachment becomes focused on one figure. Phase 3: 7 to 24 months< specific attachments develop. Phase 4: 24 months on< Children become aware of others' feelings,goals, and plans.

__________ is the sound system of language.


__________ is to sounds as morphology is to _____________


Which of the following are major cognitive theories of development that address the early childhood years?

Piagets theory VYgotskys theory Information processing theory

Which of the following is a strategy parents typically use with young infants to direct joint attention?

Pointing, Gaze following

Which of the following has the greatest negative impact on low-income children when it comes to child care?

Poor-quality child care

In a most basic classification sense, enthusiasm, joy, and love are _________________ emotions, whereas anxiety,anger, and guilt are __________________ emotions.


Emotions that develop within the first six months of life are described as _________ emotions


The early emotions of anger, disgust, fear, interest, joy, sadness, and surprise are all examples of _______________ emotions.


________ age refers to an individuals ability to adapt to change as compared to people of the same chronological age.


What are the four ways of measuring age?


___________ is the rephrasing or restating of something a child has said, perhaps in the form of a question, for example.


substages of piagets theory of cognitive development

Reflex Acts The first substage (first month of life) is the stage of reflex acts. The neonate responds to external stimulation with innate reflex actions. For example, if you brush a baby's mouth or cheek with your finger it will suck reflexively. Primary Circular Reactions The second substage is the stage of primary circular reactions. The baby will repeat pleasurable actions centred on its own body. For example, babies from 1 - 4 months old will wiggle their fingers, kick their legs and suck their thumbs. These are not reflex actions. They are done intentionally - for the sake of the pleasurable stimulation produced. Secondary Circular Reactions Next comes the stage of secondary circular reactions. It typically lasts from about 4 - 8 months. Now babies repeat pleasurable actions that involve objects as well as actions involving their own bodies. An example of this is the infant who shakes the rattle for the pleasure of hearing the sound that it produces. Co-ordinating Secondary Schemes The fourth substage (from 8 - 12 months) is the stage of co-ordinating secondary schemes. Instead of simply prolonging interesting events, babies now show signs of an ability to use their acquired knowledge to reach a goal. For example the infant will not just shake the rattle, but will reach out and knock to one side an object that stands in the way of it getting hold of the rattle. Tertiary Circular Reactions Fifth comes the stage of tertiary circular reactions. These differ from secondary circular reactions in that they are intentional adaptations to specific situations. The infant who once explored an object by taking it apart now tries to put it back together. For example, it stacks the bricks it took out of its wooden truck back again or it puts back the nesting cups - one inside the other. Symbolic Thought Finally, in substage six there is the beginning of symbolic thought. This is transitional to the pre operational stage of cognitive development. Babies can now form mental representations of objects. This means that they have developed the ability to visualise things that are not physically present. This is crucial to the acquisition of object permanence - the most fundamental achievement of the whole sensorimotor stage of development.

Baltes and his colleagues (2006) hypothesize that mastery of life involves conflict and competition among which of the following goals of human development?

Regulation of loss Growth Maintenance

____________ involves parents that take the time to interact with child in such a way that the child experiences turn-taking, and parents support children's efforts at any age.


What is the sensorimotor substage in which infants become more object-oriented and less focused on their own body?

Secondary circular reactions

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is known as the Father of Psychoanalysis, a method for treating psychological pathology by means of dialogue between the patient and the psychoanalyst. During psychoanalysis, the patient talks about whatever thoughts come to mind, a process called "free association." The patient is also encouraged to talk about his wishes, fears, and dreams. The role of the analyst is to help the patient gain access to the unconscious conflicts that lie at the root of the psychological problem, and help him gain insight that will lead to resolution.

Which aspects listed are part of the multidimensional characteristic of life-span development?

Socioemotional Biological Cognitive

_________ involves the way in which words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences.


________ is the use of short and precise words without grammatical markers such as articles, auxiliary verbs, and other connectives.

Telegraphic speech

Which of the following types pertain to Chess and Thomas' classification system of temperament?

The easy child The difficult child The slow-to-warm-up child

In the first habits and primary circular reactions substage, the main focus is on __________.

The infant's own body

True or false: An example of coordination of secondary circular reactions would be an infant manipulating a stick in order to bring an attractive toy within reach.


___________ is the tendency to apply a word too narrowly.


Select all of the following statements that best describe the advances in pragmatics in early childhood?

Young children are able to present competent narratives. Young children can learn rules regarding politeness in conversations. Young children can adapt their speech based on their setting

The "nature" part of nature-nurture issue in development can be described as ____________.

a biological and genetic perspective

All of the following would prevent many of the incidences of deaths among young children living in poverty around the world,EXCEPT _____________.

a crackdown on generic medications

Erik Erikson's second stage of development, occurring during the second year of life is called _________________.

autonomy versus shame and doubt

Match the process of development with its example.

biological< physical stature cognitive> language and intelligence socioemotional> relationships with others

More children are in child care today than ever before, primarily because U.S adults ____________.

cannot receive paid leave

Chapter 1

chapter 1

chapter five above

chapter 5 above

chapter 6

chapter 6

chapter 7 beggining

chapter 7 begining

In 1991 the NICHD conducted a comprehensive longitudinal study of _________.

child-care experiences

Which of the following statements best describe the key elements of piagets second stage of cognitive development

children form stable concepts and begin to reason Children are able to use words to describe their world Children continue to be egocentric and have magical beliefs.

Jenny, an infant, gets scared and starts to cry. She is using her emotions to _____________ with her parents.


Children who understand morphology rules use all of the following parts of speech, EXCEPT _____________.


The three main issues that influence how we look at development are nature and nurture, stability and change, and ___________________ and _________________.


An infant who coordinates schemes and intentionality is engaging in the ____________ sensorimotor stage.

coordination of secondary circular reactions

An infant's most powerful method of communicating need or distress is through the act of ___________________.


When parents of children in East Asia encourage the demonstration of emotional reserve, this illustrates the influence of __________ diversity on emotional development.


According to Piaget, cognitive conflict is also known as ______________.


Mangaing ones thoughts to engage in goaldirected behavior and self control is a description of ______________ functioning.


Renee Baillargeon used a research method that involved violation of ____________ infants' understanding of causality.


In general, research on happiness has found that older people in the United States are _____________.

happier than younger people

during early child hood there is an

increase in height and weight

As the nervous system in infants develops, locomotion becomes possible and children are able to develop a certain amount of _____________.


The contemporary theory of cognitive development that focuses on a child's attention, memory, and problem-solving skills is called _______________.

information processing

A research study was performed in which six-month-old infants observed their mothers either giving attention to a lifelike baby doll or gently rocking it (Hart & Carrington, 2002). Researchers had to decide if infant emotional expressions constituted __________________. This illustrates the complexity of indexing early emotions.


The strategy known as ________ involves identifying the names of objects.


Melissa is intrigued with how people change from infancy through late adulthood, she should study _________ development.


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of today's older Americans?

lower likelihood of living alone

The retention of information over time is defined as ____________________


The __________ approach emphasizes childrens free choice and spontaneity when engaging in educational activities.


A researcher who supports the ________ perspective of human development would point to influences such as family, schools, nutrition, accidents, and pollution, among other things.


Children and adolescents above the BMI'S 97th percentile are classified as ____________________, whereas children and adolescents in the 95th or 96th percentile are considered overweight.


Baltes and Smith research identified cognition loss is most prevalent in the late adulthood stage of ______________.

oldest old

The appropriate use of language in different contexts refers to the __________ of language.


What is one of the hallmark aspects of the intuitive thought substage in piagets preoperational stage

primitive reasoning

Words a child understands constitute ___________ vocabulary.


Emotional interactions between caregiver and child are _________, or synchronous, meaning they shape and are shaped by each other.


Ten-month-old Alyssa smiles at her mother and throws a sponge ball toward her. Alyssa's mother tries to catch it and smiles and laughs.Alyssa crawls closer and tries to take the ball, while giggling. This is an example of __________ socialization.


The interaction between children and caregivers is like a dance or dialog in which each successive action depends on the partner's previous behavior. The term used to describe this is _______________________________.

reciprocal socialization

Which of the following statements is true regarding early child hood education?

research indicates that universal early childhood education results in less need for remedial services which is cost effective in the long term. research indicates that universal early childhood education decreases the dropout rate research indicates that universal early childhood education can prepare a child for school

Which of the following are examples of gross motor skills acquired in childhood?

running and jumping racing climbing

An important for of reciprocal socialization is ________________, in which parents adjust the level of guidance to fit the child's performance, thus allowing them to be more skillful.


Match the type of infant attachment with its caregiver description.

secure< sensitive, consistent avoidant< unavailable,rejecting, irritable resistant< inconsistent,unaffectionate disorganized< neglectful, abusive

After Mommy puts a dot of rouge on Megan's nose and places her in front of a mirror, Megan starts to giggle and touches her nose frequently. This is a test of _________.


A person's ________ age refers to connectedness with others and the roles that individuals adopt.


Bandura's ______________ cognitive theory recognizes the contributions of behaviorism but also stresses that thinking is an important ingredient in understanding development.


Joint attention enables children to use their ________ skills to acquire language.


Parent-infant synchrony refers to the temporal coordination of __________ behavior.


The _________ process of development produce changes in an individuals emotions and personality.


The ___________ processes of development refer to changes in an individual's emotions and personality.


Spelke found that 4-month-old infants expected to be ___________ and ________________.


Some developmentalists believe that biological inheritance and early childhood experiences are crucial to development. Therefore, they emphasize the ____________ perspective of development.


According to Piaget, intentional representations of reality are called _____________.


An individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding is his or her ________________.


Kagan believes that _______________ has both a physiological basis and an experiential one.


When infants begin experimenting with new behavior, they are engaging in _______________.

tertiary circular reactions,novelty, and curiosity


the action of using someone or something as a model

John Watson was a behaviorist who argued that parents spend _________ time responding to infant crying and thus ____________ its occurrence.

too much; increase

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