Personal Fitness: Chapter 2

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Reaction time




What are some tests used to test agility?

Shuttle runs, zigzag runs, and hexagonal jump.

What tests provide an indication of flexibility in joints most likely needing attention?

Sit-and-reach test, the shoulder reach test, and the broomstick dynamic flexibility test.

The ___________ items relate to the possibility of you becoming a good athlete.

Skill-related fitness

Body composition is more commonly assessed by measuring the thickness of skinfolds, using a device called a __________.

Skinfold caliper

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to the muscles during exercise.

1. Cardiovascular fitness

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Amount of time it takes to get moving.

10. Reaction time

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Integration of eye, hand, and foot movements.

11. Coordination

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Ability to cover a distance in a short time.

12. Speed

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Activities which force the body to use a large amount of oxygen for an extended period of time.

2. Aerobic exercises

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Factors related to how well the systems of your body work.

3. Health-related fitness components

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Factors related to becoming a better athlete.

4. Skill-related fitness components

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Factors related to becoming stronger.

5. Muscular strength and endurance

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Range of movement possible at various joints.

6. Flexibility

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Ratio of fat to muscle, bone, and other tissue.

7. Body composition

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Ability to change the position of your body and control the movement of your body.

8. Agility

1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Aerobic exercises 3. Health-related fitness components 4. Skill-related fitness components 5. Muscular strength and endurance 6. Flexibility 7. Body composition 8. Agility 9. Power 10. Reaction time 11. Coordination 12. Speed Ability to do strength performances at a rapid pace.

9. Power

What is the best type of exercise for improving cardiovascular fitness?

Aerobic exercise

Activities which force the body to use a large amount of oxygen for a sustained period of time.

Aerobic exercises

What are jogging, cycling, swimming, rope jumping, and aerobic dance examples of?

Aerobic exercises

The ability to change the position of your body and to control the movements of your whole body.


What are the six skill-related components of physical fitness?

Agility, balance, power, reaction time, coordination, and speed.

The ability to keep an upright posture while either standing still or moving.


The ratio of fat to muscle, bone, and other tissues that compose your body.

Body composition.

Your _________ may suffer if your percent of body fat is too high.

Body image

Relates to the ability of the heart, blood, blood vessels, and the respiratory system to supply oxygen and necessary fuel to the muscles during exercise.

Cardiovascular fitness

The integration of eye, hand, and foot movements.


Physical fitness tests that use specific standards to judge fitness levels.

Criterion-referenced tests

Describes the range of movement possible at various joints.


What are the five health-related components of physical fitness?

Flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition.

Body composition


Cardiovascular fitness




Muscular endurance


Muscular strength


The _____________ components relate to how well the systems of your body operate.

Health-related fitness

________________ represent satisfactory levels of flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and body composition necessary for good health.

Health-related fitness standards

Most young adults desire a ___ percent of body fat.


The ability to repeat muscle movement for a long period of time.

Muscular endurance

The ability of a muscle group to apply a maximal force against a resistance one time.

Muscular strength

Physical tests that utilize norms indicate fitness levels.

Norm-referenced tests

These assessment results are indicated in percentile rankings.

Norm-referenced tests

______________ is an effective way to monitor your progress, determine the effectiveness of your personal fitness program, and re-evaluate and update your goals.

Periodic self-testing

The ability to perform with strength at a rapid pace.


What test are commonly used to evaluate muscular strength and endurance of the upper body?

Pull-ups, chin-ups, flexed-arm hand, push-ups, and parallel bar dips.

The amount of time it takes to start a movement once your senses signal the need to move.

Reaction time

The ability to cover a distance in a short time.


____ and ______ are both involved in power.

Strength, speed

What does sustained mean?

The exercise should be done for a period of 15 to 30 minutes.

What does the sit-and-reach test evaluate?

The flexibility of your lower back and posterior thighs.

Why wont women develop large muscles?

They do not have enough testosterone.

True or False: No single test can provide complete information about the flexibility of all major joints in your body.


True or False: Only the health-related components, if adequately developed, can contribute to the prevention of disease and the promotion of health.


True or False: You do not have to be a very good athlete to be physically fit.


_____________ is the most accurate method of determining what percent of body weight is fat.

Underwater weighing

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